THER MICHIGAN DAILY Sam Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade Can. Deliver The Goods Sam Burchifield 106 &Coo EAST HURON ST. JOLLY'S o00" S.'STATEFST. B-B-B Briar and South African Calabash PIPES Imported and Domestic Cigars Cigarettes and Tobaccos PILLOWS and BANNERS AT Dlarling & Mallcaux V. of M. SB&RK13 SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKt. Prop. 111H OT tO 01D ( 0101. , IN I' 115 l~alle' Id Ihik -ens Hll.t'Ctttin- 322 s. State St. Ann Arbo, Mich. P'hone 3559 ciellr J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1-.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 'olly Glaa0 te GOLIF CL.U I>HI AS A I t5I0 1? RlST-l---Tlrcc desirable 511i1e5, SC.'CUI SSF1.'I, SUM Sl I kR Icane0-b fI)0 lock fromotcampus)110pri0c00$2211 -- $2.7;5and $3.oo. 631T S. longalls. 3-4 The. College "Air" 'helo unotry c0111) golf fonk, were Othe sceno of exciting golf Thtces(1111ril the ptoosummeonr. 'Ike Annm.'Arbor Golf club 0is01omp0ose01Of tresidetso (f .AIIII Arbor, facuity nmember's, adotudotenots. Aonug thec'matches he5ldollduroinog thoeova- cati on months.,0w0s00000'loot. Saturday loetwn tilelocal moen andoothe SWalker'- oille loom, of WValkerv'oillo', Canadao, wihol resutlted lino a victory fo teo'me1)'clubl. 'Ihey odrew t'hclootg etoolofoa 25 to 2 scosre. [,"aotkofthe Amo.Cr1boor olaoyers oefeaoolted oois opone'nt .A"octu0000ma101 h wtoho \'ollo'rvoilo'loohasoob'en .'rranogeod, a teof'oofoi jfto'e'ootobe loolosooo'o 000rpresen Se'o'raol cracoelaye101001 com00nt lt'e foolodthoisfall a'ong 0 theo'studtst 01000ostotlble10perha1ps oe'ioggStoeooo f0 Newoo'rtokl, 'ond I Miley', ofKas. lIotototC. 'T'u'eoloodoWl, a'ontg tloo'onewotoember'os o f Ithe'olubl. Itowill 0)0ss00c0up0 t' oe rcent C.incinn'ioooo 000)00- 000000, 000n0h1onors00'11 theIo'stateto' ooroo- ment, and ls ' holds 'heorecoIdof .3i fo t e Ito aoool 11- . Studenotts of tot:Lio'o''ity owill b ioo' 1 toeia rtesbo'for lobopiv'ilo'go'slois yea00r'andl all thoseoointeoresotedinotilis 00i0' uttofoo t'ebchampto ionshloipt totttto- 11tto be' helodshoortly'. It is poossile bthat mttets owitlh \Vj'.otootoo oond('hi- .aotgooll-onferenc''e'ooteams0'.ito be ar- raned s il0pevousye:.'liooollothe hslostt one0100' 0000 lReogent Bal hasolbeseo'oc lecte rsdn of th' clublofootrlothoprsent'se'sono,soand to'oother'oooffico'os 000':0 ProfI. 1osoljo, Se00 re0000'y; Prof. TII jt) 0'.tr'easurer,'o)'an0 Ptroof. IT'ruebloood, cha.'irman ooof oir- 0000000 0committeek. 1)15 CO U CL F'Y'ICY It,\1 PI.ACIbS ON 2'b'l'oC''rc'111K15' Reoto.fooho deooraic tat conven'btion (ilt Saoginoaooo' teth'aot the omoinaotion ofoot'liote nantovenowl oloatllo loe offo'reo'o Dean o Coo 'ooole'y'of 'he' entginer'tinog dolotosoo t o eIanoo C.oooleyo i'.at 100'sen't ito \\ iooloioo.o0 andooo 00000000no't 10000kn 0wn bohoh Ito'heowillac cep)0tl'tenomitioon UOR R'IISNI' f)neo 100a100ortsito' ; $..oo per0 we'eok fororn000' oorolt0: ollCM1- Oo'))'o's. 3,1 Packar'ot' ree5t''0. 1-6 Swea'oteru' e-it" 0000'0jo) weater ves0''o'ts at'M0 S ,\j, oell's, .132 S. Staoto So. 2-7 C.'olle'giano 'lotheoso-fot' colle-, m' boon 00 FO5RtEN'T'-00022 front rooml, faoc- in \ln :Mynaorod. oseontd floot'. Press Ioiloliog. Inquoir'e of Tyler' Publ. Co. 6 T stjll hote oo fewr sets of fite secondo- loaotol orawoing sets for sole. W. S. loolt, 0237 VollttotlSt. 4-8 O1,1) Tf)WN UANOI7S-lDrop 1000' taol c'ardfor catoaloogooe.too W. H. Trip- loot. 1000 S. Thaooyer St. 4-60 I Oerating oat00000andoaprontos-Wagnser c . Co., Staote street. 1-4 Ytootnghtos-"oneoobettor madoe"-ont sale lot'Allon, .fMon street. 1-6 Reolialecanvssers wanoteod, too sell Ulhoral IUnonoticjkets. Call a1tte office of the Schoool of -Nlttsi , ithno referenee. f-6. '11115(SKIblPF MUSIC STUDIOS- Pa o, oice, organl, comtpositionl. 312 ;,ootolo Il'sooo street'. 2-6 PIAN3S UFOR REN'l-.A ctooice lot obligheor gradoe pianoos for reton0 0e0sy)'tIrmts. 'lonitog free for thte year. R~ooot"s.Mu\ic:'ousoote. lo-th-st-sno Fro'ntohocratlhers--tos0000popular 01 'Ile at. Th' kinfouol c000 n000ut00in 0000pocoket. Ihenry & Coo., 700-711 N. 1lI vfot 'ity. of BIio oo' r 00tlolet goodts at IBrown's olo"tog store', 0200 Fost Libeorty street, atnd sav) 0 sone). 1-6 Up'to-doaloto' habeo'rdas'hlery fot'mn, 000 saeby'Alloto, 7Maointstreet. o-6 'The ' 101,hs Rooyal, 2000 East Liberty, looy 00". Ioho be ost aoo n ost for syottr 0h0)00ey, in '. of M1'00111. penansbnners Idplows. 'Trytoustoatolsee. If L-'to-doalote' habeorashery for10000, 001 Ioo' hY len,SAlaiojt sreet. T-6 S'sooll remedoies andto toilet requiosite's '000 00010e0000ly' at Broowno's odrug store, Tao I";s i booty street. I-6 Laboratory'souits santdlaprons-Wagnter, i' Coo., Staoeostleet. T-4 Iooo11s '-"'Itoto'(oobet'r 1010''' 0000 le by :Men, Matinostreet. t-6 Thtkitor! If y0 olonttbuy yotto ottI ojoog 2sfrooouls, No' lbothloseo1000000- 0 V. I11n0)0& 8' U..700- 701 N. Untiver- sily. if t r 1 , '!-Y'! 'i'- .. ' i h 'M i ' ( t ~ } f r 1. ' p 1 : } 4 ! ' . ' ~ t , ,.. t i :. ' ' 3'« ,, r- e u - ._ , R . .,, . not only distinguishes in preenminent degree our "College Clothes" for Youg Men, hut everything else that we sell. It hreathes true refinement and possesses ltoe style that is real, hecause it's subhtle. You see, hut you can't defline it. We choose all our patternos and models wvitho punctilious care and aitu to preserve a treasured exclusiveness, wvhilIn barritng vapid eccentricities, 0100 lines are big enoulgh ando brtoadl enouogh to meet evet y purse anld ref- erenoce. Your patronage is courtotsly invited. Fine line of Furnishinogs, Hats, Capols, e. STABLER & WUETRTH CO. 211 SOUTH MAIN STREET Rdule-Collhil%1legelCo. g 200-202 SOUTH MAIN STREET "We uake a supecialty oof caterinogtoo thelo tso.b of college 1101enwhoodemanthato 111s~oething ill clothes collect style, it is foo that feature tloat I,. Adler & Co. Customt Tailcored Sulits anld Ovecoals ' have thle rep~utation otf being thle best in Anmericat. We carry a comlplete 11110 of Manhattano.sitst, Silver Collars and-o-da1'0'lte Neckwear. Everything in Furnishings for College Men Watoa Repe..rng aSpecialty osobo boo'Abbott, Mainoj o''. I0( WAGNER & CO. announce :thearrival WAGNER & CO. announce the arrival of new fall and winter woolens.of new fall and winter woolens- Many new and exclusive pfens in Many new and exclusive paterns in the handsome new colorings. Itwll be W GNE O the handsome new col orings. It will be worth your while to see them. Importing Tailors worth your while to see them. Prices, $30.00 and up. Allgrents STATE STREET Prices, $30.00 and up. All garments made in our own shop by cmetent made in our own shop by competent workmen. workmen. THE Students' Lecture Association SCHOOL O UI BAND AND ARD SREET _ DOS OIT OFFERS FOR 19081909 Special courses in all branches of music for 'IN BRD'w DEIr A LIST OF TEN SPEAKERS OF WORLD-WIDE FAME: University students. If you wish to "tmake's any of the Varsity musical IDA M. TARBELL clubs, or wish to acquire a knowlege of music, call BARON KOGORA TAKAHIRA at the office for Information. JOHN HAYS HAMMOND ___________________ S. S. McCLURE HON. W. BOURKE COCKRAN WAI KING LOO WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON Chinese Chop-Suet' Restaurant HON. CHARLEMANGE TOWER ChineselFancy Dishes, Amnercan Lunches of Cafriag and Baggage ( ti, JSIEDAVID J. BREWER ldisFaoenoene. nech Cnspn to'n fro prtties, JUSTICE and 2' panes, BrIcss.bfreIone iatrIo'loh PRESIDENT BE NJAMIN IDE WHEELER Cistoirs, iedarS. Ostot rs,.34S. StitSt. kt$2.00. oo, h JOHN MITCHELL prie til be 2 ents. If cariedb to ASLIF To a pAtentedBUG and r fom p-stirs th prie wll e adSCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY 50 Cnts. e 0 obeei'ah MACHURDLE" Donald; Robertsoni and Company of Players Of S3otlsSate Street for carrage anidbaggage seri. Casses Satsrday. S0 A. M. asmd WALKER'SI LIVERY FULL DRESS SHIRT Tickets for All the iNumbers $200 7~ .M .H TRZ°uie hr olrC. Mkr ryNY __________________________________________WATTLES' LIVERY. Assembly 9 ol. STUD 10'- 319 East Huron &treet