THE, MICHIGAN DAILY GH.Wild Conpally 1aaging editor-ARCngR F. RITHE U I Bsiirss MaagerJoRNF.Wuxi. the itst News ............Lee A White of ~Athletics......:C. E. Eldridge Exchange........Robert Mountsier 5 } Music. ......Hollis S. Baker 6 ~~Drama. ....Raymond Visscher Wsomens'sitor.. Louise Van Voorhis THE -MICHIGAN DAILY Ilt.'sRl) (itt' tottONi'S'sW11,11 \_N.sI1-? FR (NCI I 58113'Cit IF Atsto o'clok todathe bs or i c, .grits ss'sll meet iin 'egOlarsesin :Among busintess iswhichs swii lprbab comle ibefore lithitbotrdis stse pint methlo f asonsutor ntsi i cis fo'rthe titerary sispartmuent. Recsently the bord ppont1)a1o0m- ulittee cons-ie sisg fDI slttits, of ste lws' sitsit. and Prof. Gardne S. 'sVdiiems.sof lite enigiinerin depat- mnto eport l') the1 prsitale ots f oirgansizin~g tadditits i sion l sni s soi tiolls lotites iif tesits 5555555 s The tiettis osit ils' h - ll A 11111, o sisy night thaits 1 5i isspba ietsha t e comii tlitst'ttee1il repotiattsissino te bssssrsi of Isr t'. siitods IS lt)S't'i(IDtIFOR tiI"'1'stiK i-s rit Ct. < I ii l i WOOLENS For Gentlemien's Wear Es. D thlltglrequiret ftr Suits, Ovrcotats, tFaney 'sestilgo, anti Trouselrtugs, and tf htgh (,-lass tattisa.nd 'postal 'Stslit. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G, H. Wild Comupally 311 South State Street SPECIAL SALE ON Hligh Neck F-or a few days ionlyl Bud' themniows for the Penns'v Gamle Full line at Sheehan &Co. Students' Bookstosre A. G. Spalding & Bros, Th iteissi las-isi'ss iii tlii' foot Ball, Basket Ball, tee Skates, Hockey. Goll, Gymnasium Apparatus. al~isldiss', i it' itsiiel llut ista td C'silisigof sa llsrs oits umils- A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Ness York CFicagoi Dtitui ('is.stsises Boucher tLeoisarsdC. Reidt ichiisel B. Mctlughi Fred E. Gooding Donasildt t. Kinney titena E. Jonsa \Va'slter K. Tlowers Lottiestraft FPaul Greer Samuet H. Morris FI1,. G. C. Witliamss Pant Leidy Lowiell '3. Care . D.A. Iissebtey BUSINESS STAFF Catrl Ii. 'ii I.A a . 1-1. I .si'll C. A. IBsoswsani Fltil)sY, NtIVE-sIIIFPR 1;3,ist008, i'il ' I'Sli'S 5BITHDAY5.s \Ves' its-sstioliethe tirsttoiiiessigesiss- sits' sts'e'Uniisi ionotuhisitusift sii'tissay. ''itii'.liiwsloin hs cits' it'sin lrious sitenl '1_ 's'W esill sill ise lts'r, itititis's, sudents andllulmssssisnito chasit iii-'s ts' svis'of 've'strdayantos t vuhssisfs-ils' prsedictioIsiosittie ressilt sit iitomorro.s Tie sma t sssi' righs till1 isisltus hwt'e sed istoiidosit ini sie sit thtsmall iacitssitile taebsile. iswisIis'llat 'sstoissi oe reensit dayis, oV isishincsssesinetarlier sisy's. liii eve wtill ill jsillsillsingiing "'T'ile Ysellowtt an tse lsts"sisndsts'eslts's' geostslt1 amog> fr e sill. lls'h tiwhols' site islied of sit bec it'siclsigssis sisi. is-tuns e issi slll, iissi'his we s'sli es's its1plsseitlsits life ositheis campus55. Itis s'st th egres-at liv's'fsast oft ste i'o-leist--e i'e'r, aisevlessu e'swe fog-I tihat sie are ftits orliws'oiensginseers sir aisy- ths iin Iothe itan sMichiganui issi. Is is the time-slisis's' get 0ost ofths sepsasi'- 'sti st's ts we'hav tittlisnintos andul ieglis to realiestseibigntsessofsuiv'sesity tile., ''lls geit gyll seem;stoois smsall te ldt is 'si theli've ry sir 5see555NMieligsts sprtipersoiid tAistituei stssswoisofi str honiosrsed al iuni. Sihasllsss seersfirg'st tem t(ilyt'e ts' insgltssiss ose ibeigiss t reslize iwhast sstllege slosaly messs' saltses'aliliii' itisust itse is'wssiserfssl thig 5ha 15n eesalit'-e rsit titu sersaisssirnlstsassesmisstslississ- aii lisit sexistenice. 'Tonigiss'ssdinsiser i-s test ityptically liii tigass eveni t f asellege year. foiti ikstitw seo bas tsskse t aitysts lieligsis n2<11. Tle mt whossitisssit msss' sts' mositsstlsaluible'scisal ee-s)t ofalife'- tiefolis l sam~itegatheisrinig wsill retusrn tos s' stills pre'sen't lsthvluesic isi ticetsinis plainsetuiisitsmand tfter slIl 'estihssiasmt is Itse reat fuil of tile. mcesf- l las ' s-still will ler ii. C's'ss i sits-slit tis by siti' sisal 'si ,Ol s li d s itu mm uit -ciatut . 40 -2 :\nl Ib(r Cfetri. 01 . stats Wit.. ]" is is is 5555 sc iliat thl is Wit 4at -I ts), Owsiinsgissot'Iis'sct at ts' 'suchi555r U'nimuis ianut octrsss th~sis sitnsits. nd iii t -. thati lBairbsiu' gysttttssts sswi l h ie isade isse of sit sswiell ass b's sis'sssss thuires ill lie isio ''s'sss'ss' 1an 's Leguepati th iisits's' noo~t "S alulnnced. Itio-tisi'. it wl ie potstponeds's andsi silli s'suus'< wee frondisFridisy. it Wis sils iuit sia suits1 ItI \i s i ( t.. tstlteSt. 40- )t s i i-iC~lr]'~tt)' 5110W. Select wat ii tlil, ii 55 5- ii ois rsIts ite) isis 'hi isisdl 5 ' a;.2t . . Ii. 'ises -(, " \' 's 's-it1tols. cis 1 NOTICE Po rk days usseii iii' gintsan pl s t'e Nit Sissuis te u'is f i i e faiistergthsnlt it' . t hcr- . fstls. silts 'uus- I suing ot' oe. -it Wes'set glass'it in l Irs I f'c5te5 oth 15155555552,37. C.11 \'fsi 55s55 &Ct. dt Lasssiess i ilu s uistat i:'sis v- eli's. Frices $1.00t1t loos; list)psrts' hto"eilitu'drvte "r risigs ssi I ltlms. 1e is22 f iou i to' F. ef'sol"Si tt. ls fe - Frees shili suuntcarse. s-s fistil d sh it lC'olle'ge'Issi. is Ge tilts' stin gs, sltmu s'sit du si l supptliie is ee' i 'csaliststigh.tSclists' issits & Sotn. 2 -COsi list! Spe'css sia l t ' sits i's) s of si's-er- ~ sisi9. 1311 1. 'it9it0 lisesi sissssusnisuits.$1M.ttt a, > Get poisd Ifor t-murrws ts l ltMitil'S(,ove5c 5 II osiaols to- si ttlilt fois ss ustettuts 13th- ci5 1- isies s rossstintt- song-s Price 10 cents VAN KLEEK'S 300 Enttwash i"Itu.nSt. Light Lunches Confect ionary and Ice Cream Phones Z8 L 78 Blue Thea < PATENTED s~aoeBAND AND '2JQBPAB" . < DOES IT t r t i t FSWEATERS Dote ou knotw that oti will see the Penns'y 6iame with much more comfort if iou wear a Sweater Vest? Medium an. in solid two You cat $5 to better WAlii