The Nt~ic' I an Da Vot.. XIX. ANN A 1111 )[. it P1 ( .\ \ 10 X, S ' )A 1>1 NI t (),1 o o )8. No).5. ROBERTSON PLAYERS estte. t pakls t )e ~~~LOGj CAPTU E AU IENCEI purt of Mr. Rohertsonl. 01)tit m1st1)e) I TO CAPTURE AUsaul that im this play his support) I _________less cre(111ab)10thall in th'afterooo Distinguished Actor Praises the 1performance0. PThe'a11i1nce0 bubb11dFinal Dramatic Atmosphere at Mich- 1)1 r 1 10111)1)1 OO)). Mad igan; Says "Buy the Majestic." 1It(is11t1)0e11)11))1 th)t)then'players), day will (lot hong 1absent1th slt el) from)))th1 -Neser heforehalve0)v' 111aye)1before campu)1s. (Sitl tic 00 theone)1Nve)0had ton)ight,' saidL AGGING SENIOR 01 CTUIId S Donahi Rohertson last1 nightl a11 1110con- CCi 1.51 .IITTIES CRGED l) '111 5(1 i> clusi)))))f '"A.Curious.\Mishap." '"We 1)'<)0 lhi11notplay alon0)1i0, 1)'aud)ience pl)1a10)1 The \lichiganen'))siaoa )1rd I 1)0000the' 1)001. to' partoswith(its. 'thll()0p)1)1e listening piotu11e00111)11)110)'of010ery0'enior Iclasso tha in 11vne )te onct)lusion)01 lineos hofote'to lotther on0ttrat'oth 10'"Oli)pi-) deO had' hlgiven))11)h1) 11hrou1ghout 1110 play). 11100immed)0)iately. S)f'ar lste Ii-11t i I05never)1)11 1101t1)a111)011o1ti1le0bhfore."' giocers ailits 1)')))' )1ad01)arrang)1-0IIc~ , \Y-ilian tOwen,) )1))) playd th)e'palt of 1meats1for t 1i icture. Sonic1)00 II('1plano i OIf m111mouth.) O)100I 1d1id not1)need10)oclasses have)not 1even o1 oleced 11 )))1) 1it. ) 1)110')'myolines at all."00)0. If 11)0s)'backwooard1olasses0 o lhto)s 0)1. "Yo)))C0r))11)l) 1)10e 11)0e '0e1 1111110)- Iso )r1pre'sen1ted)il 1t1e 01)) 1 or I 1110)ey 'oi'oooo 10)0' cn0yu(n pop)0))1)11101)le 1))lisboet who a mont11)hohind as"com)1par1101ith) lor- ;('10000 opla . )'( )) )))il-r l1)10 l11)s 1)110 111)0' All 50m) r ;It,(1100) 1)1 e 1'' 10 it \1Sb' ol ndairinohichto flourisht. Ihiuk'now aitng thoir pictures t1110111)1inorr'tosut.0 alittleout100)' 1 ulc011000of101h110p11a1)0lighten' 11le 11a1)rs0of 1110le'editos.s0'))Oroso cle )'1)))1)tt) 11)0 Cl 1 1. and11 011 1prefeot to)10hav)0' others'o 110110'))1110 50 0. De tch , to'))OI' 0) 1 I Ikn1))))yourtl'Iliolti- 1100'theml. \5 1 0)00)1. Mv t e sccsful as the MAl NYS'UTEISNTS FAVOR'10 i 1cl fis oi pr.CO(1.SI0 NS 11R01I'()1; 'I'1 ) IN '_A1lri1i I'rst hadl) a1) heater1) of)0 it,,)1 moil) The)1 e0) p t' o te eett n 10 )''1 t1 ) i ll( 10' '0010)niltl'1 11,' purcase he Aa 11)ic, e )delare 1it o 0'ti)g 1111111as1found)1a) 0) 0)010000)ooo ('0 1 A be cpialI))'.whlttintgl)' in) favootlt, 1 e oo o. 't'i So))) 1wvrc '''Ololo Iltlo e oo' m')p1li" Ill thell' wea rtmen100')(10)) t the'laious ( '0 S11)1 prorane f'he o'S'rvant i ~ san0 i0' 1) ect'ibos have1.0' 011 0' skd) I5 i(rV ----)twent-lire d isapp'bos'ootof the plan.. 51r. S IIo'o1ito' theo utter1 l1c1k 10 e)v'n)theo'p01in)ion))oo ever'))'tud)1)11o')) oo)'0,o~oi IraooO 0 0 1)0)1)1)10 fr~il tie oo) oal1(pr)ot)'15 toog- bef 'o 1111iliI)0 its 'report'. Iol'o tototot 100 isle gcat wo l:> o art, he Donld Rol- at)te 'l'tint 00of Io' Slph't Nian ;htt 10)5)1)1 1111yer'soyesterday1o1demostr t'ed)'oI.Sl'1Ii societies 11t'he )) c)onsensus t 010)0 So Ioo 0 thi 0t tindsporoito ver0001'all ion)Wa1) he1tly01'i l )lfaor om' tlW 'o''0-0 0 11the )ev0'e's o'f 11he'classoic('0)1)1obscure1 moos. who10never could00 find111)111ttliof t1ue)1t' lIt 11 A0 I0.X''10101.'S (1 lEN Sl 0 1 00I1 l)11(1). I ,AL MUSICIA] GIVE "MESS Preparations lav, de for Gireat Oratori and Tuesday Nighl 0ll r3 ( 1 1 ?' ), i't' lti NIS tI ttIt; N11N SIAN 01'ti 1 oo'beento 0100000)1'i)t he srplu 'e Been aooootligter'' os ort o vrtt 0 'whoc tlo ((1o0 gyr u ly i tecis 'io Mon-0 '001)ilto'0 t. toumoritsio te0)0alti t. ' ~c flso C;clco l, are nm 000000 0 3 otlo 1)0000)ol t oo 1011 e in lulel 0X lin i0 f~ln tc 00 to ottooto1th0 (g . I00000000ac 01pism 00M id 100 er- 0 tsu oo 100000)000 cl to 1 (''000 0000000 o," _lidto cOl (000 T , . o Io .i11 1 I ' lt 1 ) C1 ch w a hul c\01 '0'' tot Itl)'NCS, ;o S 1Wo, 0'i ' 00 ,(,Ito 0 0lt)tilt,5101 o 01(0(to ot in tw (it . \ h r 0 fth )t l t,) campus(('0' i' t eio teol rdito ot ustof 1 1)s1)1001MY pes0 (h recl b Ma 0toh oWld 000 crid.wm sapp1 of olthe00campuIs ms cs eas a 1 0'' 10dand ooll kinooo 100 ,o o(ldsist uel-a( m h'.1 nui Soi 11 ' toll()'o' .5 '()t i t il .) 5 (0 01 1 0. -0 . 0 l res1idool t lst Ict toi"t)t \ i ' P. n icu s. is "r~to, ( %\, 0 ((o oo ilet i oo t o try et asde f 0 0 ':ot t 1 ' Sb Sant to l t o 0 0 0 (( I 0 0 1 wit ith o __imu a1 is iss0( 0i "T c (tat me t tt te o 0 000' l: cri0 ov otor (tooacmi - 000 I 01. ooot 0 tottc n{})l. " ': 'CULTURE' SEATS ON SALE WEDNESDAY tPrices Are Same as For "'Michi- genda" Last Year - Official Phlotographer Need for Opera. o'to oooo,,geerl sl. of sas or 1) -.tcc b ol ttre ''l(,ho rs ooto (f 0 O1 n ttn~ncdl t. AltoughIII Ol -c o 1"Alc ig n l so r. Th o t o 11,, 0 I~, r v< i o:lremaind) v ~ s n.;o ltoov, 35 cetsls f 01 i 0,i((10fIII'))), Itbrsof ) 0 ' 0' ', ''act s.from T +.ifitD u'-1,R . Sc t ill tpositvooy ,, it 11t tl t n i SScd tlttsay i ~,cyac"m ai lobtoOrmittatce '00Ift ,I ihiga, t.Uniono ,3 ctul , fur. ,> 11 'xpeimt t hlis ~c y tI ", Il( (all . t. '\a (, c 1ha 0r 1)0 -1, 0 il,'iniwolliit~q atr ay 111g111 toI 'toIIl!h, I ol 4ac igt 1and t1 alli;l~I > 't ''l''Nv vll h m lerIthiso h- o o eon0KIRomicko & Co, 11 01011(1ell 0 ,tt 0)00)1Det iood Nokv 'tor. or 0 0 \.( \.1 t r~u l ton e ofootto Tlmc li lo o, ffr ttri lldo ior)))- 0 00 'Oi, fr o .11(1wrk nd sientific ci, i~c rati'0 IIrs t'ow o 'othe lion St1'oltl toot ill the hando~s of tru~ly t't atrthe otines f wsorthoy do~tt ()1) re posbe of exqu~isiteo intortaoton 1000h poseteo'onoototoov00)0tossole litftoodloy t ootodl dRooberotsoootn tootoroopre'tinto uc extremeso as atte offo'redotitootho cartter(000 ofth mo'otlotohols '"I oolotanthe de- t lighotfuolyobtuse '1'bilbtlot' di0sootye lots- tro i :tabi'tlitbo' uoolt Iso feot'litootn'- ' ac to havc attircomand. tooIn atthereo tspoboablbtoon 0)00' orN. .S SWilloard,. whoo ooow ooul oo 001'say touth t tremetouooolos scoptoowitho aoy odegreoe of c00edit to himself. A soriosdeft'fn acoustcs rotntoeos Uivoeosity IRlll iotdoottohfbo such suttoty 'ito looctontas to rk'ooof tho Rdoobertsotn llayers presents. 'IToerosult yes5terdayt' Ots thto me001)0 of to' bst of- feobsof theoolaoys wereolost. ospocially in Broowning's tooago'ol 'I"_lBlot in Itoe 'Sotthoon," itowhih the toliato' ooad- in;of 'Niss Stttoot wasoearlyottitned. Btotfor aoltha1)1. ttuiencet' sas ilaced tuoder Itatnsothtlxvsa n tottotospndedo dtt'othe looeottireoploy. If tetoa1te1of Itothe oauinoois to too bccetedoo as theo toot of teo etoo is of a plav,''" Cooritoots Nlishap")' as tho gooat- "Reo'oolv, tttoo' omythso ot Sootta ,Woo'ko 0011 clads oshootldt (tot 110'itostilloot oto' theo Ic:1510.0tl '0 mn s of childreon''n, was the' ( mainl' to' -i.0 toott 1 Phti liloter'ovie000' t; t itsopctool tblo'o')101 11 inthe lo phat o 10ms oSoot toro to'aoter I ) oooioo hi w( n n. '[rito' offiroootoma 10 ot oo s ten 1)yI.0 ooiobo' Oo 00( NbsIpettoylBrowns an'too .Siss tillotot isto .o0'.t Hlodge, tothe ongativeo'bloxMils Iditty SS Elalootty andt liss I llol Tooot li . oo tt bobllail~t' Theloodisussiont toos deodetolo' favor01f1 wil0010c0 "Tl toe togatis'o. 'bi St0 Thetootoertoumbeototoftth10 of Otto'I 0000 its folltoowso:0 Vocal solo, Nttoo FIRST U] RthoaStartor :acurreto'bvonts:iss. .ice Corner Stoele: to ott:'revoitew, "Thelto oryoof M\Ito NR CtOnLitfe,''.Niss Irooto'Ja'oootr. C' i i 1I1 111 i ;O. 27 booboo' Nw-l ool t ch 0 f? 1 \ 1 r. o'?) lo ('00(iy . 11 0k(,II ii ito'. R l tl I "o(i rl it,5 oolwd : 0 0 . 0. 0 oo Ini t oilt ( 0 ok l . 0(il0 la1?' ot 01I~(00 - 0 too ototc,1oogeo toot ( N'oo 0001(00 bob I l oto Thoeg to'lt ttlo sbloolo I 0 oo''..'tos ''ll'totot the0 . 0hn"i ] ishea0 IIItheb t" 'HURCH deicit as far as the lulib(0 t.00 ttd "nsta 0 NITAPIAN (C 'State and Huron S WIIE 010011tO, 1 1 1 1 1,'IT t)ESN APPROIVES B1(3110) N1t:30a.tittorn itoSevce u.0(11.0'md obrso ~mpll : 'I'llCO ''ROI, FL'll It ' 111 N ) 1 1: ,r.I'r1(0 0 tlO SI tdtntsb' C(ts Ic ooonutoed loo'M!.to.toe. ' ie h r ai- apriua Wtolntt astot ( ito o nio n a sl t 0 ol I to t t to '0lo Io u (Oet n t tO.dr 0(01(01dc0) putoo '5 ' hoartd ofcotrtool., ea I e sio I A 1sq 1 P eie fteN toa iey.sed} oi tteLi m titnko it tis a excolloen t an. If te11 P 11)0".toean ftr 11.ionarc 0t(7i\ booatrl ofcotrttol is abgobod tto 11too mTe p.a. ea g seet to), twitht att 'Id. Toe toollowttoing acutys ooo ) doss hy Ptofl. Lotuis A.. Strauton Dloos? iNo t. Io'ootoro'Isot) pblcaltMitno Iotoot IF'n Roh VC rpesntatatoso 'kn!iio s N , hechng Idotdieced(tiertuo.t tru0 Scutnoiii11.ali 1 " tttoItowad Nte loltiganetotst 0)1 Oc.(toi t ti 000 ' o bo 000 1)1 (((~r,,r o t oo a',tirl. l iIllieT tloot l ,t 1 01 ~ i tolVJ " )k \Vit, pres idet ofi toe'0o8 'I' 01 otl ooffcoo bibderothe(to of() 1'lroloto& ItoSStt, at too' I ote 1 "lans. liosideos a n.ottolracice, SMr. 1Doewitt To-Night ALLEN T. BURNS la OF CHICAGO I [6:30 P. M. 0 SUBJECT: "The Cities' Challenge to College Men." / Hall J1