g ,nANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN. WEDN SDAY, - OVE RR i f, i.N . 38. VOT. XIX. SCRUBS DOUBLE VARSITY'S SCORE Penn's Formations Sprung Yes- terday; Coaches Are Anything But Discouraged. Ft was dark aiid glomiiy)i Ferry Meld1-last night wheiithe hiusiy scrubs had inihsted with hr shifted lineiup of lthe varsity. tn thi coolserof sixt mn-n ales thehieefy tineligihies hail olled p nol ess tha-n furtone'uIch oins thr legtiate 1an(1 roetreslt of a flke leetzees mintiwterr uieng tet fakekik a nd h en iiiunplays it-eil lit enny against teIndainsad Lfasitea hey were ef fectuve. \orcovertie var- sity ertuldintieor inrclethr sriuil hute foti e u l i than ritwo ltows The minus cor %%~s: Seenus. 24; varsity, . Aniother dolstIfomi te glorm bottle teaspturedioit titwhlen \\atkns friller arredtwitht a seitete rmiiictrriiniiitti allow the siterant yinatteletensy nt ti te sifttat liia-s ingrctedt sesteerix anrd.iwould poaly Iti-a lare actor tending totard defeat foe the Mihigan tc-i n iiSatrdacy After ca (isitwsithsttthphyi ciansiwhIo iaer eet tti irig Watkiiis, itwiscu ndrstoot tha this fatter nasairore coviiid of hi 0 sonshealth and tctht prhastieg o wouiiili give iafaorable ltitumlanttt tueshft f Liattleottito lfttcut "tait no lotriks permanien tIThrbatee itl tlye it asti gatI - the-eft endittite'ione thruhitye i onielt las iecght run tote-ltrai ofhlsstih aitsdays it', tie gime SctraytwitilKentkyfin shtire last tenii nteis rillatlyt~ witot imaling''tilter ite AltuthisI i mnis 1 to opttseScrtt,iia iplaeithit years tof exprine,(thebroots aeii nut iitha th tend it rweks -x stil- -i (-- 1wtiblto tilt ith( mtariy a linean it ecautst of th itt sence'otf WatkIins rothet at ict, IDas-ison itold ntttbet woreditit r e tniland itt t ranat (full,. Iamney asmghis ldtplit-cr-.oglas, w-Io is silbthelretdIwitilthis It-, sas inoii the settndry tinetof tdetfeisi-antI (;ri'ini-.playedlhis tltlositin. Was- tile varsity in shll tril itiig fasioii is li tteIflt t tt estift is not terfetedtltlit i te sriubsteecusig iUnfcimiilicai.lPenni formatin-itatd that th cshi iett lin lltof tei-reglcars' plt (n o ld iintetptrt. Fllow- ingtii-esiontatithe.tiraIintig tcble, the Coachces 'tostRdienRit Iestoi titi Sttow iclkdi t o t lyrts iiiti ci ite hor A11 of Itie mistkeis of the cftr- (tr'slracteice iwere otieotier mitdciii effort to sviitth temselvses sill le' madi- troioro uste lev en that is t line up against Penntoufri das Iece. LacontoBeirtrnt en V-i-eriwee the tree sriuilstilt- tori through the vcarsity. I['his trilipiitrdlte stoe- tralletwenitCa-sey acool etroith a- sut itothe pahilg of Btleyatin t tiilteeok's lice ct lft gurit "The reitirkadlifiitiaott oriesiuad this year sal Yost last nigtst "is tlhat of the six so-ated vetriansoily (Snlt tat plcydlmore thaninetueetrtenttthe varsity trot tst oearisCptiuihlzt, whlo isnoostia ilt fiutheiyear. Casey, for instance has beeii in sholtwso andi a half yers befure tis anil has played but otne year of football. Ruobs has beets here three ait a hlaf years tand hs pltayedlone year of footbalt. Davison has bettni school four years aind bat octet bettott the footaltfield more thtan six wereks ll told'iTwo yes ago ie iasstikentiown teinsyslani to tlatat g'rnain on ait-ntl uititi ai fews-tweeks ago tot not ItaittaIsit on sbnce-Wit sarcey tmtte ttaihungthtn Davis o haittXWatkisswas pltillaat (tll 1ast tyearoagainst tPeun.Iti1isa Fur thei mostelart thiyitave plaitt (citer runes thanu temost iteseti- Of the t lonaseeitsfar norseionditiuti. This is the proposto ttYt (a('1 frttit IPhildrelhiaIis still w1orsi. 'cuttsr has alreadtit tlaiyeittwliig-auies to XMic- tialyitictthroulist thleisIetitson. Asedttif lDraptr isotulibe to tistrt foerihaving (pl(tillsix yparsoif fotball-d Yoht sidthIt t iws Pen's busntest st-I trothhis playis itt nttil is. li"Xe sitt iti s it (1 ~iiit i Racilrottctt hottlr-itis itsve inttiid i- I rec cuitit dthat a cosidie-ablt lartget croti tf Petitsy rer s will mineithe l tripto Ann liiirborttethispiea tta Iatl cnd thact i till take two suldtra0ins tit bring thtit tiri-.Xli n thtatlticti ttfice hatd closed1lt csiigtt-B100 re- sieiledsectshacd bett solsihl ltouvertha~n ttesale laIs te al it tie. 'Toffset this, hottiver, tdoeimail orteresare tomig ini iin xiese li thotsi receivedlitt Ieatpiat 0this tim. To(ioffset the gtttomiy ctatiosperethat wscsso aiundttl at ii ugt Cache oct1 saidi"Of rliisiit is nturaleitthat wi- woutldl Itti-csomi- sitbiacs is-htheii-sui- tenti ~ftlbut1,thtlinktti-i tiill lbe in ex- celeta pet byISlt-uirIdcpy cidiif dii- itcheItbrits our way ct ll,iii ae ca it dclanctolet.-n Durig the 5eason (li itatsrliaittse 11gh11s a hundtittl ay ils. 'Theei veerliliin eiintcet frmtimuuue to intliitt so tt now1We aen-t no(-tttm(((i- tht-tsryoftheiseitlii pIt-e-tnitt-edo tn citis-tf Itithe -esueh eptydTi ha'tli uumea ttta htswe r ih aottantoeritity-I litvc fttrIPinensn ialtn.Tiebimn kinowithist. ttidif w ttie lhr-ins-irt thyso ldi e otiyt eof tietlt. Penuiyistusdeteis"gvethe lir te at slitof eteridaIt mtortn'- th t--sa wortethyprivtlito I ( hiti'is 0115ssimeel- i 1 iaboutfoft-i'l tfs of fhti uitituitsiy mased n cfontofCliiege Ialilt. Aied b- liiirhthm tittof a snakei-tanter the atasue f liiibitdtiat d tistth i oh o ttomthliietlisotd mitcheditoii tsti on withtithe teai.ttfilieeu'ars nd tihsriubs lifl on tilt-12:30 tril TIheteits \\ilitllyt friath tmedic inthe la-cst sami-i-athtct istafternoon.i 'Thi-e w ir of Iis inatilt sill piytheli junit- engineiers ot- the caitt tit ta but theue lctoif this Igalisthis lnote beent teeie-i. All mtembuersrof the Ctos Cutiv clubt (ayt-oehhtle in1thry-oa emtthis aftereliott ii3 :15, but Sly tose hose nchhuescuputecredl i yetrdIaysppte iii eligiletifortihe easent e a 'ITh ord tt- ntiiiuo Jutui s ttioittve iohittreliy (VolthiriiCCC til nitw i l waddthe iilt lees. iiNJ0i exiDti ttiltiINUTs iiisATi' 1' PTi.O 'Pilefinl ichoicec of uentflithtie'"glee cubilwas imcade by F-tl Kileeni t Mon- ta niht's riherad.Abot(trts- teti see slete. I'i lirdiationls aretst this yer'sr ecli will hi oref liiilst thticihigitnIhas everhad. After the muens seechoutsent the glee anth tmcantoliun clutbs ptacuticedl together for the '-Michigain UntoiSbanuiet. Oue of tilue'blg nusmbles of the hubanqueetitt be "The Vicor," sug hy the glee clus wthtthur aeeoispaniiient of die tmtandro- liii cltub. The latter organuizationt 'as hail its fisaltiry-ohtis aundl has ant ex- cellenti organization. PRINCPALSFOR FNGINEERING INSTRUCTOR IEAVIES FOR PURDUE UNIV. "CULTURE" CHOSEN fron the engnin faeculty.has il t- eae Anti Arbor soonto htaicke((It his Chorus Has Begun 'Work; Ob- tposiionu as assistatnt proferin itt tctie- stacle Encountered in Booking utatcs i Purdue universty. Dr. Mitrshall ha gadute frtut Dates for Holiday Trip. \Mhchignhint the egneertg dprtmucen ue itt tthjg Ihi'recevedlhus udegree rf I'lhit cast ttitihiter oftheliiioniii Masteniof Science iee ii Mol-After newoprut "Culure anoncd h tt15years iiheeamesalthinttru ctrihn nam lutist letvth rincS itipal ai emts uhemaics itthe egneerng tlicit- rehue--rsald iniRutmut, Utitrsial I tth i htosiion ie at hlt1 for Iuesdayp-niiglt J. Rolet -l Il te utie eight eatsDr arhlhiathu hadiluca e of ilthpinipahtls il Xl chigetdist th5 of aluete lHe seni tst (hI this itte' Iile iit m Jairk," 1111dtBuli ighj-illiGetmusap studyitg. last Jotl- hee- colts s (lie leadinttg 1lty taSste" Edgarces-ulthen iegree of Docteotueof Piihtua- I-wnitipIlaye thes1parttfI"Profesunr(phy I atruel. 1 stilt O :Hahhl Pattersuats Xhss Plutut ____________ tutu" J:Ai sLx. X Weekus -hMrensiot h OII 1NCG INTIIUSiAS'FS urisomi XX luh l~ ggs 1 u isJOIN IN CLASS lVAGI{hk packeritd W tbb lYes iulay eghec- ttcascistisi'fciutii oth I am s"_~r. hero(tle te 1 series whtihi are 115 begiut this ueel. cotatutuand tit iotaiptotfesor sill liiius games are tohe laedt 'Iuur- ta, hat enuctthe siniors and1juirs sill rc into ie tilted The eletios wre adeby ile ca t ollagaintea chct ohere ach clcss comittie-etiton t i itumbetofimetin who utechmit iill playpnite glles cagcistucachi trid utorgialy or hechru. - ftie oiler three- teamls aduthtie cluct- C. tKilleen, hProf. X. E.How-landlardiirtshi itill heudecided outlti'le- It [al St--tus aritmembtictestof ti'e encage basis. cmieeT ec-emcidereof tiei'e- The enpy itleae sill opiet isau'-- nuctim ill uuprcobpahb cul ae beareuit el tlaceout thin jitunratuthsuithou- the eniiiof tilt-isw ek.Altthetprmniuhipais (toue etis are tuuttul llTe tecmts choen cc prset te rehecutsaltill e tpmcker aodinguto thetest ast nitt--uhsrns mtae it t helrotelp(1'swici sill Tefrsh ift hi tascge- buusiess foret beIhlrd thinel-da hiftte gate'ms.Thee tCh-ruts iis b1un"act tis rehte-crsal tutter teain iiill thenutbe choseti adhhe uill (h irclion ofintoI'leenus. 'heuk (ext r hue ertnmittedteohaenge luteteami, souldh hue--un i-illuh he held1 W uednesay eenisomelii nest'aetntueat ettow sse.ug t 7 r occcki Igin oom Atbutt MrInSiees tous paeteme hsnfrt wi11 noilhuthere. Thi netuehearcisal at iihe faternihptyubowlig legue' iill whlicihitechois till h-ic trilled illthe onsstiof tecuts frmitfraernuities hut danie till behinld iiula i hat uinthinPaltadihium. Atecd iv e-n-hacve i o'clockIatitheIiScentotlu of htMusi. elterenuits league cautulseectlothes Ever mat i liii exiicetiuct eli I- in thetnre xectetd teterlbefore the fist chntrspostielymus beprsen on-'amehihtlis shedulei on tilt- Min- Thsa vnn, aiStdensat thed folonig te Pnnsylvania game. dicoeediseffine t fine itan ttg IEntrlies Ion alt these'lacgues tuectu coi ii umplctiniui theumiti tater "itt be hue tatli u s ttonosButt si t cl of te prposd trp dringthe oliays.canilde incutgedt o eten thein-i XII thu rep 1(utbleteatein is, utpartunamue medutuuiaelp. f the ceuntrylip hilte their inbuooknge l-- --(1 rtilt madttufit thuai t tme IExe on KOCIIIBRI NG'SIBACK QUAXINT' tiii tossibilityi thatithlii Detrot (oliiri 11CCIAII-'lONS FOR .IIIR-XRX houiuse hmlly be sc uredufoea ailter ott thle 'fCa ed tecelug Curittas XX \ ile alitoath last sumttuuetLiraianeii - I huto e set tnt thu-tithinouerIaIcan- IKocehiseciurenilcularge ttumtble of clege not hetkenust orfAmttArborieu 'I'se-is fr thelircuyAll fthe-e cre preett i lke coatitPonuof certetts tetisignua of thvriios cleges of stace frm ~setig hins extyertoeIUnitesteuies ofrfDordnu td Cctm- hei Cnitont his teinistepse tsseuterlide. W'(itte exceptiont tfI-itwo etc ooukiutgs Saser Ieath of tise t i1 won'rts oleges otif ofrd,the cnte- Idobe thiati Ihe sill unwttetilt a tilout s noplt, tereuetitg twenty--ontet oft 1ou(itwill Ibe lated immediattlyfpoInft0111Oxfourdh cntutwlentypfr(ntt Ccutu- I ti-Intit. Saginaw, RayCit1, rand ap-idigiercoos Te siels of theser isadtolcdo I'Englhuivuuersities idiffer geatp frontus Thur furl: that te uericanot he totie of thi nuuugrn Amueica schoots takenatututheuroadtutritntgthureuholiaps andu utoe nearlpy resembuhle olti fcmuip witt rues inake it possieutiforuaitton 'cltsef tuers. ei-itetii-e ueuu corne (itt coitnentte their euerges ou Theesilsetn nieyaon due X:Ann '(rbort tuuuhuueiouthItill alo te eadng roomutof thur lirary- cutid cre italeebttueuthrtsiiifte gleteclbtouhi bovle te ook shells ws Ith ~e stielst cometli fillritthinchtorus. lI-ntbilh-ofof reatuy Amuecnunttiesinttes tucutg theur c ohil ad i tttisedltsetorki teThep ae of nmetal atuthabouututofurtulip-six ouer weverevnteun-ittsphle factthIatutnctes it si't.e I'hos of thur Oxfordu boh lSIto hlen clt uttud"Cultture" swereseresatee arriaged uit te left sie of tou go out te roadu during te oliras.sthu rnomtSnthar ueaedbth~ietofica NowithaIts-tthet'lh-tter cannttitgto, a1tutu11 Ofod utuss eetip satltwilt the Ccim- tutu tofthur le clitieuttuay bi' cidedeidurtge seae extendutalnug tee cssie. tothe i hor ue'(Mantystudentshlue"nutuicet atdicout- __________________________ tetcehnl outthe ntu ecorutionus. '(i. AB1S1ENCh CDXIMI'PTEE Kochseeumedulethasdlwsthtbilnutg tle t SEf'REGA'lES BOTEl'''RS secueeu such appropniae dcotioniiuts lute Ithelbrarp. Stitdents ofi the literanyp' ttartmuent hunete wCnillhavt~e sepatrcte houur du- tI'tDER HAS RARE VC,UIS ina" ic sto explcainth tein abseces to FOR SIUDENTS OF RUSSIAN hie commstteehni ittateuslauteeThe regis-- trr' soffee sill iteoen for tsomn oi Pof.P-eader of the Rusicinepat- XMhutusul efrtotm ai 30 to t12:40, anduloutusetutharetuneilfrontiautuextentdeu Wednettsda ye froti3 :30 unitil 4:30 Mets 'utopeanusroteaitd lrotughtachswit ((ty 5iict o riutsittee 'Tuesdaysfou nttua hsutdred arehRussiat volumites. itr: z5untutil 12:i5, cansd Thursdays froun The course in Riussiiateas buegunu this 3 :5 until 4:15. ''he rulitng is thuat altljhear and this collectiont of books wilt aisseutces shuoutltbn explainsed withits one be of great aid to students studcyitug this sneak froms their ocurrence, language. GREATEST MEET ON EYE OF BIG GAME Athletic Association Will Handle Mass Meeting; Enough Room For All Students Promised. Th bggstmss omeetn- of the er is incing -narra'-u -n ut fr om ruw nit Thei athlneticiasition that ess teunle tigin caelm-unmdut Ipredictsthe guia-l i-t aseumlypeeri hedhuitee. t'i-iuht iutheetof(heiinnoutsl eta lu-us-cetbe'n if IDetroit, muilhe--itthe- lu-t. Codd wait s a memberuoint heclass f ilu Iv ic lisa gincdnainutic utha-s kept itaclosetoIutth bee u reallyi p u (tt uIork tilthe-righti shiftit- tut th e eeO bggm.Juduge Nes- limtrkofAn rb s alsotcmiiistttedt tt ltale. hum (ird ispheakert still jprobh- ablyhe C. AhuS- dlymanagerof tt Iis (noi ilyithatmuCoarch u rphSiity till let teP rntemcoeto thtlt mee-tigba tertheyi prematiedlat Mt Clenstrutt ilut Surdatthit (Ioh titg Thle-re' . i tuesletdtue stuetu lTheemi s aslurialtirovisisumm adei thact onl stu ehu tlIs etill he alr neu i lie hal.Ifi hiny uamteascts emtai th hbiti-hlhit'einpermittd to like thmti Suern complints hav' m em- hie uadth t tho timst initallstinterstrut itttheumetr itgsrumetutnuntatettfintuitsi-ts adr sitan nt ugouwothemul-actet tingtusge hicnueusites havemumcsillrpedi thust placde..To pret thistihestutdentsi'sll he- stcatitonedhat lhe- doo(tutu-see-cht Tui hunntors ill be open at hu:30 inth mu-i I is itl tintihnenceu tu :45nl Ie' ti muissedl initiefr(amu tot gu tohum hnI- IntelSxmiNhTmPiii me-sihi lll theuoatoia soito utiltld mmm eein t i-mutt Ignettral infotinuu intcotctninluog (he uht it sits utill (clkl (h one tmldCanttest ans I lute- K (ntswnIIn'e mitt tell mf thet eflfmits muf mintr mitemorsbes-re tes hbtcamihneotimuenhmInd thipsitinsi'h spa o he lpreparatioin (fora cesu't in regard tohumhihver anit the tsehincl also gumeshIt tahlts terantaivhesae-to he chosentoit lenagueiandtin (ie inPdete [raoical IntheImn titrsipyconesich mi s to return cignrersettittersthee crs-htwolenies rffere-il knownstias thet Kcaufmaniceui ulumonialshefinal thnorin-t hnig $oo int the Chicag m utuuatutet- al, tutu setond ulhonmoro n Thuresuuine f telegin on umteshuldit itrCbtnmus Ill, this ear receieis $oo secondutpll-it $;;o. 'Theaconnite s us thits leguear NortihweenuIowhua,-NXXisostutltinis Minnu-stit tteriandrtMcigana 'tin- Ieacen mualoicalit mest is calso ani initentate cotest lusndiciua Ilinois, Ohio, itX sconsinuandt Xicigcnae re- rceee- hrel aeualo tmu tuizs iffered. The((utun suuinntg flsh pacei ct the fial nohglleitconattest reu- ceives $75. theisecontIhntrmni re- dces;$;o hutspakincgstofithiie eimitscrptry- milsthe Ir.rHllster satit: "Wechudnt fts- fmoaiouuunus handuiedl iilast yeah',caot tie snpe t etit n--unitdthis year- Br;ett if a sudenth doesn'tm expect to tn-- otntthis yeti-cet eumwhoulbe cmgoothinsug lute tu1tuom ntte uut other tmeetihug insd get ai fiatwhmiiners.It evil1labe the recut buegiutnitng of stun yeatr's wourkecoot se hot o havlinemiiiailarge crassdtout"