TH t M N DAILY Sweeten Up with GIlLO[II'S NUNNL[Y'S Chocolates AT Quarry's MAW NUXS L {G(S'l ' tAt)'1A 'l' S t-'lIIl' 1)IR1('C"P( Y li*t-i' I NA llldIN 'TH1IS CC'N'l'RV (CONT2YT\S MY) POPLCARITY Ms lie iheliganiiAliiiiiiiis. sccoirdiiig Of te10wo1 ew0"ituds~enti directoies, Ic te latest circulationi stctis -Z& take, mrpintd by10 I.. ilk: 8:1o.11(1 first lace aimon g all theweely ad he cothei Iy the Studenits' Y. 'XLC.A., monthly alumnicjouriials io the worldlthlatte r sems to tikehNtter 'aith the it is itresting to iaooo Iteim a hat a ptiablic, foriniuiryi of thelca-l toolk- liiiirIc nucleus it greet. flit li~i'eiii Blcr-e r4schowsir- firtylarge sale evecn of the hMichiigain Altomo s as ii sallat tisCcarly r(tohr other hIiad, paper pcaphlet, issueiciy tudt'ient-s inthe Pofll: diiirectory ile-Irisohi tied the uiveirsity. It iwas 1pur1clhased hr-i theibyisuhscrcipion an .its aeisin iully assiiiieil ihai if ait'aliteis' lid - lrgerisnd harde i-Io ihandl ithan ii- zin-, iiiiil niw. ifici ic- l tOii-of assn- i J. C iliictoiii i iihi cacaily ciation managsme iiit s stlaiid s a h eihle iari ciit oat pckta Roh che tir m k -p, hut al-o in c( stsI-cofiiL liiicritaiiSchcol of Iusic, n Mliiiiccto iisiti seniors ifree ificharg. sin ii icof ihe facuties aiiil fratseirV alucnu-Ir. (liiiof listiycars clss. l jiina list if scla--siofficrs-aidcomii- fo iiiiidrdishileisuhscrihed-clfii the plec ulist of imemblers -of all stidtch or i- soitorasosahas cag fanterahs! efc ha tI . \1.IC. A lilcainte11iscigan i \s - Ilci 1 ihookis ireillsyitiblishied liisiiiientsind charge Iato-teci diapersth rough--liotithic utsior its-areI- le -tale an 1dclsoito all if hI li c imigh shosand colleges. 1The Neis I itteriC l~lt CII IsTfH11IA.T I I li ordo eentis.-il I e giliitiii IC XIl\ Isee-' -l l -l R I rclarof the Clucriiici ssiuc iaiiin. acTic I ii i ai li s-s' ii thiisyeir is IWilfredil I. Shaw.itieditiir qoaO h ieriy(e lb il Ihall sa ciid systeiicis mit a iiiedtic wich I trp thy til riii i tae aii ict tena e f h 30,i00i ti- ptlcci i hili uc-cisic-ic-slecflit-arsiois-cf which isctoihe t.r Islicoach. icllIcgili reisteed i-- T heisi se-vctes f ti c cit rk iThi 11 ci li nit bericil 011ltihc f ivenii I:r reuie in kein hsca ou idaynihtatGrnd Ri sic citlit Saitt- i Money Loaned iOc WticcesDiamondic st-Lawt [looks, or olther prsol pirolpertiy. Watchoescad IJeiry repaired. Bargains iniWtchIles & Diamonds Oiat r11esilden(ur331a ibert~tty St Anti Aerbir- fouirsi t ait1:30 a. , i at tut3o andit JOSEPHl C. WATTS JL LY'S Own Mak" BEST BRIAR PIPES i 111t I I In t i rck o ii r Own n11111o - $1.75 to $5.00 -e oniiiitc$1.00to it$1.50 i-l t lacc 'iii- PI LOTAISand mW Throul~hout school days, college dlays, business or Prof essional career 7' - the C'inillinit 'ettswillseres t fsihcfully aiid nake w iriiting a Icttssirr 'iYouclidin't hasve to cotix it or fuss wvith it ico gel it to scrite.tBecause of its won- derful feed priincipleicik responids instaotly at the The College Pirot stroke and maiostaios 0Sreen, teady flow to r Standard the lost dot.Another great scdvsaottage of owning a CONKLIN'S FILLING PEN r --you're neverwithot ink.N ismatr where you may be-in our rom, 1 cwrehall, itte liot ioffice, telegraph office ice hotl on htran--r ou- hvto ido when. yoar Coincenbcrnsto un 111i t dip it in anty ink- , wett, pesthe C rsen-illr i ou en-'instantly fills itself ancii I ad tcwite i'' ojsme siple mat-ement ciso cleasc it.No nisydp er--nosiilliig of ink-no interrupint u rintofl -ig tlshandsome catalog direct frte a ii atrrT eC ccilslin Pen Co., 310 Mcanhtictan I I C)eoOhoonre-quest. Sold ittAttn Arbor by Geo. Watir'sTo aBook S o esanid Sheehan & Company. ReuleColli ci-legel Co The largest distributors of mten's wear- ing apparel in the counity. We special- ize ifl College stylesi and catter to the tastes of college mien who are always on the alert for the latest productions. That we have made a fine selection of Suits, Overcoats and Cravenettes it is only necessary for us to tell you that we are sole agents for L. ADLER BROS. & CO.'S fine line of tailor nmade clothing. If you kinow clothing, you know we are right in placing this cel- ebrated line at the front. We carry everything you need tora complete Outfit MaksTea oom The best Service and Cuisine anld Pleasantest Surroundings ill the City. All home cooking-. Prices Moderate MACK &Co. AT III 1IGI IH t111 IJ) I\ C l It \lcccct Efl dn iitic frotc1(i l-c met -. th tMs cichIiganio nti iday titlt -cig la k:v cltl. I-:. C'. MoodyIt cci was il I iestl-ti. T'11 ne-ticc-s mstii5 cci set fear the eveiniceof lDceitttccc ?. .lA lluds i- f romIii liAsi cwh ieth icpes- IN? IGIfTIII 511 II III il-R Ihellslccticilsi sici hed itsic atia Ic-i astighit at itc roominti theiilsAfcn lr i is iiatio lptic'' wasci 1 dcc dc a lI mm such -cnn t 111(1111 c i n. Carl -ciii f lens Palmeli r, if Isii Pscil, fI-Jiriey Scitc lt ics-i hits ilckc tmk I tithey a ipe r a ti anc 'r tr r hcii la ce ctily to this- i- l iliilsrii ivcacnet Nslulay im- i ill Atlh-()it, TesdaiIhyc- metli- Is Indtoghi tic-i I thcg-icclu IIt fin Illsoic al NI flayCCit er IhmvcN It \\II'anliThClrfslaI'l'hey I 11111 the i way t ii FiinCa1111 j dciiint ()nitheiplay-liwiriten It Lyma IIksn-~ h cliinuug cis wil b -ien(nu1erlynct week.Is Theili May. ife-cacceptedi w ill cIii 1(A c ttii11i~ thleI t I- i(i sameiuutime cuintt l u ' Ii Si-clt ff I.S luic te pai lst1 Stek'undi- i -- - 'Pcisiw T i reuilt willipn a l it mcuu knowncci isitt hTuesday. AT Darln in, & Malleauxi V. oif M. BA.RBER SHOP J. R. TRtOJANOWSKI, Prop. BA iii 551 1tlt - iit ii. \t it li Ladie , .t l ('1Hd ii's H il*t tti Ph o l~~Ann Arbor, MVich.i Pull Dress S is Nots lint in hitccabuoft tfIailoringan F ! Su t'artisrhine assn ithe cmatkig oh gar- mients or fll dess nit.,atd nwshente ciill the utpracticd edy deeititfeririy as cuiklt as ini a full dresuiit. Oliur garmcientsi at-c sll tacde ii out- 01n shopus, ccn- ter ourptrsnral supetrv-i soilndy comtpelnt sworkmenr. Wie cari'c-equipedl io anton pout IVAGrN htcitf CO,Iotingfft Taifos, Satfe S. ! This afternoon 2:30 "A Blot in the 'Scutcheon" This Ev ening 8:00 "A Curious Mishap" Donald Robertson AND Famous Players University t*1l STUDENT'S LECTURE ASSOCIATION To those who do not have S. L. A. Season tickets admission is: SEATS FOR MATINEE. "A Biot ono the 'Scoteheoo,"---...... ..50 CENTS_ SEAT-S FOE EVENING PLAY. "A Curious Mishap,......... - 75 CENTS On Sale at Box Ofice, University Hall VNIVERSITT Symphony Orchestra SA iJUt. PIiEtiiliN tLittsWOODlCocitr 50 Players December 3 Will appear at Faculty Concert High School Hall Six Ceeseneta $1.00 SI'sgie Cnricee.t 25c J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewelex ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARMA CLOCKS $1.75 sit (1 GU-ocutied WYa#+cl-hJZt, t-iga Spneifa t Rowe'sLaundry I lIOMA.S ROWE, Prop. 326 N.Fifth Aver. :'cvow slice 4i7 Bell Phiant 457-. MAK"ERS AN~D DESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY Haler's Jewelry Store 216 SOU1H1MAIN STRiET Large Collection Antiques its Brss, Iron, Capper andi Chinaware I-ar feri c-tati lu ciu omusury hiuc-ano e(i ; I chair dens. Addres Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICH. Ifl[LIMD[RI OF GRAND RAPIDS For Arts and Crafts Furritxzre is wvell adapted to funish students' rooms as welt as the den. We have a nice line of these, also carry everything in the line of Ru~gs anid Por- tiers, to make a room cozy aiid coinfortahle. MARTIN HALLER'S Fsnrniltsure, Carpet anid Drapery Store i STUD tQm- , pU_ 319 East Huron .street