TH4 MICHIGAN DAILY Sudden Fall-- . in temsperature will leave von shivering in a summner suit. It's tinie now to choose an Autumn fabric that will raise you in the esteem of your friends. Wve tit the high places in the art of clever tailoring. Our garmients tbrethte the piriceless ar of refined exclusiveness. Youn eed it in your buOsiness as weell as your social life. Our fabirics are correct i shade and pattern. Our styles are the essenc e of good form. Our prices less than yotu wcou'ld think possible. Let us tprove these three claims today hy showing you. J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. GRANGER.'S SCHOOL to so'(-tlok. $3. per I ot of 121esos Nelw Whitney Theatre 13OTH PHONES 480 SATURDAY, MATINEE and NIGHT OCTOBER 3 .HENRY MILLER Presents 11GDREAT As presentedtin New fork over 6oo timeos Matinee Prices: 25c, 35c, 50c, 15c, $1 Night Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c. $1, $1.50 SEATS NOW ON SALE UNIVERSITY NOTICES' S. _ A tras'rerN oiicerhom-r for SiiiiltiiCouncti tectilig itoiighii it 7 :tcod;, at %l ithigan titioni. Watkins. Th scrtyo f the iiieieilirohiii etom- mitteof ltthe HUionanone o~ it p. Il. Commiitiiiteen ho hae no mony o trin, .a-re IcIjoctei toirepiti FORSA\ I,1 -tull terrier lpupl. In- titti ja ittr citemiti~ial lbatotiiry. 5- FOR fS\1,I , woststtdiriaiwig in- Iilret Siofflet'ewito stiid. w \ash-i iitstot i S. ft i '( S AItI-Gooes-ecod-hatdIhem-' itto tyewrtetr. 543 Soeith i isiion 11 l f If h-SI t 0secindtftttrtt. Pe- I lit" ntetil- fiT ye 1r :Pitlh. Co. 6' IST-:A ]lac rcoti Iahe cl lar -titi chini.right tireptatwsccairedi. IR ellrn t to ct ttakl. CtrlIG. Rims- thell SI to "Olid I niliohi fltotr co-ti. Botth PhoC e27. C.1I. ajr C . i- J.I. tiS tkiinns t Sttie Si t.,tanid have J 1 otITititi\ e WC i st ouatype- wiii. ii rt yu tperier oid IturtypltS i n o o.Jliffe IX IfI It Re 310S.otate cit. olt SIR: IF YOU WOULD LET US PROVE to you the simple truth that we have been advertising about our STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES you would be as great a gainer as we: We would have a satisfied customer and you a SUIT or OVERCOAT that fits about the neck, about the shoulder, about the chest-that has style- that costs you but a portion of what you pay a tailor for less workmanlike results. STEIN BLOCH SMART CLOTHES are all wool and the best ever. "IMPERIAL HATS," Choice Furnishings. LINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL& CO. 0Flat Clasp Garters for solid comfort The newest shades and designs of one piece, pure silk F~nr ALL web All metal parts heavy nickel- Splated brass, cannot rust 25c a pair, CLASP SILK all dealers or by mail PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market Street Philadelphia 5,1 fioor looaprdret GAS STUDY LAMPS Insure a steady, soft glow. Easy on the eyes. Moderate in price. Cheaper than Oil or Electricity. Get the best from the largest assortment. The ANN ARBOR GAS COMPANY ou C _ G t sC UETHo t L u n c h At Tnttle's. 338 S. State H MR OF THE. - MST BANKS HTIrRT, TH FARMRS AND MCH1ANICS BANKa S MAIN AND HURON STREETS CTT, PcABODY &C~t Capital $50,000 Surplus and Preflla$51555AKRSO Genera Banking Buiness. a percet paid OiTTsANDAROW COLLSR aon Time and Saving, Depoits. Safety O- pes Baxs to reel at $'..0 and upwards R. Kxmp r, Pres. W. U. Se vns. Vice-Pren A. A. Wj A. O~a.heiie itT. SeotsF. Ast. R oI I.IA Ul 1A6I1.ORIfANI) CLITf1Elf t ie t;. I Iuitt-t S. tf retuedtrite. ttt bo itleoe217. C ttollegian clothie for college 1hut'1, oli a lie lilten, Hitiistreet. 1-6 - iti tcl elia t sig'sipharmacy. tif << REMEMBER ! FELLOWS! Our motto is Fair Treatment to AI, Therefore--no riots it 'cti GILLARD BROS., Props. ie., gutiatrsititijioS, or tutl- tther n1tiSi- iii ritesnltte pices it Schateber-le & -title Mustic I lotise. tieoSmtihla lin sreet. eodi-tI. Arecii 1"l ittleeidiofiiwaltlpa1er,0pit s, >ifliMaee, varnishies, bruses, Witdowi hae.etc.'C Callt itlittle 217. CX.-. thujr & tic.5- Cllegital) clothes for college tteti, tt tile lit Allein, .)lint sreet,1-6 Fenwitay coltes, tiehebeltimade, tic eit let plll, ia tBrown'ttochug stole, Men's 'Furnishings For the Partieular Discriminating Trade IFINEST SHOWING IN THE CITY MACK & CO. LAW SBOOKS. 36th year- DICTIONARIES j 36th year ir QVIZ BOOKS ;n.. Ara...Arboer LEGAL MISCELLANY jA"=.. Arbor Callaghan (Co. CHICAGO Ann.. Arbor Brracnh, State Street, Opposite Law Bldig. C( Wetie tie iet~ fr featstre.The Ann Arbor Savings Bank " NOh-NIC" A General Banking Bitene Tranacted titi ttl-cie ite iiit iCERtenaChia. E. Hiacckt, Pres.; W. 0.h Yo~ii ats-Hon beter ade"onEarrtinan, Vice Pres.t M. J.rtiz.Ceahler SANITARY PIPE OF SOLID COMPORT staelie yAlen, Matini street. i-6li tSTATE SAVINGS BANK I A es, et dwth sucelinenuiey thtt Up- to-dtie ihedashery fur mceti,oHiDIECTOeRoS :tech anad evryandesiabtilent. sl~e biy Aln,'aiIntrteet. I-6 W. J. Boath Jet. V. Sheehan OUR ue H e smokigais -, r _______________ Wm. Arnald Or. V.0C. Vaughan cm.N"susn aia STa.H. Wade E. F.MitllsFREE no nicotinerennhetnhel Jahn tHaarer Jno. Kachsmkrsouhyu Pool 10 a very tpopula tir el1'ra.i.S. Carhart Heny W.Douglts OFFER mttmatye Christian Martile lan F. Zimmerman smok____ 0 telyttetsme. We iceFashioned loom the citltiusit e hive ive tables Ur-e--ptal ha01Cone--it of test icnake, all oni rie fleer, FIRST NATIONAL BANK $1.t0 we illifer real, in tat 111 ci ieiiocstlii o OR ANoNARBOR, MICHt. wadpreepaid,ronaof sttesnt aightt E. D. KtNNE, HARIISON SOULE, daystrtialCand it ae its witvulane- Stilt. Ses. Vice -Seen. nonlw l iitt b, izedratter S. IW. ULARI(SON. Cashier, pipemay b toutned end moutt- Capital, $100,000. Sarplan and Profits, $60,000s. money witttlafnded. piee. The "NO-NIC" PIPE CO., . -G...'~ erman American Savings Bank d418Prudential Bldg. Bullale,N.Y. BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, Commrxerc~al at..d ES BA ER HO CIGARS5, C AN D IES, TOBACCO. 3gen0vngaM ES BA BR S O *. 705 North University Ave. ;12 S. Sta~te . 3U 1 Seed Cor. Me... send Li berty Streets 0. A. MOE. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MLWRTHE TAILOR THlE BEST OF EVERY THINQ IN" 'TAILORING