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November 20, 1908 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-11-20

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THE MICHIGAN DAILY.! rit the lie tl,l.indtial_;teil
_ I!1V1idutu aliiial . i t >. r rl ittilic tai A T
G.H idCmay_ - - I icI iilwlotl aiili I o 1)111).i ii iiil0 Trana S F T 1F
V~~1II~i UIJ~~ii Ataxaistag 1datr AtceI R . dicijit . mud1; r ad( It ji li tiai _____________________IcE I
-----t i Ii t i __I'______________
iuI) i <, ito tic cccxii tANi
he lasTo Iniaragentn b ;ld I Iit() tek ,w o it Yetl c m
pieithe t Sietark n i nitead i niat heitit iii ii N llIiiat h aht aahha is i
NewsA......... . . I, IA>. Eldr idg I( iiti l iaa ttit ilitl h Iito 11Art herelhat.ii iaiia ili anever W t .II I
oh Nhhanenge . . ..... ... .. oobet I, Alo~un~tcir si~t tc- t5 t li an ti titin ahe Ii be ew oha aittt p a tt a thatt whic whichcoap- S w a e V st
Exliie ttu. . . . [bll, + S. Flut , pa Iared aawith ilbsn ii iehadt
E lu ie Styles 1R 11)t { t. .. . . iahtay tnll Nichet titt i 'Il, ("I I l- 1 ttlio 1 r r o jia ta i &\,"V ra I le-
Noi t't;E itr. . . .1 iiae Vant ri t e t i ii i n a t itititiliat i ttu iiita 1111, I t nigt li NI Roibsoatntheself Medium and heavy weights
liliiiiii art a S.I piin rait: t a n.theasponeiaioffte. Sit in solid color or in *
C'ancv1ouhs l~oarlC tc ail p 1 ntil t t heu1 secolila ac at.
1.tatti iih t n ao l ni c tg I NN,. \ i r c, erl I ii ila 'tait, dtd two colors
t u u ttttaIh e pat t I i(. itici lt i riec i
NLha 1 1 1 hi hghFteal hI.Gocdingarr1antill iii clt ~ciii. 11n1iicntctxte l-
F or Getlemfen's 'W ear 1 )unailil>I, luaome iDaEI. Jnes a> of.rcpt c iiadthe litteiraClachtof You cannot spend
l'och[ 'S N '1()I \1 lalcr eatre a il iii int e ien-
l ii ta reqacyre t or Siti sii) 1,1 mcc irorn itti ci li.eicart io t a a. it ia iii atgree____
tt tp-andy istgSigh d Pai l Gree.rN Siluielall.aMorris ')ii e;frti erporano h
Ii I iii I.Cr U. . 1liattae leait truhth n'm~ f() ' lii oadt Ntlratlia.icthi to better advantage
Ful D es S it aI~w~yd hal heCok nd th fof alrof te pcai t titheivilitietnighci t, te ut-ll ___
Specilty IBUSINESS STAFF tat ttl i IIc liii a ie 1 a r std N- rlnitiN itil ht W ner asiiTilei
____________Is___________mcntII\ititt I. I iofi ahut\(wit ora t~itttil Ittall tii t lil liitt
C. . Il an~~ il~t a <tcthn rn 23ot .
. ii at liii t a tt aIeabi lii' e aladi l Rf'S
Manad tret ith alt mi in.t; tWAt! Itl to h1c, ~eChcig
G. H. Wild Comipally Address: MtutiiAILYam, Pres Bldg1
311I South State Street Managers i-ours: 1- p. in., 7-8 P. IMl, a til i il it t tIt li~ii1tl aitiat iiiictial University Bookstore
daiy except Stnday. Bth phones 1.iii i~ titiii
---Ni-i eNilIan iiNN I ilfl it t cil ia t i in tttcii it ichy
c .SPECIAL SALE -liiiTe iiidf icwhuwill holdaiillii it ./1N O
FIDAiOY, NOVEMBER 201. 1lit.inill a itt at iii it . iiof th
it itbeeti i hiii aliion a rnti eit. halt fartrIia 719 North k.Unverslty Avenue
N -t--tiliti buititttthisiliaiiit ;t titita;
Nor tht ite ouuil ay ono nec ;Ic initd. he ollwmgpro r tt Cwll ll a iii cloth, etfat reigt mn t
"I iten ion t a t i twituthat iat t te-given a lt p hi t iP ,ii and Iti L elthlt- iertah ii riicatl h t r p e
H d~ Neck itt a c at a li ndrancat Potgrphr
ii tutu it. rtaytmshsil'rs idtilHi Cil iu ~ ci auhn tin iii 4-48 K d k
h nreied tha t Iiti iiiitt ehir Tl M dclRve i nule~r 'lIiii I Nfl laiN)adn t compl I etetiicCam eras
tautha tatua iuictic wl ait Photo Supplies
or ia few days only rrc_'-lous d hp ta 1-
E A Thi atem t ilc om e ll; t: iiii a uba tii tsI ti catt1ioiiitit r i t 1,1,,:~tt
wantcd ;lid uccccd in doi__ with The _dulhi itc ahut.oiiel) will hiltA mateua Nelatialni
- I~n'sllthat iar allude tlila tal it tilt ii c 7: c0 cititoactiicoitlSa tuuec en ai
i it li. 7:,3 taat ttlnn aan
pIptat. ntutu sepinad i arc lci totuiat tnd thes Net int rcsihnesehr.
N A N T Soul ti frta heNicomittetot i) ui-tc-teI iTiiattSteason'sitiOnly ~y Two fo
Full ine at hod ipen tiuhga hetu h pla n; oii i \VNN 111,1)1")h ' ut"o Ioctil NEW CREATION 25c. _________________
h cno onte Coutuat1actai l co i ate tifuntihecd room,. il Iwith pr i a i.ath, r I's reversible. Made with " Easy
pold 'hr acnt da enuh tit ~ll tt i-hicil iti at a autput. Nil tie-sidig Space " and " Patented B ILY1D 1
Sheehan & Co. I ale lt ntthe whltclttttuto NdretaI ninc Iant.cic Iat l fieu Lock Frontt' 4-pi, Quarter Sizes. BAL Y /QDM ID
Sheehan tilt lit itall NealIiliit tititanct. lie ... fpo tt tlW 7 0 1
Students' Booktore ahei 21i i i aacu iiEASaittlT uu itIhu i ff O d SLIBERTY STIIE T
til lm' i IS t t ' ui l) t gii t t i all iii N iisi on anatatliy i~
iiiitltptli tittt1 will coS.et;akeittlTrayarer
A, G. Spalding & Bros.i itiiic ai hhi thPays You
up ,Iillaoftoiii iiiAliupt ill Sx o cme osfr anything
taut i t au IVIt iiait-.i nth e ery line, largest
noot Bt, Basket Bal, tee Skatesletciit i1\'a t iisoklwst rices are our
Ifoney, Gotf, Gymnasium li de* f iiaata E Einducements.
ti t ha h ote pizedntn~t 1,1 CRAF STYLE One careful comparison is all
Apa ratu rL Iis uiyLUIr, ndnxththaieeieimn'we ask. eThe result will
u ailt o ane-pleasing.
an n<1mere itd t lii tu amtu ilW .A N OLG
A G. SPALDING & BROS.iti iiiiitIaiiiiiic Young men wat -gtW.AOD Oi EELER
twYr hcg eri; t torat\clhtclieu t itac~aeuiiy getHC AFIe220 South Main street.
'in aut a i riexht ethe rongtoulat t initdiadI a their clothes rut with CLOTHCRAFT. garments are all wool
as certain smartness- -pure wool with no
they ought to have The cutting, thecotnmtue
what te at making in every de- guaranteed wool all H
(p B e C o ldItI In Older men-want tail will e just right HUY fl fl
mo re conervative; to give you good- through.V E f
styles - they, also, lotking clothes -a And C LOTH11-
A Tally-Sin Coat or a Jersey Vest wiillaep ught to have what suit or an overcoat CRAFT is the only FOR
youtiwarm . They are exactly the r l fl eihl. they want. that will not only ln f m ns coh
They are exactly the rig/hf price. I___ look well when you lieofmns lt.

Examine the following; Now, CLOTH- fkeetputtonk ing maefaladllingl
Handknit Sweater Coats -----------$5.00 CRAFT clothes kepookngwlmtralnelng Takgvn
ChvyChseSw atr oas----------- 3.0 for Fal and Winter at from $o to $25, Bcueo hi
Chevyn ChseSee Coats -----------------$3.50 have this merit-you Bcueo hi suit or overcoat.
WilonJese Cat-------------$350 can find just the merit, CLOTH-
Wright & Ditson Jersey Vests --------$3.00 model and just the CRAFT c lot he s- All sizes up to
Lot of $5.00 V-Neck Sweaters -------------- $2.50 pattern best suited to have the approval of 5pud
Lot of $5.00 High-Neck Sweaters ----$2.00 your wants. the trade and of all Look in soon while 5pud
But, whatever you who ever try them. the stock is or-
Every pattern is strictly up-to-date. Quality it eivery want, the style will Most important, plete. Why not to-
case gnatanteed hy be correct and proper p e rhap s, of all- day? It will pay ou.
V N >YE R S IT Y TO R E Staebler C . W'ertb Co. DRUGGIST
IV 324 South State Street
121 Washington E. Thie Randall Studio,' Randall & Pack, Props. P' ~"

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