THE MICHIGAN DAILY'. iiiiei ,on to g IIhi ',S I ) .NiC \RICIKI iA11 l hi
aced. t la~ it i goiu to bepossile I\) IPE'I' . El
G. H. Wild C£olliailY arri g I dlor-ARCHtEa RITmCHI n orc.is foo ahrt II 0101lii1the cattered F T-EN
tosne~c nager -Jot-to F. Wuaz e er ina C siti C1.CCC on to grasp the )0)'oppor- 1the I C'io b l ouo is'. as neat'a' little
- -11it Cs tatare soC o itinly prd wc hairb1 Co Chop asC'.CC inse d
ECICCRO ICCICIC'.' Cand 'lell CICC' l o masCC ter1 .CC CCiI 4 tel onoralt0ni, f01cnh.P amm AN)
Th I I C A 0 0 t CkC
he CiteNew s... . . ..........Lee A \hite sole01CC pep exinCICHg polmo'tat1c0)n-h1s.St 'C nOCCIas te iic CCOICO r (of
A.thletics ......... .CEdridge foCCa I 'ICC1'CC 0CconnCC i. MolCl ' htthir'.) 1)1)) "CCICCC 010CCnm1Clii ' weater ests
Iiohaege ...... Robert ihontier '11)0 C CIroposal1is00)))leci t very-ItcC 'I l l-ro C
r'ox ..ls usc . . HIolli. S. Baier ii li t.1and'IcrooL .amrsting 4omC altp \) te-1cc C COia Ci ll the 1s0o)iC.thel))
E xclulsive Styles in DIrama..... . Rapolnd Vischer 1)00 i. 10I II reioll CCC') 11.10aCcertainty piai i f H)11) I Ucido a aP fcieCoo n
W'iomn's Editor. .. . L'oise Vn Voorhis adc ommon0))CCCCC. a c e )1)''rinty) . CC"I IIIt ,11s h naa et cims, 1) r). '.0 Medium and heavy w~eights
a IL v rnu nt 'y ' aid Phat if " hr htw r ed nil" h t raig te list ad\d i II'o 'ppot.1cC) iIC ''o ncas ro1 o h po'. itolidcolororni
W 0 u" rL IN I Cl inc I BocheIr' LeoCnard'CC. ReCi plceC. i\i111lxe ICCili,)t. - ilones h- p~atccih)) )11C))'' 1rC'r 1)' iCCI 11)01 )1)1 le ~to colors
\II ri13 'PMc lughl Fred IE. Gooding anCCCCCC, illr))hat) ICO madli-v~tis) notC ofIIli, hopC CC) madebiCICI CCCII)
F or Getlernen's "ear i 1111 ote dtb .Jns CCC)'ICCliCCCy toi nc IC ree C hundredCC)))pI pular.)1) C omact)C though I i ll('))C shop11 is,. You cannot spend
\N 'EdtCCt' K. 'Towers L'otis Krat 11ut1 ten))suchC'Cto) )house 1Cr.'ill ))))'. 1 1 1 '. rnnu ) pi C CII IcC)r ii))'~t
C)ul G'CC.C1 .0 1'1 1 . 111 11 reer 311111e1 I. Msorrs neat body. FI 1CC))Ccc CIi i y a d c. pr '.51.1air r~iCCCCCl
fabri 0csCfled>pcCC C Ci}1 s.. CG- '. \Williams Paul Leidy - ______-il rl ava of10 p-to-datIlldevice's11\
I C tllJ. Cr 1). A. litletleeP C 1101' 1111)1)11 .1'. wosel hr one1)0 11cc to better advantage
Full Dress Suits IHoard Ihall mtre' c ornerC C' ofC theCIC CC) 1 rusic
Specialy _BUSINES S STAFF - flI usic alb 3ramla ti dpolihesl '.cmma))))msl).The 11Crd
G. H. Wild Comnpanly AdesMCIINDIY rss Bld., the _____________
311 South Stale Stree Managers Hours: 1-2 nt a., 7-8 p. M- 1.1 iIl University Bookstore
daily, except Sunday. Both phones Sho111CC'Th rcialwll he devoted______________
________________________ CC i))'.ihi"' iliN .CCCC~)C .oli 3 Ni Hands c ff cheap gloves _______________
[11)1)1ad1 iiii l ik upon the 1C'CCICCC'.CCC if you wanst wellglov ed
S E I L SALE chE.1thiBA nd1,11ilHELLj h
TUESDAY'. NOVEMBER 17t.90t:t er.a101 C scC C CI .CGLOVES
0N t1 x~tyliv' _ Itr N)). IiCITCCCII CC CC Cl0KI
\itinnvaton that Couto reeie'oo ell'. d ef c B O O KSa oc
CCC 111111 11)11 CiC~pCbill ' aCC) the Majestkic lC ast'C' CnCihtC..'ciC)C
H i I N C 1 t.1 1 Cl ar 1111su p CCI11CC' CC'hrlC' stud~ent )1 C iC IiCCil 1'l lii 1C
tol ad c mm nsPTht icign iiai ahi 'Ih)c.lii etch. wasolo itC 11C
C ICI'il~CCCl)'.kche iTenn-~iCC
de re to "gto geterCoipi CC'. CC r'llali/(" lt'C CC CCIIIkpt' theialie nceirm .in 'nup
F or a lews day_ iiC"C',ii onilliiy~.iii ICCilii' I ~ TV T~1 T~ (
motiniil,. ha,'.beeoiiattemIpingCto o ruller s'ka.tes liyCl'.VI,11c rioved VAN'I I U IX ) largest Stck ittMiciigan
- - i '.1)1 .'iii.'".''. C'CIC''S'i~C. Ii CC'.ii' 1.'.1)11 ii h 111' ii300 Ea~s Ws~ahIo~to. S. Second-Hand Law Books
i CCC o nacCC)'t. o tisi' feeliiisthatli he iso n ii
'.1) 11) lii 1 iu ~ 1 '.1) 1)) C)). igh Lunhes Law atiilMeiical lDiciotaries
PE 'lli'iio iha,1donus'aCgre.a deal and ls'1.. iie'nt.'could '' lan '1)0 less Confectionary ., H'.Rok Etc
Prc th mrdii ieliispportC' and in0 th 'iii ide pliht ub.l '.i.Ist o ta iiii \vr asC,.et'.
C 1 )1)1'.''i ii C'fCever' -MicihiganCCICn1 C yP.nhia iBi'ghtii.the ol)y ')cd '.shi'and Conplete lne New aii Sec-
]!l it i'Pe Unin c'annii. Cioit, .ne cessa ily,'. i rly uCC))b) ' cIC'C herself''115 iPrett,' lepve.ki'.r Ice C ream 'te tnl
u.1tiiiii. So log as fiiii'fifths oilandCmI everyi\'iap ss'ip' '.' she heldCher
Full Mlie at 1o'IIIil'. Ci'. aro'scattreid il grop udlC iiiii piivo edithriughoiliIO~~CIuiioh Phones 78 L 8,Blue Old ooks takentinlitxchattge
ShorV1 {L6 Ite idn oy fteBow tIavr"tp ~ 326. TATE STREET
Students' Bookstore iOneoof theCorri.cdisizedifeatiulres. of iAnnl Cure CIasterly art oP''ii''o Pirg lo " p'blr*.....Second Floor Tel 71
ee' cr rofte Unit'.'ibSats nir asu11 pporting.) 1C ''C lCcpn isc elle01.'
A. G ' Spalding Q & B r~ nry vros.count1 r' 1)1 the.'facelo~r' liri l'.iiiC '.te C ossr pl)'''of CIp'. j( O
'iii~i' iili'.ir C REAION 5c. in the jewelry line, largest
iootn Bi n a-kS lol . e skates, o ihe individ ls niio iiie p r. tIi Ci kl iiivv C r ilelfun i.eI eCwasCn. hornsiii'- Its reersible. Made witt " Easy stock, lowest prices are our
Alce, ppf ytnsu >cca oka ?11 1X c to01. r in the cst. The r11'.oil tiesliding Space" std ' Patented inducements.
PPpparatusi.. irii.'ilfc C-P
'.1ha we hCve neededCfor lon imo -1'-'smc1101 ere of iitho Crue college type- Lock 'Fron.' 4-pyQtarte rSizes. one careful comparison is all
",i,",u,, L..'Co '. ii it)'in ay IiC rinariiiipa11)11'.iiilie': aC tlai.'Nc,'a, ((PSI Iridayi fteCo~l ConICaCPhiiGni be pleasing.
AG. SPALDINVG & BROS. . so propriat'.lp 'saiiFriiday' nigina De ilaC fill'.)nClippinl Reiiin o :H. 1)1W'M. ARNOLDCOLLEGE
iii oro oe can bae a "i on'iiii dinnher" PP'PSithi70 POrfor id iioaiinl reiiiib CE ELE
Nein Yrik'. CC ' .aao i eit I220 Soth Man Street.
eve' cay Th rmitollry: 111e)1cOmiS es.rwairil 43 UITES5IST4CCLLARCS.,iMakeri),Troy,N'.Y
Don' Be oldoo You Pay Hot Drinks
Tally lo Coat or a Jersey Vest will keep f for your clothes because you can't e; Hot Chocolate rii li\hiped
yoI-i ll ~C. TPhbey lire exactly the qacht aeipht. - y satisfied wth readyude clothut-g? It HtCfe
Tiley re exactly' ile righ i ce. PCSCCA isu'tueessary. We Wtillfurisht yott .i rgo
clothes uade to umeasure y . Hot Beef Bouillon 0
Examine the following: Ho Chickeu Brot
HadkitSwatr oas----------$500/Ed. V. Price & Co., of Chicago, Hot Clatt Brotht
Hanknt weaerCots --------------$500froum your choice of 500 'adsonme Hot Leumoade
Chevy Chase Sweater Coats------------- $3.50 farics, for !,3 to 1z less thans any I-ot Malted Milk
Wilton Jersey Coats----------------------$3.50 small tailors carge ad also gve yout Hot Tomato Bouillon
Wright & Ditson Jersey Vests------------- $3.00 the additional advantage of wrmnhpadcretsetale
Lot of $5.00 V-Neck Sweaters----------- $2.50 wrmnhpadcretsye.Haut Satdwich_ __5
Lto$50HihNcSwaes$.0Our Tailoring Department Chickeu.Shaudwich-t--oe
Lotof 5.0 Hih-N ck weter --------$ .00isdoing an excellenttbusiness with. Fiedeakes srved iwith eoee
those we have learned how to be well Wafets with all other dtiks
Fvery patterntisi strictly up-to-date. Quality in every dressed at all times at a vey rma n
case guaranteed by able cost. Look over our cloths and
THEI - V P P L Y fashion figures and y on'll see why. . . CALKINS
V NVJ R 'r S OR3 Fred W. Gross DRUGGIST
Y T ORE""PIG.13 .LietyS.324 South State Street
121 Washington E. _LThe Randall Studio, 'Randall & Pa ck1 Props-. Phone 598