". it IfMiCHIOA N DAILY C.H.* J ReCO. THlE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THlE LATEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GILASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. Our specialty is fine Decorating, such as Paper-hanging Paint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsomnining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee our work. Goods Deliver(dd to all ptarts of the city. BO0TH PHONES 237 203 E. Washirs.iton St. LAW 0BOOK S 36th year DICTIONARIES 36t[ year- iss QUIZ BOOKfS i Ass,. Arbor LEGAL MISCELLANY Assas Arbor Callaghan 1( IAOCo. CHICAGO Aram -Ar-bor -B.-a.teh, Stat.Str-eet, Opposite Law-n13Bd¢. GRANGERW'S SCHOOL New WhitneyTheatre BSOTH PHONIES 480 Wednesday, Noveb er 11 Win .Brady's Specially Selected Comupany WLa' AST With PHOEBE DAVIS and Original Company ENROUTE TO CHICAGO P~SEATS NOW SELLING PROGRKAM CHANGES Monday, Wednesday,_Friday and. Saturday GILLARD BROS., Props. UNIVERSITY NOTICES laislolioi dlh rehearal tonight t aunior engineer fotbtlall tain pratie at p. Ecrre !'ld. Try-otsttorIntro-s--counttryteam will tike plae \Wedntestlay atenoone at 3: 1. Fresl engineers mitteliiRoomit 15. teeengeterintga Inildilig. tnigtt ttg Juntiiot r et sltreVercinttwill mteetto da t p .inUnieriyHal, Rlot ti.lct Inof presietit still o reu. Grett cruthofI oartilti till tiet tidtyt it dt P. t tn. s iet-lMili e n rieita (Goodw ttin, ttfINeteYor, scretar-y fete ii lcets witkittcrttts tt udi. ent' isttt sio -rv asocttiotn. 'iesli ttrtttt \Miss -Vttttes-,tthoiisecrretar tofte- ciyY \V ..till spetktuttttnte IST -' t-tttiet fritItthe ltrititel- ariagame proablyi egitieriti shop.t Mda. 5 'spc ickets ii Rotw 18. St-c t1il, Re tirnto i pit S. I lvit ti, tSR (VAel urishe rn FOtttRis REt--utit Siati ooSt t 25 F.-it lsilt-r ein-lie eat ndelighalo per i t reeeek tS. 36it1S.37i iii itIO iItA. rut Suate ctarettis o.exrttoarvfre-i trietittdert( I olllers Je-lyskiore, fotm. So SauhSta S. codoi atSllet- tyoue.willte-tesatutieelhatt- itC JietwerSr,12S. State St. (eed rcrwhocarres xclisi~IY i-tol Weve ncleselinprrattrfaiir- ulsaisinceelt8,8. hai's-JlrStreer 26St.Meain6S. Mlst ed-f S~re-ss-e tsloeisiarge scaitedug lt ieusul rapc11s 313-S.ttate t. N.eci- Wie aela o yal, 209 nfastLhery andtoyurhasther, h esat itsielforyonr inteylitd U. ofaM. er'tstaners StoepilloS. TrynSand tee. f e hare textaeelrg sagpe ieee furh glfRgtapsies & teo.&,tN., N. 'tuersiy. toe, nil. M.tennotsbnnef Do youthowl? It's fise exerise Ty it. BILLIARDS, IBOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. -AM 5. State 311 Maynard THE GRAND Billiard and Pool Parlors 220-222 S. state St. VIsder new mnaonient entirely remnodeled sand tap-to-dat. Complete line of C1gar., C~garettes, Candles and Tobao..e HOWELL CA !JOHNSON. Props. M. A. RYAN, mgr~. f a, ARE YOU CLOTHES- WISE? If you are, this will make you prtick upyo ur ears. READ: We sell Stein Block Smart Clothes with the label in them. They fit; they are stylish; they ate well made. They will probably suit you withoiit alteration, for yon are not Ihard to fit, although your tailor tells you so. A single try- ott is wortht while. Foil Dress Suits, one of our specialties. LINDENSCHMIIJT, APFEL & 01 The Ann Arbor University Laundry Has moved from 612 E. Liberty to 605 E. Williams All work guaranteed. No chemicals used. IOakes 181 Lee Props.. I close meeter that will try neither tie, thumb nor temper I'uetP t-)y&.-, f roy, e or .iiit~r~~eit ,Tiy it Paul Barnet 1 17 E. Ann St., Ann Arbor First-Class Merchant Tailoring Suits made to order_______$1800 up Overcoats made to order--- $18.00 up Pants msade to order -----$4.00 up Stilts Pressed-------------------- 25c Pants Pressed------------------ 10c Pr-ompt attention given to repair- tng at low prices. We guarantee good tootk ent and tmade here. ('all and set- WAI KING 100 Chinese Chop-Suey Restaufant Chinese iFancy Dishes, Americans Lsncesuof all hinds. Everything first-class fsr tadies and gentlemen. Chinase and Japanese Brie-a-brac. Up Stairs. onaedoor S. Hastan Bras., 3148S. State St. Joe R.'0h Lit, '07 Law Jims H. ' It Law AJ E STI C hitneyTheatre Orchestra M AJESTICALBERT LONG, Direcfor '1"o- might -Season 1908-i909 FAAd d Troupe Cats he secured, for Dances, _______________________ Receptiotis atid all E ngageruetts, Souvenir Matinee, wed., ontt lues other thtan regular Show Bookinigs. Atty combination f rout -230-twvo pieces ttp. For open dates All Seekts 10 cenits atid particulars apply to Football Returns Saturday JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. ______________________Belt Phone 47L 113 W. Liberty St. WANTED! A few hoarderste trp If. ii.Wiikiits Home Botard. Home Bakinsg. $3.00. 219 S. lasgjalls St. AMBULANCE Beil Pihose, 98,2R' Houme Phoe, 55 R. A. DOLPH & CO. Succesitst to .t OAartit Funeral lDlrectors TYPEWRITERS At Half Price A LL MA KE S EDWARDS BROS. 320 S. State St. State Phone 1258L BAI THE FARMERS AND MEfCHIANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Caitai $50,000 Surpius and Profits $90,000I General Ranting Business. 3 percent paid stn Time and Savings Deposptsn. Safety De- posit Roesnts rent at 52.00 and upwards- R. KEuser, Prets. W. C. PSEVENSn. Vice-Pres ILA. WILLIAMS, Cashier F T. SOW E. AsstL The Ann Arbor Savings Bank CapitalStoeh $50,o0oSurplus $2toito,0o Resotureesl$t,600,0t0 A General Banking Business Transacted OrrICEnst Chas. E. Biscocy.. Pres.; W. D. Harriman,.'Vice Pres.:t M. 3. FritzCashier STATE SAVINGS BANK DIRECTORS, W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wm. Arnold Dr. V. C. Vaughan Ins. H.W ade E. F. Mitts John Baee Jno. Koch i-ret. B. 5. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimmerman MKS FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN Aspos, MICH. GI. to. KINNE, HARRISON SOULiI Pees. Vice-Pes. S. W. CLARKCSON, Cashier. 4 Capital,.$10i0t.tt S urplus and Profts, x+60,00. Conmerole l erad 8swvrige Cor. Main and Liberty Streets MOE'S BARBER SHOP 706 Nerth UaI vu'aIyAve. o. A. PA6L 209 S. 4th Ava. Ann Arber, Mich. a: ALWAYAIk IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THlEB'T OF EVERY THiINQ IN TAILORING