The Michi _ 'car . XIX. \'O. 41.. WakINNER IN GAME TODAY IS PROBABLE WO RLD CHAMPION Both Teams Are Leaders in Their Respective Fields -Coaches and Players Are Confident But Not Boastful-Teams Are in Best of Condition and Determined. I;field lud(,c° : CC- rthv, Igor ti. head linesrtlan : 1xi-tut], W14crosin Cates obeli at 12 ()'clod: Itoon. ('l t ct II(IIdcrs arc requested t ctm w carp- as II( ssihlc tl') aid the i11:Ina cttt ill liandliit"; the ct-()\x d. L NvII inlty cold- oilly" at St street citrie~e, itft it hg' ftie, igtaf' .se1st, tiit 21ttip Mu ant,,tleftehit', acktiti Iltit.ftt uilt- tt1 D isttitti fract Peitityis8 its6 till2ste 2 le atsttie ift' tlettggie it ittl it. It~t eelitst ittth teg. foi wtet h eStb: it t getta. --it R itle ' etar et.s.. tilli. g'0 o 5 r Isk Iit' e'litittet'.i... hit.t'p.i2I11. ttit 21 i Gtirt t, eeafbtek atite5aitt7itott reai Melseri tteefet flik. .. . 10 tttittt" tit tileysitghi fteopstott tutied...if7511 2 1 Regnlftiand seiit. i tii it.35 t 22t. it luie ngaisdha s alf veety ol l a ,te , alfe ttt.".,I eN els ,e ilgilleof iet'ictgh t ig ght2(k; doomssyl .a sie iitt it l^lttt -at gie weletet of itckiedk Mitg ,p1ttee Penisit aneae, it16i7 ht tt1i-2tte. t t Itat is e ' T h e ato i k Stl e of i tti t e it. tat th e' e k s a e Itt shotut tltd iw fli. y ,i Coagget orY t esictigal sOtiemay cniet tofaMihgtisto ; ,i ist eoi d;esaeotig i letttgw lees, rnof gtn cac. thereasoit aiooed If'ritse ll-et isranteTrSOMerFAtSaBOUTk, iGgaME, .teiiigtse Ptatasyltatousandeeifteghatte ligPt mio ic bit. liatt ,tutu t tit.letif- it pu itgito Alnsiy ts tto SiteseaI lintlysrol optetsv h teamsnittShncitntlly St epttethPet.m1hi he fort the Xicintttef styheff air theig o casi on hat ite, isll te et."tfi t.5 35 llttl. hardlyh e aidisgral e tol os n e attsieli lilt ere uso wXVnSgelitg ouur teitfIp- ttontelsotcom ue gaielsdeendine lay-e L g thr his e lul , is% e tit., Peiteeltttt t+ i io >t Il f > t(_ l ii (t 1)( COLEGEDORITORY AN SSURED FACT [ astern Capitialists Behind Pro- tech Work Begins in Spring Coastplete Surprise Effected. Ih'i . ; t,, ir. .tt1, o it , ir, '< li lli~ l irc in t illitfc 11 ;[_ =t t < \ i t i l t t" ttt . i t 1t 1i~llr 1 tiin lril viii 'it, , itf-tt ~ l lr~li~v tih1} t ett~riti ;,;1 l o :I rt t at ti - tt 11i1I ]7 >l~ tl I t itit t fic ts +1 Ci ( ii i- t)r q sal. T ft. 1 it a i i ; t i' lit nrft 1 i; 1t 1i't itl l ll c, t i' . oo 1tittl'1, Sit0 UNION CELEBRATES ITS BESTBANQUET' t Speaking, Service antd Arrange- mentsXrBetrTaifAy Ar etrTa tAyPrevious E east. ii X ilt it , t t 5 . t d c d tit i'ilht it \ ttlct, 80 f i hi M rt.i I c ii w.i t ' . "' +fli fe lilt. ndtold tel I i' i I A , li atlt it. t Ctlt t ur e.t i --m ie I .X.t: 'hatlitt. Cd1 u rls e"tti''' i-et it X i. 'I th cal itt Ali it ga ftll itt t, ii C tailt n t ni ofttt i ii ~ ,tlS\~ elt} Ii he toati "l i tte fo s nil Po l. h as h t''slini tiducietd. t plit.''to Xl' eli'l i - it tt iii 1' t ii I t'fuittt.v i,,;ed the tcl t ltu ! tt'a ttii'rwit .11 dliii ttitt., rsl Hiit ih)1t (f thetilt ty b 'y 1,01\ ic s w hillg tandsread Dr 11 On Sale M ichigan Dal Football Order Extra Copies ImmediatelyDalExr of Sunday After the Came Complete and Detailed Account of Came. Cuts of Both Teams Morning's Issue I and Individual StarsI ...... .ww __ _ ®, f .. ..