TIilt, ICHIGAN DAILY~ Ser Straiglhtp fwi -ItOdt-lug tout-ti'.0tuoln rt 5 ii 011 r cutray in or oItfit.Wv gii ,coeof tn en arig'ht. Your otattoo as a man of good Iand round judgment is ft 1(out hands. I t-?fabricscomuprise, those II _ iifd ndt'ortbtr ushades. Itt oNst York'- itt t.atd ttit e w0lijto-.. heiodtels we sonorare -it t.siittt's latet udticttes. \'o' tmako t ttl iotloas (ttnoortioo acit as o o ottwishJ, Ititiottttt tt - 111111lJarntott t 'llo tt Wenyou tear-our iitJJ ttordertei agin Drp n, Jjtt t ok 'rtoutt. ti[ZA1)V C C C tttl j' K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. MUSM ENT S I ewWhitney Theatre BOTH PHONICS 480 u lirNov. 19 Jea nor b .i7 i. W I. E "r he Medium21% ByI hicfiard larding iDavis Pries: $2, $1.50, 75c, 50c iSeat. Sale Tuesday Friday, Nov. 20 Sam S. and Lee Shubert Ic., offer And a Great Company in the Brig- liant Comedy Success "The Road to yesterday" Direct from a year at the Lyric, New York Prices: 25c to $1.50 :r FUNIVERSITY NOTICES Seoro Ctt lttttt to ntot )tdalv thtilt-itt. Reheit rsti of \lthic lllthi0 ttci tttto i todayin 11aritn ipm itmn 1,1)51'lidteecinttttttltatiJ'lck Saturd tyoat ii.. tt S iholat haSt .14i Mt ing01 o f P I itt 1tvtict. so 44-ty ( 7:3 -tlit . ro . c ilre. willgoread ai Teee o e nings ott t he mndli b'erinete gs houlIirtrtsecI. -N. tti wilthasRal l 209 Er~cnsofatLierty nialwasasati the etattnioat foryoo, tueyeinaU. of M. pennantshIatirs Sctotl opiows. TrPonace ncosee l se OlgndaEng ls lo rest at til ito sa. 11 en Iitr nt wll If Brunsswickt-Balke bowl- log alleys are the best;1 and oars are tbe best- thte drattswick-Batlke Co. make. ARE YOU CLO0THES WiSE? If you are, this will make you piie(,k up your ears. RBEAD: We sell Stein Block Smhart Clothes with the labcl In them. They fit; they are stylis.h; they ate well mnadle. lThey will probably stit yottwiltottt alteration, for you are ttot htard to fi, althtough your tailor tolls.vstt so. A single try- tot is wtortht while. Foll Dress Sutits, otte of ottr specialtits. IINDENISCHM1DT, APFEL & CON THE GRAND Billiard and Pool Parlors 220-222 S. State St. Vnder new managemnent entirely remodeled and up-to-date Complete line of Cigars. Cigarettes, Candies and Tobaccos HOWELL616(a JOHNSON, Props. E. A. RYAN. Mir CAN YOU BEAT IT? Vaudeville Act Motiovn Pictures Orchestra Music CASINO T5 C Afternoon and Eveninga Have you heard her SING? WHO? Why! that new singer at the T H EA T 0I V M TOWN FAND CO UN TRY SHIRTS XOU can pick lout anykind of shirt you like and be sure you will like it, if the name'"'Cluett" is on it. ~$L.50 and( more. Mtakers of ArowtCollars "Dry Dock Liz" I't tBig ot~ti M A JESTIC Show Shops BiliMatinee To -day 20050 Souvenirs to Ladies Whitney Theatre Orchestra ALBERT LONG, Director Season 1908=1909 Catt le secured, for Dances, Receptions ato ad all Engagements, ont dates otlter thtan regular Show Bookittgs. Atny combination from! two pieces up. For open dates and particulars apply to JULIUS~ F. HAARER, Mgr. Bell Phone 47 L 113 W. LihertySt. i r r t i BA-i THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Capital $50,000 Surplus and Profits $90,000 General Banking Business. 3 percent paid an Time and Savings Deposits. Safety lDe- potel Bases to rent at $2.ff and upwards Ri. Kilsur, Pres. W. 0. STEVNS. Vice- Pres Ht. A. WsfrsAsao, Castitrr 1. T. STOWE, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital stuck xt,o00 surplas $500,00 Rtesoutrces 52,000,000 A General Banking Business Transacted OirpisEnu Chas. E. Biscock, Pres; W. 0. WANTED! Atf- botatdersto ty II (.Wt~lkin's Iflitte lBoar-t. Home Baking. $3.00. 219 S. Insgails St. A oi 51 ANMO t- luPhone, 95,215 lose Phone, 9g I.A. DOLPH & CO.0 tuor ou t0. M. liariti Funeral lDirectors 209 S. ails Ave. Ann ArbsOr, Mich., TYPEWRITERS At Half, Price ALL MAKES 'EDWARDS BROS. 320 S. Slate St. State Phone 12580 K S FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ov ANN ARioi, MICH. E.it. KtNNE, HARRtSON SOULE Pres. Vice-Pes. S. 1V. ILARKSON, Cashier. Capital, $100,000. Surplas and Prots, SWf00. I erman-meica 'nnJs4ak Commsrercia l wad Car. Mafn gad Liberty Streets MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 Nerth University Ave. 0.-A. MOE. STATE SAVINGS BANK BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, W. J.Booth J3m V Sheehan ,Wm.Arnotd Dr. V. C.Taughan CIGARS. CANDIES, TOBACCO. T"soHB Wade .F. .Mitls PrfJohn Haarer Jn. Koch 112S. tae 31 aynrd, Pot H.S.Carhart Benry W. Doaflas -~I S Sat. . ~ Christian Mattt Dan F. Zimnmerman ALWAYS AHEAD IN - STYLES MILWARD,9 THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERRY THING IN TAILORING..