I 4E MT0,ilA.: el Ix Xmas Toilet Articles AT l, '1noa,.i')i1.t' S (loin1india,{otna.1t11k it blefoea large 0audience at Neirhere this'monti.T IT Malli in the afternoont.lHe emphliasized twin mortti i T.81::, th lgeat teed lit' Univiersity tuilents 'lhe 1. liii it 'I~> t to take IthelIndtaii"onarvttwork. [eerOwlat N "1t 'C iai eieeillades T e altr'o te>tl kOc)it- ricnt,'' iimnediatejliy'ti She ilr r e "iit \M lhi;i,, ras a n ii lt it 'l e of Tiientsi diit" i ii the t Ihih 'I ] !t{ II -aps wih s he passed thrioug~h. haI hI 't \il e i 'ite fiirther itliihasizeil \ie i'oieitm'i a atm~d e)it t tat k (II thel e a t nee111111 iii hioil 1111V"J111 (1i (),'lgn ~ iI~lolai'ls. vII iend i 1 <1 11111 C E"I hI' i' Troctfaoit xhol ays, college days ,R aicsrpof essional career 'of ~weii Itior '0 itlii htoe to coax it or 1 ~ lootstwithi ittiao, it to-ait,.Beause of its won- cdnrful xieed co l i 're-pondts instantly at the a iThe College first stroatrgieit ,ai0 0evenaloeady flow to * '' Standard the lattot , e. idatnttage iii owning a IIN it '0'ixPEN _. Il 0 s s-you're nevev sotihiii ii n aittitetvhee yoo may Stbe iorrm,ii e i ttpat office,tegrp ,crM 1c ofic orh-)elor : -:11youitthare tot do when 1) s t or 1s I you t o7i 1 > '' :'ris ti dlip it in iliy ink- t ? t i i wel, tl , tiourpea instantly fills itefa1 i ed,-?, c -;n i mpl'eicmovement interupionto ( "li-t.Hansottme catalog diret frm th 7r,: '1'IeCoixtth Y etn Co., 310 -- Maohtt I U1'-',Plix rteqest. 1Sold in Ann Arbor by Geo a Wh 1t t - lus and Sheehan & Ceopany. B 1 eule-Co I T' gelcoS __________ ________________ f___ tte C'ica'go Schooltiof Cities intd tiz o olge:ln." li deait to w'ithl money Loaned t lile i, .\lei"ers * tlthetled itfjilt 'Clg eln IIIthisi tieldi. I l i ngii hle '11d the il fit'"itiiioters issued I~ r. iIii1\~ iilE I lo~d l Ii' 1itettl iii 1, t ienlt oftic t l il ttti !lours:_Stott:___o__.___.______s_:_0_,trai__ ;tot___________ Ind ttlittil lt toicttll I Ic io uci '' ithe otessen tsoflifean B.Au B BE ON IDNT th ited f r ell'taep i calt met t al BEST lot T S ;nd m -r a H risdte I B _RlrIAR o te it '(1i sh ocui. A( ~IPES 11 i ct tc cc t )C a k 4r I1 I (hvl lml~ a 1.75 toi$.5til) PILLOWS and BANNERSI 0_tititototitem of igtstt, knowit asthelii stl ihs sto he ii intaltledl mi the 1% ibrarti y.i ii TCCitsi arctti, ittl itM- 1>vfltaaly Ottr kind' anittlis t xii lxii' lights.ip. t'heytiel eisald a i ' tis taeCtange if ceirsior the'slie t gm 1h irs Whi' Iic it is honedtt ill 10ta li i I<8i ft [lt siiidiich' i l 1o4 -i'\t i-1S Kt ii '&lSchmit' o S lxi l'i't iti) i a bi' t 0 Si l l'llf St u wil1)f ()pcr;[itic, mpit