TH4E MICHIGANIDAILY with 6 ILB[RVIS NUNNL[Y'S Chocolates AT PRESIDENT URGES LIT PREPARATION Value of Literary Work to Pro- fessional Students Emphasized in Annual Report to Regents. C' ies O3 the r11 tct' l . 31 11 r("-33 n~rt f) tc h ril f rcc11 11 r3111 n 1 rn1irlitir)fii< I' ( )f tIIL' s!( I:lIl1S, 3()II are that to a i Money Loaned (O Watches,, 13331 1111I1.,. fISH 333 Watches and .1(, wiry rcIfira ccc Bargains in Watcecs 3&. tIaiiiseii. Office at residence 331 E. Libiety Hi Anns Arbor. tiours 3o 1:3a n..iio :3 a d ol JOSEPH C. WATTS JOLLY'S OYSTERS, STE.AKS. Poar hPices> CHOPS Toa~st 0.," d Coffee 10c "olo 1A t i A 13 3,1431 i i 11 31 311 H 311 '11 ' I P~>> V (1 1 31i 1 3. fis l ra i .1 \" c:I1 111 Watth e TURKcISHIWINDOW PILLOWSan BANNERS AT larling & Malicaux V. of M. B4AKBER SHOP J. R. TIROJANOWSKI, Prop. 117 A\I)13 IA) :'-) 11VF3 3 I 31' 322 Pn5. State St. 3305BelAnn Arbor, M~ich. )t 11 11 1 tiIc 11 n t313c 1 cn r~lh cnt n tlc lier a c d tcperd lt aid : ' n11133fac-1 7 1t i I' 1113( I I 31 111i l1113o3 wich 11 ' a hrIlIll 1111c 311 lte 31llla studic C ' ll '.31 111331.1111311 luhoit >1hllre 11 1 hi13 ilis iiIThroughsout school days, collede 111 1thatthe311' 1 c>1 11 Plac Ipi131 days, litsinBeseor professional Career liI tiiI .<;vcrl 11 r 11)d tel. 1 i-c of ' the31 okln31 Z311 itH11serveI pyou3fasithfu~lly an~d make 313 the 14 lt33 ril it a 3p1111>11ire. 1You 1don't lhaveto coHax it or I e) ci 1ail r ene I tlet fcussitAl it1to get it Itolrte. lBecause of its won- '111 I1 °1 I 3 1dccfleidcpciciple, 1ink rcsponds instantly at the I 11 lcll~ 1l h it t ]tis The Colee efirst stroke '33d malinta3ins an even, steady flow. to 11 for II c' r er , il lcl a r i oStandatrd the Is las dt. Anot~hrcrat adlvantage of owning a 1311 313 .111 .N'S SELF- 11133, X1c 1 11 II , (le(de 1lrAC NTKLT. HFLLING r N 11 c 11'1ii't1111111c ] ' .Al±1 A RJl --you're never withount ink. 'Nol 311cte here you may lhe-in your ro31111, 'cc ir 11i, lat tile13114 office, telegraph office oIchotlc, or1'1133thle tra i ll you hav~te to do when Intercollegiate Notes. orCnlnPn cjst ttdyi odpi nayik well,,press the c ent-',clIFiller and 1y11333pen instantly fills _______________________ iself 133311is re113dy1 1to c.'111he ae simpsfle movementt 'clr I 11t~ui~>1 3> l Cn\(,rit ,alsol clean~s i. No13n331 P lrlltl r- 3531spilling311 ink-no c H ilii 1''1) ritc Ite y ]intlerrutlll i ll tovoll.c 31'in Iof3thou'11,11 . 1 lhulsls e cataloig 1>aii1)13 .11 3ilt 31 .ircct froml lthel~ li3e '1 cc, lhe IConkllin Pen Co.,30 >111 113311'Manhattan1 1111., 1141, 3a< 1 311i, 013 reqfest. Sold in Ann Arbor by Geo. Wahrs lxx (3 hook Sto~res and Sheehan & Company. "'I'll 1 _ 111 'III 11 1 11 11 '1 31 1ll 113tI 'li 14' 1 1il R eule-C F - l gel Co. '1hr ieli> crlc> c1 ic The largest distribultors of lmen's wear. 1t' lr'l.11il)1i'l'il P11 11 tl( ing apparel ins the cifyu-qt. We speCial=° !1> he ill~l 1ct ,. ize 1in Collega styles and Cater to the tastes of college 111 _n who are always \i;uli crit il ;' lli, 1 >311131 on the alert for- the latest productions. astat istht l1lllcl 13h1h1s11131113 That we have madi, a fine selection of slue 1111 ,1lit 1 nh'l1)t1 111ntt,147 Suits, Overtcoatls and Craviene ll tes , 'Il,'"lII. 1r,I1 3 I as11.> ' 1- it is only necessary for Lis to tell you 1111t; 1> 11 E1 r";lr~roj'tl1 1tl that we are sole agm2ts for L. ADLER 1111 t "i tl 1111 .1]d 1111131'Vi1 1,1 ( clothing. If you Is11w cloth ing, you know we are right iro placinig this cel- ebrated line at the f ont. 31 f~ Gcl~r111t hc1 ~c1])c 1r 1111 1133311 1>313 13 ilay O l fclty alls t 1 :]i lirl)],l +1ti. iu) ra1t uhI We carry everything Ye u need for a complete - Moerat 111 irl 1"131 1111 III ll1111 /cACK & Co.i 1;{il tl~t lal Itm 11 ill 113i11ory il th11 ir11 -1111113 iLl 1i1an 3 c I p 3~l io 11311' '31 31111> ! : I '1:3 .1 3 131 + t al! t ''I rC t IC 11) aI the ,11 h y 1a 113th111'c1311' ilf 3 H .133Oof 311ncc1ig r 1 ri Il 111 Special__on Gentlemen's loves II1 3 cl } i~iil ~ ' Iti'll ; 1331 1 >1 III III WAGNER & CO. Swealers--Quality is pa)rani. ount i'l II 111>. 111ad yo 1il 1{1il ,(1 .1.11113 11 1 a 3Soot 11ifl r l fi 1 31iY wo ii 13 131 1 111it i lt 11 ii t tI v .% - iIh - advaita ee r~d e 111 111, Studeuts' Lecture Associatioll OFFERS FOR 1908-1909 A LIST OF EIGHT SPEAKERS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME AND THE DONALD ROBERTSON COMPANY IN TWO PLAYS JUSTICE DAVID J. BREWER HON. CHARLEMIANCE TOWER JOHN MITCHELL S. S. McCLURE HON. W. BOURKE COCKRAN IDA M. TARBELL JOHN HAYS HAMMOND BARON KOCORO TAKAHIRA and Donald Robertson and Company of Players Tickets for All the Numbers. . $2.00 Single Admissiom Tickets--------------5c On sale at Bo0X Office, V. H. VNIVEURSITY Symponfy Orchestra 50 Players December 3 Will sppoexv at Faculty Concert High School Hall Six caoerts $1.00 Sltvgle Con ect 25c 1MEfLIN1I1RI Of (GRAND) RAPIDS For Arts and Crafts Fuxrniture is well adapted to fuirnish students' roonms as well as the deni. We have a nice line of these, also carry everything in the litg of Rungs anid Por- tieirs, to nliakce a rooni Nzy and comfortable. MARTIN IHALLER'S FIrrnltnire, Carpet anzd Drapery Store J. L. CHAPMAN, Jewelex ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 'fll p 1Guaraii d WL~tcl-kTRepgs iring aSpeefalts. cow's Laundry I HOMAS ROWE, Prop. 320 N. Fifth, Ave. ,11 fI'h)I 037 Bell Phone 45t-t MAKERS AND DESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY fIlaller's Jewelry Store 210 SOTH rii7IAIN STREEfT Large Collection Antiques in Brass, Iron, Copper and Chinaware I'fr Iratirvnil p 11nd sorority houses aad studcen~t dens. 11311os Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICHI. -. 9 Rl li STUDtO -7, jr+" 319 East Iluroni Street