G. ILWild Compally The Largest Stok i the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Getlemlen's Wear Liverythinug required foi Suits Ovrcoreats, any Vestigs, and Trousersogs, and of high '1ls fahrics and speial Stylies. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Compally 311 South State Street SPECIAL SALE ON HIgh Neck SWEATERS For a few days only PENNANTS Full line at Shieehian & Co. Students' Bookstore A, G. Spalding & Bros. 'rits iarest Mianft ies i t Wrld ofit Sia t hAlsi it Supies Foot Bai, Basket Bai, lee Skae, Hockey, Golf, Gymnasium Appaatus. Satdisig Hadsoisey Iiisissstd Cti tifu silitsports i sttins slot- erous sttggesttttts itaird ter toty- wieer A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New fork Chicago Dtrot THE MICHI1GAN DAILY THlE..MICHIGAN DAILY. !LEXERT. FORESTER PRAISS VI ,,1: 1_'11, 1 ' - I 1 V _____________________________ 1I04TIGA'NS DE' ARTM LXI' \ \O t>5 51.tI\1I/I'. .llatgissg Edilor-Aeosis F. RI CHrn+. Members of the Forestrsrycuh lsartedt A clmI itiois' ;ic~ Butissa Mmger-JoHN F. WitRZ. iif ractical ittrstiry tittek IWednetsday~itial i i ,s of.itc l' te-eiiig wheni Mr. Itovejotso. ii gov Is t 0 r' . t5. EDItTORS ernent lorr'.isrv ie. addtressed hm5o e:h m1 so t ; s News.........Lee A White on "The rxperieneesofiasT 'ecittitsaltcjwv c'f(- tis isr T Athletics. ......... E.Edridge\stistattt."He gore a greatdal *cs f c'>; Vfo5 FExchange .......Robert Mountojer soiunt, praetical adice tIts ter ticonit tem- iiuis 's la is i , Muisic ..........Hlollis S. Baker pe-ating taktitig iip tctivefresttrs orks . ds s 1id. Drama.. ......RaymondVsilirflit iksyntotsfihis tlks 55iltt' - 1,,c~tv 3 ~te Womtetn'sEditor. . .. Louise VatstVoorhis _s1its of geittg tracitia l isprietis's H c'ii iirmli isit l 11 Sll .saitii l~ it ilistt.silesi i.'itot' silos lit.titu I .si. C'hausisey I1titteler Leonartdsl . (Rid ini college is almtitsiof nsits mptoirtantin ts assn : is lcc NIHTFIITRSthe practiical wsrkuns tfiorestr. PIoe- Illit10 ,:r. ,;v h ichalsell 1. Mcl-ughi Fred 1. Gooding ;ors ecan tell iyit itilts'le wr:ogtAl Donialil L. Kinney Dana E. Jones to Itscbite, hut tills :'-ers isislerwh m cl >n}it :{ I' Wi tiler 1K. lowers LotusKraft rots serve tell yousitilw tile 'ol a o ta , 1 sits ri.r<. lie lone.''O al-''~oR } I Fttt'ti.O5di r. Litvejoy satidl thai te so ilis' iieoi~11~t~e: > Paul(Greer Saititci I. Morris'roturse sit iiganetttsotmlpristest ii >111 55155 s lol ip I". G. V. Iilliatis PattI Leidy ectrriculti ofI sny cotllege ini tell~mr.tv A1 i .1 Licell J. Larr L). A. H-Iickley Mrl. Lovsejoy lias just I eesapone IH105ar51 1 sll supittir of tile Llieveneresevoe\,1II\l\1.1.l:1fthmstxenie re~rin o of tile itost itetisit' rs'ss1_'s". ts l\t BUSINESS STAFF lra Car .I A a . B L.s' 1.tt Larw ei l ite lbutiressiteetin' icirse- i t Address: MICHIGAN DAILY. Press Bldg., tile tirgattietiiiott of 'al'rii lb1woldp a >>iii 1 s 5c~y tti rneistit s' is its'lstiltc'i't''3.3.,,;i l ,t'iiiwr. _ _ lI Class ye C of II s ient .5ti 1 t() ove si sal iso isc. la - i ts 'ig it 1). 'I" istisi. sIts cis I\ tilt iir 9 l1 tils. Ii sisi rl itearI iSs55 MAY NIGHTi 'Is i wAs- I I, Manager's Hours : 1-2P. in., 7-8 P. M. daily, except Sunday. Both phones THURSDAY, NDVEMBER 19, s9ot. sToilgistheii i tem steaves fortse cst' iortset h d esved 'laursls thai sta\c1 frsuomsutsits"g'asp itast Satturdaty. (stile's.' 555555ini ills'faseiofItheir losses,. th e r npresihadsr Cllsirethe cas st tut ts'eiwest is tot its'" is is Is lstss-C'are gitstoSytaces to 1111,situits soideniitly beliiev's,ts X61 iS'uites"s is oftens1husntsof sdespserts- liscnthle i'ssis st iatso ila'. Pentn caus listeiwith patilIs insg cry 'fist'vie- sisisls torvin er arsandwo. Iiibehosovs ns' toibeino ls s ssesthiusitastic, slot less iistitictshlisthiesQuakierrooteres.A tc mla'ingts"his'stimuslut sof hearty, Cseineros supporssit is noi teasms at all. A fiht ini itwhich thlii' compsetiors tire tot hailedlbyshostiltritwhomthey struggle tilt be itaitupi-hill affsir. Every tian ,vi i rsess iloin ithis seists, los's for N\lih'tan its Is,,Heist. anid a desire to se Syraiseilsefeiateel. iotght to be stl it sietsrsaits tosesndslthe trestsoff with asiit shasauigisrs sisccess. It is sip to isus ttike'gooda.dttuhis'tram its ll'tdo. 1?N NIER FIRSIT' CL.'SST'MF.N S.\OKFE FRIDAY.s'A\'l UNfON. UisFnutty eveinsg thte fresh etngi- tiers still smuoks' it the ihigani Untion. Thiistwill ietheliir lirst socil gailirrisug stdvvill hithelil it t'einitestis of gusts ltsiptsos'rga'ntize'atutulptboost thei citu.. 'T'ets'mossks'rwill begiti it 7:0 aindsiu i tliset'es sit's srgedi tosess- 'hag iat s'k. liles'tstutipil tie' I lIIOEOI' iPPIRCLi.SSSIVN CHO(OSE M\ANYi'OF11151A 11. sCs1isi Wsie. srs'est e teside'tiof 'iresileist, A.IP.Smitll: secery, l TI S titltres. r I. I. ~ eel: is (I Sssket;S iilsl'studen s't'ncls sts. J.I. Ih itsuiortt liitit oicta sissete tse followisig officsers: .Presidtst J. 1O. (O'(onnsor; ices-piressit, Flosrence'AS Stour :ssecretry, A. iH. TI e stir aur 'hes edistoias iistf' fCPiaitls wse- lesses.i1I.P. Lass etschosenedi'or its-shief. T'e'thesill st's uis s''.ollow:s S. Mtiller, tilumsi ditosr:is S. F.iiseri's. gindtis ir ; s'If.Rtsi5555. 1. tarer bsiness bsinsessssmsinagesr. ILXNIC'.N tUNIVF.IT1111 l)ISLI.'SSI) IN SP'ANISI Nisnetete s'ew ssmembsrs wuse'dttedisss ts La Sociesdad Espltt attheiimssetig of iheicuish ield Wes'd's fte ilsrnoonsi. Mr. M~orenoitasitu r. \Villarstsl gite talks ini Sipaiishtosits llsxicit. stitirassting the uivie rsities of use ilad iof 'sitsz stllsthose if use Philiptintss sitwich ASr Hocsosn spokes'atitlhr itst mseeting" 'Te soicietisstasrransgedl for ti 'sit tirogramsiat earlh ises'tingsmanysousi e stpeakers ihav'ing bet res osssidedifur.'his Spianishi tutu lsetit cossitsfruit IIs' troll andelthe Sipanishi cosulsfrsois Chi- caigohaesos'senteds'sts's comsess. Ani iinniov'atioin languag/5'eclitistis bseisig issisosdttedi by'I tstiesiety1. tilt !t'er'ssionssal groussof t'll, wstllaiSians sit spetakinig pertsisni inssares'.alists en formtietd atdstcarri'o's' discuissionlsssits Sptansish. So's, TOriC-1 Car.\\Moldes'. HaI s 3its lh(- '5 5It~ M t~ 'Is~ fior thle best and see host quick tihery'lt bring y ou FOWNES silt''I t ' 155 5 5-t' ~ l .ilt . 7ss ttsc'r. 5 't '"'l'stst' lls i ' It 1.5 5.ll'-. 11 SWEATERS ANDI Sweater Vests Medium and heavy weights in solid color or in two colors You cannot spend $ 5.00 to better advantage WAHlR'S University Bookstore C. E. BARTHELL BOOKS Law Medical Dental L Iargest Stock its 7Micigant Second-Hand Law Books L~aw at'tclMdical Dictionaries utile Books etc. Lomsplee linic New and Sec- Old books takess itsI'xchansge C. E. BARTHELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel 761" It Pays You to come to us for anythrg in the jewelry line, largest stock, lowest prices are cur inducements. One careful comparison is all we ask. The result will b e pleasing. WM. ARNOLD, Co...LJWLER 220 Soth mate Street. t I I 1 _. 111 1 it' it I ~ i Insxrt 71s. . f.' ,i; tt to T ABSOLUTELY INO.)BULGE IFitst a opatented 16MAC-%.HURDLE FULL DRESS SHIRT Unietd Shtt& ColarCo., (Makesu)Troyt.Y. I o tA lly-Ho Lost or a' Jersey Vest will keep yisu warms. Thsey a re exactly the ilht seeiht. They are exactly the i ght pi'ie'e. Examine the following: Handknit Sweater Coats----------------.--$5.00 Chevy Chase Sweater Coats------------- $3.50 Wilton Jersey Coats ----------------------$3.50 Wright & Ditson Jersey Vests --- ---$3.00 Lot of $5.00 V-Neck. Sweaters ------ ------$2.50 Lot of $5.00 High-Neck Sweaters----$200 Every pattern is strictly up-to-date. Quality in every case guaranteed by UT HEM- V3PLY VNIV ER SITY T 0OR E ~tF~ oYuHigh Pie for your clothes becassuse yosuiciiit ise I satisfied with reasdy-muade cicrthlus? It i5st uecssary. We vis' l 'usrnish loll clothes uoradle ito measusre' by kEd. V. Price & Co., of Chicago, frunt your choice of .uis hasndsomuse fabsrics, for t o I1, less thouan an sutuall tailor's citarge anid also gt' istso the additionual adivantlage of ssimeuall ed ws'frkuttaishsip stud correct ste'le. Our Tailoring Department 1s doisg ass excelletnt businiess wit those we have earnied huwts'to be well dressed at all tit-es at st very'rerasons- able cost. Look over ouir cloths andh fashions figures andu'll s 1see swuy. Fre.0W . 123 El. Liberty St. f t HOUYLES FOR Thanksgiving All sizes up to 5 pounds E. E. CALKINS DRUGGIST: 324 South State Street 121 Washington 'f Th e R and all St u dio,.R andall & -Pa ck1 Props. Phone 59