i _. __.. rPREi MICHIGAN DAILY C. H.MAJOReaCo THE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO=DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, kalsoinining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee onr work. Goods Delivered to all parts of the city. BOTH PHONES 237 203 E. Washln gtons St. LAW BOOKS 36th year- DICTIONARIES 3601. yea.- leo QVIZ BOOKS in. AranAr-bor- LEGAL MISCELLANY Aram Ar-bo- Callaghan COON&Co. CHICAGO Aeon, Ar-bor- B.-seoo1. Statet Street. Opposite Law.'1B1d$. r UNIVERSITY NOTICES Illt llll t 1 :1t n tI1) 11taOp e 10ste-pin~te.4 G nrl"iltur"reeralai-;ho ell~e. ; ec It 11 men a t ihi li tttttt It , t l Alt who wnttoco111innoic ItAlpha111' N ittll mIt ltttti:30 this'ttt 1 i t'-. I t titi f It v- m m es w l fo llw ithe' Ittit tttiti 7rlll ceiv(" cards ahll tt tt ii, ti the fact tllt- rcepion ti te t-tt7rom lii) ill larhm r , nulaiuul wil be i i d mittallct poll Iden i -i --Ihe slvsa the foor. Arthu G. fall Regitrar N il--Godwachchrm 11115 r5 l itt)11 cttttirt Ittiet2has.si~loSt. elIm I GRANGER'S SCHOOL DANCING New Whitney TheatreI I BMOTH PHONES 480 ARE YOU CLOTHES WISE? If you are, this will make you prick up your ears.. READ: We sell Stein Block Smart Clothes with the label in them. They fit; they are stylish; they ate well made. They will prohably snit yon without alteration, for you are it hard to fit, althtongh your tailor tells you so. A single try- on is worth while. Foil Dress Suits, one of our specialties. LINDENSCHMIOT, APFEI CO. THE GRAND Biladand. Pool Parlors 220-222 S. State St. Utnder new mnaragemeest entIrely remodeled arid tp-to-date Coplete lImae of Cigars, Cigarettes. Candles and Tobaccos HOWELL (a JOHNSON, Props. E. A. RYAN, Mgr. CAN YOU BEAT IT? Vau~deville Act Motion Pictuxres Orchestra Muisic CASINO.5C Afternoon and Evenings A The Popular Little Actress N4ANCY BOYEK Sxacpor.ted by JACK WASIIBVRN Ina.Repertoire of High Class Plays tMonday Nsighit, Tuetsieday Night, Thtirsda-y Miatinee) Thtiisday Nightl~ia N gt Saturdcay Matinee Satutrdayt Niglht ''ell ctf Richminid" "Pitfalls of atGireait Cit' "Wife in NatiteOnivl"' ''Girl of Eagle Raitcht "KetittckySite" Wyom-Uing" 'The Bowery News (Girl" r w Prices: 10-20-30 Ladtties fiee Monday Night when accoimpatniecitht one paid 30 cent ticket. Sa.ttsrda..y Matinee. 10c and 20c Have you heard her SING? WHO? Why! that new singer at the T H EA TOR I U f I i r i 1 f wi-itun colw a jo i l)rc e t ith y - t;; t tic 1r-xi il-lit,. Don't putoff hat ide ilit gts ~to cry, 528 I,.Jefferttin Si. Ieli 522,.1 tOTic 1. 2511 Ntothae dotne expert watcht repair- 'i1g since 1858. I les JewelrStore, 216 S. Alain t S. ecl-if 111a111 Pctii gamte. attto cetsttnmtontedt 'tAtopottartds of team andlilt octttk -." A. S. lyniontt -4(1-47 -l-irtt fod tnil ex11ceencit Iotkiln tlteLafria, G(lt S. St-Itet-S.'flirte call a tily- '11111 c111lilt tC iiv -tlt din- N.-:.tiVtit if ',-OttiWith. -4(1 ity SAlit-ithle icltir, \laiitSt. 45-8 COLUN TRZY SHIRTS -'IND the pat- tern you like in a Cluett Shirt and you have found the shirt you will like. $ tSo andmoe MAJESTIC Extra Features SEPCIAL TO - DAY New 'Isvng Picture "BARBARA FRIETCHIE" After-noon andlNight Football Returns Read During Matinee W hitney Thea~tre Ofrchestra "'5 cfitte li- chtt1tr T~an~aiJian~n~U~.aa)Ltali-itp11golitap.- ihe-tics& Co., N. til ALBERT LONG, Director Seaons..1908=1909 Can he secured, for IDaitces, Receptiottanatd all Engageintts, ont dates other titan regular Show Bookings. Aity combination front two pieces uip. For opeit dates and particulars apply to JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Bell Photne 47L 113 W. LibtertySt. WNYANTED! A feloibiarder-- to ti-y N:,(0. Watkin's Iioitte Bttard. Home Baking. $3.00. 219 S. Ingalls St. AMBULANCE Bell Phone, 958,2P, Hose Phone, 98 R. A. DOLPH & CO. Suc-cessors too. M. Start-it Funeral Directors 209S. 4th Ave. AnArborMich. TYPEWRITERS w At Half Price ALL MAKES EDWARDS BROS. 320 S. Slate St. State Phone 12581 r 7 1 3 } JOE LENlIARI) ME[FRCIIANT T'AILOR REPAIRING AND PRESSING 2006IE. WashtintgoitSt. KOLLIAUF 'fAIDOR AND CUTTER itio F,.hlttiotiSt. if k"Loop-thit-looptteturnis 'tIe the latest imprlove- IThey slop speed of Wll titdlecive it nierestte MIILLIARDSS, BOWLING. LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO.! .112 S. State " 311 Maynard ' BANKS THE FARMEURS AND MECHANICS BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAIN AND HIURON STREETS OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capitat $51,000 Surplus and Protls $90,000 Geoeral Booking Business. ipirceot poid tcs. KNEVHRIce-PSOEs 01n Time and Savings Depsis. Safety De- Pe.Vc-rs tosit Noons in rent at $2.00 snd upwards S. WV. 'LARICCON, Cashir. R. Icosor, Pres. W. 0. STEVES, Vico-Pres It. A. OciJAANS. ('oti iti F. T. 5-coon. Asst. Capital, $100,000. Surplsana Pri~ts, $00000. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank rrrla- ri dnvi san CapitaloiiOtckt$0000 Osurplins $250,000 1 anme VcliBg~ A GeneralBEnaking BusinssTraneacted c m ec~ n orrecoost Chas. E. Biscoek, Pes-.;. S av~ngs earrimoan, Vice Pros.:t M. J. Frlte. cashIer Cor. Me~jrxsad Liberty Streets STATE SAVINGS BANK D.J uti-1IRECTORS : MOE'S BARBER SHOP WJ.Boh Jno. V. Sheehan Wmn. Arnild Dr. V. C. Vaughan 705 Nrth University Ave. Tao. B. Wade E. F. Mis O .ME John Baasin.'Jno. Koch0.AMO trot, . B. 5Ciarhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan 5'. Eimernme i ' ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MIL WARD, THE''TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING