THE MICHIGAN DAILY 11 THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE LATEST AND MOST Ui- F3O=DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, Ci1 ASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. fl Our specialty is fine Decorating, sucli as Papzr-hangitig Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and gnarantee onr work. Goods Delivered to all parts of the city. BOTH PHMONES 237 203 E. WastXlaitors St. LAW BOOKS 36th yesa- fri Ara Ar-her DICTIONARIES 36th Year- QVIZ 1BOOKS _Lar LEGAL MISCELLANY Aria Arbher Callaghan ft Co. GRANGEK'S SCHOOL U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a 11%iiiiiix~ ii 1 - I V IBM 1 I New Whitney Theatre BO0TH PHONES 480 Saturday, MATINEENGH Dec. 5 RICHARD , Presents Himself in His Merry Musical Gambol "MARY'S LAMB"' _______________________________AS A 13 = BIG SONG HITS =13A .1A9l UNIVERSITY NOTICES Manidolin cu et ile 1l toi aght at 7 o'clo ck. Rehear-al of "Cluie" ril ciii - a 4 P. in today at Scott'. Senior lit fmeeting today.-1p .,in i Rom A Universit Hll.xt Sixtibengineer foottall tain tac ill sits a it Lndotn's Ttinrsxay , 7 :30 . in, tng builiiiing Iric-t egineriiieetitnix ight lti o'lok Roixt htmexi 30,) Iii ii iixi g "Cutuiicreheaia l 'I tixiisin all 4 IPixil:ciiybcttii 8:30x . xileiii llt of Nashtville, Ptn. Lvl etIii tiebr i. 7 :30 .511 dtr ten a mokeriatitiehuh - 2 xiii c, 133 Sxnti Siaticstreixi- udaxeening, Demer d.c cciPennsyiaiia anxiiitittii n i \v110xi catrin Cris-ts iiiketxx- xxci-ix-ii- Slatr stret. tttittSt tLIT CLASS Ii Cikf illi t be teiinitiyy xii12 octc~in fi i c oif Ul:ivexeiix IHall. Lynon bliLielths tixalxinel- ixexi -xIian nlxxintix -. ixcltidig ax xxx Indxixx xnit f xix- t,,an irls01. x xxi ti.\NCI7 BtEFORES iliLit 55>-S If xxxiiareito lernx lxxidxaiie owci xi hicixa e ltiiday, xiii the liic slxnow ati Crxinx re. Gnlxxt xeases drex sam asyiulgitolx iterichooltxixt cleanxsho-siarei ic csxi ieeeni. Tteliis wort xxi taes tltiex Tesayanx i'xlxttitild-i ix liig- 7iti S io'clocki andipoitiely i nox visitors airteiadittedxingt Cas lixuri. ilhItitioniifee i s frticlex lcessonst, oe xxr lxiiilsson aii N'iccl'.a, tupi1 eliets. Termnitalxxxihei-tixx-xdoi. liii reeived, iieicl lxoxxix t xxiifaxc- icey, ilipleni of u"Alpollo" cndyxin littill tiidtfancy- ixlixaixhe-ic-xdxi us- lxxix. treces 3 centito xx$0. \:"x i bull: ati S0 cets lxi- tipouiid. lxxxiilxiii fres ixlxat Cusheigsxphaiirmacy-i.xxiflx Ix, ,xtxlxday necwa, ixtil iixanxi love Mihigani pins, fobs, aid spoon,, ii new soil exclusive design, at Halaters Jeiwery Store, 216 S. Main St. cd-l Free chili con corni. Ask for trial (ilh-it iCollege 11it.I THIRFLARGES-T iaix nix-t cmexiiiti xsihiiig xof fancey iwoxrk ee ii An Artbor, i thex-Palxi tu-tle. 201ratii Litxrt. 4557 Don't ipitt nif that rue ilt ii get-i o cold. Biteores tre the kitd il-isxa pleasre to ride bein. Holmes Li- ry, 528 E. Jeffersoni St. Bell 522, xiiix- 193. 2911 We set giss in tll patoriif city. Bothli tihontes 237. C. 1. Maine & Cx. ed-tI Ht sadwiches delierei. College In. oth poies-io7-, atd 078 ixtie. JOE LENHARD MERCHANT TAILOR REPAIRING AND PRESSING 26 E. Washington S. Pins set on our "Simplex" spotlers titlst necessarily lie spitted exactly right. Bowlers knowswha~t this , BILLIARDS. DOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. :12S S. State - 311 Maynard1 ARE YOUV CLOTHES WISE? If you are, this will make you prick up your ears. READ: We sell Stein Block Smart Clothes with the label in them. They fit; they are stylish; they aie well niade. lI'liey sxvill pirohably stityon-innstlottt alteration, for yotu are tnot haxreltxifit,-atliotughi tiur ttiilot tells yoni so. A single try- on is ws-orttwisne. Funll 1Dtes-i Suits, onr of our specialties. LNDESHIT APFEL & CO. THE CGRAND Billiard anld Pool Parlors 220-222 S. State St. Vr-inder new management erntIrely rem~odeled aridsip-to--date Comxplete line of Cigars, Cigarettes, Caridles arnd Tobaccos HOWELL U(CFAJOHNSON, Props. E. A. RYAN, Mgr. TOW7N AND SHI/'NRTS GIRLS GIRLS GILLS IJ HERE is in shirts *bearing tlte label of .a manufacturer of und~oubted responsibility a value, in that it stands for so much experience in cloth-buying, in pattern- draughlting and in style- designing. The Cluett miark assures correctness, exclusiveness, durability. X1.t50 - no s o ixre cocUx-ce, Pey ON ' ix O.,oiTriy, N. V. Mtakesciofcean inCars And "Then Some More Girls- Every Oirl a Beauty P rices: MaNight-55-75$-$.50 Seat Sale Opens Thursday f'lorning Have you heard her SING? WHO? Why! that new singer at the T H EA T 0 KI UM Lades nd hilren- -Whitiley Theatre Orchestra You are invited to ALBERT LONG, Director attend a Public Reception given by Searor 190=t909 tICIIQTJIT/\?i Caii be secnrod, for Dances, Receptiotns atnd all E'tigagetnents, on the stage of on dates other thtatn regnlar Show M AJ ST IC Bookings. Any combination from SATURDAY AFTERNOON and particnlats apply to 2:30 o'clock Clvlldrari se Ad"Its 10 JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Belt Photne 47L 113 W. LibertySt. Carriage and Baggage iFuixeaxihiCtxletoxixdiitixilx parties. beflore thixetixet, $1.50. slier it ixeo'clc $2.00. i-or each Trunkitix liefromixdoorxxth- tricer wiiilie 25 Certs. If creti- ox or fromuxpli-stis. tlieprce rwiltlxbe 50 Cent. Orielix,-arereeid toicolecticash fxor rie and-xixxiixicserv-eice. IWA5 IEIJu- LIVixti R3I 14C)\ ii,& CO. 1W. It. E'TAlRK 1ISA TtitO ttLIxVER. TYPEWRITERS Rebuilt by the manfaturrr Wexiarei-Dm iii- tiseciiyofntig mae.Seiexorsrtindi"t.iorlow prices ti-lire buyiniig. iii cxiinisake EDWARDS BROS. 320 S. State St. State Phone 1258L CASINO 5c THE ATILE BANKS THE FARMERS AND MECHJANICS BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAIN AND HUtRON STREETS Dv ANN tARBOR, MIen, Capital $15000 Surplusand Prois 90,000 rlEiusiness.iARISN STLE onTime eand 2g Bsies.3per cent paid I presI. VNI, I~ice-Preso.t ocimeanditSnkinslDeposits. 5afety De- S.t rei. VA150,CsieF. posit Btoxes to re, ii 1300end upwaeds 5 V tBCOCsir tR. tEnse.Pres. W. iC. STEnVENS, Vice-Fees it. A. %\I LIA1,i ir al-c 1+. T. Silucic As. xun Capital, $10tooto. Surplusand Profits, 000,000. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank "