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December 06, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-12-06

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q . All A N 1)A I T

GH. il omanI-: - usic an Zramna
G.a idAOfp lua iEg ditor --Acisco F. RTCni. Vbl h=catt opiiipi ll,,
Iu DLinessM ogr-JOiN F O. izz: ____________________rehearsIgc for- "The _A,11i,~(i il
cs- i t ii i i i t i it ti,,irn t \\ t l 'c"
The Largest Stock in EDITORS m th
the City News ........ . . Lee A White! lol aC rainnon o A1 I n Inc pi ihe t \ oili tnn[
Athletics .... ...........E. Eldridge eauI- r C a N o tciit o w-l. Hf h ait ta Qtr
0 Ixchange .....Robert Mountsir clii ). .lc1) and i .It, iiEc ae f iEE Of Ii 110 liih1 11 it Ilkiig ri
Music ........... ...Hlollis .:ak tImicd t tctci 1ar. ant te i iccco itit
EAoUUMYU Stles in Drama ...........Ramod VI ssher hrtie ill . 111 Elltht ricc.Cn v 1utl a f c 1 ~uyr
Wiomens IEdior. .. . Louise Van Voorhis i h a ~t.lutpnthkI -i o d =cit ,~c t tc m iil
,i h. ttlIii.ic 1'1 (omIh D 1ai1ItilE i, lil i li i lt
and i-i1. Ill,,Iii t ll i"1 to nitr1 i tcliiin
F or Getlemen's Wear Michael B. McHugh Fred E,. Goodn m 1 lcnIl Co il I t iil l llco l ltl ll,
Waler K. 'lowers Louis Kraft 'I Ilt-t rm ad i . d crnnr(c ldc ni t t 1e1w1 lllliptron i
Everything required for Suits, 'owed]iiJ. Carrcpiitlt itl ah ii cknnr. th tukn cap.
Overcoats, Fancy Vestings, and
TroeIngsand of high class I'i('-ca aacitiiltontioat iiir'
Palfabrics and special Styles. Paul Greer Sassel Ii. Mori ' 1 c1ct \ 11, ~ m I ccsh
Full Dres Suits a E ICo.\hdiliamis Paul Lidy 1 iitll
1) A. Hinckley hhedi.Iis iio____l__ hick c __ to ,]I_ \\ __lnc_ ,i
Specliialtyy I tl II'niiiaii ~cci .; fly
Spe.aly I saiil l H iaiy I/ ola iii
V. 'iN D in \l.ciotto)a N 111altu"iai lhtl1 tIS an 11 1 111 GLOVES U
G. 1. wild Colupailly L M NIai aILl till 11(11111 11.1
Rob .. n I C Sliass ii I III . i ii, ,Id x o tihtc ltrso~il, are not cheapest but
311 South State Steth h.So J-itIogt, itexnL I=,l Ifile' ithi theyrc ele st epensie
BUSINESS STAFF lnmnt K c ' ?-dt lanl% iIiv
C________________________ .. B ama o rman diiiIi I. hiill tm lc sp iin. ra dx th
Address: MICHIGN oDALY, Press Bldg.. rrrc \ Ir ti l ph 'l iffs1 i Il I ii i I I . m Ii;i IC .1t t
Maynard Street. i it.n;t=T ~ 11 co-t~ i,,i ce l l t li gh 1' to
M nager's Hours: -2 p. In., 7-8 p. m u ittn i nn ai ll. I.111
rd c b i n Maiy, except Sunday. Both phones littt101 i lg u, ,ilt 111 lii 1s11 III II1 1: iti it '11aidcr 1,
in i" caaicii I Nhruit i h \\I i. N Nlit-, i -i
Calendar u ____________ _tisI\S t\\\. \11 l o.uc
111 ita i Srnt itttht\I . litc t \oi . (Il "
_\lr11 Rober iiii'iiiug ct5 i iii. liiihc trn 1. T e ci 1111 t pay' ille I 1IId i t tit11--kV 1 19 , I-
iii n i e r ii i c iii i i iie i t e rii tti aiii c i ite t i 11 11' I. t i c ro l ncI1) 1 C ai lc S t f , to re
comig cfom i iisihsfoi s imtliilric 11lcR An DOLPHi &tur - Co..
num erof mh it rtstsim c ic.i tr cug ih ,it, ill unerI tl , o a ll t , 2arectors lll
S1heehan SZ Co. ill ustila t hei Dtroitt:111tt ,it itii.' 1 111 lh nhn l
Student s' Bo kto e niphisisuticithis citti ic ee . )I , ll lete IkI tig;~lcl ooJcdtii 11c S l ," 1 i t IA:.A umr, ~i
R tierto ic d a. c itttsittl ci it,, lct ci- yt hi ih<tircl11,- \ oic ti t- 1ih "' ice
sticit tic tti itli a d lok fo h' c t - tilisA T rci tttfr he
iii{oral t anibtit t alc o h 11n ta picia n(m nt t h
'li lr is aefaiielt H ii i titiiit i itc c'iit inctint iin.. n d I It ll ,I l i Po ulr Zrnd' o fu
Fot al.idaet5I. eaSkte. ut atitwicou lldiiheoiereli , edgs i~ ttcco th at miate+ois tap. ht athe'Pt
Appaatu: _____ bt n iecociictninal t it 1. a ti l. nsd i f.tth ittF neslogDietobrsd ni
C ti ueoalsprsc to sen- ep ICatic st-f(.ite tsiii itcsfitm1 ef\t alt:nlSclig ; ar(ft'~t
(r'sg siu. aie re ay ti o tae i cic al icoi zanici. ofii t it e Ii o } icky di t rill ti ll
,ewtYirk hicat Dtroit ss o) f dric ati thE atEilistoI-l
-h Laies Mauatrr nte ]Cl i intd thiecampustt ccctii t'i 111111 t I t t t I o plar o r' -E To fTry

Haive just received a large
shipment f Seal atd
Block M
Splendid iquality cf litici
sisaipedl swit Blue or (Gold, or
combntoon of Blue atd Gold
-24 Sheets iof paper witht
per box
University Bookstore
719) North University Avenue
Photo Supplies
Amateur Developing,
Printing, Enlarging.
Banners and Pennants at lower
prices than elsewhere.
Zportino ooo
It Pays You
to come to us for anything
in the jewelry line, largest
stock, lowest prices are our
One careful comparison is all
we ask. The result will
be pleasing.
220 Soth SMae Street.




e-bita Dis
Leather Goods
Useful Gifts
-shione of how you would like to havel
home for the Xmas vacation.

hins return
Not costly

Do You Pay '
w High Prices
' for your clothes lbecattse you can't bc
satisficd willh ready-itade clothin~g? It
asnt necessary. We will furnish yots
clothes made to mteasure by
Ed. V. Price & Co., of Chicago,
froni your choice of 5t10 handsoise
fabrics, for ' to a less than aisy
siall tailor's charge and also give you
the additioisal advantago of tiieqttalled
workmtanshsip and correct style.,
Our Tailoring Department
is doing an excellent businss wills
those we have leariied how to he well
dressed at all timsa at a very reasoti-
able coat. Look over our cloths aisd
fashiois figures and you'll see why.
Fred We rs
o . 123E. Liberty St.

324 South .State Street


121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Rdd&1ack. Props.

Phone 598

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