T1HE MICHIGAN DAILY G. H. Wild Comfpally 'ie llsargest Stck in the Cit of Exlusive Styles in WOOLENS- For Gentlemfen's Wear ,vrt hiog reuired for Sit, Ovroats, Fa ny Vesting, and Tosat lgs, and of high class I'hiisrsasd Special Styis. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comipanly 311 Soth State Street BOOKS] Save half your money and buy Secondhand Books as untversty TextBooks for all tepartments. Drawing Instruments for En- gneering Students. Wearry all the lest akess 'i'rutioelled by the professors. I l iesalwasis sthe lowest lh1ctcsl J300h6, tattotev Mo0l iutti'tstt' 3ttplee st. 0 a'sLeader Foantan Prn Thi tott lotP etaInte World Shcehanl& Co.'s A. G. Spalding & Bros. 1ItsI icst M S lers nthesiii 0t IV~ f(i OOiiiAthletc Supplies Foal Ball, Basket Ball, lee Skates, Hockey, Gall. Gymnasisums Apparatus. ipl insstanitis ely Illstrateit treereoy A. G. SPALDING & BROS. N,-, Yeel. Chiciag Deritt THE AMICH-IGAN DAILY. It for ioitt ier reasintit itutithis. tse u--- lefinite tdccisiontof the Iboiard ofsitdrectsrs otf athletics lt estabillis sktllas a M1anagintg I'lditor-ARCncoR F. RrTCcHtE. uiversity spor toilit'e euedi. IBusineiss I'ltiager-Jitt F. WtURZ. ButthUerce are th er reasons. The itn- EDITRShereticshortswill itherestat numboser of Netss........lDonal It. iaines sathltes. sewtoiprefer iitlit ether sports Athletics. ........Lee A White ii sell proside livelyconetiests thirouighouit Aithletics, Assit....C. E.lKdridge the winter sesosito tsee thicaitletic Exchanige....... Robsert Mountsier in1terest tlilse;it will srnug Michtigantini Music...........Roy D. Welch cloiser touch Wsiltli te caitirncii ttu- llrana........Raymnitd Vissehee lionis ttowhotuth le yellowseandtlue mistiti WVotmen's hielboc, .. . Louise Van Voorhis lresktfort.co'tesit inrcetthetcilyerinie EITRIstaAL. erec' -*igasshoutsldl lnotbeoeriita51ileer ii insta- ChaunieytBouichere ketballas inio thelitnluesitt sport, titie eeynrte'iitiale iesc scullnity wecarers 1BYIPRESIi)ENT AT Y. N1. C. A. Lasst tight sit 'hteht lltui Hatll, lie ian- tesshield511d1 rier tiwt1111ndredl sill. tdentis, iicluittng maenyt uppetcelassmieni, enijoedtiilt excetdinigly pleasaticvci- lng. President Atngell lieadtdthelie c- ce~iing.lite situ besidle lhsttere Judtge i,slie, IDesaniReed,. tutuProtfessoirs Mact- ie>'. I Icittlesont. Ahln, tutu Stitit. A\fteritme'eting the facultytimemb iestires- enit 'ilsdIgetiltg asteiust tuu sil it' neiii- otetile' studettislistenetoe addruiesses by> IllesietiAtigill. Jiudge Laett, situ lMeantt Reed. The -remtitidueritt tihe itven- ing sils spete'in iiaIige'tet'sl tgiiidtitme. .(t tilehestraiiofiisix piiecs'sslentintgeer' to t'eroccasionl. Light refte-simtt s 'The' genterstlrecetlitn tistNewbierry Hill lassblen listpoitetd foriitwosticks. Dldt LsiiI. Kitnney Leonardet C. Reidi Alichiael It. Mct~tghs Frecd 1'. Gooding ifRtaR~tit. Lowtell J. Care J. H. Prescotl Walter K. Towers basis Kraft Patti Greer Samuel H. Morris I;. G. C. Villiasis Patt iduy W. Al. Abblotit Ii. I.Armostrong 1). As. Hliinkley DsanassF. Jonecs BUSINESS STAFF Carcl 1-1. isAdam I Haroldl P. Goaltd Address : MICHIGAN DAILY. Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phontes tP1fI DAY.,tOCTOBlER .2, 1905. Theiiionsits mar;''ssismeetingt.o'titter. tontighuttiffit's the lirst oppotity of tile year tor its lt get togethiertioing' tie tildsiosntgs asto iigirt' the good iold iells. Itisa toe this fiest reunionthtls WCi liats'btentwiiting fliii' thsli. No ontite sitolis.ever sattendedsl tits'of luest' meetigstntedis it t'lecilgedito hin sill tinightl. ''hese great "sitigs," whlere ev ysotllft tepar'itmettiisl, classs sit facitntat tifteisnlesssre' forgoten. sre the most soulsiltrritg anttilenthuitsiasmu- lirstiitg gathietigs ist thewhle'coii- lege ytear. Ilitre it.sa spiitsrotusedl lihit itinigoratitig sitd refreshling. 'T'her i is i iint toeabotitithe scutle affai thaii ttiughit io gladdlten the heasris oft all lhutlh tesheniiiu. list are'dIllbitt foitntisse t tshisiiearits iedth' sinigig andt perchisnite,ito shotws its tow to giur the "litremitivlie" asonily 1n ortrstoisniake this itnitillmass metngagrsandi success, let there lie lttuer letwscen thleiundelsses fur this vci' ttt si thisstitioti'esltiissttieil sity' sit homtue for fierof bsnug ssistireid by> hii'e1etrestrethe sphometseck iganei it>d til e thsismthe ntite h iis'isthe' csTe.broaderI itise ne lie worigoffstilt letioferedl,the more cctealsyido sathleties lit'ms 'tturepresentativ'e of the uivisersits'. of the"X "i ssia stepifitrwasrdiniithe situ- le i sls'atie et of Iiliigtu. till. CING'S CRITIC ITl 4 IOPEN NOVECOCiURSE OttlITuesdasy'reeninig, iOctoiber 6at 7 ote'lsktile Ree. Wshsingto iiui - dint onieutofthe tutusitprogtlesiel of hi.C. II C OGM ES AlSilIEITIC moude'rttpreaces, swill saddrhess aimsss l 11,UT£1I RU D mteetiof itsudutents itstUiv'ersits' hill. Thilsillhle Iit the oenling stihss ts thur .\omoe isfiguing- ~~signboiuards ithi course itfreligitos stutiy' 'tdtiresch li ulsit siltatis.' as pilsanned 117 a ecommlitteei't otitsixs trott I lii ist. h lt' hiu.tui itthei l 'i \ iieii thei tUnivrsity CY. .C. Asintu1hue set- Cenutra ilroad tu of1futicils iiin u''eittmovei- tl dlenoiationaiutsl gituils ittthity. et Ifliiiotutueutifuil stu1atinsiu- Ri-i. Gildd'n is sa tutlediltdiie aitith it's.'ihis actiit halssresuted in a iermeriof this'tritest tise. Is greal thie resoval itt htshiuge sadviertisemts ihminnce la(iletosis it- et-Ittetunoe grese ecrivass tlt'swampiand'wast'lasiathaitwaitsidden ittaituek itone.tithet' bli'ow'is'tu-gtl,'iiIlip l li i>iolaimetutu sthiegre'atoilimasgnate. byithehits rdsi tis lst' itill he a pIt ths 'ihirideai sss:ilmoshushnhearde of atef the1little parkI..\h'Alraysmal asi nha tutme s sut s Iitatuselite and th hn u and thle stlandchsil us frt'hl 'itug caiiistill b l il~herdt. ph lntinli.oittshrubberi-I->'stutlowuuerhs. Itit Thecoutise thast Ret'. Glsaddlutenpensths e alit ftlihiefiials ittthis'a ta it~hi ps unnoedi hi> Prof. ieesy', sissishedul r. ith iti.les.bckgrud fsiti'l- byfie f hebet rane rliioslists abessilidets'hi Huronlt.uihi onii hiskeis it this ftesd.Tetcureils.gvtrelsanlit-o rsam h titusete sItutt besitng this(first if thur kittudluh iion ofti AniI Arbor, uh but tha suet' gecit uhis lite. Nli'cr ntcenti wl lo-ev s: rcetingon ifi t'eslig'ous instrion ius thaim ofls'suuhhstsuuu uhes his uoutrse n tui wai ssueplanuneditutu-this -_ lield lecute it is oithts-samstandarduesu' hltheuiltersitc courses. The leading settlessersitt all ueuatmenttcuh its ae grit- M usiZcana Trarna scoutns' s-sitiuted uutheir set'vices ini this workuswhush is frto a sll whto uhsire tis excepionaill opporitn iity'. 'T'henscombhinastiontuoft altlsold iplay tnd lie' tuhritdthf all monotonuand wil iilibe thosss se hos t''ls-w .Th \l 1111tandt 1this looedupnus I lti imo sinst le dieparit- Hiuuuuiuug ird"ila tntightl.IW. . tune-. Lite-uary'-ilrofessossuw1 ills's'vetno \lisectlts'edilthus'pislt of51ordsuu-s l -u liltrary-p uiis intthlitl alssses, huh iihli eu' 'fa ily seell. hiosties-'c, thueeby' ts somse' dtie se thesiretitiie'tius-et'studentus sit i -rcedmigtepfoan. thue is'sfesslional udeiparthmlsntus;-utudllike- men'ussuts i etessfi hrgeusof clase- Steamttanstillyuhts'nsilg-Miss Lel,'l f itearystuent. 'ilechage s a312 S. Sitte street:;sagenuter. Petrics, si itrcy iuitli. Ius luuue 5ID~'eroit.- uhousutugititus-ne utand will unttdoubtuedlhy - prov a sronug'sattractionu.Thuewoukcis us ''le Stuies iutReligionu "or "Couirses Entgineereing itss'rclls antu ic~e nsuhis'i \'u'agner'ic Cu.. Siatie stret . Signt of iii ills Sncitific ndtuCotutsive Stushy sit Reilgioni"tutu is inuteund'uedirimarilys'h hit'lgushite shits. T-4 fuse utnivesity studetis. A si'succu-tsae pamphlet thuats bunutissutedrbihue u ssonisu- iYoiug hats-"none behuhtterismade''-onu hull, expliing itghts'ousecs in a il. shle buy'llieu. h[istsrest. T-6 Shitui tusayeturosll withtheitsntstruce- tills sitthis'rthsessios ofiithtsvatrious \lthiigant musiieatutuate ouerathicnout- sioutrss use hi>'tiintg registionscatRo'sMschos.uht-,-r casrdisuatIcilelhattlull. Neswbuerry' ihah. '"" TucnessemrcutialsHall.AtutiAchier bible Colegialathiles ton colelge mell,eon khittis,Hi sesHasllsue this'offncetfuhuestile hi>'Allcut, Mistsredt. u-6 secetasry.sitUnivsesityHal We carrythue lrgesh stocnksof bllh- Liehs' gymtnassiumtustuis at Miss Lov'-, roeuuisslan atamas. Fleuey 8&Co., util- cii's, 332 S. Staug Si, Order early. 2-7 osrs. fiurntisheres. las astd shoeus. tf n n e 11 ,. ti C ti tt ' f! t C :l e c t, ,, f !1 l' STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS For LBw, Medical and all University Text Books New and Second-Hand Drafting Instruments and Engineering Supplies. at special prices Stationlery andi Blank Books. Ask to see onr Solid Gold Fountan Pen for $.0. tail and e convincs'd that or stare is the et place to trade int the city. WAH R'S University Bookstore LYVNDON 719 North University Avenue Photographer Kodaks Cameras Photo Supplies Amateur Developing, Printing, Enlarging. Banners and Pennants at lower prices than elsewhere FAIY &EDMUN1 11E r LIBESTEE WM. ARNOLD, COEWfLER 220 Soth Mat, Stret. ARTS Tots ared a ou CRAFTS s Haltt Pins. Veil Pns,. Hat Pinsa.Fobs. ate. PRICESF.5I' A5INABtt. Law, Medical, Dental, Literary and Engineering BOOKS NEW AND SECOND HAND ENGINEERING INSTRUMENTS and supplies. We carry tiue most complete line in the city. Special demonstration of the MOORE'S NON-LEAKABLE FOUNTAIN PEN AT TH U UNIVERSITY SUPPLY STORE Formerly the Co-op Store 310 South State Street Ca)J at Wadhamns & Co. for your PALL SUITS, Cra venettes and Overcoats, Sweaters, Slickers and Unaerwear. Shirts and Neckwear of all kinds. WADHAMS & COS 121 and 123 South Main Street & , I. 121 Was~Ington F. The Randall 'Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598 I