HEICu(A'N D AI mm C.H. MJO ea cO THlE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHiELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES. LASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC, ETC. Our specialty is fiue Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomining. Frescu- ing, etc., etc. We emnploy only skilled workmeu aud gnarautee uur wurk. Goods D~eliveedi to all parts of the city. BO4TH PHONECS 237 203 E. Washin~gtoni St. LAW BOOK S 36th year- DICTrIONARIES 36th Year Ira QUIZ 1BOOKS I Ara.Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY Amtsn Arbor Callaghanri (S Co. rCHICAGO AramArbor B arusch, StatcSt ,ret. Opposite Law 1B1d¢. I i UNVRIYNOTICES ic;} xixlit i lx x--- i ill t iltrlt A : r; lodm. "('titure" rc~h ars i i ch -o'ald xii i 1 { I Il t) Sir-i l irl rc M a 1,11 l cubrehar NO Al ci im < ltt 1 i iit11 a 11'ell' 1 )1 ii will ~1 pre t thi t ie. n ARE YOU CLO0THES WISE?, If you are, this will make you prick tip your ears. READ: We sell Stein Block Smnart Clothlis with the label in them. They fit; they are stylish; they 7 re e -lmade. PTiey xxill pirobatbl suit yonu without alteration, for you are not hird to fiti, ittlioxighi -our ilor tells von so. A single try- iit is wxorth h xlii-lt ull D res-suTits, oice of our specialties. L I N OE N H lOM "T, A PF EL & CO. THEU GR.ANID Billiar and Pool Parlors 220-222 S. State St. Veszderr.new arxanagemnent entirely remodeled and aip-to--date Coma-plete line of Ciglars, Cigarettes, Candles arid Tobaccos HOWEILL JOHNSON, Props. E. A. RYAN, Mgr. GRANGEK'S SCHOOL DANCING Grn ii 'l., ii x, ol xii I -xxx Ir -ix'' t~ly t.,, xi'lrui~ d~x vi i <" . NewWhitney Theatre I&OTH PHONES 480 l >5 ree Thaneksiving 3 o'clock Whitney Theatre Orchestra ALBERT LONG, Director Season 1908-1909 Can he secured, for Dances, Receptions and all Engagemnits, on dlates other than regular Show Bookinegs. Any comhination from twvo pieces up. For open dates acid particulars apply to JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Bell Phone 47L 113 W. LibertySt. i.g sinc e 18,58. lix leix hJeelli-iStore, 216i S iTiil Sit.cxxxitf lxy .\lcix. t lothixiierSiiai Si. }o-8 We halxiiie, itrx-iia largi-shapeii-.11' li-,i gul xxcabs. 1ii iiii c xCl .,- N. l'i- S k N O l 1:\55i-. 55 ae xai- ispeciitiy of duitinig _ lenes i iin ur xoxil departiiieii. Ihat- ler's Jewelriy Store, aii S. IMaxiinSi. eodt lxxiiiiii x ims. ;o fxxi toicxants, ati lxii L~cf lxix49'i. Si JOE LENHARI) MIERCHIANT TAILOR REPAIRING AND PRESSING 2060E Washinigton Si. KOLLAUFS TAItOR AND CUTTER iI - BE. iiuron Si. if , Blruick e-Ball-e boiwl - ig alley s are the lest; andioursxarethe lest- lie Blliiiiiiiik-1xxlle Co, maxke. BILLIARDIS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. -'2 S. State - 311 Maynard A 1iii liiixieli-) i iiy I t ii iiiii aI.TYP E W RI TER S Ii ogxe,'wrd.Iii-lHome Bauking. $3.00" 219 S. lIagalla St At Half Price _______________ A LL MA KE S AMBIi.ANC Bllihone,,98, 2R R. A. DOLM & CO. EDWARDS BROS. Sixuc --xx o i . N1i.iAlti i i Funeral D)irectors 320 S. State St. State Phone 1258L 2091 S. 4th Ase. Ansi Arbor, Mich. ANKS TH[ FARlMERS AND MEICHANICS BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAIN AND) HURON STEEiTS OF ANN ARBOR, MICE. Cap~itai $ 50,000 Surpluand Pi ri s $90,000 GeeraxltBig, sin xess. 3iperet pidii I~ ~NNtE, IIARRISON SOULtE xxi, ~~pes ItteicxiSxei.iexxi-cci~i- Vice-Pres- onsi TimecenSaveeitsixepirics.aet fIS . CLARtISON. tCashier. It. t~mprt, Pres. W. C. 5-nEVENS. Vicie-Pies ii. A. 01,,1,a-Ctrliii l xxii ~ .SOV- ASwl (Capital. $1000i0. Scrplus aced Profit,$60,00i. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank ( B - s aIk liixxouxcie ..',tonsno Comrmerelu an~zd AGeneral Banking Businessrransacted OrrenStxDC-as. E iscixit, Pres.; W.VD. Savings Hxarrteen, Vine Prxxs.:xM. .1. tritz.CastierCor. Ma.EInand L1berty Streets Vaudeville this Week THE "RUBE" GIRL Mins e c51Daveneport Songs and Comedies Special Motion Pictures Orchestra Music CASINO T5C. Afternoon and Evenings I NOW, STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J.Booth leo. V iieehxx Wee. Arnolid Or. V. C. Vaughcn las. H.. Wade ctt. .hull John Hearer Jno. Koch Pref. H. S. Caniart Henry IW. -Douglas Christan Martin icani10.OZimmermanxi e MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 Sorth University Ave. 0. A. MOE. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE T IL ,R THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING