Sam Burchficld's Fine Tailoring TradeI Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclifield &Co. EAST HURON ST. Hot Lunch At's. 330$ S. State ' JOLLY'S BUST BRIAR PIPCES M n 11'10 $175 to $5.00 $1.0 to $150 PILLOWS and BANNERS AT D~arling Mall 7aux V. of M. BaA RB1E SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. KAIF t I mo0' '71" F" 'E1,1 \F F i' F N FFFF' ANDNF 7F'"FFFFF F h a o ' Fn r ' Ft ' fl i t'uF 322 S. StateS Phn 5 ellAnn Arbor, Mich. I I 177 FN FFF'3' ' F F ,i c : ; ; rcl.: . ,,itt ".l, ,. i-~", F1 l! . F i l, CIf it;? ' F Fr 77'F F FFFF 'F F l F Ft 'c 12ti 1 v tf('' -c F F F1: t v~ r it t1'c <'l:t - rr t't ,t t1er'F : o \v i h'F' 1I ll- , F ;l \1t i~~ ' F t F I l F zi F ,, F,. , }r F' IS T1(13MIC iOAN I3AIL'V 12 o elIFcF7. 1.F'FradoFF. C 1f. 17' '77Fhf,'(Fr. FCFFuFmings. C F1 : llF °771. P l w 1IWc F F7-LI. 1711 '74 F '.\.\.\-FFN(.AF -:fin IndFianF 1game77-- S Fle .a'v'FF- \IFrFIF.F FF 7FIFFFF7FFF C7a7n7 ; X7, 1; F tlaslint 77. Frder' F 311 FF11.1 lNI ANI) 'TYPE- 'FVPF 111R17N FF will1 s7.1 77ou7I.7type- 111c~rrFt FFolt a 7ypewrier 7FFr do :(m,1 I. \rto orFFFFF1. olliffe & l FF7l SF' t.Stte +. 7eod-tf 71777777. mr roo ,; noe. 771ec FF \\«II F Fl 'n sfrom lK F77mooF7t7 CO- >o, F,7717'. 77777 eo F. I03rt.- 7 1 F 1-w muh 77111c F1NCINEERFNF ark. Fc~ C F ~a S FF777771 '7717 FF71777.aF .F Io, sL.F77c1's- F'' l 'F F iFp7FF 7'7F. 'F-'F tn ar77 tlF 77 SOCIETY MEETING. FF1 F 17F' . il t \>(70 CJ) 7.7 7'Nc\ ' In.jw r t icF (l ll ll m ide a , k\ crwrcc ,"i thi 7FFling- FFm F w ll'c)w FEFl ' Gbh'E-.CLGI2 PQ TOSING AF PARTY0. W d; Is ftl'" :( IF l (I" F1Fal '"7 t Fl ')Ii FaC ' i1 Ii t1 - li' F'hFFt77 arty 'F F ''77 t o1rder177'777777777 F F<7a77 ()f IICA III s. Bell 5272, FF777777' 11. '" ' .. tt rs l SF. friIf FF7 F77a've1don0e expert 77atchi repair- 777, FF777' 718;8. 11711077 Jewelry 'VStore, '2F6 S. 1Mai77SF.eod-tf SF,7.,707' 757'pair. 'ondelrs. 11077's. 1FFOF31(FW1.1/P IIF 1)D'III-NF;S TO 31 'A'\F 1111']F'. G111D3 115113 UI ' ;I .21S State' SF. '117777- \7 )dl p 7t0 S. State SI. 777- l ~ 17777FF 77777 ab ut 7io hoa der's, Fl1r< 7777'\II)Iso food,7777' 17771int (11c i-ht ad, ~ i- h 707e 771. 131V13 A" F R 'II l ' 71 17'li 71771 e f 117e , kc k ~c ill"iv r nn l-s meal 71fre, Lc lie iur tha v 7lt 777l 77st 117ith 17. -FF11 111 \F II I 513 FF'111('i - IS arc 'a' so7777777177 77 cafF'- °rp , ; sc -alF''"(: 777117717etin u1ck wh 'r77177FF s 1e7ghat .there 7is 7a 1 .;;!V- "'li .77 7chat 'FF<(- 7 7ach mea. or7 .i item7777ize17icke.1.fin expert'1 7- 1. 177 ll'a 't i il char-77 ()7' ille lF i> f - h t FrF 111717 hIF se7 ,I7 d t. ; 7 (I('ia 5 -70S WALK-OVER DRESS FOOTWEAR Foy. MEN and WOMEN Just arrived ne0w shipment of various sty les inl Pump, Slipper and two eyelet ties in Patent, Dull tand Suede heather. Prices: $3.50 azvd $4.00 See 'Wirido'ws For1 excl1usivstles 1i1 Water-Proof Camlpus Boots and Oxfords in Tatn, Moose, SRusset, Cordova'n Leathers. WALK-OVER SHOE C0I 115 S. Main St. \ 111;F1IN.° F \ 777 4 .17 lIl'F .11.777 2 'F '7717 177 F 71 Fl\I 'f All ~ '" ll'Ii F.t; 11' --Heavy WtrpofOXFORDS Fhe.$400 nd$55.00 - l h 7 . Sta 11SteetAn Arbo WA NE~ l rR & CO. SHOES ._ii p Studeiits' Lecture Association THE FAMOUS . Donald Robertson Company of Players "6A Blot in the 'Scutcheon" Next Saturday Afternoon at 2:30,;,( "A Curious Mishap" Next Saturday Evening at 8:00 1N University Hall Fst F nibr on(e I.\.1.Pr-ro i VNIVISRSITY Symnphoimy Orchestra SA)I11tEL1.PIFIISON 1,( O.1)1 h7)71 0Coduc7or 50 Players December 3 *1ttt appear -at Faculty Concert High School Hall Stix Conrts .$1.00 Slagt. Conxe.-t Z8v Ifl[LIMD[RI Of GRAND RAPIDS For Arts :zvd Craf tt F'rriitizre is well adapted to furnish students' rooms as well as the den. We have a nice line of these, also carry everything in the line of Ruffs arnd Por- tiers, to make a room cozy and comfortahle. MARTIN HA LLER'S Fsrrnitssre, Carpet axmd Drapery Store J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewelex ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 I"Fully Guaranteed wa.tch Rep.trtx~g aSei& R~owe's Laundry, THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 326 N. Fi0th Ave. New Phone 457 Bell Phone 457- I ,1 -MAKERS AND DESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY Haller's Jewelry Storie 216 SOUT" nAIN STREET Large Collection Antiques in Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware For fraternity and sorority horlses 501' student dens. Address Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICHI. SEATS FOR MATINEE. 'A Blot on the 'Scutchueon,",....... SEAT-- FOR EVENING PLAY, "A Curious Mishap,".. On Sale at Box Office, University Hal 54 CENTS- 75 CENTS ---- _ STUDIO0- 4 / 319 jfast Ihuron Street