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November 24, 1908 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-11-24

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ANN A10 (C1,911 1 II 9\NiI 29'I ?IA , I. I 1)]"]' 121 24. 1908

No. 49.


Director Fitzpatrick Believes the
Poor Showing in East Was
Due to Short Training Course.
"Consideryr~,ing(therelhothe cross1
country 01101,010(1, amMol (thn eer o-
potiek. '"Intthe t10000(5 hell1hebc-
(100e111e1101.,lftll 91(0 -11(1 100000 1.11
tooishedtllt tltl l (11(1 9 of ac0 oh
casooyt ( (I the ht t(Mio'd 10could1 do wtas(
(00 Itt ((1(he 1i11010 dt i1tlot (1101105 5(
((01 0.11c001(0 (1(0ming han01(h
turedlit I m oalalo to o ('' 101(-1
lon w1 etterults'101(1(0 0 nobo111
h110'i010allttour men01(1001(0(1.1010
((((00 1101.n I'A otioot hadpro'ot l
1(1100mdein1hecat.I thin000Dutlo
lwnl hav1beaen 1o (l I 1 of0(0Conell
1100h 011hd o setih01101011 owr1ill,;11'
to0helpalong te0other1een.,
'11n rs0 trn('10t0 th11 n i t to o ll11
(1(1111(d0g ad a91 c ofBalad
'1 o wa. ,,o nd.00% 1 (geat (prit0h
oo sotl Jacquetad '010( (ooooloo'oto(11(0 (015
((00 ooMihig n, be an to , 1,u1
"Dull.in : ( l l:o'ibuto Yon(((('01 e
to keep0000 thle lea ndi "00 0(0(0(f(1(
lisi fot ofithe0001 liol 00(11 1a1t01n0
l o l t000lm tMayo o'00 ('1)1 ( loo i(001 oi 0
(or lo the(lMihigan en tot nish I
(100 o'towe1ret 00010 1111t oil ((((Easto (10a10
re(1o0100110 the 11 '00 did0n'i make':
l~tlc 111( ing, cep (that (hey 1(1(1c
ioo'o'o'inottimg hcfrc 00 bigc500
theitasten e110ul 0ill 000 Yun
agan ' th btolt race in he 10001
clgi t ootract: meetonet shr15 lob'Zt
Whatcvtcrsthet oo~ottlo f 111c0'race, ii)
caloot h\louble otot i h neonw11
teloatrong oft'the ru, tht he genera
1111010 ess f te ooto t too 1htr 0(n
All1 of te foootoal metotameo01111'
te Syrse'oo( game w 10'11itoutttan1(1 0 1 00(
11n111r1es. T11111s 111eoitotttartoo otosoti
te W'olerineos Noar'yti tit 0 10( t
to~e er sdt losMico'itanoaton t
te gavto tiththe it' "lctth ttiqst oadi
(wast'olysan ttoo ttt tot braki1}tht
tois workedlnto 11(1te 1St 00 sOtoll
toot' otl' too o lotonott i(ottl o t ltt
httate oloil-sioloklck.ottthitthtteop
ionrn's w11010icto 01too' dvttagtt'oo
Oootttootherotttasn00, the Sracuse 91 o
010111 forwartdl (oasfell i~Sto titotttt
a Sracs 111511 toolt eatedown0001th
fldotIwit fne iitefeoen .M iciigot
11.011gneratlly otle too 1001100te fe'

forwarol passes tried toy Chantcellor 1Dly'
tnet, Schuotlz figtiring promttinently int th
bretoking op of these plays,.

("r1(0(10'.>1.. > ,.1( :.tlt(KIE01RNAN SELECTS
Fose toehofist «oseel o a'011001 neato oI

11101011 iO!t'i..\u,

110h 100v tskIhllt ear ((0 will ntot m k n
I lo'l at'l1- otttttttio l t ep ee ts u d
lie "Aoltl con~ttietottit 00111 y ma
who tans uu a chnce, toery venin
atten otio 't t o the 001 wo hIvo hown
oon tttrt(5 ousyat at t he ato ar
st d iber. I 10110ytotnly 00(1(0 1nes
tae oolm(Itc01duled(10tot11(001cegbe--
forethecnc oftheFirtotelstroand
ers otwhilttoarbeow the~'sir tot(teooall
opotit to101111011totar lit tu~Ito o
allow ((1 t o a . I rl as ((0sotprta ti titl
not Mart un(00tater (the(00 riot1mto 101dith

Over Three Score Committeemen
Will Manage the Affairs (of the
Senior Jurists.


lli . 1 . \s 0( 1110 a
list t)1 0(0(01(0(0 ((0001(000.

o l l o' lot
001ti("d11 III ix

1h o t e lot , i
too, l ()tt att ollsc ra l
too 'd 1 11h r- h
f 11(1(1I0101 e l_ 10
The ame (I'ilel i

11"11001 :t'5Ild i lt' ot


i UM i

11wa 0(I?. 0 (0'
'culo tilt 1 . 0 ffyi . t,) It
99V Jtoronot
8n tt,}, Hal t ollltl

10 1. (2.
sootz- r s .

I'll too
Ii: I't )>

} rr '
\ \"<i31t i
_ lit )ii
.ii ilia
'c cnTet I
i1T'1ili. '

I,. ' .

S "0 ll1 lSI10 ) ' Ili111S1
\'I' 1t' iI1N C(0 1 1ttl)'81
11 ic~s eresett'o5 i etoo 000( 0 01 s oft e
b ooart o nto r(01011andootuetoo lot toth
0111' (1(mbers oft he reprtoria staf
an I t r01 11 ~lt CJa 13tt (rttilO'' % s
(ea-s vS111011t((10111 ern001 01111011 Co10
1 01itltel
\ joig t ho' st ot ' Irto'dlt ee s t
(00 (Ito to'heo1st 011ass 1par(0 whicoo it
<c bbllc or 99'eoloesoil ihto il
i (l tt lac osp neI b te f~o
11011of 1all cne( 1 illb an Nto 1HI 1(, th
c~cnilag as nfor al and lt' }abe s
p oi l. 'IT Ct tot .' 11(101taise t
stot 0001 1 11to 1e (-Liss 1(tarns0(0otso'
ho' t ot vet vll he a ot cided0101c0 ss
101011"'o11 S\N S8 0 FAN Rl'"1t'( )
..'(111r101s no01r(undotheo Irttmor
to hate 9 '11(15(11 'spatt 11 111(1lt991
ex01 aton f111 S o tr ncetto the0 01( 011111
SU1110 (11)i sli s 111101d1meo t o I s ts Ptont
oaritotot \S'osigs, 112, ton fPo.\'l
"(ilot tts 110010ep srtme to1111150 a01
Stttortaal -sooo tt'o t o'() tottho tsttt
soitadress lit oitd esto oil 10a t C rell
uierst.Hi ujltas"h= b)1

I, J. Kto ur
Cal an 050l >rnm
(00111000 .1 5ins, M ((((001 riwtotlto t A.
11til A19 ANde"ill
t~e i-Lt. . Its 9119 81(18 010111.

Afer to ay tm cnc1 1 o( l r lli
glotr nc () hId s (Illollo 1 111
(0111(01iott ~t istool Ioo 0 11111 \\i
I (001hv1e n t'r o'l I lk- ( II
cl 1Io Ill Itoola('0(0 i(nn1.1 loots ''t 5(
1(100(1 lol 110001 e 5;t (((';iilt 1 1
faculty silO w nies'ysi!oho A
f ' a 11. tol 0(1(e10un(011 51 kw
toola n nsl 1(0 crt11ti ct1s

Gifted Frenchman Will Sing and
Talk This Evening-Course
"ickets Are on Sale
Iro 99H. ott tttbasob ol' to'eiFrnicht
l rac~ii fo iI, yea of 1o8-o0, tils
ro coil lt 8Ollockt intSarah Qatielli'
9(0011' 011 It 1 toodo1011011 , 1Will1btoo lii-
los i'obe l 'rtcio so ; Is p1110am
(((11 IIde 11(0 lc t
Bc 1cotto Ii3an h'
.I_ I ~ I .Aladrit;;d
Prof. A\ iliam on i tho o ly hoc--
Sci~cd e iso 11 110(01 5001(101)' tottotoori
00(11 tool a a imw indsia Frelit1111
9(1 99'iIl lii ; on omanets rw
zJ- andiecelte him at 011"(1
itsfatc ; snge i wiel ko wn.ou
ile la, ben ofcr '11.0ostion i theI
booeclilt m ts (Ito'(ability. D r.to'11 at -
c I 11(11101 '(100 10111'tofl oIO' o'ti r ll
.,, I;1d0 he pa is olpren rof
ccil p l\ lic ;I~non~ulmc os or thei~~
-11,oto..f oof '\oillItoitoool
1)- o o iu~breooof theiorench
(~clt aid last1nigt:ttt litw iro
car 'o Il,of Drech.ltoo 1111 gi elS t ill
001 'otono whichtheitFtoonchoiioass-i
1110')' 11111)'s olsoat b neftli
to01111ent;ootoolench, Ihthertheylr'et
Tlt J"i i t o tittectrOo thle itiii-
h \ \uso Ito ob ott is0011115 oni zed'1p0
'boo' ~rlool to o ina tto'0'ot '((tf i i i too n 1
,md 110 15 icstomoan sla iiag f
Cirlcts or a misson ir es silltoo
l" :IImitcd on coup n still td one.t
ob iat e brhp ti sso il e
'Olt it cei slt theSboxloffisceossn
1lic rg tni siouit 99 bc h ayalo e1ii
,"led fom msit o' rof the'lly rotet
'Ilw a toit tickets, w ictoii st f
bobl ans o il l to''it lii tto tweloeiut' o-
I 111Two0"oiree." tfir1st ofwich-
9on01;illltTtesoayotteinwifos re -
>na It 11(11 ttot oio auxor. ile lost
rill111 booIgcTh 00111 ts ttotlso unitl6)
tue olditoirio toogeseitt adif soou, (si
otis otde Seilleboo" oohicheolisth' ethiof
boositoo-toloilarogooParisowl lige he-
Iftoi.tth Ils ilhite r iro le i aso

11c (iotom to l-ig t ll(ir 0
h0i s (iii boo 1 bobbubthe l b all
emir)001 OtItO 't oil 1 tt
speakingthe 1(011 iii bib
drwsm~c f htso may.
11010 hem. OI ca-1( )f tillboo
tres Ito (thef aclt y. It i
s(bo otr11ti stn wilh

ls ho' soot-
; il th lill-
(10, s o ul)-si

111 ccn \-l'b b'b'ri' 9911
ofotetob 99n c>)n~tc
on~i bo t ~ a totitheo ct'oi((((((( if,'
Wat(110(01 II ottiotoit (botttooo
cr,(llvcrlbO AKMar,
91pi toot bob Thma 11 Crt
W .1 ,a1(0 ~-b-thbbo oib 1101110 tit
fo ~ glia ii to101 ii)
blit afo 1 t(° iioo lt l o' oO( bitt
1sto -io tnitco atllI
appoit ed toilli to ay

0101111 bbS'
'I 000111c


llt' 1 -

being ipreporto for0001he ocasio.00' .
sidebeig tukey&tyitib is,(dies'b
titlisfromt 02:30too 8 o. to. Dosite
to tibothe oa11hat 1151uusualyt)' ostsiitt'ts
too'moil will boo'served, t. is'he bo'r i t- i'll reo-
Sm ilattos regulartOfiguire.
J, I. Sitofrotli.go'5es'0btb0-eet of iCotlot-

boos to11";1lo
or. 9'.91
pct of is

ratiobo an11d0 an otittists of thse-class of
Theto ed otmintoodramistoclbstofite 185, is borfoor 1a short tisit. 'This is
Univtersity oti Wisonsiin iswtouresenolt tho lost .t11n0 Mr. Sisofrootithots hoetsin
Clydo Fitoh't comedy, "Coosin Kate.0' Ann1 Arbor for to-only years.

.91 i Realoo 9tittooe(sostaooy soi tia ltelor
Isobso, Stundoa'. Ib{is stlo~o''t WIss IT
tosroti so f(ilot- (lceeandoto;t f ite

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