Sam Burclificld's Fine Tailoring Trade Can Deliver The Goods Sam Burclhfiekl Coo. EAST HUROIN ST. OYSTIEKS, STEAS Popua raixiesxo HOPS T'oa st oazrd Coffee l~c Mt(ix h tt I i w-. Pp iarrt St~oll.,,I i Iowe t iir- il Wath the TURKISH WINDOW I'ILCWsand Darling ATMalleaux V. of M. 134KBIEKR SHOP J. R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop. ItAl tt 4 il I IxillIs 1 ('11 i X IN I~ i'II I) Cx11. i I 1)1V1 I IlIIrIlx xLadies, . 1 il .e x I~arC x~tii 122 K1 S Stato9BllSt. A~~hv Mxl }hone 3 359I Iell n I r o , ih Yo'.. Ceo.. Get m Hiot Linch At TFNtt5.'s, 338 S. State THE MICHIGAN DAILY xig1)11111(11 329 Catherixie 0an(1 corner II xxx 11111135-36 " (loiIInxii;xi to1g 0take t11at1ride todaxyYou're "Oxxr New -ilnistec." m1i 11 xas.plas-lxxobxxlly heard of Holmes' rigs. 528 E. ed axt the -Ness' xxx Ixitcx last xii II Ix asJefferson St. Bell 522, Home 183. 35-6l acoimexdy of lthe ''cxxraxxi t1151 NIeiher lie ply nor the company were of moirCcc 1, HidRENT --Well furnixhedi fronxt 111111 xrxiixxixx xli ci. xuiiie. Telephoxxne axndialii modernx con- ini'xcx'x. O(lyithxre odors frxxxxxgym1- xxixr. xxxi 16 xxxliexxaxv. 35-391 Thexx most xxrecenace'x xi xin xtheiii lxxxx 1 IP M TIINI; AND TYPE- xxxix' lxxlaxionxs x lxxxxxHar xxxid(and lxi PRl-S We xwiii sell 7011 a type- institnionxxofGermanVisiau soiemen x.iithxxai t o x ei ll E cxx.xx ' *writerxrenti ixula itypexriter, or ilo xx ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ yu xtyi~xi x i ixxxccipewsritinig xir 11o1. Jolliffe& guestsx of the corpox raion xiii i adiii lxx ixii, 310 S. State St. ead-if ofi iiix 1.1> xixais. .These iitudentxhwho will (;rxxx warmicx'Ix' i lts11(1 111. $1.00. lixigx. xxiilllx:i11iccri.__..,,1", ic xliii.theii'liililxi (liii lixti tilt M\ichii".a'ir Lxxi xx xillllc Nilixcili ix Gx xxyii 1). Sl x11 xxA lxxxi Ian iri [xAihur (On Xii.iilsoniii irs NoiTxi I 'i NcAir 11 1 xx (l xxx :Ixr ,IIio Clax It Axix ci lxx A ir,'lreNi. ,A, AirsisCarrie. Air Otcto.xlie Ash- JiFxcixi LxixcciGi Rdc.I t .( P n Ii 11. (\ lxxi Nlat~ I x u a \ 11. Preo mu, K l. p2cg ols tI i .11l IOiicei ix 332tS. Statex Si. (Sxcondxiiflooxr). 14-coil Wec lixve sold to youxr graxxdfatherc and1 1o x'oiic Ixather, s0 let xxx sell 1t o u lxstxlislliedi 1858. Haullers jewelry Stxoce, 216 S. Main St. eod-tf Ni lxixI'.TO ix ER ATE1d RiE'S. CIt, .(ajor & Lxxi 20131'F. Wx llgo We make aii secxalty of duplieatingt xxx xxixxinir xpticaldepartxxenxt. .I IoU lrsJcxx'i'cx yStoie' xn6S. Main St. eod We setixx (lssi'll 11011s of citl. Bothx xph iesi237. iiC. I flol'& Cxx. exxxitf ii cd'xxx° x&i Soiux'x 28-eodiac lxx ( liii lxlixl loo xir \vxcx. lBothi iii xxxix 237. C. 11. (xxior & Co. eodi ii STABBLE & WUERTH CO.Ill WALK-OVER SH ['iS and OXFORDSt .- NEW FALL STOCK ;SOW COMPLETE Our SpexiRaltyx College Shoes for Colk'?ge Men and Women L ia xxx' ixxxxixx ii su ixits j 1 x1. ,< - c chli cxni iaxrxe. .5sk for irial c li Iixu .1'xx irc 10., o l iha lori lxix. tf Dxcratc x v xic ix 11111 xxx xxTall lx. ixix -ir I xxii xi 'IxIS xii l illi I I x 1(S 2137 COi., 20; . l (\iixilnixioxxi ii F. 1(ioI Fm- itat patyxii i xiii orderx'yiour xxxii 1-'Cx Of 111111s. De lxx2xiii11C Ni : l';. _liii lxxxiii t.Ni I - rcnt~ec to 20 ooth ita NiS. L0)1110 in and heir'hlates1tlxits Ni. t ic- c x lair. 1( (Iiixc. M rt' :txii l lenixi xxMa iS. 34-36 Nx iiCLnslfityxxeiii. (xx-icr & Cii., xSxxxte.Sxt.il34-x3x l ]wi inestxxi candyil ill dilil"Apo.llo'sx," JOE LENHARD NMERCHANT TAILOR RE PAIRING AND PRESSING 201 ;.E WashinigtonxSi. i r OI: L: t(rI I TRADE MARK RN US PAI Off s 0[0f KfIIRC',MPANY %SEEr WINDOWS 1f11 1,'xiiisiX xl vles inlllall acidi xxit li I Ilri xiniF ech~ LCxalf, Ta ~il oseandixi-x lood Cordovan LexIiiIxathlers. I ~ $3.50, $4.00 $5.00 and $6.00. OurlXix ixxii Il-xx xl'Cauxxp1 Ii xliii illirillull xatxinly price. WALK-OVER SHOE GO. 115 S. Main St. MADE IN NE4WAK" THOx SHr 7lRexGxETEE Cae4t n ro. of xthle iwhite shoe jAre you shod for wet wedlier?: '' l lo fiiit'!IJIixx iii Ox i I t i ci: . * h iiiiiiiiiiix i i' xc;(jd=cIi ,,tix1) SlerliIg valuxes at $4.010 'and $5..00 0 Students' Lecture Association Presiden~t Benjamin I. of Vriversity of Ce..iforeio.. 8 P. M. TOMORROW UNIVER:SITY HALL Tickets for the estire prolrek in of 12 nu~mbers, $2 Admission~ Tickets, 50 Ccemts Onx Sie xxt Sx L.xxAxBox OfficeIxrniversity Hali. Chorai Union addMNiy [estivai 10 Star Cor..oerts $3.00 SIsMg1e Conacert $1.00 Hxamiin, Bronstein, Gabxriloxwitseh, Txhe lxoIIliilxix iTh ixhomas Drchextra (80 pieces)1-The Choral17n ion 13110 voiCOlcs) xxo l xxi Allen, Morg, ret Keyes, Daniel Beddoe, Herbert Willxe'xlhxinx 1111 other CSitars tao he annoxxnced. Tickets oxx sale at SCHOOL OF MUSIC Orx ituxdent ecavxsers. Liberal commliitonlallowed to tieketllhixix If l [MB[RT Of IRAND RAPI8DS For Arts andA Crafts Furnrit~are is well adapted to furnish students' rooms as well as the den. We have a nice line of these, also carry everything in the line of Rug~s anid Por- tier-s, to snake a room cozy and comfortable. MARTIN HALLER'S F'urstr., Carpet an~d Drapery Store J. L. CHAPMAN, Jeweler ALARM CLOCKS $1.00 ALARM CLOCKS $1.50 ALARM CLOCKS $1.75 xlIxiaa ilii'd Watcxh Repirxi..rag aSpecialt'v ~owe's Laundry THOMAS ROWS, Prop. 126 N. Fifth Ave. 'dcx Phonie t457 BellIxhonxe 457'-1 MAKERS AND DESIGNERS OF COLLEGE JEWELRY Hailer's Jewelry Store 216 SOUTH i'AIN 511REET Larme Collection Antiques in Cixllix, IrtoxCspper and Chinaware Forx ix'atx'xxxxii 10an soroiritxy bousxxs anl. tuden~t 111ns. XxN~ x xies Miss Florence S. Babbitt YPSILANTI, MICH. STUDIO- ..r 'r i East Huron &teet 319