C. H.MAJOR Co T[HE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THlE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN ,SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. tOur specialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint - ing, (interior and exterior) W'all-tinting, Kalsomining, Fr'esco- tng, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen sit ugatrantee our work. Goods Delivered to sit parts of the city. BOTh PHONES 237 203 E. WashIngtorx St. LAW BOOKS 36th yea.- DICTIONARIES j 36th year- lin QVIZ BOOKS J 1ns Ane-Ar-bor LEGAL MISCELLANYJ Anon Ar-bo- Callaghan (. Co. CHICAGO Arxrn Ar-bor- B-arnch-, Statn 50,-set. Oppooste Law 1B1d¢. GRANGER'S SCHOOL, I it I Newi Whitney Theatre BOTH PHONES 480 The Popular Little Actress N4ANCYBOE S'n-vooted by JACK WASHBURN Irv ek, Repertoire of High Class Plays flilc anO MWrama h i ut '. iii tWho 1 W i W la t t leiMljesl'c nc-t v.(ek,(11,t( r frmi t her1 i tLillpu ta i~ dI zrrt tltstare t-i t i-, site nosto h sar e me tha1nr-lta l it n:C' d(1. O iiilni is tiirttytye. rsite ;1t, i1ii I1 -lgll Inc es i It-It. iiand ~ iid ls tal thui}' tiltn s Sh itli , andi i d dai es wih tti:;la1 i.<< lv;tteW it tle thea tr I 'n sl ic" l ay tcidu Iilgto proei th r b le ,tihtiii' l lalIlivisi I av ari tiltast alit'ht, T o llysettl ? iitIi inti hl,. Itlin.il e t I-lt :Martha l ItsClino ca ARE YOU CLOTES iSE If you are, this will mnake youx prick up your ears. READ: We. sell Stein Block Smart Clothes with the label in them. They fit; they are stylish; they ate well made. CTe%,is wilpiribhtilsu-ilt on owithout alteration, for yon are not liatr(] to fit, tilthouitgih tier tailor tells you so. A single try- on is wortht while-. Fill Dress iSitsr, one of ouir specialties. LINDENSOTHOT, APFEL &-CO, THE GRAND Billiard and Pool Parlors 220-222 S. State St. Under new managemnent entirely remodeled and up-to-dat. Complete line of Cigars, Cigarettes, Candles and Tobaceos HOWELL ez. JOHNSON, Props. E. A. RYAN, Mgr. th 'i s at ee-. l is 7 to-' \Q havte solld to'lpmigrandfeather ai~dto'ur ~tter,' olet its sell to you. I til 5.l< fiS H llet jeswelry FIRSTI IAPPINI 3~Lllo ei. -A Knowl l(t Z \' -Itsit riit c1h u -room Io wth bi h anI m de iprIe :i':nit n 'r cli~h". Pon paricuar" Mtottday Night, 'Tuesday Night, Wedniesdlay Night, llThursdaty Matinee lTitursday Nightt Ftriday Night, Saturday Matinee Satin titisNight itBell of Rkichmnd"l' "Pitfalls of a Greet Fits'' "W~ife ii Ntime fOols G(irl ttf 1a i' agltnclh" "Kentucky Stir- 'yOTiniii' ''l'ie iiorers- News G.irl' 1Om2Omv 3OU0 Close nieeter that will try neither tie,, thumb nor teinpier t 1>c.-'? fotr 25c. WAI KING LOO Chinese Chiop-Suey Restaurant Cinese Fancy Dishes, American Luncheis ii all kinds. Everything first-ciass, foe ladies and gentlemen. Cineise and Jaopanese Brie-ta-be. iUp Stairs, one door S. Huslon Bros~, 314 S. Stole St VAN KLEEK'S 300 East Washlcatoen St. Light Lunches Confect ionary and Ice Cream Phones 78 L 78 Blue Saturdahy Maatinsee. l~c atrkd 20c Have you heard her SING? WHO? Why! that new singer at the T H EA T0 KI U BIG MATINEE To-day 2:30 All Sea.ts 10 cents MAJESTIC Whitney Theatre Orchestra ALBERT LONG, Director seaonot. SO-i~ti Can he secured, for Dainces, Receptions and all Iaiigageiiienits, oni dates other than regular Shtow Bookings. Anty comnination front two pieces up. For open dates and particulars apply to JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Bell Phone 47L 113 W. LibertySt. ii h'P l s I i. tit I20 It. liieetl,''1O C)n hrda-, NotV. 2 , 24. and i 25. Nt otti- chance t u-V 11 oia I wct priersi -,t ,tt I la; u toil M ichIitn is, fois, attdlspoonts. in uru nal -\(lttsv ulesiati-,at Hiteler's - vl toe 16 S.-Alttini St. cod-tf' 111111ut oflitiatritle till it gels too cold. Our hor ee hid it'sa tilti-tle rilt leindtii. IHolmies' Liv eys;2 U..effersont St. Bell 522, tHomte 183. 2911 Totsinl"1e troitms ontthlirdi floor for rt-it 1209i 4IS.FUniversity At-e. 49-52 Llo tsaic h tirles delivered. College I'l'.110t uh sontes-1e078-L atnd 00708tbtue. JOE LENHARD MIERCHIANT TAILOR 10'P iRING AND PRESSING 2o0 i.E. Washington St. KOLLAUF 'TAILOR AND CUTTER toio E.Httron St. tf S"Conttinuouts" alleys are builltrightl ittthe bowling toomi; ate solid and last- ig, and level as a hillitaid table. We have ito"sec- t itnal"aleys. 7-l BILLIARDSS, BIOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARtS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. WANTED!ER' AHomeBad Home Baking. T PWRT R $3.00. 219 S. Irs-galls St. At Half Price AL L MA K ES AMBULANCE Bell Phone, 98,JR Heome Phone, 9S R. A. DOLPH & CO. EDWARDS BROS. Succ-ssors t'll().i.i itaitit Funeral: Directors 320 S. Slate St. Stale Phone 12581. 209 s. 411hAsvc. Ano Ar-hte, Mich. BANKS THEIFARlMERS AND ME1CH1ANICS BANK FIRST NATIONAL BAN4K MAIN AND HIURON STREETS On ANN ARBORl, MICHt. Copitl $50,000 Sarplas ond Proits $0,ttt C. 1 KINE, iAB~tSONSOIILE General Bathing Business, a percent paid E Pes. KNE Vice-HARSPes. on Time and Savings lDeposits. Safety Dn- posit Boots to rent aot $2.00 and apwards S .'. (CLARKSON, Cashier. R. KFMer, Fees. W. C. KTtCENSs. Vice-Fres I0. A. 1'oi :I.iAOs, i'aslit'i'1I. V. aSriox A-st. Capital, $100,000. Surpuand Peofts, $00,000. Vaudeville this Week MISS ANNA ZELICK, Soubrette Songs and Comedies Special Motion Pictures Orchestra Music CASINO 5cEAR Afternoon and Evenings TET. p The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stitck t$50000 si'pusii'75(40.100 Recouites $2,6t000 A Gienerol Bonking Business Transocted OroiConotChat. E. Hisacockt, Fees.;t W. 0. Barrimnan, Vice Fees,.: M. J. Fritz,Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Won, Arnold Or. V. C. Vaughan Tat. B. Wade E. F. Mills John HBareJno. Etch Frof. B. S. Carhurt Henry W. Douglas ChristianMartin Dan F.iZimmcermnot 1 ema 84iuricn9hi4jank Comrmerals.,lsed Sskin~s Cov-. Main and LIberrty 50.-sets MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. 12 S. Slate " .311 Maynard ALWAYS AH-ElAD IN STYLES MILWARID, THE 'TAILOR TiHE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING