The Michigan VOT.n YTY \N\TA\T tCIR. Nl IH i(; \M FFIN '-;AY,1 >lF( M ]',F :. 1()()s REGULARS BEATEN ln ur isFshrdna xl RN E ORE k'V lent guarti in fact the gardlng tinrogitA'' IN FAST PRACTC taasi ueie: iaskets, Chpmn ii. FOR NEXT SEMESTER :'', t~"n s n Sile; e tr, 'nr lo g ,( o tc First Team Fails to Overcome Strk; guards, lGrahtam.i4 aintmt, al- ns eGreigWl e in. ie Early Lead Secured by Scrubs wi Added to Curriculum-Possi'. I!cuu Sopiomoes Iases, aly, ld- tt c~ ic r -Soph) Girls Swamp Fresh. miser, Stevns scents lfsgtcAttt bility of Crew on Huron. 'te ihroi layedloft their fret in tie first ttt Collintson. I len lhe secndil i liii "pons the-iwl I , I !, n r-is,-f minitutes f practice, te regilars raihedel-universitsyewilliistart isiistlndcae metii 'i-d i in the last part f Tutesaevenings FFNC I NC C[III M IONS \WIL, gardelning course. tthBad i n Iliilo I5 f~ ttssle at the gymitaiiil nanaged tn coe ~c GrETSI LVER LOVING CIP snew (elrtmte itis Po.O.C i wiiitiie mpoits of iypog the lig leati______depa s.i (liag iinstltiiit that was early Olled(tiu) by the srutb Fllwn t tst(ti Ites otti oiieithle ti(.reit s iit I tll c ITe score at thte etil uf twenty-ice nun years, Kitttball Flecher, prtesiientito(f the I laitisape gardeningtti s on r.cot nd ' ttic'aof furious lracluce nas tw enty fot Fencing cltth as offeretd a prize cttii]Theoterits r lo f. 1F. 1 1 lnsca If I c 1(la- tseregtlars andI twentyite t fi- their for the "iniet (f the tttrnamnt ttto hits va- dit ii. Proif Sm od a hc5 m m l 1, 1 oppnens. eldniext Friay afterniiiiisi.'hercup couiiietetc-ih heii ainiouio IMayes,Ftlaitagai, Itelecantit\Wes- is nowu- intexibitioinsat Sintir's iinipubilic gousiniiilCh licago, and vI is l'o I~kh\;I uer prisedita quartet that, uiiilteiregut- State street. 'liii'contet itill differ sciisili i iithithis wrk ofilotingutie ars ecante iwarteui-ltp, i-re- hrdtc fromtsthe fortmer fentcisg tuuramettnts it stat ii"gondtail iogtug iii cIIi le eat. t'rrttiwhenitCousand Remnigleit.that it still le ociitctit itutier dutelitt Ci it t iriiii ii ii Ix ail replaceditwsos of the tht- e t enthom swoirdt tiles istseadt ittfoititrues, -ndt ]I'lee re ciii- itwo othir ush ,ri-il s dfti- ~ l , Coach Cornueal stas tryitng out, te fast Ulattotter beaten wtill nottii- eligile or t-is louttii wthlici offe isIs ii ic lpeI'ilrj, secondti team tinn kcit roliing tp the further compiletitiont. gadeit-ti ttcocurie, is' x arcs -ir rd II dv tt~n score. Ailt-i ifteic-it tit ies f tis sort-I -here ___ ___ t it i si utchis at tecn . al T u of play, IVilsoi iii FarqIiiluareicgansiti itPTC ~M adthl I li ri il l l iniii'- A i" ' i: liil th bis-kcce-st, tind six goas froittiAFt It\\ lICO I t)FITA Tlatterlii i versiitti i i s i dividiniiliil . tiistatio fild i quickis iccessiolii idemosraied E t S 3 tt_ C LE C c ase, n' ofoni sansi iii 'ilw"it -lt_,.!"I thir c-i ponettisicti. m=TiewliiiI WVith fturtuamcrowd einttgiachi othler Thefautsin hepla oflie rguar, fo hi ight Ihonorits, the rites itt the- Fraer-hllcitdeldri, te weekisi o1 pracice' arc- begintntigt top beihliesedtfor liiist'litig tesantic- ii'otiliv-,Iltitlie- l smooiithedi-i~l iiit, ut there i~c s still wgre-sit ILaiiii I lii-the Kappa itt fie iiiiiis-ii-i I Sitti i te'Sigttas idefesileit the- Sigmtis Chti to m stiltIhaiv' aigisat Iitende'' to to gattiarlyi-ittofifhthree, sit-ct-ilorfaiu'iy- usai sciires atittg ]cei itlied. 'the'std - theiblsl intolithIls-criwd wthieti aus ttu, il- i I-'f I l 'h d ccrdiii ~ lyar~ud:n guardeds'i manti i i srtititg to rceiii it; ii:or is'h b'5. of fi iii~o -il iiii 1l lii bu hits'quidthi nk iiilingthati iscessr'yIV. I. ci~. 'iiiniikel5'admirabe Il]]frsuljt I ito'o'e'comtu h isricilsr k iitli shiiotldi li li siiiiiisi ID ell,. 3 O i1.000 li ee' ~'-lps-ilbis coli iiiis-ii istsitise. 'til:A ''ii I if' 1 i uu I hisnewc dai ii iiiii is iw ill b i 1 ofi p1 lieI , f r insead ts tctif -ucwork i i c hume tuilsclw th igmaiii Chltii - - i I lii li Iii..... .... -Iili1l.jioii the1 i I J,' ie-l is sililt prev-us-tsbutnas ts'meniPt i t'Kappiia Sigiti. - ii . 0 3 000 '['h ii isfrhr i ngs l forward li theii Iii leie itttii'iii famiia'isit ii iieschiotitlst'Sigmta N - --.......i i 0t0a ques ti, I ill \lii~iie''hiii.c tins- Ii's;I tis ii u l ysixwiill hliesiuriiomue. T'husa ev-eig, Deicemberisto i, ti-cew It pract italy answesi that I nes- i tiiwihoi have iiiiia-eli een meits o nedi'ii Ka"p(aitu iS ias a iii7f: lit ian 1 si l tehit s di i iig li isiiietv ra nas pan sra )"i-ii i-11111611 , esp~ecilly efficiitl i ti in t hel tltclass itolinig lesgue- siltl tc'''i inex t appruoriatie moiisny fori'olsil, the' lii 1111 I dl fIill tuwt he ii-fieldl andiI popingii' iit i ii- I itinotie'Vckho s, situdIa casc. Theis-daiii sill b oIi d C r- baskiiet cil qu rills- h er iilireg itu iltlarNC i Snt'libi' h e 5 l c ity u ltetiii. t il e cejrt i)owedii is tili i I' aiity in i s ly letI.: C; S C I:I\ a etetnto h ~lr ne h:ttl iilse ii whImii Coachitti ea il ii it 'iig stie- VO i t) isi- lii ii iiii idruIdi- S Il lii IwI lieer olit is huts'anigeis overhis ll-CA IAsci IIiRIT Ifesarchscliu iss-mt he Stll iii hiall n d"Ithe____"p itstesuiofiibltintui eiii iiall closei toitle fSuda-y moiniissisg, asitu pit ediiI iait tu 'li'0si-i ii i ic urr's Ii ii53 mitteto u seect a fitting tis'e. A gesst his""'I-stltc'utthe ii s i i 1 ssr suitit ~tii~iissi~ittiu's 1 deen lt f isteesi is hiug maiiitufesedlin is utbal suit s t hati i p rssv 'lts'd a sins 'ths'runtiisiti it-i i 's s lrfs r ' ts'l hits'it-st-liOf thur s elyt , anuitIs eais cxIlireiis ii 1 IICI IIlls s ilsiy-,n slu sete heue-itt g rte ih 3 chi -usrd if thuse usttea s it-ri-equalsly match~ed, suie' c ,11 ~i iti ishithis' p5' isii rr r ~rii tasks-ibesng madsei- by eschtiimeitly- c s's'etu iss VISITS 's n SitniiTS. lclites1 is ta titsro lts'e sonthe scn cliir~lib sfter thus'a bgaiti n. Soouu n, weer,. Prof. tGree, f thur Uniesi s itof e- fiir suis tuuId i isth - m ssh aleayimn e dro l, l-iA thin sop~homore u sar i s e st, MIis Euitis- hsouirne,'. -Australia, Visitedil liticiganstheir yiteiar itel lt isidls thi l lslk itrd t. tu p er, tbegansuts rush tilt thur score'i, an thin lTuessay- Ite s making a u-i tri titound hit huird ifloor hiseist's-this'msudsi h im ,aditw result t-as ho tii ? in favis -ueOf ther soiuhoss thin world's duruig this Suutus-i' s-actioini h ius "Vit. I'h us 1 f chea nat if- ci" I .t r: t tmotres ii thi n rushof thinfirst hlt, at this-Alustrasianiisst isitutiosui, sandt usa s h tiituisct iprevitedtil damage551 by55 water.i I the second Ihalsuthu ghu' sthisftesh-i s a ftinstilittPetitA . If' G nu- Ilesu T h e 'hi'fis's'sdamasgs hi togs.rrain n e isi-s sssyni isuuuI uusy ists-t ttu su t ok thur occsioirs ho is sit \t icigs u rtu ret'' is e sitiatedi atit hm I l d07- ii pinutt. 'tin freshmansuu teami is co sed Theu Austsralianiuiviierity luss a is-n sit', al ofi wshics is covereds bI rt h u mostly- of smasll girls. 'Theuir exttu _ monusths'vactionu. W~hilhe-otuthle tip, 'use clledithtistfitthu sopihomors. lut ltsir uPst. G ren is uvisiing marruy' itt thur- her lal \Is poor basskes eis thiemtifrmsiscottg huterrcolleges ituusrissu ithdtinglsandi. hP tESiNI; IGIIPS 11:S P,1 N mc sir lhiey tsaiedtrerpesatelys'senitwuenlustsinuhsu Isexpeics ts s's-sti dntsubhuuiy thur PUSSY CIIINhI; ii II\ I 11I1t0 lii] siasy eciiof thin basske. Thi sync hoiysothi. ------- ptis iOf a large list-isitthe is usences - - - - At a11 't i'shg of this'frsh u-usgieril ax c< a seemedsstoIbe witslihlthe, totcivsty goodt cAsiit'-cis rAiss-c ir XCu~cuu. css y'sucrnshussstrugimnsuisue rusts roresgd pais oi other tlay lbrouught forthliap-Ti hle'girls itt thin grslut s'schososl gas's-fuse siclass udsancstousehe ditt-huh sit ' plaiseMis lts 55 iiliii tutuMss GChaprnanis a receptionis Ihiiiastern utcusoonu from id4IIMondassy' ssveni, Decemberh sit' Tice -Xtr~ itse re5sstonusible for the basets itmisse. i to st Basrour gymnauussiumsu, for thur satdt prgramuu commuitiee is-ees'appossintediiRIsph ll usils Aliss Ihoige' as crc'andth Miss itan-t m tiers ot thinfaculty- tuiner - iwhomiby this'presidenuu t t ie' cmpleteshs'chire l ectes is i Is 11 sum sis sguatrd s o isp layedt si-lt they' iserr susyisg, tushtheir ti-ises. f teisinc e. Tickes iill b li es stt i illso 5b Otlthsloupomsorectemt, \isss CrhusussPrsidlentuAsgell adasilntJot-satn sierrsi cuuple After'thits'completinfthe ift u .'i tr play-nih a splendsuidtgains, std wis sorphresnut, satdilai delightfuli socisl sarranugmeuntus fusethi'u(la n-, theicls r sfvrn well sssisteih iy MistHurlesyitndelMsiaf'rnoionss njoyedt. adopte tsinh s nostiitiiot. cnj~ i x C 'Is '11, IMI- SiN N ofr fES CULTURE SEAT SALE i't tl, ,n BEGINS AT WALIR'S ~ir'i-on.With Rehearsals Going Well, Big lc - nar }ru:c cI - Demand Is Expected-Steph- 1 ~ ens Pleased With Progress. m 5 lI I s isshtilt' pleasseth sithi this' tlus- -h 1 s Isisep is1 s ureas i ti ght," iuu sittDiectori -'liii Ii I Hal'Stephestshenlinteriewscsedl by' s a u Irscii 15 iii reportsi at thinclses ofitthu ratrue hie usycmi nsg IMr Sephensusis nwis-di s-th aa w tge AKights fora n n h< {t utun it wutie "I hBrokens Idol" uIs us" tushng aid$ on iythesitehigat VIu-ioyetthi studenttituprai "Cul - h iicIorth urtint. I) N Il, h - av thesi i c m' lanedsct, I ~ IIN IhIt5 isi ut-u-i-isi beilto hut litntuthur iiisi I susheis," he sa. "We are ~t i ihrs ofsheuuriweiwere aiseeck be- st, cic l f re lstsiyea-sr. If ten ash t it c ir s -s n it lusr ' rm hiss Iboussds iiuttsy ight, A1 could' doi i iit, ushdIl st-sgns' that youl 1111 ru n tI 't ii ut whaii ted ectsplayisg .;:>> c i' s- i lls rae 5atn aizatiui 'I -esuse-ulil t udsesinsaitIirs awrc ' ii -III T1 svs.bc iic a Ist ight wsihut au ithrt. - s Airr r i Ih bos acied swithi sllthe cat-cthat I I ii c i I i Is lsshave ubee'n1Ho uuhad they- ects dn:in te I ,.Inus''Is)i: srowdcdihouseat. R cy' W elch, 1i I I ~psushi ill' sisat the isn, whtils' a liss-. -ushiolsh'sitthur linssanssd -I 1 1 he l ii -s, s dinuthus tings wst-lsh ss- S ,iLI r; S I t teat I n srioussssight, this e us, I' 12c I I i l m (l bI i ,esi 'hi' sussss ithitsit'eery-- I:I\ t is usm1dsw ssl'ss itutiluus thu roput- - 51111111 a g hesstiunuercsu f snissies I ' ;,na h w il i shesse u ai airii'of mil Itt, inboos, Foits-thur silk paasolsh i i ' is'rc to Ise useduilint e liii-li tsr, te 1);; nroI ir' 'l -Ils Japanesicse umbrellctas- iI )?-1 Itihlooke- l 'usif luy might has - Ii 1111cnilliliti csiii tit(isti-il Iuci1u< ia - o lokat It hd sa em'ausrasbhlfisis. dci'~nha igt hu h oneS ongss ~iihut oun aip- c". iitil s l Im tha p rt of t uics suno , , li 10I" I i ua> S n ay b ruiesi,"ath ii I I ub )\\ I , f I lc 1 " "S rin,"u-itandu rer, te cstad ws ecrussesre II 11.Il ls s sull sres-s reheasal'su~s itthe I'1ll _AL .'S1111115, he ust e rfomhu e ,t-i s oy- ul I tiit, forth l s it ig t, I sia , iisi U' n 5tc tatthIlefo Wdnsdcsay's l '1 ' I s s s ill hes'hitlarg"es, thi ests fi t ;~r1 lu lcn -ta ei t,) s Stissi un s ithisso ths uhi =,tt hrieIn hoib ore ihcv hellisen iisit t h un ,t,1 sl(] f )rlim ic crt s-tiot D thrsts thbte d-pl- ill occ 5p555n 1f thin txes II1 Its yslushgit 'I le sttsare o b on sire iat Vsahr's iic~t . ts I 5t 1555 ' is m r ig fo o to, tush this t~ith 1 It. :it-m o sun i to 6i o'clsocks. 'Thurusdsy I otii \lt ii lI'saisis'hurs 'rs'frost s n t t. l Ill ,is iiiOndas f he 11show ii hsuitshis Ioittthus m sn e iflhue sotlts 5dtx t on he 1''l sti ls at uls snum e as flo s a re as.u'cns -ul i 411 ThursdsasyI5o, Fri- 1 S tisis Isumatinee; 5 ,.Saturday Inio it il iii Iii 515ial Icn liioil 'C ulturhe"usaff sundu I.I'd -<') d 5t I ci' dii iite 15he s at lsihlls, 12:515 shiam sto- is11e >c 1 i i s r5 ii i '. his is lmans situths-commsittees anth ii I _ shiuld Ish- there.s hiteThar The SEATS ON SALE AT i ~ hine~eare **~Adm irable o Wahr's Stres f Prices--- 35-50-75-$1 ,00 Dec. 12 PRESENTED BY THE COMEDY CLUB BOX seats $1.50