T[IE; M~sICIGAN DAILY G. I. Wild Comfpay The Largest Stock in the City of, Exclusive Styles ii WOOLENS For Gentleme's Wear Everything required for Suit, Overcoats, Fancy Vestings, and Trouserings, and of high class fabrics and special Styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpally 311I South State Street Michigan Calendar FOR 19019 Now on se.1e AT Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstore A. G. Spalding & Bros. The Lrgest Manuf acurers Is the Wold of Offiil Aheti Spplie Foot ai, Basket Bait, te Skates, Hockey. Gof, Gymasaium Apparats. paldi's Iandsomely illustrated Catalogue f i sports cotains um- es sgestios, mailed free any- where. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York Chicago Detroit THiE MICHIGAN DAILY. ManavginagEdiior-AezocizF.i I ifi-imi Buin ess Mansager- lyoinx F. Vi ee -'iitl llO till cal to miiiidthe iiv v iiof h ;tdclit hod"-fo ci t. It caiil hardylie iih a ravt-oliitistica re- N\eos -.... Athletics .... Exvhange... Music.... Drama...... Women's Editor. .....e ALWhite .C Eldridge -Robcrt iMlotsierj ..... volis iS. ldvtci -Raymviond Visscere Loise Van Vorhi-! i\5. Ibanii iiiicltael B. NMch-ughl Fed 1V. Eoleg lDoinald L. Kiiiney Dlania l_ Jones WValte I..'Powvers I ii, i ciii Itiwcell J. Cr I-vol Gteere :>a iel H. 1161cii ('11. C. \Williams Pauviii d ccy liii ti-il I fll (a r .F l V. D5 avidi.l. a1l lvohc 1) ili J.1 13citl BUSINESS STAFF Address : MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg. Maynard Street. Manager's Meets: i-2 p. n., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phoiis cliii he-lc°tin \ iisthe haindis hii thiiitiIiihe "stuent bl t However, iictiici itin oni lut i on ii musi t ge-ias iiti to nterCa nC nded by \i-ic itin ht acti rloV c°o supr lif ithlei i ticIltee'~ 1g gil saecotiec nlrn n (A isiiii satislici oryi inii hat whaiti tic iadw nsev c uthr, oi lis tUusk c na Trama i i : t {,i t : r"1t t tt - ittr.1 I'c t~icr c , asthe su jitt t ie.t-titi ii i cc tic eat wIti tic tieon -in aC1111r~hl\'carred it it- u po eofil i n ip ittit tc c iprotittitiic i 11; i-l it i is su l d tatian -1:11. Mr Xclh takcd pon h c-tir id 1e"iaa np it- , h H r n Pra t i tcourtis itn. ilitiv viitll t e- iivtiig iii1tii t ii Jelirfe & Seit -itki-s. itr experii-vic e hasta iuuitts theipoper fom.i Sout St te Sti.ii2iio-en 1i tic it-it iii M1eNt- ttll ou t tocSmokeri to hetIheld in i.itlckl' SaltFidniht Decemberit1.it o'ciockt- d i o 5 ce ti '11m it itit - S)v liivcviii iii andcitegviclficr indto yioiv ifaihev, so leitus sell iv you. C-ttiiisiivil1858. 1ltiller's Jewelry Sititet. 1(i S. MviiiSi. cod-tf 1Ictuc i r)tt of t;C i v ec--ity i ll ciat 55 ct5ovrlut te aas Rvli 0 F. Libertt-. -lt5 is 1,M-i icet 25 cnts 5;;57c nis iiro ms t -i iile t t Iti tigiti . Ini- t111itt1' 1v21 i ititeliuii Si.. i t ti -e, If i t voe tav tyur ioittviccwok dovie at I callet'iiyou iwillie statisfiedl. Hi-i ti' jwlr te 2it . Mtiiv St. ettd MICHIGAN -Stationory Have just received a large shipment of Seal ail Block NM Stationery Spleiidcquaitlity of lineii samiped swith Blue or Gold ir combination of Blue and Gold -24 Sheets of paper withl enveiopv - 25C pie box WAH R'S Unversty Bookstore C. E. BARTHIELL BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock iii Micigaii Second-Hland Law Books La anaid VMeical Dicioiesi i iiz Booksec. Coniplee line News-aitdiSec oiidl-hanid. Old books takenin i Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Fler Tel. 761 It Pays You to come to us for anything in the jewelry line, largest stock, lowest prices are our inducements. One careful comparison is all we ask. The result will e pleasing. WM. ARNOLD, COEWELER 220 Ssuth Mts Stree. iiia at ll i ti ;. t i toile I-i -i- lii ttc