The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MIICH IGAN. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1908. NQc. 5. VOrL. X.X YO y SME ' o t'sold scoring inacihinet. Andlie- YOST S M N READY idstat)"Dpce''Ididlge will officiate IITSIE~lT71VITT~~ill -t t1e gamen FOR CEVELA DERS hi.bord til in coitntrol ofctllcn - ~ eing craig tiiinighrt,atorized Directr Eligibility Committee 0. K's the BairdI to schele stc ix ganme, with out- Varsity Lineup on Eve of Case 'r rlgitirtctigln a i Game---Fresh Team Possible, anc r oI-pwc1a ia \Withr cisterdla's anin icrtn c iint if the 'ltit iic tci fliriillttii I)rl var-is I ci ity rlin i-tpuditredbthti eret- (ilth crs con yrinv tsda a e- in f thercoimmiittcceiuiiiii eligibtility, iiti rw ctitytn ic i a ie 'rt ciigrete Iltiikc-ccs today with riiritrcallail a3riyl y 1126 miiist ioiptiistic grn. Alirie f si crintihlit thre tisq icuadr utoly e etic' outi praiicticcec- eisterdaysuficed toiprone h, tms l id ap in I)l, liat filecteamis riecady It r isi t l oncti hnslttack, 'Ine va, laySee, Saxtoin, \Vcst, Alen until lallatclt, all Ccc' c-unil ctr cxIi ii n ' tciccl n ,i tu red out. Catptaint IllI is rwell s-it r an ci rty -ign-a iiiind iarc rcdy ple'scdl i itltthei shinriig thie neni lave iii p~ c he ur' it ni iicr tn'ott ~ Ima tde t in frbitt twitlld like to se claws. IikIvad Pek incuran andrl tiioire ccirits. haclf, resctiver~lyrrupiiithre scrublnsqitid, Ic r oe itr i i tr iic i wored ith th fist ea eser t nt xrata ic inicriwsciiri or ak, and ir lltieit red litn cs -ni iret tr tee sto b a secialu l ow squ u adltti,, toal ioll ithe ci o ther w n'W iciillni-ediw ern td nc t ti-iop Mll etixprctin toctrycfrthet If' an tic eitfansruanticiptrileiii revfel ofsoiguor thepit of Yosjj~ts et earer thra t goic ast irointr e fastli thy ire atto be iliill uiirc r 'qudlit ch willeve te ym dal \%il lte war-it' is nit cit its tun C aelii rie ili sore ih its vet -teran iaId lrecefy line rof clistsir'itrngi- toiIcavei-atithlitIic., nttbeiete confn iici t ct resu lt Ic--itspe c i clad it e ic-i'enliip i ch t-t from a vrictoiry tsuchiait waitecjoydcilrilee atcci o'rlollic.Er ybodyig t illho thinks -titttiri libitheilcv1re ln. I hecud o n- ig at ll n rirtti c thiricmr ed ciiIthat Catic is on>tii nrcshldhIItiin out. of the' thrcc etue ams oft ii Olrrioalwras 1 S I V S 'tIIf' rining ft. S. C. cindi Oberrlrinla hrdl FI S, Il I IaI " If tif II la liattli- fire icnri t he iic' I rclti sctatI F R H ii v ' S ? fuill C tugte;li beIst cnil it a q lii a1 -Theisophomr e las-eiirr i I l t i i lii '1cliii- igciifternIrisinuteetchysicsil it c1 icc- ruuuitttlthifririttilttic, and tit ti ri-ial rk.eThenitircec-irhalitron rrirrittirifhsen tth' o te o lctel tie Wolvretrn' goali rrrrrcrrl-rtr ni- Ii to rtls clariit''irifallrwteit ribu por i c- rtri icIcitoii. Ii ct rlcscicid tlli prl Ita - - - ''Ii till f i t ciiyie ir's rophom rre class,toriiderl seynte~rstrng om tim ths ior ic' he city'int isi ltiricts, ieach itricltrto he-throuririgly cr edci' by lt-a sqtuaidloi nr ;. men icarge if-a cpi toir e ap- cntri J -t it; r ight w I i ill tic- ca stifcienritun btelift ito lbe gulit iii i iii -d llfuy rprofit de-rveid fruit righ i t e i l e. keii ooii"ig i l l,]it iir rion Iitc sarlie.ic I rft rir IInilill I) i i c i l;eg erl t w- di ii ccicaillte r llipenes iae, ihlbackirDougls:r nic 1 it a lfba c ll-b nm t, edide a ogth vrou right lcrcllcsophomorrerclasses.i irril It untIicuilty Cel ru nr Left lenfd cl, Ra fdallicair lfrill u'.\,\theIlta''ss Fo R RaCalK1silt takl, Iler , R eilert ;i- ccliit li rd-i nila next'wee andE ARlI N t Iem ta burig tle ri htil adiusl,.ct ol b eeey dal ih b h rg ttake are ;r i t end i1 clacl crrilcr- i'tn- tirl ii i ,ril 'Ilc' crlri rt it i- ifl eait l int tc tic i-CANIciTet-CAN ID Tic E tF RriiTR rtCr-K. c c i-unir;le t a irbaket iiill i c h; arl- ii I t i lici tilitnititr l \ .l f ?Dtnt The ;ari cmm ncs t ocl c uriumndtri tesrune tint I u posn i ticn mmi nilck FIRST MASS MEETING ROUSES ENTHUAIASM Songs, Speeches and Plenty of Noise-Also a Welcome Givenl to Freshmen. (lie lire II rirti t tt udrienatredri outitciaendtilIe incursrieeting i lii- viccty IHall undrce r' iapics f te MichiganrrUnionrrlastiiervc'iig.g Forete firsttime his sa ic-i-he flt'sof le auioruthoiok toiithelthythm oi f lthe "loomoie''givec-inrilwiithaneniihusicsm wich r h-li neverrir'eien'i that tic' doorrs wuili n iroperbefie li+ o4 r'clorckc scrmre entrsiaicsts aini- stallcid thelreclchc-oite eraciee it'cicrly asi y:0 I. Il., ciiid lit 6:3o t e cordrsrndtcirwacyt acre filled, thei crowd awa' citig te-oreingrirttof tedre s. in Propty t li:3 thrcorsneuilediu rndh ilwrcfloo ricwasitsoiorirfillei ip. Whn r;r7o'lc, Jimruny- tgle trth chrge''iof the' rue'ecing, tetlr'i rc' cnni- loiwn wuas i pacedi toite ltorsu. Itwiingan" eleiic -trietl idefect, the oiii- iai cirlrntb layedlutciblit PreatA. -1.Stnileyrioper ilic'erieeting lityaing ing 'iAnn 'ia1ib'tr" Nihr theistdentst. after 'Sil Smaicll, the ricr'm str Ihadi litd a fewiiils, CairnincrOgle i- ii iii I ri i mm nny 'Wi'ctkinsi ili'he 'p r le i r ofi rthetudttiCou (nrcil, wihoi spoike, reel- m:iini" thn'reslimrun t r'theuivritiy. "un irty lifc' i diiredintoiiitwo phases tc." l l 'IIicie-c-d. ciii' ar, n te one Iide, ia mn'surn' drrris; wehile, in tht~e oteIhnti-ic' is the far monireinu- pratilasthitiorf rllegi' lifi." Watinsialo ardvierd the frerhmen to iethe iiir retichinir capecurnd iito aerr ini tie itrcshmnr-rophomonire rshiitet Fida ii nnight I Ie spke tinfnmaking evr osbeefoirt to cmienoutilfor il ofi Ihc Ieamt rsoting .i thererwa apsihcchlinec-o mr kertche t~n ean. Heiav nth ntamle f Jonlnny Gaccel, L i g fla' i t such - t it t~ulr ti' can iciniuc' forr'acr11 atlecte. Pr 'lnTrulrord, invientornif te fc- mu Mihgn"locoivrr et," toli if ir' ciue loltleica ct tlec'uniie- Iciduig h artiftcren yarsc. " a iem -certhecoldrim iaemlwent aifeint f the -felloitws iiiouligeItirogeher tnnd form a rbaiehlcll Ic-cruinhrl ly ct ui nre ie axene In-ccndulwithilvnry little sppoanrt frumr the tucdncenilbody. It reqniret oue ethiusiasmnntin gelniltrnd rot thecniihInuraurely-hadrtnrirn terolle- uric' game. eNowadays, inrewever, thing- Prf.T I rloodrlsounureconnrteulhisa experincesucci le compoinhis famfcusr turan fnaiiiyledl airourin ug ' ''cumur- "hady lnrinruhrctfinarnnicil secrry- of ith thltti Ic asciaatiriounntlof tnt advnirtaiges orutlcuunging tothli'eaic- io ar ntil r'ecrrtc'ul thnt'placnsrof te presicnun yec-cr-. l'nihecidea f cstcabllihing ai cuily bshac-lcll te-ritic'et withn gecat Ipp Iva inrnm thec' crtic'rr. e- asI ' ,li ipk fnte searacte eeions, Sction Iwihi esteres( aninlie urera ec- tofrther Ccane gamte thincaftrenon. tProf.Ilcate f thr e eartehuent' and nPrf, IHcury C tAdamsntsptke in fao rieonf juoining lte Nklieliguitniotun Inn'turic-eling endedil by-the entie audiicnrc'c'inirurng '"lhe Yellow.nd itIle Thelc-tieurce honluibi y Lynduonr wili Itn- iscereopltic'runurc-Itithi general cap-I tilucue. Photolugrclapsf Presidennt fag- el, C'oachc Yousti crndrTriner inptt- cih i erec'gnree icbyenthlusisetic heer- PERSO)NNEL. OF 1FACU1'fh2 U'NDERGOERS MrANY CHIANGERS Vaiustdepaucr'tmenintl f-cu-tieis have nunduerngoner'notuietabli'chacnges ndurin'ng'thie rain sumer.u'A numbro f minrtrvelI eft on ree retray' on le f asence; bin, nuonhher hndcn malniy uric en if mnucheromcnisunerar-i'brecu nnidded nnd nsomuerof the muraltproenrnc-nt facucly memcbehrsnwlumwrte-cu-wcy hiveire uturnecr1 in' fare tie mnuttimprrtutant f neap-i pinn mnents inn Incliterarey-dieplitentei in thactt lyer.A.tICIHcll cut rigittrar, tin euceedl tin. BciidIhawir, whouniwill c vo ll ,hii tic tin hiacclisse in nunmtuhic mautici I In.ifall als tnt comire full tin- fesruof ruinthecmatuict I In.1Hcllgin-i uaudrt tisu nieci tin18nunnd iifrontn ut& tino 1903 wisistrmucturninn mttu nc-nc'ere ecepht forn atuerid1 f twoi ncr-nn nhei-n was untuitdyni t nlhuiprig. hn tot Ine was ippinted as iisirtant hun- tnssintof nuthulc n ticstinuncliarge ot n-n -inc-rningct theUr ic I iy o rluf Aftc-c nun inrs rut lhut Illostaen- vruity' fer-lir-rnneadcmlfnth deat mentf mcml r-nnticict fMimunivr iity. incr hut-ni emained'iuriu til thsm- iner' IDt. Ihcll inItcelpossetsruofnuta leur-cuunii'nnhininti-ullwiIch wastpresn' - edtoi inhm Iy tIecfiainiti Gc-cclubn of Po.Field nd ruchhrf hlcunu, bothh nol tni-imactemanticsrdepcrtmn'tcn, hacve tic-ngn te eaego en cunec- firne at ecartun D.ite icriy inill acut at ead oftt. inurdepartmnent Twi n icu hiosrae reuni relctnmedlie Prof II rly C Adlia, nwttoluarben cucrtinely- r'ngcgedu inn liftworchstartiistic'iaunoftheinter-c sttcomcmnnnece commissruioarnufinte Inctt twittecarsaniFProf JohnnA.. Fcnfcifc who wu arntedn leahrcie of absnctoue n attnd-urthurCoruitrutonnlc ncii tninn at Laing rft.tiecfiIthue inn-uIc-ianti Ir tGeo~urrge- IotkeltaIcer-efti fern'Thularnn unierityntoichichi tiny' wcccrecentny clled. Nu nc nut nihaver as iicr- t-une appintdtinther picer thinus icad-ec- Cant hh, nine cianlDIte hggc-cl ofutheii fhtu'uutnudepatmenutucihaInue boi ie ric inncrank, Ihe inn fnnn ecou-c ri tu jnirinofssr-s-nn'-ndtileIlatIcter ac- sitnt tprofeitor. 1uist onuthte chalngsilth e nufiruc- e ing detiten tunIr-nc'inutntue thonuigin arftw'u-cr-nutf impotnceu.-Pruin Ellis nuncerntnnhn 'uth u-use-ur ni en- sity', cutMidfdlentournI tun.,tin Ieachn luidgen delin"ingnu''highler- -li-ictutu mehaic, nl"S rnun i." hPruf. Ellit Ihasrhaidc-atnsiteric cti nlc it thin (nu big pl nut Ifct(euAmericanru idng- compnury. I)t. iercurthunt heeurt-ns-cuu fe rrh I rm Inc tmai n u tcisectionunnu ther enineringnun"eilltmetntuto ivunil i-r gincrueuinugrandlinl teachIn"S.crnil i.'' Indlhydnraulnic. Ie tiillte.asociatednl iithlirf'Ti'ldelin. h'Prft C C.Wrent-I inlin be hccnredcru bIy rceiig thur tutuountmIeucnt y h e nc ''nn-rnunnr-u, a s- sacnt inrue tictccnov rnentwrksnrctci Manilahc,P.I'. ITIhist inurnn dniirnnnffnh' poiin uhtreuinresa ilinnguninitei-cl leii cxpuerne. intuit NV nmre it r-cecfi-i-ileavccirotntabstiencer- fne i 'ycar,. btheimc y ben wy- n n t iil lnnngr. hn' tinbecuue-onu Prof'Wrecintetieac Gri-ffithndmmEllis ntl Dr. iferc. NI i'. Rli, ci gcrdutnte f Try PIntieclnniccul Institution, lhasnbrern napointeto unti-rein mnuniiptalh cngneruing' arnd urvncyng Ice iasuresnignedurom hunistnpodsition as'cu rssistarrnt engiticeonuthtier'city of Uticai ionn h. ner'. inn thueni-n de -mcntaldp ritnitnut niv mnni hacve brecurappirunedrexcit PIC Sm- tmounutofitith yarse gradluating cltass,tr assisif ine operaccting roount ftc M. L Wacrtihasnbn int edacrlin rnecnk hunfull proeinfisir of noperating tprincples- NUMEROUS STARS ENTER MICHIGAN Prep and College Athletes From East and West Join Local Col- ony and Begin Training. N]ichigarn hlitreuraerrd quinie ci glxy nut hu-nenu andulege rtars this fall tndnu ntut aitentonit hen rmiseuunto mancki varsityncompny as soroenrascurtiny gt out froimunerui thetnteligibliity ule, whufih eq'juirie aiyecar' oci rsientci' Freecty, whouse inruca ct halfrOthtit srbsquadhuaincurn m uentiorndriinnlT' IDtaily- culmntni coiim i enantohulaa Goe whrlcImie etabluiher-uihimsell'scut c rcuc sa.lie hlitre e-cru ftwleuett fn theupotunic- t mai-tril wonuc in'yars g'' at inue onu tacggs repmunet. le alon ioes chehundriednifn ten fiatchIle ias comnnpeted wit lie Chicagor Athtic as hr-iatiinteamforu'sclmetimenn-. NMarlinrnwhonu uithi iPrcu-ncy- asnented inn tiihumeal deprtmuirnt, cuminscifront NI erceel g acuemyl-u, whecre li' men- cptacinnnofthurbsblurilitain "Scoitty"' Smrit, hDetrit Centralshre- mielmhalf-mier, hubakebral plyrianun al arund athletelis'h alstut entee n'lfu the' unnierity. iecrunst atie Intuitinn twin mninutes or nthecrebuts.r fiden ntitecondn to Percivacl i theine urscholatictm lair: year, whtenitieec-en Init in:993- mt-ci Edl ilcnnenun- ua' mldCentrl starnaturo btlatc'onut hum hymnoint U nirsiy rscol, is on He. le uredeislitown staterecriuur Ifie hu lunftohun:40 at tec NIichligarnu fn tercho'tlasutic onunDIecryccfil Iat year Alhenir nunue nutfca 'CC" fn than noice raccrtwI yeinrsuna go, sa lcck inn conleger-uunnng withf lmemcross u uucntry Rizfcmurtltiwn, N Jam-sn ds ScotmindmnIosit. 'Thecftrimen ina fastt 'ulr ntudmtaebllmstatr, whieifthenc lattr' Incds'ihe. '. hminiplithe Periva, hl-r'rufthmn-lIocli prep scolrcocrdmlforu'theurlfcltasot mmlyt cmrd ecolmi, bmmmis ietedtolcoI Dine1 tfmtcwhcrn yecaur fullbamc rupnnutet' Hoar lntcol erlgc' ti-cmis n omute' r dditionu t them-athletic' colnnny- Gw eI atn inmthe roiuut Centrl it 1. .tC. starcun'tllbckl, lasem-u harkledhm upn a six yearnfit- mdi ouse ''lismamckes Yoantrmile. IDick, 'tire, fromnmWashinfngtounuCenrl'r igh, is a-noither-' iprcmuier quacrter-m'uir. Niller, 'innupt-ttel'juuniper, fis n good line 31 feet iieibrcad evect.u '\'ttN ItROVhIES ANOJTHER~ PROGR~~-AM r OIR 'TINIO.I ,1 Jamusn'i Dettc hatiitrnn cuttheranti-al commnrnitteeratcmleMliigarnm tUfnon dum- progrmfortunhisiterening. Sveracl tat tine poineuntu'nmusnriiarntruttheunmumen- tity haviieupromiaedtirc instancerndmi thei'commitnuu'teec Ihias oe eerytliing pa- mi t uireac ucm ucesstfult r'ul'tain- mim-nt.l ireyonuuisfnvitedrnm, mumrenee ciaully tie fres'hnmcen. 'Ther- tocialccm-n umin uitehaimicnm honnig opten ouanall thisfaweek, andilhahten attemting to incue' everythinug cut pueaatapossnible fume prospnectivemnemenrs. It is emiet- nil utt iiheriueeches madnne dhurng the mass nmectinglct eening will huing tie ne(uinmbeforeFtie eyea of tie frein- minc-u pmmartcmicula, anun[tie noticrs -r expectiung cm decidedt increem i t1mmsaleht nut memberhipc'sdaulring tie next te' dacys. f umtnnnnu rniet-it comnsciferom time irat- eIu-u hmiight fn athlticthat thi ien-'runcry lam cm fri-il n tecumnthin mitre. 'lie greanntcuproble'm tin face.'islbotarl d sanctin inn tlii schdhnunlinug onutsmide rim- esii . lii all-frscteuantis too minim1 fun' clati comrtiton anndmmicurt tumly'dcielo'ruinn- ablyi y' mem-etinug the n eenctativ-enut oithe mu'innstitumtioans. IDircrn Balcird Iis annx'iousnetcm aeltn' prpoitontronuughu andiiisndnifng hula e'nergy inn thatn dirctnion. 'l hne'in ea-I cellet aterial c-fouIfin riman al-fresh teaim easily hue anctied 0f 5. L1 cundthWoosruae iinleot of cm fain- fin% affair a s far us NMihiganunisnoun- cc meml. In ensten Ohit'a chc, annt ''Shoruty"' Irungnndnnu whombmiten Woosm- ter', elementicere bonthn nmenmbers at rlace-an thme pac- ahen c lrtcn wh'ichluin tio h Inhhli tinfit limit onuhi SamCusmamci nurs ehictindlcaptin umu ing mlfmtme teaim Ihhld 'eterdah-y'mtni-c mi0nimuact ther- 'iichnigr t Cnimum hutIn speak- mi; mini thu rOtin-tnt Ofcthiun ear'un cnn mm Nicmnucunu-Campbtnlellif 'muer' lee ai '' Wi'Inuit-limit ilum' c-uifer back- filnilruntccoui ntitfnthIecabsncenuuofntflre- tur Captn dfuChntdnmler,- iWest, andiiLanme, buti ru-nhncur someunni nit-tholiiI tink lacain fli thmir'hilicers runo in-icr-theless' oum' ppelcets tliii yearctieringhtn." Chmisetiarn n Ic-cuvr-c socnmiety unill Inc givn-n tonight ct If o'clncka. (Ii stdeinittier-e welrcomenu, first-yer-cupleoptle ec'iacllyfn- mvihed. ~: ~ z oin tl tl~ l tion Office to learn at half price. Jth At ltc s oc in privileges of