THE MTHIG 6IAI'$ AILY ______ Sweeten Up With NUNN[[Y'S Chocolates AT Quarry's Money Loaned On Watches, Diamionds.ILaw Books. or other person]oapltierty. Watches and Jewelry repaired. Bargaino in Watches& Diamonds Offce at resid ece311E. Liherty St Ann Arbor. Flous: 8 toii:30as .Ito4:30ad'to 9 i JOSEPH C. WATTS JOLLY'S t)O' e. STiA'T'i. S OYSTERS, STEAKS, Pepulriesite CHOPS Toa~st anrd Coffee 10c "oleli' bios Iit--1 i pes iiBB 'eilh4i'i lpo". s io 1i i of lii 'irse'ai Pi laf 'tie'' i >s i p s itirol sisu~'siiloaan~d 'i'sear0' iii i iiie will I0. on to look iem Watoh the TURKISB WINDOW PILLOWS and BANNERS AT Darling~ & Malleaux V. of M. BARBE3FR SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. BATH RtOlOM, '; i T'E,\ IN 'TBS Ladies' tutud IC'ildrteni', Birso I tnl .2S.'359 Staste l in iSltcis .PhS.Sat t Ann Arbor, Mich. UNCVLEJIMY'S TURKEY.I I,IST READY TO IlI" SIGNED) Ciontininth e cutomeioblservOedlfior manylsttssksgis'ings pst, thi ettuniversity studenits ire gojing to blcea lie, flt t Dir- kqy for "Uncle Jim" custodioti of the librory cloakic rooic. Near the wsct en- trance of the lilirlary isinailedi up a s111- scriptioni list, alreadiy sinined by manitl '"Uicle Jim"t' has beill i the npo if theeutiver sity' for the 1as1 forty years. At oitetime lie was janitior of Ulliver- s il loll. This is lie liftieslth er thta tcth ts ail charige if the librlary cloak rooiini. "Uncle J its,"itil his '0s1 cihes tu1nd 105'nowiiwh 'it 'lear, is still goodthalithis atnlllturkey010 lilstI will cotnue tlo beiiuli en011tiampuIs ihisltry liot rears to icollie. XX 1 NNERIS .\XARII) FO11S8It's CiIlESS .XNDI)-IhECKERSUIUll Alii inite~rest in the u itcoo 11if liii chess andlchteckier s touornam~lenti, s'iiei closers Noemlber 31, is iieir ; creted b\it Ike closceness of lie contiiests. At pres- cot 11. Mi Coss asnd X. K. Zewadkit leaetebess playes, an'td kX.X. I).l'ioi and)1 N.isR.sGordolare it the hbatt1f th chcesplaer.Thi es ndi C5tli Ceck- i'rs chibleas dectideloll awardsil Ifobls lot 5 11 lof ir stipaci ll boI1th chess atni \V. I).I tane tovice-pesidlent If tile clu , ai i:": ore t'e0lrestiIs li 11 ekl>is litite ad ttr 111110 initoilsW1i% [eilers swhithl let' 11100 irtiltivedfifiii lie Un iviersities of Ililiniois a1111 XXstonl 11111make 11s confliiett ell ilwiill hold 111 ournamtill s \\ithi hmi ths11 ea.1Ar iaglnns fois'reguliiti teii ollegiatei tiii'tltili tls 1ill ibe lilt))if osibe. XXOMAi N'S LEEAFUE I? XCI 's \N EN'iERTAINING CciiiNIM Thlilt maXX s Leagui prs ent~le11t led lie weoil Anell 11a111at11I o'clock l'riiiti aft enooini. About1 11100'eithindredis) 'iretiiill 1sf0111' otflte XX'eln's Lottec 'I'll)folesswigcompo11sedi lt'e 'last Xis'l'ilislollill Geior'llgei, Mliss Ff1111 ParrvOi,'lMiss He01011 Parrv,.-Miss Annait XX1 eseiler, .XHiss'MaXitn itiiireilieri. liss V ilt)Steensonll sevealsel)et11n" (itllciml aflt'erw'ardsi. ''ilt'eliBurglar"'i15tile iirst 1111)3given' byi th Il i t'll'iilli'th 1is iall. ' 01' ))ank lit'- ing enet01 en il e1.ennx FRESh MEDICS IHCRRIT'UPi 'lI IFIR 0.1. SS Io l.EU'IIN l' I' ' lllvrsh a lasis o f theii' 110)dical dei- parme~t uriedithings stosoht li l h no iathg 11111 'lectinigthli oti cers at a Illtinig Fult i ornl0ingl~. 'rie elclos 101re10as flistis :Presidiet, XX X. iiis: Nellic Ilosie secreary, lies .Xlihl'l ranI a'er' J.XX\'alcht:'baskebacl ll anagr, C. 111111 iirn : tac manalger,' . Fit lilisver. b ;lii Whei acontititncom iteeiil XISCONS[N 'l' b~l('1011 FT lii ''fever 'for iereclilt'' eI mikling at1the1 11111 1 isisems tio he pebaet. bore al 1( Xdricory'esoriiiomen,1 suipplemlentl te dor o ry sbigc sl1lietid t aii st (;s) e0 . t ill sin-t ank,' C afe 'isi s 01 it ll 't d e- .claianro00 7 !'.. .b c t o' co Xsusir -itl Throudhout school days, college days, businxess oi-prof essional career the UConkti l i-i . 7so i0000IIyu ithsfitlly addmake wsritiig a Yis'ilii'. estlies)'0 tisav ecaeit or fussowithi it to '"z". it to wsoi. iBecase of ito woo' derful feed. principli]