wT .w.,. ",.. . C. H.MAJ0Re Co THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE LATEST AND MOST UN-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, OLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Pap-or-hanging Paint- inig, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ onlt, skilled workmen and guarantee our work. Goods Delivered to alt parts of the city. BOTH PHSONES 237 203 E. Washixngton St. LAW 1BO'0OKS 36th year DICTIONARIES 36th year lea QUIZ BO0OKS In Aram Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY Anns Arbor Callaghan (A Co. CHICAGO Ann Ar-bor Beanceh. Statc Street, Opposiote Law S Bdg. I UNIVERSITY NOTICES 1- _Vto71,t~rs rptat ,University iall a1 t 1 :30. C. J. Agttrt,. "Culturte" prtncipak 1rhctrsal Sunday t 2'p.tt1., -COt-tt!Stcdlto Stephens. Thr i ll betaometintg of (Smoga Phi aura, 1Itoeti 1 t,e Eerbod el "tltr"ocetar-,etrt--l at the > 111111s ' ,o It I ttV ttli t "Clue eera - ,,irda1 after u~ni :,o, cotts aadem . V ,a-\ 30 x raut cv~-vb)dv gut. st 1113s Tap altlctttc : Ir I~nd ith.(t Now is the time to select ThaI SWMII Overcoat or Cravenetto, The weather is right aii(. Stein -Bleck gaot etits are here iii great variety. Save utottey!ot the rer- of your life l." givinig tip th :t q uti e t ailor et)tll(t the past anid -utting ott, Steint Block Snotrt Clotl-, that fit attil make yott look stvllit ttotle it avt ease. LINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & 0 Headq~eartee's fezr Modern Thins TH' GRAND Billiard and Pool Parlors 220-222 5. State St. Vnader new management entirely remodeled and sup-to-date Commplete line of Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies and Tobaccos HOWELL In& JOHNSON, Props. M. A. RYAN, Mgr-. I GRANGER'S SCHOOL DANCING Gro id loron ilatttard tvteIe. Tte-. y dTto t, hursday1 e 1 7to 8tWetock, $: t, i ti n 2'1et,, et New Whitney Theatre ISOTH PHONECS 480 I < 13 t ;3 r 1~ ii Mir-- Lm-kt II 32 >123. co.(I . ..... . - - Tuesday, Dec. 8th Sam S. and Lee Shubert Present The- Witohillg Hour By AGUSTUS THOMAS Wednesday, Dec. 9 JIohn Griffith 111 "FAUST ~ 0 The Dramatic Event of Under the auspices of the Season K. of P. Lodge No. 44 Prices: 25-50-75-$1-$1,50 Seats Now Selling Prices: 25-50-75-$1-$1.50 Seat Sale Monday Morning Have you heard her SING? WHO? Why! that new singer at the T H EA T 0R. I VM s \Vc luv sco d1,1to your grantdfathter ;:Il to mir att -rso ltIusttseli to you; 1 'tahisled 8,;. Hllers jewelry or,_,i; A lilSt. -oe-tf to ct tvcr atthePhts It -Ie th3t 11110"Ils- titl~l 51\ 3'ear-' 35313011333 Il 11310, l ccl.;l cl or arie, Bel tO. r378 timi. 0c 1..D. atesMl. ottttty8 .it 1",rt A~e Ponc Bll10057o A -8i 3 3 1 1 13t1 ts .t k tt tt ~t litter 3you wtill tbe .sttisfied. tiat- !ci -1~wlryStoe,216 S. ?Maitt St. eod 1rice,31113 sell.Scheho-1,r So0n. 3e(1 11 diay nckwer,1Mffler-s and 1gltre- n ,oic b \lAtclit Alaittstreet ti tree ctili eott carnle. 3Askfor trial dis 1a College Ittn. tf 111 1 1 ARG(ESt andtot c13 otmplete 1>1313(11133 rro fnc ork eve1r1i1 Ant .\hr111, at3 the Patais R,'vdte, 2013 East Ben't put off thtat ridte tilt it gets too coldt. Ottr horses are itetkind it's a plaueto rie tehtittt. Holmes' Liv- c333, 528 F. Jefferson St. Belt 722, Iloite Mtichigant pins,(ohs, attd spootts, in 1131 and11 exclttsive desigits, at Hatter's Jewery Store, 216 S. Mini St. eod-ti JOE .LENHARD S MERCHANT TAILOR REPAIRING AND PRESSING 200 E. Washington Si. k Loott-ttne-toop" retturns aret-che latest inmprove- mto iint towting alleys. 'Tey stop speed of halt antt leave it nearest the itowler.- BILLIARD)S, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGIARS, CANDIEIS, TOBACCO. ?"i25. State . 311 Maynard, THERROW SETS THE FASHION hk COQLLA RS Cluett, Peabotdy &ot. Makers, Tray, V.Y. VAN KLEEK'S 300 East Waahir~on St. Light Lunches ConfeCt jonary and w Ice Cream Phones 78 L 78 Biue Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Chinese INancy tishstt .AmteicatttLtietten ot alt binds. Eneryttilgftentclsfo ladies and gentltemet. Ciioese and J.t pntese Bric-at-bract. Up Stairs, one door S. Huston trns,, 314 S. State .It. I Carriage and Baggage tor each Couple to and from parties, before tloctoeck $1.50, after t2o'clockt $2.00. For eacho Trausk to or f rom door, te price wilt be 23 Cents, If carried to or from up-stairs, the price will be 50 Cents. Driv-ers are required to collect casio for carriage taed baggage service. WALKER'S LIVERY RIOBINSON & CO. W. H. STARK WATTLES' LIVERY. TYPEWRITERS Rehuilthy the moanotacitorers ant i g te. It, temington. lIII ' mat.See ot ock aIdt I o3000 tt' pricesnbtforetbyintnt 'e tate EDWARDS BROS. 320 Sl ate St. State Phone 1258L Ladies and Children:- You are invited to attend a Public Reception given by "CHIQUITA"f on the stage of SATURDAY AFTERNOON Chxlldren 5. Adualte10 Whitney Theatre Orchestra ALBERT LONG, Director Seson1908-1090 Can he secured, for Datnces, Receptions atnd all Etngagemntts, on dates other than regular Shtow Bookitngs. Arty comhination from two pieces up. For opert dates and particulars apply to JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Sell Phone 47L 113 W. LibertySt. l s BANKS THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Or ANN ARBOnR, MICHt. Capital $10,000 lerlolls aidProfits $90,000 Generat Hasting Business. 3 percent paid EO. KINNE, HlARtRtSONi ttLt Fees. Vice-Fees. on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety De- S LAISN Csir posit aunts to rent at $2.0 and upwards S.V.IAtsN(ste. R. Easer, Pres. W. C. STAVNSno. Vice-Pres H. A. WILIASs, (ashier P'. T. SrOWn, Asst. Capital, $1t0o0to. Surplus antd Profit., 560,00. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Ceman -Americall CptlSok$000 u u2"000Savi, an Resources $2,b600,000tCornnta-erim.l maeo~d A General Banking Bueinese Transacted OFFICERSt Chas. E. Hiscoch. Pros., W. D. Savings Harriman, Vice Pros.:t M. J. Fritz.Cashier Ceor. Mal.n and Liberty streets CASINO 5C THEATRE MISS CECIAL DAVENPORT, Comedienne Vaudevitle Star wilt change hot' pritgratm every tther day apipeatinig as Sis Hopking, Soubrette, and in Fancy Dances. Afternoon and EvenImngs . .. STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. 0Booth Jo. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Tas. H. Wade E. F. Mitts John Hasarer Jn. Koch 'Prof. H. $. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan P. 'Zimmerman MOE'S BARBER SHOP 701 Nerth University Ave. 0. A. MOE. i t -- ALWAYS AHIEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING