THE t MICHIGAN DAIILY j'Sweeten Up CIRLS DOWN PENIN * with IN FOOTBALL GAME, I ntei collegiate Notes. iiiyci 51pe a- Half a lM-Iigoio tld ~'1 i Cricke nn 11I frli. " I IIB[RI'S NIJNNL[Y'S B~arbour Gym Is Scene of Thrill- ing Gridiron Struggle in Which Chocolates AT Qurry' s Money Loaned orote po na-lo rt ty. Watch-esoI lJewoelty tepatred. Bargains on Watches & Diamondso Otoe at residenc 331 E. Liberty St A nArbor Hlors, 8to11:30 a. m..Ito I 30ad 7to JOSEIPHIC. WATTS JOL LY'S oo ' itAtl To. OYSTERS, STEAKS, Popuolar Prices CHOPS Toast arnd Coffee Joe doleb 1rtoo - I{I-tO 0Pipes- -t3-I (odlaitlt thipteo. Sprira acr latooiS tooat (litttl lot prirs - toe ifl-to it w ill ta~ o to ooiik thtat Watch the TURKISH WINDOW PILLOWS and BANNERS AT Darling & Malilcaux Michigan Scores Twsice. - i~etcso ll Syr 0 000010dent At a mot origintal "loot 11300rtyiiti ply arisl itee illingolyi ic - byli Sal orday tightl at Ilatlortto 31010 he W hy byo the Wooatto tttleticoassociat in in hooo tf te ii ctintgo irls t t ravesii ty Vs-vsn u is~s - i o hv ont e :li loigan-enslvalaetttryastt -i - i simmoingooo eil 5 h w fe, it a stlot w 103'atto lotokotbore in avorioi tiltt isi 0 too itlioloigato. For Ottveroal otnigh tfiorete- tarty ltto picked lfootill susiftti Th grl s tth i vriy a I) sectet Ittractce at lt the 0000011u i uderii t ,"i't heuivetoot t hen000foot the--directiono of ot fotlotbaltrie anl(he ;k fcrityoosetto -tois saidf . itvei [irl. Stewrart. It of I t s sort tm he- rt ernity- liiisc s o"ere i ii t doi bly gls sowoedth lemsoelveto remtorklylttoell h ar rges aatool to thet-sport, ottod twhile alsrm mtitog attolrough woorlk we re elfimittedol, TWiii foa te nierst oft0 f toe gitlswotrked outto otle of ototiloolls 0 hv aid te "aaa and10 leornet oi of seat- playstt10100 ing tickitlistent hr lliig tlkets Oft* te forwatrl passaottoolaie-I~ick. flc etrI is. If fttoweoe itth At tte 10001y Sotura tt t theni sy ee hywol hv 0t0a stnt' woos gfoot en fitth e try iletai ot ny i t im 0 ig tikt o ra etr 01010. Thoe two teamstoo o e rglrBr ore stots. lefih Mhlflogont andtootl I ttttio i100 swttelrs, otto echltgitl wa00 ade00 o 1c tilt s Trianlte olC lub o rice wth lt ntteffot t ril presen0tltig s0e000 0 n 10000ty 1 ptsetosotsan ua o tilootploayer. AMice Leo to IIIWoodw rt patyihiDic,~ ofIi 1 f'wrt- hadothe Oto-o rt of loeitog Mi\ ians to lnotytw, tutoo. 'thi yarth 10 twtn,Misoll- c le HIiggion- toote 01111ot dilo ndfoil it, successoi lclit 0andolha ic-olistfc Crotttotoker, antoto l ga actordrawintofor the lb 010s 1011000 llefogeoooot aso- _tlloodfo Mis A na tI a a it hetp iotly h W~oessneor to Holletolio ant- ssRelismlilta lcue oteito dctlot 10003 ca anitnt s o \O O tttltl p layd iii ofa eresofvad ill- ats nan gaomett.- Notttg w s tot:is 'Ii t Iprducion -are H artshtott orn sCito 0 oltptro loled iO loy- \Mis-slD ttnbar, t sot e rol hbosy 01ithit t oo l on i deIiat Ii oooooloooooo ;. 16(0 too 1mayhe repetedfofithItopulicin t - ltinart ure. Dancoi ngooo anooo refreso h- AIcI 0 1 idoneii e1xp1001 oatcho tepoir- c a a r' r }' sdays, businesos or prcasoa areer 't ttoe Cbolllino 1en toill 5100rti 1.e i 111wtotmtote too- ithl it lot got it to write. tioiaio;e of its soon- derflfe nleo 10011 il o esctlc s ilily at the The College fhost strooe ando otafinaotins a000venstoad#ot 0to Stadard the fact olot. Another groeat -oiltol oe o onig a CONKLIN'S gWI-, L1 PEN --you're never witse~ut ink. No mttortwohere yoitmay lao-in ytour roomooto0 hure toll,-Iat theipos t ofi 0e, telegotph office toorIhotel, our tonth 1e trails ill iiio loot - to oto to-to-t yor Ctoklinoton togi ttor0100001 '0 totooliiillo toyllol- troll, 100001 thae Ci sceotl-illter -a1do-o i p01 instantly fills itself andolis ready too o i 0 't'he 0 0100 110000lem10000 1 t tlto cleoons it. to t 01 -ooJi0000110 10--no - ofil lo 00 itertOlliot i obouito Jof tliiti-l Ito 0000caotatliog direct frotmathe ae 01201 i ooor 0 TheCostilfl Peto Co.,310 Manhoattaon Bldg., 'Tolodo, Ohlio, toaroofuest. Sold in Ann Arbor by Gee. Wahot toTwo Iookh Storms anolShoeehooao & Companay. ti. rir-s./ i t d t_$ ci h n v IC ,I Reule ConhilFegeil cog The largest distributors of men's wear- ing apparel in the county. We special= ize in Collega styles and cater to the tastes of college men who are always on the alert for the latest productions. That we have made a fine selection of Suits, Overcoats end Cravenettes it is only necessary for us to tell youl that we are sole agcnts for L. ADL EP, BROS. & CO.'S fine mie of tailor made clothing. If you know clothing, you know we are right ins placing this cel- ebrated line at the front. 1 4 o oe~s losed the 1100- Il'DUCA 101(5 lISCCSS IIVGt1ll('N-, II IOUSI I AIGI I A A T IS 1I I N IDIeott Voooobaoo ta oilood to oijt~io- i' fotr- 'I Ito ot-lc ottor, 1ito-to; 'i - i-ild th -ojt on whi00ctohe lots0to00 Spea0k00010 Ilot 21 - ot o dt 00 u i t or y. ""10 0 ht li 1? ab1 ie So . 1 I Ir Jwer We carry everything you need fot-a, complete outfitr I Sfgooilfin o' of11I ottol broutool p001 1 to to- mtoero. V. of M. 8B#KBER SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. 1O0U NI)-A.1000n BATHXOOM01035PoOCELION oTUBS CH1ll1)trg. 440 Chooo 0000 AND10 00100siio0010ti IBA~THS Laooies'otatnd 0Children0'0s 100r0 loolin-- 3225S. State St. Ann Arbo ihphns- 10000 to bo-li-oTlacher' i of oooooooo - S-e- 0, o-lO. -t, loot roloilo toot ciii~. 4- dill;it ti folio r-lnIi0 tootial t Men's Furnishings For the Particular ins cl-immoalsnq Tr-adle IN FINEST SHOWING I THE CITY' MACK & COO --- holig dl-ivered. SCollegte l lld 1078T n071o otol tilli. IJi-too-I 11000lls ii fl);, i ( 00001 ons,1010 0011I i toi at00- 1,it Ilolloo M-C,- vIt 5 fTi ttoS. coldt j leI ?ll 1 '0 Ohooklttatterfom aIi sdoes takitng * L '~ ~~ oito o oooblt atoltthe gOeatet service a ,armlont Owill VVAGNlEJ CQSt "i0. '0030000when toollItorimmoeo, atod 110ncased0 satifact I rI por0tilTao io n hecause it keoe100 its shape-whecn you oconsider- all tis*510 0111 0isnt 0alao rgprce to put unto a ood sult bt.t t Ana Ar 00000r0Ottercoott-ltoet0a a r 001deoo it~--u be are f esraio 0 0t ototogs at5.10'00 attdluAl ted ate eeutip 1001to to ttn out woork pr oomptly. Students' Lecture Association WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON Will deliver an address o "The Relation of Universities to Unpopular Reforms" 8 P. M. Friday, November 20th UNIVERSITY HALL Tickets reserved seats for Students' Lecture Association program of -ten speakers and two plays -------------- $2.50 Single Admission Tickets.---------------------- .______SOc On sale at Box Office, U. H., Thursday and Friday1 4 to 6 P. M. Listen to the Music D)o you know that if you huy your May Festival tickets now that you can hear four star concerts tree of charge? Bronstein, Nov. 17' Gabrilowitsch, Jan. 15 Kamlin, Dec. 11 Flonzoleys, Feb. 23 fCourse tickets including the F estival of five concerts III$3.00 If lIMB1DRI Of 6RAND RAPIDS For Ar-ts an~d Crafts Fuzrnituzre is wvell adapted to furnish students' rooms as well as thoe den. We have a nice line of these, also carry everythiitg in the line of Rug~s &"d Por- tiers, to htake a room cozry atnd comfortable. MARTIN HALLwER'9S Fearenitnre, Carpet aimd Drapery Store - J. L. CHA.PM:AN, Jewelei ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 F1010xioo"ooooo-o Wehtclh Ropelt trig iSpecoial*t Rowe' s Laundry THOMAS ROWE, Prop. 3265N.Fith Aver. Now Phione45t e lt toli Phoneo 4030-1 OMAKERS AND DIESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY Hailer's Jewelry Store 206 SOTtH0P1LtA I STREET Large Collection Antiques in Brass, Irao, Utopper anid Chinaware lort i rnitoli to ro r ootity looto too )00 otectlut lens A d d ioo s5 Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICHl. 9v STUD(- , a 319 East Huron Street