'IlE MIC 1t lOAN i)AII,Y THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. Ii. Wild Coumpally th Cite Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfe's Wear trousernssi, and of ig h5 1 fabrsis sod speia t "'I Full Dress Suts a Specialty G. H. Wild Company 31t South State Street SPECIAL SALE ONN High Neck F or a few daye only Buy them now for the Penns 'v Game Full line at Siheelhan & Co. Students' Bookstore A. G. Spalding & Brs. 'P5c tI.rnsiit iii s ot inrr i W W"),ttioitOf ii liiW) Ict i Siiiiisi Foot Bal, Baskt Bai, le Sats, Hockey Gai, Gymnaum Apparatus. Otitt it. "' IIssssei ti d (ataitg,iot l -tutu nn ross o91 sis Ins h l I O I any-o wter. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Ness York Chiao Dtit;ii ti(itiogiii Editor AtCHEtR C. tRIttIM. I iso tliuigsr-jitiu . Wi s. Nts............Lee A \liie Aihlietics......-.I?,. Eldridge" L' sitiotge......Robert AMootsiert ivit ............totis S. Bterr tram. ......Rvo ooit 'tscter isi el's 1Liitor.t ouise Vis Vooris L isislc s ottlot' ,eiisrttC id V Mihe Bi1.ts-Li.lt igti tret t, Goodig ionIi.t. tsjiiinny lana 1. oes Water IK. Towiers totits Krat Pitwl(re r Smiie I. iMiorris 1?. G.C. VWitims PaCootLeidy Is sci J. Carri U. A. .ttitcki yti loosit IHllt BUSINESS STAFF Car i(,sidt ii 1.. ttil ILt I ~ i V, ;l\1-iU 1. \)\tiRi{Rs iiti'sl sit Tiw glir t ls isniili lbis in c of ir til s i tianiturneds' i 's toiii'' lait lelwsl .s Dsi i It his i s t fei \c tshi m sicl lit'hisi tis l saitu p~-tnti~rtof\aiui sis'ogismsis "soil in arourgyn im. Theou'bios no lni' a c p i'ic tiiut an estalih i ssfutii slitsish \ii 'i'ii lst us' t tt pail 1by i's dealtistinwr's it ariu lar fel],and ran)Cspottnic -fr t \'il rs i'sonsu ch cubu wl'iili f' te icac ttllpiatice'' " h pl'yit .t titit 'lsioitms i ,i sg a It, al t a e t e u ti ntia ;,ills \bo plav i litial an oln : lit' rc ittep 'itsiich vill be hel baque prper ont cnis's wsill ti featue; of the sve itng sis. ss I The list nt banquitt commitlistthi prci n s t he baquetasisucessulit sc e e o etit 5 I siafl. T]1 1 reer igthert itho t etra charge. si .lt gfit numberit oft t it l t tts ihostissisd at t itiea dOus eeti sitford it sto ut upatisaly t o ly ipp r isl w rad ats wellt s th se sw t t il ilillsge IB utuhertofor as si list ec pstsble.onao nt of 'e ro itg stito ls ihsic w s sesay i torde that rien s an panit slit i tt i sc'ltiit togetit rI ' ltt ntt thitti its 5 tit' tl t'itore itl tow ve . e Itie lic lit y w.itiithlith is ys arbyth s ch-lit tfreevigth'satthihiatb e ATI StAN" t IVtINV j an ulnt eio o thesut f in 'or- Itu~l still 1si sititnumert of ttntittitii t}'.i -si V 'is 1 sie e trilthe e iss i 1 - I ti n- i s 'it t I ting. mDr thanti' n ni irti hellS letn HI. willt speT j N I''WV t'ItCtt BKAREtIS l (It ist '(ti i)list' 11 WTe ~ ll~ii ntothe Atutu littcl woc: M I,.l~ilil tilt'G l tii ll I i itll i t 1 !f t c so it ttr ( l-istS I itlts sind lt hsit a se 4 (: ?Ie 111- I lic veser~av. I it still '' li lic t u c s tigw 11ht ill th'''s'lti' tl ilim 's w ' 1 .12he w isit' 'M11 ll fis it. rlel 1 s uitdex andscnd1(r 3Ic) VANBAND AND Ito sioitknio'sslth itou wsill see fthe renns 'y Gamne withl much mote comfort i y ottweatrsa Sweater Vest? Medium and heavy weights in solid color or in two colors You cannot spend $5.00 to better advantage WAIIIR'S University Bookstore LYVNDO'0N 719 North U niversity Aenue Photographer Kodaks Cameras Photo Supplies Amateur Developing, Printing, Enlarging. Banners atid Pennants at lower prices than elsewhere. BAILEY & EDMUNDS 121 EAsr LIBERTY STREET It Pays You to come to us for anything in the jewelry line, largest stock, lowest prices are our inducements. One careful comparison is all we ask. The result 'iwill hE e peasing. WM. ARNLIJ, D COJIELER 220 Suth BMaStret. clb titIts titrIii" ini liii' lisis' \Ni r m s M ndytitl l" ''s ls)i, A\ .'lii'ii'iga lts'nt is i ' frits wit 1 nta Kstttils iii s'I sisad. 1doitsi. ABSOLUTELY NO BULGE IF .t's a patented "MAC-HURDLE" FULL DRESS SHIRT UitedShirt & Coltrt., (Maker)Troy, NY. Michigan 12 Pennsylvania o Wiltl plettse yosu. So will our line of Tally-Ho coats antd Jersey Vests. Don't be cold at the gasme. A FEW PRICES Handknit Sweater Coats----------- Chevy Chase Sweater Coats --- Wilton Jersey Coats............---- Wright & Ditson Jersey Vests ---- Lot of $5.00 V-Neck Sweaters----- Lot of $5.00 High-Neck Sweaters- ---$5.00 -----$3.50 ----$3.50 ----$3.00 ---$2.50 -----$2.00 Thte "MUTO" Over- coat is absolutely orig- intal stud the ptrocess of i'onstrttingit ispro tected Itylpatettt, Its shownt intthle illutstra- tiott, it is two cools int otne--tbe first as a dress- street coat -the secottd as Ott Ato-Drivintguir stormticouat. Every pattern is strictly up-to-date. Q~uality ins every case guaranteed by V THE V PPLY WADHAMS & CO. 121 Washington E. h R an dall St udi o, Randall & Pack, Props. Phone 598