1Htt MICIITGAii$ P \f Y G, I. Wild Comfpany P i,-agest *Stock in the Pity of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear I iiiXrvthing required for Suits, Overcoats. Fancy Vestings, and Pirouscrings, and of high (loss alicis and special Stylesv. Fuil Drens Suits a Specialty THE M~ICIGAN DAILY.: "\'~o i~Mf1 ff H IL tooging J divr---ARCv-itoF. RTCivr. Bui cit ,fliiiagir-JoiiTN F. \VoZ. pitifibi Preidet r~lt i i h Newes..........Let A VihifeSa- JrCAlGan .M OIrai- Atfhlefics.......... Ei. Elidridgec Adr, f.J .iSlitfer: iqi i ( C.If Van fExchiaige ...... Robynt Mountsiirc Xiii iff..f). I i lvislliC. J. [uic .....i ......ffollis fS. Bakfu e wR \.Nebil.fJ. 5 vii 11110 Drama.. . ...i...RaymvoiidfVisscec 11M.CCnelAPSit.F XX oni ccv ffiiiir.Iouilse Van Voorfii I .Persn.R.Nas, . l.iii- p nt , J. f>. rc o, ii f f. . P' m l Xi f f 1,ST F A , . 1m -,s11 . l in e (on 1. 'P (11-Ilel ) ff1111111 ,voalllldC. Rs-ivf Sline: telf f.-I f)1 ler11 1111 \i111 \ivfi c i If . 1ftfvffngh f~reii f. Gooding l I1). f lull i'll I (G. 111111 lit ii 1a Donailidf I. Rione fDoia IE. Joiies ili'J ll.1, Valivv K. Powers fouli Krtft f I:.1fpiili C.lraslt If I- livr cli :ccor A. It. ffenne1 t, lf f1. Si- R 't:lit i ien, f 1c111C1 . , S f \f A.CG Paiif Gree Simucil. 1. orris CapllflI M1Iusic ana Irama In adiion tlloiltifevregular vaudiifvifle provi~m at ii teXfajestic ffis iweefthefi feature tlmi g ictrfsvofvthe ioevof lfit1 Ii.vieicfiiv1f tveeore the inest; s )c1n111 1 111mii11 'if piciiures seen here ifh-is sa to . Pfi- hli" f i iithe lirsi: tiie tli iiill lbe viliiiii iti e vf - e rrmance '-idll 1and1Saturii ayvifil hisffwieefk. Foit- ball returnsiiwill lie readiifriiiiitfevsiage h is f-f. iiif dig tievi mat.infivfei. i lvii vbiinileen iiiiAnnfAiior. Tie svir .111111playiiichi iiii iisaduofti Pvf 11111 viontrut h issii'.liiffupreei ii ,11 11Sifi ivfiiif& Sculls. 4f-ei ifyuhve youriitiiaflswork done it fIaliii lvou vii i1I le satisfued. ifal- SI iv viii Mor, 16S.TsMaini Si. cod G. Hf. Wild Comlpanly J 311 Sooth State Street SPECIAL SALE ON High Neck For a few days only P EN"NANTS Full line at Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstiire A, G. Spalding & Bros. fl i a-eMl~e i fauirerv iiitin- Foot Bait, Basket Bail, See Skates, Hockey, Golf, Gymnasium Apparatus. ttiifiiii-'v Ifandvoei5iliiistratiei ltoiaihiil falliiports containniiii- eru Ivvvgcviiiii, imailedfreee ary- wiiere. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Neiw Yirf, Chicago Detroit I-,. GX. C. iiaiiis Paul Leidy LowellviiJ .(Cocr If. A. I- filcy IHovoid Iaff BUSINESS STAFF Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.1 Maynard Street. Manager's floors : 1-2 p. in., 7-8 p. Mn. daily, except Sunday. Both phones SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 21, 1908. Deeplyt iciii vi:S ws hearall iien ofii tic autiiiuiofi tilivri ivo I() itardi tiiptititfeii ilii ~i v litlivby XX ii iiI i ifoyd(f-riiviiii ivri ifal latngt iufihilreXli udueipevii m m~lks AditiotiiatiieihasiaiiI iiiii lif ibutv v ide tittl t' ittsocavle lt ili' t thititati vifom iiv rji ceil (l poin of iew Wit hi staevetitivt ivherei is a 11-mli i't'tvi u h at11 11 11 -'l fllostliv itotiietipirit vfldemocracyqill tis o nt ry."if iii nttiii ersionsli willti -c ii?'ee liii li viliill 11 '1 5(11 ills ( tl livr tat t he i oug -utvu lffi itiitifiiif itsmli isto a vi lv ii i iiItili iv li<) i liii iii l vg vit i idienc tlii l i ti ii' hailv i sveral :A i ca unttil i verstie. Ie1ws1(uit inltunetit ill viiviiii loyliv iii i for reform i ii nrlit furishedil byvihe liir tideailisfwIfichhehldu t i tl v i f i tept er oiiie i ts i elat 111in ilii' _A v tiifi'itiv i I.iioiafltyi vvviirv uth, wid i'aInitiitof viwelitoliv i toifevery flo itghiestdideriaiii ofiisi moifl u sifes Jaiiisf1C'fi, iwho till v' iustratedi lily till:,. large or i'viimall, voldfil li mechaniiltviIappliinces. Alir rese tsIS Ae a n whc sn i -ii os c t - 1111111' tic ilti 1111 tritilatit bi \lclf' Ife 1.111.I]MM h heiOrithei F-f I\ I ,fffff S 11.A O IO A IC1ffAL\F;1 II. SCXX11fFIfVI R Q LI fitXv'lN If The fififfi IN' WhihihasXieen XeII ltili n Ai' lfivtliscarlet lOverptients have beenren iitoteot ill imlid inwifllibe liftedifrotiitnt ire uild in: iinut fewi-ti . SI' Jill IIN 11f IX111vi'fAf lI) W~'PIT "llD CiAft ('AST Svic icrisvtv WiDftroiit are 111111at vndiforst tt'luvb usedvini tiltmw club vi 'i' iti- I liO fi'Tilfi iv ii ra yrch o." flat th tW St jiliti ,a W lii. The' cat istifi iii sti itltvand eheav - sol sid i ircSt . iivi olv if ,i ofi iii - 1111o - t t til-ifillir strie itsoiiali tltiv ii ittifi t I h nee-i fht icifth. 0 boiiiififolcolvopieiate with Nsi tisat- shofuliffhe lufft itherii'vt iNwbify-it Yiuiv-nfuu- 21. Soilogyl - lib I The glove store that car- ries a good line of FOWNES GLOVES I is to be depended on. Frkc hli ii citne. X\ik for trial ti' 1 lt liii I it - c 1 1t111. l tiii f 'o u vi ui u i - v t c v 1 a - i u i l l iv t . f o r c o l -efit f l l- . auu u st r rt.43-4S 'o ion ollaIt-kevrs ;1 \r ort, , a t e taals tOilaketo200oyllY, MICHIGOAN Stationery Have jusf received a large shipmient of Seal ald Block M Stationery Splendid cquaity of linen stamped withI Blue or Gold, comibinaion of Blue and Gold -24 Sheets of paper with envelopes 25C per box WAHF R'S University Bookstore C. . BART HELL BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in Michigan Second-band Law Books Law antI Medical Dictionaries Qtuiz Books etc Complete line New and Sec- onid-hand. Old books taken in Exchange C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel 761 It Pays You to come to us for anything in the jewelry line, largest stock, lowest prices are our inducements. One careful comparison is all we ask. The result will be pleasing. WM. ARNOLD, COLEWLEE 220 South Man Street. Don't Be Cold A Tally-Ho Coat or a Jersey crest will keep you warm. They are exactly tile rightl uuuefht. TIhiy are exactly the riiq/t p7ice. Examine the following: Handknit Sweater Coats------- ------------ $5.00 Chevy Chase Sweater Coats -- ----- ------$3.50 Wilton Jersey Coats----------------------$3.50 Wright & Ditson Jersey Vests ------------$3.00 Lot of $5.00 V-Neck Sweaters------------ $2.50 Lot of $5.00 High-Neck Sweaters ----$2.00 Every pattern is strictly up-to-date. Qoality in every case guaranteed by 'fy_~-THESUPPILY V N I'VE R SIT Y TO0R E :::::::::::>:":''4 '.;;>:;::::.:The M UTO" Over- 't{''coat is absolutely orig- i-x inal and the process of x constrticting it is pro- THIS S THELABELtected by patent, as' 4 shown intthie illustra- tiont, it is two coats in one-the first as a dressy street coat-the second #aa Auto-Driving or stornm coat. WADIZAMS & CO., 121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randal l& Pack. Props-. Phoe 59