'Uff M1C 1I AN DAILV G. Ii. Wild Comfpanly The Largest Stock i clae City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Getlemen's Wear H-ry thing required for Suits, Oveircoats, Fancy Vsting, and Tline incgs, and of high cass calics cnd special Sty le. Full Dress Suits a Spcialty G. H. Wild Comlpanly 311 Suth State Street BOOKS] Save half your money and buy Second-hand Books at Cbe !5tntcnts' ootore University Text-Books for all tepartments. Drawing Instruments for En- gineerng Students. We carry all the est makes recomccmended y the professors. (Cci' lices always the lowest Aiecal Soolcs, tationeg ais catuUctst Supplies Sheecan Leder Fontain Pen rho srats. 10 Pen in the Warld Sheehan & Co.'s SiTATlSiTREET A. G. Spalding & Bros T(iei iLarg". iectcicnuf ces iithe i~ie fic i i ~lAtlitli' Suupie Fot all. Basket Ba, ee skates, Hockey, Gl, Gymasum Apparatus. s ic'iclcg's iHandcsomely tIllustraed (':o aie of cii sot cotaisinm- ,uscc ec'ocs. miailed free any- where.' A. G. SPALDING & BROS. eciYocric Cicagic Detroit THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing iEdir-Aacstet F. RiTesu. [uiness Aa ucgier-JoNF. Wuz. News ..............Donal H. Haines Athletics,.............. Lee A White Ahetics, Ast.-_C. H.Eldridge Exchanige ...... Roert Mounsier Miusic...........Roy D. Welch Dlrama, ........... Raymnd Visscer Women's Editor.... Louise Van Vorhis EIOIALicc.STAFF Chauncey Bochler Dociali L . Kinney Leonard C. Reid M\ichaiel i1. McHugh Fred E. Gooding Loweell J. Carr J. Hf Prescot Walter K. Towers Luis Kraft Paul Greer Samuel H. Morris I:. G. C. Williams Paul Leidy WN. h. Abbot I. I. Armstrong 1). A. H icckley Daa E. Joies BUSINESS STAP ('ain i. Adami IHrold P. GouldI Address: MCHIGAN DAMLY, Press Bldg.. Masynard Street. Manager's Hours: 1- P. i., 7-8 P. im. daily, except Sunday. Both phones SU.NDAY OCTlOBER 4, (90. Friday night", cassimeetigbrougit outliii uni w ccselcome force the fat liau tke real poser of such act asseimbily lies i te ody of the mieeicg rather than inc tie urilicthe plaformi. 'The lead ers andi speakers aiithe cieetig did uteir cicicositico infuse tiehbdy of mci lre stithli a spirit of deeitiiceresinii their univiersity life, aiuid to briigonic ioth liew culcssicenc (le oporuncitie adrcsponsibilities of their position. Initicr face of his effort oic (le crl Ofi iiiierclcssccircianti cmeccber of lie facultiy,.acerriileleciecnt presectiacith(ie icce cg (furrt'asocnsswhic tcuct r- mininsc "ructable)I took itcuponcc iheni- selves t icntoiaincthroughouit he ceet- inig aic ccndercrrecct of econversatiocn-acd geineral rackt cs cccui eoccgc tic cmake i idifficlt for thocse inc iisadnt pars of ie all icc heccte lcespeakers. Lcter icc the evening, cncumblers of this snic ele- imecci felt calleid cpo to leave, acd did ioldricg remaccrks frocci lie plafornm, swiui io pcricular effort tic make their sxits quietly. There is noinccg icc (Ie unciversity life whichi is caple of cmakimg so profound aii imupressioni ocnte freshmoen as a mass mieeiung. Butt to ae a cnumner of ccci presentiwseicomue sttw i o apparentuinc- terest icc proceedicgs, and who spend their ime icc private discssions, is in- ply seuicg che efforts of the men wise euigiueer he mueetings at naught. A mcass mseeicg for the enefit of first- vecr m should ot e treated lightly iy upperlassmen; to have a hoer of fippact coversaion runnitg asa aco- conmpanimient to the words of men who are dloicig their utmost to (li lst' eew stuideicts cto ia fuller uncuderstanduinug of their chrisu crrotunincgs, is nothiung cicrt' cor less ((cacii cu clpoable indicaticoncof (coi mannciers. SOPHS SIT UP '10 LISTEN WHILE FRESHMEN SNOOZE [Late yesterday afterncoccnc sordi was tippedti off to tie fracerity sophiomcores Iliac tie "fresh" posters terre expcteed icc towncbefore uuornciug. As ci rescult the scophs wsere pccraincglice streets ancd wcatchicig tiececcircilpicnits tiii accate hcour. Iciforcmatiocic w'as receivsed that tie posters storied fromi Yp'silacnti short- ly bsefore 3 o'clck yesterday aifterncooui. 'iT'e Ypsi-cAnni crs acid.\MichigincCcci- cecil statiocn sere eloisely wachlecd. It is thucghtc thccicsocme of die fresh poisters lire in towni. lice pictucre thcroswn upon die screeuo atci ivisersity Hacll, Friday inighci,cicrports ito Ie lice officical pioster. XiUSiC ENlIVENS UNION'S OPENIHOLUSE CELEBRATIOIN lice spcecillmicusiccil programlivgenc icider tice autspices of tile sciac om cci- mititee of (th lichciganc Uncic iolst esenc- iug.,sscs ecctliisiastuecclly receivedl lie a lairge' caudieccee at tde U'nioncilubiiecoos. Netzorg acid Lchmancccc rendeeredl soime good selectionis. cccii these, eombclinced wthlioilier cciisieclatctiielois secured liy liec ommlcittee, served toc csiaie (tce evenicng Oin ecnjoyablecione. The cmccss mecetling cif Fridacy icightc evideccily circousecd lie freshccmenitoihe icportanice of joiccicng Ice Uncicon, for (lie reeeiptis of msecmbershcip cipciatiiioins icere een larger dtccin sasesxcectecd. ROO)MS-Large suite, fitted for three, $6i.0onou $4.00 suite;calso sinigle roocmis. 009 Moncroe. 6 Gentulecic e n i yoric uihcediiAc pacir of slippciers (co study cc, you scill findi tuhic atPuicelde's Shci r ie. We (icier tie kindilthiccisatisfe (c'cccsc' ((cy fit- $c.7,sto $4.00. eodi-24 Nocutis tl ice(me'icc hcve ycuriroomicis painmed. ppetre'd accii decorcated. Spceciccl crices for 30 dacys. Betit cih'ces 237. C. H. Majoir & Ccc. 5-6 I still case a feteses of 'cnr secondi- hacncdl drassicig sets for scale. WV. S. Holcici1s, (237 Volland Si. 4-S OLD TOWN CANOES-D~rop pos- cal card for cataloguce, to W. Hi. Trip- lett, 60oc S. Thcayer Sc. 4-6 Yeunig hats-"none hetter nmade-oni sole by Alletn, Main street. 1-6 Reliabile eacnvassers wanted, (o sell Choaral Union tickets. -'Call at lice office of lice School of Music, with reference. c-6l NOTICE-S. L. A. ticket sellers can nmeet the treasurer of cihc Students' Lee- ture association icc tie Alcuicci roocis. Wie sri glass in all paris of city. Boils phones 237. C. 14. Major & Co. 5-6 £1uic ano Drama "'E RuEATng DIVcIiiD." 'Those celo sc' "'Thc Great Diide" atc die N' Whitiney yeserday si11 not soon forget the magnificnt acting of Edinc Mordaunt iccthe role of StephenIc Ghlent. Although lie shole eopacy acrewithdout exceptionsgood. licrclearly surpacisedl themc all. Mbiss Mael Brossic ill plcydilie part of Ruth Jordaninic cii excellentc imannier, herc sork eig espiecically good inicthie second and third acr1s. 'T'he lay is replete wiuh stirring siua tions acciidrcicataic pssibiliies. It is like nothinig else icc hic word. A cacr- acterisicaly Amnericanc story is for (ie clr imeirtold incch iarccteristically Amcericanciiwcy. Ic tells f the coflict f the cld spirit of tliceacct athile n' westernc spiri. Mr. Moody, hr auhor, hasunduiiouctelyleareci th(ie formuost lice camcog Amuericcacidrcmataiss. 'THE KEMIPF MUSIC STUDIOS- Pianoci.voice, orgcan, comupositioun. 312 Soutuhiviisioni street. 2-6 PIA NOS FOR RENT-A coice lot. oi flue higheir grade piacos for rect 0n easy tercms. 'ITiiicg free for (le year. Rouc's Music iHouse. ti-h-s-sic 'Thc Palais Royal, 209o East Liery, aliiays has clehust acd ost for your mccicey, inc C. of M. penncats, banuers andiiipillows. Try' ut acd see. f Frencch crushers-thce icist popular of ccllege hacis., 'liekicind yot caciptt ic cyur pocketr. I-eury & Co., 7097cc N. -Uiersit. tf Na'tionaccl cigar sadc-where te est cigarsiandipies are sold for lie least ccc0li y-ces East Libery street. -6 Besi guarcanteed $.o pecciniithur city' ati Cushinig's pharmcacy. f Steamcu ccciidry' canig-Miss Leec, 3132 S. Sale sreet;cgentc for A. Peters, D~etritc. 2-7 Y'ounug has-cionce eter sade"-ccc sciheIy' Allen, hlaiuistreet. -l Alichigani cmusic cacd lce operatic sht- sic oh Root's Music Hotuse. ic-h-st-si Collegiams clothes for college mn, on scle iy'Allen, Maisree. -fl Wie carry de largest sioclc of hall- ecobes acd pajamnas. Henry & Co., tail- ors, furnishers. Hts and shoes. t FOR RENT-Once parlor suite; $3.00 per weck for or person; all coven- rers. 33i Packard stree. -S Swesaters cut over ito sweater vests ct Miss Lovell's, 332 S. State St. 2-7 Collegianc clothes for college men, sns sale iy Alien, Main sreet. 1-6 'Ladies' gycmnasium suits at Miss Lov- el's, 332 . State St. Order early. '2-7 STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS. For Law, Medical and all University, Text Books New and Second-Hand Drafting Instruments and Engineering Supplies. at special prices, Stationery and BlankBooks. Ask to see otar Solid Gold Foutntain Pen for $1.00. all and be convinced that our "tore s the et place to trade in tie city. WAH R'S University Bookstore L'YNDION 719 North University Avenue Photographer Kodaks Cameras Photo Supplies Amateur Deveoping, Printing, Enlarging. Banners and Pennants at lowr prices than elsewhere. FAIE'' &EDUNDS Ifportin oosI [121 EAST LIBERTY STEET WM ARIOLD, COL E LEE 2205 South Main Street. euombined WuI, c A ~~ ueu a'ticsicc A.nd oscigac Ieweiy HRFIlt Plens, Veil Psan, Hat Plns, F oa, it. PRICESREFASONABLE .< I Law, Medical, Dental, Literary and Engineering BOOKS NEW AND SECOND HAND ENGINEERING INSTRUMENTS and supplies. . We carry the most complete line In the city. Special demonstration of the MOORE'S NON-LEAKABLE FOUNTAIN PEN AT THE UNIVERSITY SUPPLY STORE Formerly the Co-op Store 310 South State Strect Cail at Wadhams & Co. for your FALL SUITS, Cravenettes and Overcoats, Sweaters, Slickers and Underwear. Shirts and Neckwear of all kinds. WADHAMS & CO. 121 and 123 South Min $treet 121 Washington F L The Randall Studio, Ra da1I Pa ck, .Prop .a Phuoe 59