-THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Sudden Fall _ _ in temperature will leave you shivering in a summer suit. It's time now to choose an Autumn fabric that will raise you in the esteem of your friends. WVe hit the high places in the art of clever tailoring. Our garments breathe the priceless ar of refined exclusiveness. You nteed it in your business as well as your social life. Our fabrics are correct in shade and pattern. Our styles are the essence of good form. Our prices less than you would think possible. Let us prove these three claims today lby showing you. TRiADsE C C C ARK~ J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. AMUSEMENTS NwWhitneyTheatre New BOTH PHONES 480 UNIVERSITY NOTICES Sotphomiore ateeting today at 5 o'clock ini pulysics. lecture roomi. Important. It. 'I. H. No childre will tre allowed to attend thte mrass mewetigat University I-all to- night. Mreeting. of all chess arid lteckers ptlayers at Xtc \tillan H-all at 4 p .'. sliartp. treeytiotlyieterestedtiutrn out. last years 1909 egineer footbtall men sneet iln commitittee roomnofI Micligan Cion at 5ne'lock, to eleet captaiii. iteinters of last years atlt engineer footbarll teanmrie et todray at 5 :30 Pi. itn., iln gym tocker. roormt, to elect capitaini for romting yearr. Ie on timie. Piretaw, 'tanager. All rldlmtemtbers of tire Chtrral Union arc retrirsted tor reporrt prompttly at7 r'clck Tueisday eeniing. .Newcaitii- rates cantrmeet tProrf. Staniley any rday of tire week tretwe-enir tandr2Ioa'retort tto'ravettteir voices ttild. NOTICE. Sceduelile of stttplettetttary exattitta liofr enetrtance, Octriher 2 antd 3, t19o8 tin'Tappant Htrll : Fridray-Algebra, Is aii., IRomit ; geroiittry, 8 a. itt., Rootm f ; phsirograhy,it i. In., itmuseuimtlee- U r o~lGrmani, 2 1). mi., Roomti8: rirairy, 3 P.Ii.iill.,ioom 8; zroolorgy, 3 P. Mi., iRirrm 8: hitory, 4 P. ii., Ennui8; trigornormiitry, 8 a. ini., Roomti1. Satite- rltr....itysics, 8 ar. Itt., Roromi 8; EInglislt compolrsitiotinutnd literatuire, to a. iii., Riorom 8; Latiti, 2 p. Ini., Rootti 8; Greek. 3 p. Itt.. Roomti9; lFrenrch, .3p. Itt., Rooits 12; chemistry, 4 Pi. itt., Roomt 8. KOI.LA F TAILOR ANt) CUTTECR in R. HuirontiSt. tf Berst guatraterd$i .oo0pecn inthte city ait Cushings phairmatcy-. tf irollegiain clothes for crollege turn, oii Sarle try Alen, 7faini streert. i-G Nrrrir fuurnisediirromsforrett rearonailerirl ices. it5391 Fisrestiareenuie. oitleyirwortblrrcks fronitere curnginering butildrinig. 2-5 Freshmianritcras-Watgner & Co., Statr sreret. 1-4 (atyour brathi suptplies andr toilet arr- ticles at Cushintgsrpta rutact, if Ia cres if tll kinds it Miss Irirell's, .32 S. Staite street. 2-7 SIR: IF YOU WOULD LET US PROVE to you the simple truth that we have been advertising about our STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHES you would be as great a gainer as we: We would have a satisfied customer and you a SUIT or OVERCOAT that fits about the neck, about the shoulder, about the chest-that has style- that costs you but a portion of what you pay a tailor for less workmanlike results. STEIN- BLOCH SMART CLOTHES are all wool and the best ever. "IMPERIAL HATS," Choice Furnishings: LINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & CO. HeiwL ru dut B R IG H T O N t Lt Flat Clasp Garters o for solid comfort. The newest shades and designs of one piece, pure silk FLAT ALL web. All metal parts heavy nickels CLASP SILK plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, CL.45Pall dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market Street Philadelphia Makersaf PioneerrSuspenders FRIDAY, OCT. 2 The }lest New England Sftory Ever Told Quincy Adams Sawyer Prices 25c, 50c, 75c, $ 4.00 SATURDAY, MATINEE and NIGHT OCTOBER 3 HENRY MILLER Presents THE GREAT As preseted in New York over bon titties Matinee Prices: 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1 Night Prices: 25c, 50c, 75c. $1, $1.50 SEATS NOW ON SALE REMEMBER!i FELLOWS ! Our motto is Fair Treatment to All, Therefore-no riots AT THE "THEATORIUM1" GILLARD BROS., Props. Men's Furnishing's For the Particular Discriminsating Trade IN FINEST SHOWING IN THE CITY MACK & CO. .r.. GAS STUDY LAMPS Iansnsre a steady, soft glow. Easy on the eyes. Moderate in price. Cheaper than Oil or Electricity. Get the best from the largest assortment. The ANN ARBOR GAS COMPANY r s stiebty Allein, irltiu street. Nartirrinal cigart standr-whyt citgarstardtites are siold I itirney-t20 Cast ILiherty s Cyinitsitin shoes, stains, Wa~tgner & Co., State screi the tig white shoe. Collegian clothes for colte stile try Allein, Maltn street. Fentway chocolates, the hr cents tier pouindr,tt Browniss t2o CFist Liberty street. Wetree sole agents forI H entry & Co., north of law Yrritng hats-"nonie retter -tile try.Alleti, Maiti street. U-to-date haberdashiery1 stile liy Allent, Mait street. We recommnintd Espetiel cigars. They are narde espe, antI iniour owna hoses. 5c X v' & BILLIARDS. BOWLING, CIGARS, CANDIES, T .12 S. State " for tenacioi ___________________________ 1-6 Ye'.. Ce.'. Get w erc the aest Hot Luw~nch~ for the least ire. t6 At 1rattie's. 338 S. State_ towels, etc. B OF THE LEST et. Sign of B ANK_____ST ~ THE FARMERS AND MEHNC -AN MAIN AND HIURON STREETS CLUETT, PEABODY &CO. ege tort, on Capitol $50,000 Surplus and Prnfits $85,000 MAKERS or -6 eneral Banking Business. 3 percent paid CLCTM RO OLR on Time and Savings Deposits. Safety On- esti made, oo posh Boxes to rent at $20 and upwards R. Kitie re is. W. 0. STaVENS, Vice-Pe-s ________________ ildrag store, H. A. WILiA~Siau.ushier F. T. ScOWS, Asst. i-G The Ann Arbor Savings Bank "NO.NIC " Regal shsoes. Capital Mocak $,00 Surptus .S2ii.000w , o. RiesouresV-00.000 builditng. if A General Bnking Bstnesn Transacted OlrFucEnr s:Cas. E. Hisucock, Pres.; W. D. rinade--ots Harriman, Vice Pins.:r B. J. Frito. Cashier SANITARY PIPE OP SOLID COMFORT STATE SAVINGS BANK liCnsnee, a ipl grncefl lieyet-eith such:ingenity thns for melt, on DIRECTORS: each and evenyundesirabilent. W. J Booth Jno. V. Sheehan OR sueeot pipe suaking is ever- 1- Wm.n. Arnold Or. V. C. Vaughan OU cosin. Noaslugs, nesulivo, i1o. B. Wade E. F. Mills FREE no nicotine reaotes the John Russ-er Jno. Koch e'muhyo Pro . .5. Carhart Runny W. Douglas OFE sm : CrisianMatin Dans P. Zimmerman OFE soke nhesmke a' FIRST NATIONAL BAK 51.00, we will frI o.nteeinhtao lla Havana OF ANte AesoR, MIC. ward prepidoerol shapes,sraigt thee pipes forefive and conned, dally for us E. 0. KINNE, HARROSON SOULE, days trial, usd1ifsme is witulcan- to 25C each.- Pros. Vice-Pres. net all wee laim it to he, ioed ruhhe 4. W. ICLARKSON, Cushier. pipe may he returnd sod mouth- Capta$ 100,000. Surptus and Proeits, $60,000. mooe ilsethefeunded. piece. ~eanA rinSaig Bak The "NO-NIC" PIPE CO., A$ .. ..r Geman merian Sving Ban 418PrudenilnlBldg. Bufalo,N.Y. LUNCHES. Comm~neral a~leand O S BA ER H P O BA CC o. SeaviaMO'nBRERSO 311 aye~d '705 North Untvereisy Ave. .51Sser:Cov. Met l m anad Liberty Streets 0. A. MOE. LAW BOOKS 36th Year DICTiONARIES 36th yerar tn QUIZ BOOKS I Ie Anarn Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY Asia Arbor Callaghan 0(0% Coo CHICAGO Anen Arbor Br4 esoh. Stats Street. Oppeelte Law Bldg. ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYL0ES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THEl'BEST OF EVERY THlING IN TAILORING