- ~THE Mltf-I'AeN' BATi.LY
G. H. Wild Comipally
Tbe Largest Stok in
the Cits
Exciusive Styles in
For Gentlemfen's ear
Jitvcryting required for Suits,
Overcoa ts, Fancy Vestings, and
Trouserings, and of high class
fabrics and special Styles
Full Dress Suits a
G. H. Wild Comfpany
311 South State Street
Now ons se
Sheehan- & Co.
Sudents' Bookstore
A. G. Spalding & Bros.
'he Largest Manufactuer.s i te'
Wrld of Offiial Athletic Supplies
Foot Ba, Basket ball, ee Sates,
Hockey. Golf, Gymasum
spaldig's Oseduceely illustrated
Catlgue of alt sports ctatns um-
rous s ugestons. ated free any-
Ness Yot Chicago eruit
THnE MICIG AN DAILY. ' i' Iff~< i t ,hcliiCi 1t< t,,(c (+ic
vatic c ci . 11 c i5s ' l~c r<;1f'si l liiagn dtr- RIIR F.RTH
cllciitgssgLidtcr-Aticiri ff*Rttonthe < ''ils andslid a1 rati's i c aI cicicci
BusoiiessManager-- Jctx F. W-uRZ. ' rim or e ice i'ciicof all l c pilric lit
-- wich (c c sc I ifroi cii li(ii
Nes's.... .Lce A While ohy o icil the 1ic i1iis of these 'cliii_', if
Athletics. ............C. E. Eldridge I1lieci ioinf ic ined to the a ciiiii o' ('iciclci
Exchatige. Robert Mount i dd Uniea(ppo
Music ...............Hollis S. Bake ria ls iti i 1o.-1oso ~ivriy'v
Dramua ...........Raycmond Visschiet i lihill orin oc fihc 'is(-trel1-
XWomei's Etlitoc. .. .Lcitise Vn Voorhis roms, flloi th ci rla s is-
('licic koudcr Leiocr' . 'teidpcueal ai mtI st c oe
i\ichael B. McHugh tFccd E. Goodtitg wiithii Il ili-o1i saltot ctI C
Dontald Lb Kinney Dana E. Jottes thatthei 110ieani wil i'i ivci ivni c(>
FaltecrK. 'owers Loiiiis -Kcafl if theIQOQ ..S cs alics siti( ~psi
UTi 'iM1THE '' iit li n.
(H) \\li \ NI( l ((liiX) 11AR
i " 'ccc nl<o t ci t it.a c- i
Ir=r llut i'i c iidimi
I '5Co i i 1"+mn o ,Cu edb
is 1- -n il b . Cr(-. (ci ' iscii
S .? 'I R Al, I) t~h end.t~ c th
Hoace just recetived a large
. i.ipfettof Seal atnd
Block M
Splendlid quality of littetn
dtampenuwit Blue or Gold, or
comtisiat'Oti of Blue atnd Gold
- 24 Sheets iof paprer wilth
tier box
t irrtl
(In i i
rt i < joii s' and
Lowiell J. C'arc
Patti Greer Saitttel 1ii. Mtorcis
E. G. C. Williatms Paul Leidy
D. A. H itckley Fred Lawtoti
1ilosrvardflal flurry Z. File
V. 1'.oitklini (W. D1)Eliot
S. W. David D. A. Kahntt
C . MCINi-lailc 11. A.ilisel
Rob'ertf i'iiiiuiiJ. . ' l t ll
1. ?. haw, Jr.
Cl 11. Aidami 1,. ii. 'Lrwil1
C. ..Bowman ii Nocrmaiini11,. l
Address: MtCHIGAN DAILYv, Press Bldg..
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours : I-2 p. in., 7-S P. m.
daily, except Sunday. Bulb phottes
UN'it'' ION LABFEIl.F .ls
~e i (fl iaNt h ~ ~ elen ii l
.f gallIeryI(l;flthe
nw s indiiignatnxthT c ', Ric
iscar sid 'i') '' wl ii o lve i i lir' l
(ii ii c i i ii atI thif leais1 am
iifa c li thesi iene ut n iiilu
'Ig h iii''iif, iii'i' in ~ ~ etov r i
Ifmmc:s'-i'css iliasiic he. ex\'elsl l
Ir io , c i c i ip-1-a a , a c ,
-()>> ; ti3 L Ciip l iii tvi
rr li c ib<<~
;t 7ti li lrl
ct- . c lr<a,
t I ii l l i It a I
ii i I i
iii: i; ei.:rcs(*iill lt f5ssdf
oini'ce fci' eclass, cafter foriii ar
fdniiaill sith is memibieris ini all
thir u 11filcif i'lf nceils fflld1 C11monli l-i
draisis a ci nffjilff ls'ii'fii to (is
mai c' uhndkep 'ive, iifind.iifii
Cli' cilltou ii e ia epac e sn o
terflfliithe preisen'ior i'iis'iici
rc itr f iftsilf. T' atiSci chsid a
tliitls 1ff thiiir clissi' 1111sf biii'tli
to cvei o c 'i'''lf 't i'he isare iearly is iter
estilig to he ldeiiisr iiiiembes of thefac-i
tit a d t iSiistorS lfe iiieii fcc i)ii 111
oineclaune'i iituiloficollege sisand
of c'ls'ralisfc breatheidilsforth bylii ifl
Th chii cosdcaio whic'se
toi'ico'oi o il frtep' tr hl
lIni rl ill's'. iihe cisit i'iSfSaedt
group spiciIre, 11i aecostii ii l
( lie ly this is'n11111 fi iiiiiiu s ls' im.1
Oifl curse theidesire toiblierconiali
filc c ilen be' i llrfief, iul cld notI
some itefml, suich as inisitaftisn, ch efl
of on ' ly t'r'sellt iters' t he'f ii l abs n
Ir c-,ii I. f l ficir(li' .1
1Scesuccill rc I.ic.... ...
SeoI oici'I. i
lt alli
( i) I lit' 1171t
I lo ' ncclic elvI-icdl i fli'.f
' i 1 11. 1o 1i is 1()- 1 , a'1(l iii7Slc
I '''), ~ r< 1 iic I0,, ii't i
ci l~lIlc1 ; i '1" i.t) ii ) ~lfI. ll
\\t? I if fi lll '1" l 1 ' (d i l 11 \ 17'1
l'' ) s 11ct <1i . lie ld 1o
tf cc' !, . 1 1)c 8I 1r ( .
- '.-Ic
f ' ''
i a' 11c1-1cce" 1021
ANItiliANti Beit Phonee, 98. 2R
/ u Hoe Phone, 98
1 . A. DOLPH &A CO. .
if ifscrsto() . 'Martin
{ Funeral Directors
2109 5. dlihAss. Aoo Arbor, Michi.
.cc _..f. - -pf cc4. is
ti t 1f i , 4L~c.ish
University Bookstore
L ir si sf itock 'nIMichtigans
S atitd I] ted Last Books
L -ai d lucul tDictionalries
{ ffiIBooks, ets
Comiplete linie Nessanid Sec-
filch (ook's fake' in E lxchuange
Second Fleas Tel. 76I
It Pays You
to conmc to us for any thing
in the jewelry line, largest
stock, lowvest prices are cur
One careful comparisoni is all
we asik. The result will
be pleasing.
220 StothiMate Street. ..
hip", 8 ci 5lcliii:
iii f la iwcic I rcclliue 1 ...
(,'cse'cillie' fir ici
:Ma ian , . lle Cinnia's m~ i c. c 'lii
's5'fs i ll1, 'lSbel 1 lnl IWCClie t
exels thefisi'g elhsecls ii;in hif i~s
I i l iii rowssould ll at the c'l.iiesA. 110
ofi'ce'f 151 iinlt lii 1[a l and ell sent11
Ith ei ssnfic esi rert gtr
ProChristmas Display
Leather Goods
Useful Gifts
Suggestions of how you would like to have hint retturn
home for the Xmas vacation.
Not costly
1'::':V~.::!'rats": "i'i t a e
The "MUTO" Over-
coat is- absoltitely orig-
ia and1 the process of
construtcting it is pro-
tected by patent, us
shownin t the illustra-
tioll, it is twooaots in
one-the first as a dressv-
street coat-the seconid
as an Auto-Driscing or
Ii. S 'f-
121 Washington E. The Randall Studio , Rand all & Pack.PropS. Phone 5981