SCIt MICHIGAN IDAILIY__________ THE MICHIGAN DAILY.' I I I G. I. Wild Comipally The Largest Stoc.k in the City Exclusive Styles in I Man(agig Editor-ARCHER F. RITCHIE. Jfushess .Manage-Jodi, F. 'Nuuc.j EDITORS N ewts ... D .....lonal H. Haines Athletics,..........Lee A White Athletics, Assut. ..C. E. Eldridge E xchange ...... Rohert Mounisier. Music ........Roy D.' Welch; Dirama ......Raymond Visscher W~omen's Editor....Louise Van Voorhis EIITORIA1, ut' DEC Chauncey Boucher 1)1 01(1 ,. Kinnecy Leonard C. Reid XMichael 13. M~cltih Fred E'. Gooding REP OnTER WOOLEINSi For Gentlemen's Wear ,:( orn., eq1ured lor Suite (is roatsIFancy t estings, and isrosert tgs, ad of htgh iclass [adllwie0sod specilStyleIt Full Dress Suits a Specialty 0. H. Wild Coiupany 311 South Stale Street DOKS Sav e half your money and buy Second-hand Books at Ebe Btu~cnt& I1oohietore 'Universtty Text-Books for sl D~epartments, lDrawtng Instruments for Ean- gtneering Students. 'et ary 11llthteIctettinakes stn oerjd dby theptrofssiors 0 1 'prcesaltt itithelowestt cile~cal Sohe di!tattoncr ? 5ehnsotLea der FountinlPen TheBetie$. 100P eihe World. Sheehan &Co.'s A. G. Spalding & Bros, Runt Balt, Basket Bail, lee Skates, itockey, Goit, Gymnaiumo Apparatus. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. 'liii Yorl ('ChiagoD' etit; boweli J. Care Walter R. 'Towers Patti Greer 1. (;. C. Williatts \V. I6. Ahhott 1). A. 11ickley J. H. Prescott Louis Kraft Sanmtel H. Morris Paul Leidy 11. I. Arnmstronig D~antaB. Jottes ttittg says .Enolther tie busteid.' Let p~ecittiy is tis trite ini thc en- us hope for feiser s e of the ttnd this( gecttofiitile)DotntldtRobiertson lilt effort.,(lute'er.tetn leyXlichigaii unisersity' for (lie Ii. after malsterting outr iaily assignt- encourat'igemtti oflt theiltiterairy draita, ntts i-we stilt fiiiit (ilte left oi lit'r andtiie(ien igagementt is a lanidmarttin Ians. lic e s-o(bo tier a ((eightbotrishotie dlecleupinebo iof that movetmet. leants to wsork, ior tusitsayireatma-tid - - ----- doi notihiig?'XiNo Itureet s iitum(ilra- s-es eNA*ct nOMtEN5I seue les. 1)1 oportn ites ffeedin vacio us coil- Ret-l showttilue icelase1)f foiurteen lege ativitiesii i toievlpany Iline ofi ainthue n(i umer of frteisihianigirls inithe poses Artyi ne .itrstein tjourlgirtilsentere-d, iiiie it preset 24(1hace smt 'cnl.-et thue lieu st ,prauctiiii- alealilregisteredi.Xlo separateIcor ing by srking-foer'Thiuei ly.s XtsiceuI is ikept ofthumb((i er eif oppereli's talnt is lways atiia tie-ti instn tile girls. hutteri- se-eis t b( oeres ,Ace, manoltinitii-ia n hall'() lus. ''lie in the umb tter this year. titerlacy soceteies utffe excellentt taininlg -_ for' dlebaeirsc. Athl-etie Ohiits of all)- Nlti (hilc(igar ic tcli-itre (lie liet (yie is igivrse ryihace.-tt ofi-' duevseliop- cies andelpipestile siold fli the least ((iieutine ivablec. mone y toO East Liberty stree. 1-E Simplyii'becauise-«.edohtuuI isee a Ihails - -______ fiit, '-((illsicalilubtitifiibiaudebtliugi lIowteredtitlax ifireitaiciing ftoors. me al.oran ._1timmuhediltely wti tin it sht'ss237. ('. It1. 'Major' e&uCoi. iech sre\ omatke is eff'I)? len -- - - though tie Itklull fiiiiea'rs lit cni(e taatieeid$1(.00 pcin intie city sistittudy(1(lanititraintiig fiieanyolliie''at Ius gs pa tal-ciic. if of tese -ittid theti, osly attie cnl if a liiig situggie,'"miakte'posit." is it title Sieam iiiil dryteaeting- Miss Lovse'li, wased . \ fortvae ii(lcoeiititshieid 32 State str eet ; aent PlcrIA. Peters. Somiteiith i e lhav eeiiime sitongerlIDetrsot.2-7 for the effort, and hve' serveiiour c am versity as bei s-weesoulet. Zonfy iiphits-''(litic bettetr-tiade'"sit Sim oneii( tasiits.aid"Keep-tix tiinii tii le:', byi.Allien, M-ain streit. 16 aw . \Ve\ustget a it early anisew- tie -p itOit.-Justias th(lie n he'iee'titcel(1- \Michgain iusic.andlate soperatic ow1 tel;- in one sseli e- teeit it(,i i ch e i ciatlkiiit's 15,ltsie Ilosi. iii (it-s- e lirvi t i-iwi n byit t h le eigte'ethtt so will -_- elitlisieeiniig(eaiiof liii collee Colltelgitan tclthis for cilrge henciii core itnesiee tieap-inig iof anii lilltisale byiAlien, NIlaiuistreet. i-h datilares-iof rewardicits lea ce-lt_________of________ consitnt e'ffoitsiSillicth(le preeingeicai\\' helarst stuck of bth-l ear rearstinuwshativer iits o c it t iits iaid Ipajamas. Icuts-&8 Co., tail- tt' i ttl e lie inite-restedi. (ois,1furniers. i late .attiishoes. if BUSINESS STAFF C'art 11. AilltI Harold P. Gonuld Address: MICIGIAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours : 1-2 p. in., 7-8 p. mn. daily, except Sunday. Both phones SATU'RDAY, OCTIOBf R3, i19it. It mnasyit'oppor ttt-eitiid not atal lit ()f plece to gise "a sworti to tie wiste.''the "sounld-be-ise,'" ior 'tie i>>I iictilily' deedenht uponlie ptt tir1ill Itittblyshottii meii n ln"ss't- wtill lie- iir lutst,iand iswiat is t: fututi nis' itill itetthitte- 6i!t-iit-e -ur prese.- Otue : ithere atcollege'is sht. Elveryc W01) tilidsfeorti toi-is'nt a-ife-is-p 'shtcs lFachsoppotI ((((1(5Sel.-ciat iir -:s uipepas ts a-C.t h i.15 of all ge-i s(t't--lsititn 115isl mae e ail'yisill catrry'its a long say. butillaiimpt'essions'. tual l lylie re'- moed bs'consient atd ftitfttl wot'k. A fe-w 'essns tneglected tt thiiecritiicai staige,. iIilmos1 t of 011t' ttrisltar- less iso(is, miy' render (liireminihder of aesourse ntettrely- vastil' itore difli- cltbutehaps Iiiissibile. L'et us ri-ebe i thei i ii'stiley if teise tndi fooilish sirgiuis andilfillstir ltttsea'trly-. Siohmeiof its whoii have atlettst re- mandin coliege', atnd tutit ireseuht a iii such expressions its these iofereil at thi eitid of the semester ittexpslattna- tion if an itng-ioriesepaettritrefroim stir mitii:t "Wietak eyes," "neededl at hoe""a buttiness openiung I can't af- forid toumiss," 'father's sick," etc., etc. We (ccclpi cactiexplanation apparently .L. A. seteu'S A ix aei ies -Y 'T'e opport unitiie's ofcoflliegietikei thlose' if 'tatlife-, iseinioncecgnal (hill.eiteislled. To)iu l tt hem goi le' uneeed mte ttiean;uuuae.lull tiiiihich'oeist (lieis te poottier.l it n lii-itsou s.f Bthe prsenes nthiueit niit i-a tLeturile citesiatiopit'sfierstaieiphiuncif tilh t h iit i t i i e p e a l U t oe ve r y-t i i i y t-e i n o p r u it iy i h e a r ittt top11(ics s Waltu hirui naitii reI I ;is thi uey (laue vare in thertm e.iFtilh-ste-tietr tothlien lumelpublifciute desedt 'l't lostiv stud etse'in ariua. ac Wef haves ttu do e petusatch urep- ii iii s.ince 1818. II 'ier's Jeis ery'.Store, 2(10 S. Mauiin Si. eiiutIf If 1( y'tutue- mc tuuieptial esortdunet at Ittdte'''u 11wsill lie'stisiehd. Il- It-cs J e'wieltry Store, 216S.pMauin St. i-ut We-mialic a seiatiiy if dniutuetiiii lens (hilt'our opita (llidepa tent. I lal- tic's3 JewveltryStir-. 216 S.plintS. ico .\tii'Iigan insuf, fobsi,tuaod spoons, in nesw andii excluisise dlesipgnsat IHalleir's Jciesr- SItire, 216 S. Alaiti St. codi-tf 1FO1k RFN'T-Onue parlor suite, $3.00 tier si-ek forioeuesoinu all Convsen- ie. 331 Patckeardi street. 1-6 Swsetaters ciiuts-ver tutu sweter sesti atMis'.Lel s'~, 332 S. Sutate St. 2-7 utile tby.Ailenu, pMain street. i-6u Lais' yituseittsuite t ii Lovli- ell's 3.32 S. State St. (Orereaort'. 2-7 STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS ti For Law, Medical and all University Text Books New and Second-Hand Drafting Instruments and Engineering Supplies. at special lrices ' Stationery anti Blank Books. Ask to see or Solid Gold Fountain Penl for $.oo. ('all and be convinced that our tol e to the best place to trade iii the ity. WAH R'S University Bookstore C. E. BART HELL BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock its Micigan Second-Hand Law Books Law and Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. Conmplete line New anselSec- und-liand. Old books takens in Exchange. C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 WM. ARNOLD, COEWEER 220 South Main Street ARTS o n~e4 CRAFTS Belt Pins Vei Pin., Hat Pins, Fobs, ta. RI Itit"i'A-ihSASLE Subscribe for the DAILY Law, Medical, Dental, Literary and Engineering BOOKS, NEW AND SECOND HAND ENGINEERING INSTRUMENTS and supplies. We carry the mnost complete line in the city. Special demonstration of the MOORE'S NON-LEAKABLE FOUNTAIN PEN AT 't-iR UNIVERSITY - SUPPLY STORE Formerly the Co-op Store i3j Suth State Strein If uall the neatness or modemn dress reflected in your own attire, have your clothes made expressly for you, from fabrics and fashions that are strictly up-to-dare. Correct Colors for Fall embrace browns in various tones, mustard and drab tans, olives, Lon- don smoke shades, elephant greys, and modes in mouse, stone and wood shades, with striped designs the favorite. Examine Our Assortment of 500 of, these fine fabrics from the line of Ed. V. Price & Co., famous merchant tailors, and have a new suit or overcoat made to your order. Perfect style, honest value, satisfac- tory fit assured. " Modest " prices within the reach of all. Fred W. Gross L' toSe Two Button Novelty Sack. No. 519. LIBERTY STREET Cot-. 4th Ave. 2tWashington E.-Thn eR an dall Studio, R anedall & Pa ck, Props. I'IOII