THE MICHIGAN DAILY i THE ART11TI1:DEC0RATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THlE LATEST AND MOST UP-To DAlE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior W all-tinting, IKalsomining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We emp~loy only skilled workmen and gnarantee onr work. Goods Delivered to all parts of the city. BOTH PHONES 237 203 E. Washijton St. 360h year DICTIONARIES 36t1A yoa, inQVIZ BOOKS Ina Ans,.Ar-bor LEGAL MISCELLANY Ants Arbor' Callaghan (fu Co. CHICAGO AAr ,bor- Br-anh, State stree.tOpposite Law 1Bldgj. CIRAN GER.'S SCHOOL I ~~tt I WIs N t tt l I w New Whitney Theatre I:B0TH PHONES 480 Tuesday, Dec. 8th Sam S. and Lee Shabert Present The- Witchinmg Hu By AGjUS [US THOMAS Wednesday, Dec. 9 John Griffith ill "FAUST" UNIVERSITY NOTICES Mlandolin cltb rehearsal totigt at 7 Stident Conci meeting tonight at 7 shatp at the Utnion. General "Culture" rehearsal, c ors and principals, tonight at . Miss Agnes Ingals will adtress te F. W. C. A. meeting ou the "Playgrondi Mul ement," this afternoon at teo'lock Meeting of 910 fits today at 4:5, itt Rottt A, Utniversity Hal, to elect ittih- teedent represettative for jutio fop. Ali Grattd Rapid>imeti ctll Gilertont tefore going hotte Clristttas, ith le itt terest of a (ranttlRaidds ltbhotse Freshman engiteeriig ittctitg itt Roi 30, New Entgitteeriigbutilitg. Glerson, Fes. Picture of "Cltuttre" comtteiticantt directors, for sottentir etititnandit5te Michigtatensiat, will e tketWette- day noottt place will he mttno tttcd itt Wdttesday's lDaily. Imptortan~tt teetintg ofth e Jutnir I it coiitittee. Sigtma Clii httute, X'ctltts dtt, 4:3. Any fraernitis iwoec tic1 gates arc ot yet elecet arc urged t attetdto te m tatter itttetitel, s> futlt represetntatittntis iecestary. 1Hill. J. W,.Mtrrtiy, of Ctarles Ellitt & Ct.egineers, Philadeltthia, FP., is i towinltfr a few idays 11 regard ttitle"J" IN (GRANGER'S IBACONY. It is not askinig tot mutchi whe it tic those that wish to visit te blctoty at the academny eveitngs of our assetmbllis t all anid get Ibalcoty arth or etal by thote attd hare several reered.Thi. ls is tmade tieesary s the tnttmtber has otf ltie bee sit ltrge that it isdiae- tille forth tose taking art ithie tdattcig attd wish to go intoate diitg toomitff thte balcotty. ttaose visiting the btalony shtotldlot expect lto cuetttheiicstir wytorgoidownvttadildatte. WVemk tioicharge for visitr andu it sold htttle applreciatetd, adttholtse gitng itto thi blclotuy stouilt at lettst try toi le agre- ablte. 'Tis tnt exectethta~t clbts or clsses hloldittg prties at the acdtemiy necessary that we dotatttt. I sitterlt tmatier. A reftstl to atlttit w ill sml ttetta ntltte Ibacony is filleto t:the littit atttlsotlttIe acepttet witott MIisLillie Ben-oliel is ttow Itha tiga exiblit antiCristmtas sle ofhad taittetd Citaa tIter studio,. .10toSotthi lION IALI-Ftr eterainmutettattnt exercise, vist teIBo all tparlr. 23 S. Mai St. Otpoite Ptstoftic. 5it Skt~s!s Skaes! Skates! at \nhtchiig R Seltiuieli 205 S. Mtitt St. 5-cettd HoItlidayo neckwetr,tmttfflers :ttndlglve tattsalely .Allet, Maiti street ti Free chili con carte. Ask for trial tish at College Ittt. f Don't put off that ride till it gets too cold. Our hoese are the kind it's a pleastre to ride ehitd. Holmes' Liv- ry, 528 E. Jeffersont St. Bell 522, IHotte v 183. a9tf S JOE LENHARD MERCHANT TAILOR REPAIRING AND PRESSING 206 E. Washington St. Brunswick-Balke howl- ing alleys are the best ; and ours are the het- the Brunswick-Balke Co. make. BILLIARDS. BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. =1I2 S. Stalg 311 Maynard Now is the time to select T1hat Swell Overcoat or Cravonotto Thte -veatiter is right attd Stein-Block garmtentts ttre htere itt great variety. Save muoney for the rest of yottr life by giving tp the antiqune tailor man of thte past andtttltting ott Stoin-Block Snmart Clothes, that fit anti ttake you look stylisht, modern atnt -asS. IINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & CO. Headquaarters for Modern Things THE GRAND Billiard and Pool Parlors 220-222 S. State St. Under new management entirely remnodeled arndtup-to-date Complete line of Cigars, Cigarettes, Candles arnd Tobaccos HOWELL a~ JOHNSON, Props. M. A. RYAN, Mgr. 44 The Dramatic Event of Under the auspices of the Season K. of P. Lodge No. 44 Prices: 25-50-75-$1-$1.50 Seats Now Selling Prices: 25-50-75-$1-$1.50 Seat Sale Monday Morning Watch this space for a new feature at the T HE A T 0K I UVM SOON II ciose meeter that will try neither tie, thJUMb nor temper , I WAI KINGI LOO Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant Citnese Fancy Dishtes, AmericttntLuntesof sit kinds. Everythtng terst-glass tor ladies and genttemen. Cinettue and Jtptatese Bre-a-brats. Up Stairs, on done a. Hustn lens,,314 S. State at. VAN KLEEK'S 300 East Weahhington 3t. Light Lunches Confect ionary and Ice Cream 1Phones 78 L 78 Blue Carriage and Baggage to ac teit5' titi t-to tinti trome parties, ti-tare tt:,ttctek$1.00. alter t1t acittet $2.00). i-itteacT-inttto totr tfrom:done, tttn prcewil e25 Cents. It carriedto t o front tt-stairs. tito price wiltie no Cents. Drivers art requiiret-tiollect castt for ariaie ndtbtaggageoservicr. iWALtKERt'S LIVERY tttttBI\50N & cc. NV. It. STAtRIlt it'ATTL~hs' LtVgERY. TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt by the manufatuers We aret'maktinaspeity of iiretnttin; SmtithttPe-ier. De-tnstore. L. C. Smithi tmahe. Set-tour stoctk anti cci our low pricestefotre butyitng. WNcans:a:: EDWARDS BROS. 320 S. Slate St. Stale Phone 12511L GIRLS I _____ -Whitney Theatre Orchestra GIRLS!ALBERT LONG, Director Thinxk of It! Seasn 1908-1909 "A Mo wth aKimoa" Cart be secured, for Dances, "A Ma wit a Khona" Receptitons atnd all Engagenments, AI Tyrell ontsdates other than regular Show AByrel Iookitigs. Atny combination fromt two pieces up. For open dates MI A J E ST'I C stu ad particulars apply to TonYlgKt JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Bell Phonte 41'L 113 W. LbertySt. BANKS THE F'ARM[RS AND MECHANICS BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Or ANN ARBOR, MicE. Capital $10,000 Sueplas and Profits $90,000 F. D.tKtNNE, HARISON SOULE Generai Banking Businnss. 3 peertent paid -.Pren. Vice-Pen. an Time and Savings Deposis. Safety De- aW.LAKOCsir unsit Bases to rent at $2ust ad upwards S.N.tL~C5N isir R. KEur, Fees. W. 0. STVNSn. Vine-Pree. H3. A. NVt.tas, al arid A General EBakingEusineas Transactedl OrniCEnoStChas. E. Hiscock, Presa.tW. D. Sakvlnsgs Earrian, Vice Prens.:t M. 3. ettz. cashie Cor. Ma.In arid L61berty Streets I Vaudeville this Week MISS MARGUA RETTE McGREGORY SPECIALTIES Special Motion. PlntUre Latest Ilustrated SoaAs Oralestra, Musele CASINO Afternoon anid EvenIngis 5c THEATRE. STATE SAVINGS BANK DIRECTORS: W. J. Both Jno. V. Sheehan Wmn. Arnold Or. V. C. Vaughan las. Ht. Wade E. F. Mills John Haarer Jno. Kanh Pent. B. 5. tiarhart Hennry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimmerman MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. O. A. MOE. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARID, THE -TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING