The Michigan Daily A\ \ARBOR,311 ICIIf ,\N, ri F8DAYi NOVc 411I1ER 17;, Ni., - VOL. XIX. _\ (). 4 3 VARSITY HOPES TO last We dnesday nil exhaturi r DEFEA SYR CUSE antI it te a msmeto cff1yiback to DEFE T S RACU E Ati Abora mjor ity of ttetiiaf- Badly Crippled Elleven Begins n tarr\ltcigtant'ssithance-sl o lt st Work For Final Game-Aller- 1o growia113lesas.IPetnsytaiatilt tilt recently conidtelredl onteofthlte stroll -aat dice and Schulz Out. contenders tot first 11011(51 tt as baily h eatent by CLarlisleil thi cttross csmtr t Crtusitedlanttcileduti tttstill figit-imtetitiggtwttle lPein'sfootbll IIteniitvas ito' MIiciigat's vrit elesvtnthas iegutt at Attt Arbot. 3Whilettis dtt scm nt prearationhtfortitthiattlIgattttcof te elitiniatseills Quakers ftrotttany cthtattt seatsiton t'-th tt yrs nestxtSatttr- itt tetracisccms to itdicate tatt Ido-. CoachtYit N n d iIitthemn terre tteyatrcint a sirolng tisi teat a- fti- tatitratily titappiteats tfittheunxipcctedintcrly tindtiltttall trobatitity tNtill o u trttinth ie 1t t te Pcn btt itle,ibtt ttp sttclt a figiti as ittirevtats seats. ttttiintgcctttecer coticeceittcrtplayes flarvaandattle hiaIttsralrcadiy iteet toc coacithtithe betit stitsteaon, or defeatsd hi otitet teams titat owilril titat -Miciianit istttlti n ttatriiumtpheti te Ptrintetontrassete.fstrttrccbiig-its if the fttii servicsotf Caiptainl Cehoileitlatedty its ssaciitisii- siTe tittid th sItd Niiclit iti 'istttspasedt titslatterby Ctorntsll.\NtWitottdoutit, Coit sleit titniti the sttt. tell, whiciiis fattotta fotrith t it i- IWitic .\iiccite ti-ito g Inteltatsck taitctettenit Ietist, wilt l be i icit trcngithei icatiteS-atrdayaltoughgIt 'sat rongiest oponntttbtut Captini racksesitrwitiia intilasdlibyaatrokettDullwisletisnot somittttig himisslit shtouilider one, sitiopielessly ot tof lt ecittmsfatiyconftt ide tofdiefsatit- the Jaats fir tse iitrema i tt titsheseanit iacat1s. ther titi tia osibsilty thtat Catain Schiulz swill ibe able toi gct ito tse s ra- FOIL JAPEuR'r'S P1AN TFO dstcfgamei. i Tt11111slesvis ttorntfrtotti 101RN 3311N IS'Ts'Ill Is Si tsfiN his hit Sta t3 iii its Ie s ttttiitt e1e11____ li tiiri i-i shitssiol of eiibtlity es- Unversity Psitcing clutb, itldi intthet ires i-fi ih et satt11iii aOtgamilie iS trotphytroiomttofterm ma~dttt siitit dtcseitiicilto ii i anit is posstitle Monds veinttg, sevsralinoais t tt-serilli ibsaliste- ii toaset ito fthe w itlaoptsed.I Ttret toutrnamets il l W~it Scitiic in L thegmitti iiitait for ntetxtttlt. heis 1111et will re- cae.bultms hesitrlics aof thisTelti Itt Janu11ryIthettsnoiiiscaswill co-tiest li-Isat. Neaiirlyiithe ent leantwsuitoturinamtet thetfeetintieIanit iii tte bady iatteredciip11i111the Peniitgaime, folowitng tsar isill its shosuit tat-fn ugat, ,iiiti0 3asitlldlandttlCasey Thti tnumbler if miti sitt hits iear-is cs-ct-eiO iniglt tisjued ises. loes 51 al laIrgcc thant last, antt iis probitallethat i of this-ieguliars xcptiShlz and tit'ler- seitiontditt unotditsisiotsowillbe tic creintnt 111 il ine-up las ight i licitfotrciid I tseslutitfsncs illthe i it -i teislte i bcaiithli l weest ofsitprac- fentcinig ro-s vyl'otncsscsa\yii . tN~en tisuit tre. aitil Frnida-,fitimt4 toft p. it if ti-ioughi iitlietit ias been sitshitid to rightimnidessire a cla st ill 1m1eit ve Ni iiin italf tstosscee Mlriiccitswh ilseICititet a aThrditi'Iiiiayacieninti7:3-0-.i KUSIC LOVERS TO HEAR BRONSTEIN t New York Symphony Orchestra, 'Cellist Will Appear in Second Choral Union Concert Tonight v ii hutle Br -nstisiaiii'stlistiof le 1 to igh i i isst inits s icod ite Chorlis c ncets. it is onetsuof th - e ll- - we ll iii ttmuiictita n itihthaei dvotdi ther im -tite -elo, nd aiii s i-tilta tise reftationitas aiiiplastr ofigreaii il i an lceyd Ic foindtiont oft ii, ut- l cieucto t tie Csu~etustiiiit otf Cldss. Ate grdu ting- frtth tisf ing ellst. Bro sten' tse tasiStooni a pe ited, iiiia iltdton t ltitr tiittgii iii -iie a tr-acts-i(titattu tio Ttit Scatago h came t tis csitrylt and iottiiti it l iii ii in 1 ,. a t r- -thi Nime he i astis st i ; uces i th iiw sitT.B si tein i siiiiIin he t~bikosLttrt t l io a ra-ctediuihitsis i t enIatinantitsa thefeaureof terg-rm.T he lii- tit- cer wil c mmece romtly ti i t sisei tng ini1i lc r its sl Tall. -'ii liii I\Si C iii 33 i liiT C t\iiiN Ci CC IROSECTiS is iii iinig t ii riih Cisut-sl Angiell hal ati ithei -sodititi i t oifits Cm- it-s1 ticsltub iitii-Th d iabe- Cichton," th lay ito el sit t edts iii th wee beor Chistas«a redstlthsll-e stu ent toii i w o f i p itsuihidtil iti gii lt t 1e pre oi s til-t itit i i Uci t 111 I tsli lked ihe by s pIeci iat lyi well. But ol i to of ihe me andtwoigi NC iiiN\a be N \ if IIhiix ty NCth n i ieflaywl)N 11 igINt." X ed- ti c .m cila iti i t sbetilt atesdl favralybyIh cif tic.etu paIytewroo 11a4ips entiiieit it iii ill hiYor ilk fu liii t c i is -ot ist ei1ti1iacti Iill ol it 6 ti t the iae itplace ii. tl ltti iii I raii alit liigeti sta new te atg- sbstintigitii ittit thi h i Ill s-ee iiv Protlf.ili leiiI brink was tnet i e in-il Iarcto heoliileyaegiearelits cldinc noietirofsrfiti r t a ilwaytiuitfed irihcns af tiel titscstitt feaOrsigs n. CThe lprooik'i shesaen~ ing Clina-ndit is-eC. u titise tr cocoosn. ~ stta mentoa wrkintthcecioderof itheaQsad- rtongles, ite fisllointginetewere taketn ito thte- soifety:J.P.Slutsser, 'og; DaidiiWN. Prall, 'og ; i,.3W.Stetor, 'osg, landi Charles NIL-Perry, GIRIL GCIIUA\TIF,, C811:1ltNIS ftR(sN N ZR NT iFCCPTiftN lie gradluats girls if istheuiverafsita her -om yeisterdayate e li- rnooniittl fro-Isto i 6 a'csoosi htsarethitysetveinit-omien takti-gsgradiute sw-nr-tatid-tituttitry tars-mittet hiiof tithteeiitsan i-liotel 011111tishs e liichosInweretOtive til tt-itlts ell e sl it-sitryitt is. iii hi A\ -ri--t mlanytcoll-agts-it-eri-rer- suietn iti tedm ng them ins-tt ,Ii-iasitu Sta-si- fistd, Chisg, itNtsconlsiniVs a an Ilii s 1111 'Iiillw s ihe 51rsitisseft ig f isi111iiIiliiits hn bigtsesgraiutii-is to- -etiis-c a-dttihii-e tiolitf ine s a re lif slook istfitrwird to1wiiith uchitsit. NIiSSIOiNNItES SI NilI Ni IL i-i 1:1 -II IiN 'Ii'ililii(il-N: 1rof11IliteticC.NiiMab iiesoeunderithts "Te holdOtlSook."s "T e isoarieisi toda acitisis 'S lilt liii --11n11iilloreigni ii its liii si.(l 11111 NIai isis Tht-te i -it h ush it i in -illcitsls-teiaflais is utied t. It s Robtis'c-tlls-gaeitnI urkit allinituio 1W tislt tosettle tiii-plisaet Bknti s-f -it Iut- his Siim11111fliiie graduiats aOf this -cioo litstetupy- uaositsofsites i ttsr tit ti t 1inI theueat tltmnti of this tr( 'ae. In thsprsenlt nia iqtlteation lo lisoarils ar e\tiltlt iapowrfuit n 1111111 for tstltttoti tl istsio silt atosietiettistill lrshticlyichreo " Uton its itioc i111 si-st is depends jalmsst grsetnellss today.yTIifs asstit lb iiithe smstaompiftilthe world-ti. Is- flac titias oulti tsd utuo i isicsl- ctc-fsilfirt tihCitteI fit Msstauthu t-s tiles,. atutu ltngflis ii3uu 0011 huh liss ri- tune ttstousCh ina0 eue sChina iititigit best. IiFlimtparit oftthis utisnil monetist Will iheii tan tillaytse s-ailt it () cii h nded studtsi whoii illi stn(] ill Cinii cain111ti siltc "'These are examplesiif ths ini hliii of t mittstotaries;thyatrtillas ples w h get gNut atse i sisilmriiiark its fit I Ni111Ais wetll 5 a il to iii l illetic he tsichoii se itist sh Norasitilstrsisi fNitetistit Fii i ii ontlt silteit . At presenit iit issit t ingit pres it o h ohse Ih GRIDIRON HERO TO BOOST "CULTURE" Football Player Attired in a Toga Is Subject of Successful Poster Design For Union Opera. ta- T hel slri-slt ri-s CiiiMilci. crImiiir in sit-itlar itprisslits ooh l:it efe t is 1 lusatcs i oper idea a i ittt ii tst iasc a titsi ill itt listsl~ tini ls-"151iv( C(iilllllttcii it t ist1 K- 151 r~-n us p c infi suic fti ktihts wCiii sl el(o e, i s it it ita it n in f~thallu ithm i ii( tis dratitw tsntito imsilluie of irisha dom iadtitletit ii isiai tits tutr u Ba wk n fsithii cont ss la stitissi . ItIstit isve I a cl s -111. 51 stuii i n u1hs r5 Ni amih od i11 his eft ihand h uthodNC 11an fr n Detr it e talthi h a OW hird lace it a ioste °dtp pae tl t sy tithiia 1 ck () i i ts esutuus tilt(se luti f ihis i C-issJtit-i si ltI tI r .I. iI it iiiiilutst-ittI ii t (>f sis iii hut lityiiitiltG lul, al sIte I hi nl(f Naur I wa ss d Iit rIt iI I to ii fthiss lay.s I Itisiuis til ud-ss--itth(i ive vi stlisteni () tis cac a llsit sil ii d its siisstl isti s ssssuuiic110 Nhirt-ttoft1rihe soi-st st i iit ts M mr l-sit r i ed i year ' sussthe s ut-us-i- grssi11 liss aiti tutai enpcsss-ti o sei-iice tom do hisi limi t ight end.11 15renntitnstas ini Scimuh's pmiceit ueiter,-tiidhulhcs tile tug scaptin m i is ut ejitntillme ts-ani, irennan t wililllc1n1111e1oil15htutu hus untitil lime SyranmseSga111 Whiile- this fooitball ussiis rapuily drainimg t co a 1r-Ctunal, sctoach of this isarsity iskentbl llteait, ins Its-cn hums iiwih prepartins hum buifhl illthe first baskeLtbai ll temu mi inIMichigashis i- i'ccll foricaidateii hss itill hut-issiued iiashtuti muttnit itastupetsedlterec wiill bitsletyiofmtuital.ITheit-nieligi- billtit t ofthi lim-fst pomisifg 1matrial is troubilingth ahi il muanty-tf laist yerscass tis t asibeing belowt in their stuimuls.a I umkthu timajority of the gaeas ill bhionsitedsi ulhrinlg the see- ond11 setmestesic I it iIi s ueetedflint tile athltetes iniqustilu wsill hue titusto pliay bhilauttims Six esuimes usill ibe phaytwui so ittthe Citsemesitchr lushlout il the secoitd. Of thuse, two55ill be'hIway from h onie, andtheIltemtltaiderbets. JusitinowthIls cuestionl Of timtucfora practice hiss mcel 0orrying thte coach, as lime gyom cilases occupy lime floor the greafer part of this afteir11o01. Tis and othier mtters siill be settled immediate- ly at flue close if mie footballh seasoit iwhein practice uill shirt. NWilliain Balhtcief, '1It, siul take thte place of C.h-f4.Hall, 'It, ini fle cross country lmedt atliriticetont next Satan- lay. Pacedl y Captaitt Dull, Balhtatchet yesterday imade thie tix-mile course in 34:14, just oue minunfe slower than the time msade y Dull in the fry-outs last Wednesday, atud three tummtes fatter thani that made by Hll intthde tame eatee With thte audition of 1Bahliatchet, tbe six mciniwbo thowved their fitnes CA N A31C Nfl IP',R'S TALC TO0 tORI STi-RY STCT11IIC%'hS Ftia mi uorninigt, NIr. Nlifitutof tte i,atimiuutuche Paper tnduiulPisitCiotisgavei tails to forestry studest. Ccinin lte- ested in outs of this 1arge lumbiricosmu- patties tof Callada, Nb 3-NAilios t aslk icas inistrutives andilprasctical. Thts-tutetuigwsaslutso addresstediby !-In NMc Nileti afoilrsstrexert muer the empitloy tuf the C iitit iigotvernmenslt. s-sir hi u at sena is ilh itaknilta." sid MinNi -Nliuli hi is to thelia I Cana-ii diani foress.Isit his een saithliiiCana- iatt foretsiacouill supplythei h o i ile woirldhwiti lumbiei.iT lullsis ill I Stifi- ation.Ti here articonlyitthreeu sumfouri srge paiches of foestlandsituniCalimitah Tis fadtliii sum iumiprecsed time gur-m uetucuoffihcalstht ithliy- -re itiiing t nat- good la-i-res to compuuetentmitn1111t1 take sate of wti ifthenyitoIposses. SCARLEFT -FEVER CAUSES QUARANTINE OP HOISPITI'-lIS Absolute qutarantiute has cxi stedl su thur Univuersity allopathuic hospittal since- ash Saturday. Scarlet fecrnwins thdisceed ini the childrnu' ' wardlasttwieeksmnd laten a case wssas fountd ini thec suirgicail ward. Fire cases nosw exist there. All itersons linfecteud iithi the sdiseause on danugerously exposetd to i itarsveu-tin isolated, andIa11 other ipatienfs ushit iere able ho be tuored uwere sent haoniu In idiscuuttitng thue stale of affaitrs if thue qitaranutintetd hositualDr.linteakey taid last nighut : "'Fle conusitionuis nt seriotut and there is absolueltyunoutdait ger of the contfagiont apreaditugliiitlust The wvork of diusutfecting thue usard~sis -progresslig rapidly, utoiw thiaf timeitosppt tal has beeut cleared of patietnts.B theli end of the week matters 'scll hi.sattlesd and tie lospital 'sill again lie pent for catet." lsit NWsur s t I(,11 s it Sat ill-h' - i-i ttt c Ito it iTheii NWfRKiCI fICh lits fRAIDtIN fO iNNh1.1T 33 Ff'S'I'hat CI'LIfC 1xcast111 ion ork humsittguittosut ht netw aditioanmto lthe noth imsumhm ms-s engssiingtutslimbuiing. Theicotrait ihist beeulet:i toIsochi rst ecosin ii truc rm- 1tio wsork wsillmnmi he ibegmununtiuil sturing, mi-li eu u lue natiiuommsical miuiab ra t-y still etarn drmtown. hTits shtlne-chills'shealit n mmfruit tofi his :Nicumomal uiing havuben i i mcitos downss nd tuuitittll othsresuinlstits- donauonmmiilthsesxtse1101.1Thutat for ti thus intor fitisit us mut t beci laet.hi Ih his $1oo coppuer rca-ohs-img dm ons this 11(1obseahis toryItha1be11 inishedi ath h it dinguuwsill btueaduyisform occ-u- timer about Jatnmuary i.its e rwisle- scopeu itill be pit ittplaceuscextxspsinug- iglut huuned llashaveusbit-sumsui- priauhnstedciforta niewsgrenhomuumscout thu ibotaniucalgartus.Tus hiutimilintgwichi wuill hut 16fec-hsi-ile sandul8o ft-ct liuu still beinuit iin hcspunm. Ivr Unc~Liionnmeumbaershmipa commmittee- must aeftti p accunts totday,- st the: Un11101 beten'cci andutu6 Il TlMaiNNomat i Chit s iC io 1l NN ilii lnitmmriitiuul 1mcr~ii-sumismi Cmiii Cultist strday tut;uC(n -aulsmi miws- iluhich toi h fI hei1funigi tilt 'IiCrst muss e Pr 1st s f M'Ni- srd lit ifliii tisimtwas tmu ltati orl si th si t t t«mmii the lmt 1 1 v il refe mitsum gacucatutioate-opeatitonfiiof~ its hli it it - 1155 f til 'hecm mimsion ii hisaded bilium i rsitil summgut-sr rth eri m tsui rialsc o l irnged b CitheI~gniS IgisoNciclb ee ing i tilttCaisey andtmmimul simui tute meumberins if lthe usmmmlies muchurns- this yecsi