-IE ARTISTIC l)OATORS< , CAN SUEPI V OS NY%'I THE LATESTI AN anMOST EUP TO =dA "C1:L NVALL APIR. LAl'1 AND I) STN SHELVES, PhOTO RAILS, EL RAPS, P MNt5 0S VARNISHES, BRUSHIES, (GLASS WI NDOW 511 NINS, 1ETC., IFC. Our specixalty is line Deco~ratng, suchn-ix lx harlixgixi Pant=i ing, interiox and exterior ) Wall-tintingx 1; li ,mxiax trso in ,etc., etc'. NWc Cemxoiyxoniy sll dxx xrl'nxxxx xxi xxuaranteex our wxork. Gnnds I lii xxx ii inoalljpartsxof thex ciy BOTH PHONES 237 2 w0 W hi onSt THlE MICl] IGAN DAILY UNIVERSITY NOTICES \ ,cvix cila i ix ii- 1 1 iixxiix at iii iiii, xxi>- i xx xxx in-~llte m Z~ ti ii x lxi xi. 7 :30ip. iM. {? t, itCrt ithatisifewx tiicet iir )( ii I l n i k tc epil 36th y e.- DICTION~ARIES ?ateQ VIZ oO9s J% n. A- b car ILEGC-AL, M ILA Y Arms A,-bsa.- . IN. (1;0 11C i x i ias ixixietxx - Ti w,, 1) l. A ix lrlr f c m xiii xxi303 Cxli iii. rr;s )c . r iil c, r}c(.-ii i r ;ti lc i ii Ai.eAt-"or - rw-.sc, 'Sti.Str-eet, Oppsi aty ILas-c laig. ARE 'YU' CLOTHES WISE? If youi are, this will make you prick upp your ears. READ: We sell Stein Block Smart Clothes with the labcl in them. They fit; they arc stylish; thev aice well made. ihey xxwil pribaiblx suit1youn xxithoutxialteraxtion, for you are nxxi haxrdi iii fit, ihoughxxxxxir itailor tellix-,-oilao. A single try- xxi is woxrthi xiiix. FliIliDreCsS t xiits, onix of ouir specialties. LIND J ,xuH H T, APFEL & CO, THE GRAND Billiard aild Pool Parlors 220-222 5. State St. Unmder new mansagement entirely remodeled and up-to-date Complete line of Cigars, Cigarettes, Candies and Tobaccos HOWELL ( JOHNSON, Props. E. A. RYAN, Mgr. t rma-T GR ANE'CO .:; .xrk : 9 -_. F; - ra.:.oa . aa_: . .zafxs .+[ _ .-.. , _ ,.: :;......a . v .. _ . . is NwWhi*tneyT 130TH1 PHONES 489 S aturuay, MATINEE Dec. 5 Presents Himself in IHis lerrx Mlusical iambi I s Yh ': - !r ii ir Ti ix mlS Al-i Nix 1)xii rix ix 1,iiit C Ir lx Cah 1ja ii x Nirs K r. 'xx i;. ix-fi \Iv r'. I >. ' iix MrJ C'. i I~~ l xx. xiIii 1.Ixr; Ni I "lMARY'S LMBt 1.3 - 13IG SON iHITS - C(11 1 1 i t '," iii. ' l ii1Clt' xii Iii i c' iixiix xx1i, xx xxx1. Sii I. ci ®. 'I iI RLS (GIRLS And IThensSonic More GirlIs Every (liirlaia xx P .Malatnee-25-5 .7-$ Prices: - Nigh-35-5O-75-$ -$1.50 Seal Sale Opens 'l'Isursd fl , orning Hve ou heard her SING? WHO? Whly! that lnew ngitte Whim ylhai r chstra C®i Aia 1IIEIv 'L ONsOxixre'(or 11>r(i in I' ir ixnjj ier, allx bex 'Cxxx 'ii, for lDances, onth R cepitioni ld 3xxxii xxii I x ieu'xxxts, 'Uj I " TU Ox xii d ' iiiherthaxr ixxiilrSixoxx - - .hoBuk ixig. Ax xxn ix xxx~iixxn fromxi S' .. OGE i x ixci x x1ix. xxxifiopelldatesx Wedniesday Afternoon axiidj xx iic 'ila))li 'tox Souvenirs Given Away JULIU F. HAA~RE?, Mgr. tt ' _ ell Plxxxxx7.x 1 -!.jlii W irxiyS. -illIk'11cl1 11i, ci ,ncd a d dy d xa NN xxakxixsxxcialty ofduixcatinig x=< not pialiexxitmeit.xi ilal- 'r' C 1r\ S~rc i2,xS.Maxxn Si. cxxd SETS THE FASHION III CO0LLAR-S ( Sxxixicxiiiii PCi TH SI T NOW F--.5c x eclx- VAN KLEEK'S 300 East WsshIngtori St. Light Lunches Confect ionary and Ice Cream Phone s78 L 78Blue WAI KING LOO Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Chineseixi ncyxishes.lxcAmxxericansxLuniches of all inxds. Ev.erythixngficsi-class lfor lxadie'ss ad estleaxex. Cxhiee andJaxaxneseBrie-xx-brxc. tUp Stairs, one liar S, lustnIros., 314S. Stale S iKCl~I, 17F '1\I iOR ANDI CUTTER xi iI.. iiroxi Si. tf I ii ith b t i, ii 1ix icr 11p->,c ''i' xl . l i phs, For xiii illls 1)cm x iutA d iihatx ide ii l it gets itox ix xi ixix ixiiiiiiariith i ini t'slxx Ixo i ixiIx ixxix's dliverexxid . xxiiiege xxix. 130111ixix1xixix 1071 ixxxiii1078 xliie. JOE LENi-ARD NiERCiiANT TAILOR [xPlNiZING AND PRESSING, i I i. ci S 4 5 1. e~iMaynardI Carriage and Baggage TYE R ES ieforex 12-x ' ixx- -C l . 15fe $2.00. laF alior iilx x xx At Half Price xricex'willibec25SCn. aIfr ie oA L L MA KE S orx froxii i-atairs, x e.i c wi ll 0Cns Diersicare x I- ci-ixil t col lec-x as %VA1. hR'SLl1 Y EDWARDS DBROS. iiiiiixxxi & (1C) xNV . 'I\41l ll 320 S. State SI. State Plhon 1258L xi Ax'L'x 1,1V - A3.'NKS THE FARMERiS AND MECHIANICS BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAIN AND HIURON STRIEETS OF ANNx ARBOR, MICn. Captial $10,000 Surpxlas alt Prafts $900000 GenralBakin Bsinss.3 ercntpai . ) Ii 1+.A, IIAIIRItON 8011132 poesit Pakaxrxexss.N.e cxS ad x-Vixe-Pres. sox Time ad Saciaxix xDepxitxs. Safety De- Baox taes toi rexxiati ix.00laxidupxrdsxxS. xV. xCLAlRONx Cashier-. I.Kxsxx'i. Pres. W. C.lx-VEcR.aViicx-AIres xH. A. NI1,1,xxx 5 x sxx iS-d I"iI.'T. SrYI-ii A s- x Caipital, $100u,000x. tarlussnd Ps-ils. ixi,0xi. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank C IIaI CapaI~II~ Csxii x-xiiita S i - x$1000 xrixxxlx 7-230,000ieu It ~aur ,leiiiiii00iii A (Inenel IBanking NusinssaTransacted COrmmerc et. . saniaxes:Chxaxs. .lisxckPres.; W.xIxx Sasvin~5 Harriesn, Vxce Pres.:ax.xJ.xFriz.Cashier Ce-. Ma3in d Liberty Sts-eets STATE SAVINGS BANK DIETOS 2.Bai xi'xxaxMOE'S B RBR SHOP WJ.Boh Jano. V. ShxeehxanARE V ym. As-said Os-. V. C. Vaxilan 7015SNth University Ave. s. 5. SliW de . E . F. Mills O .ME I oh H.a rsr-lx ns-i I Koch~S IW l I ohH.iSCrert tjaix. Sax'S O.A.ML- - Istiss Martinx lDalF. Zimmeane AP41ASINO THEATx MISS CECIAL DAVENPORT Comedienne Ni1 t~xg [jxyii x G1i i x Fixa ' xci i i:' x 'iLi ii l itlte (ia ii'x-xx S ! ) :111 x~ ~ii i I i x nii }'Uixiica lxa' 'tf7 { Afternroon and Eve-r~i , Ate, a: Y . .i~ttlm TZiic ALWAYS AHEAD IN 4c I_: 5 THE BEST OF EVERY -19-3 Div LOR all r L P.