I'tZtlM~eIBAWIDAILY f, A: Sudden in tenmperature will leave you shivering in a summier suit. It's time now to choose an Antomn fabric that will iaise you in the esteeni of yonr friends. We hit the high places in the art of clever tailorinig. Our garments breathe the priceless ar of refined excltusiveitess. Yon need it in your busitness as wsell as your social life. Our fabrics are cor rect ini shadec anti patterns. Our styles are the essence of goodl form. Our prices less thtan you woiildt think possible. Let us prone these thi ee clainms today b~y showing you. J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St. GRANGEK'S SCGHOOL I DAN C KI *'NG& INevw WhitneyTheatre THURSDAY, OCT. 1 'tte(Great Society D~raniat The Mummy and the Humming Bird WITHii W. A. WHITECAR PRC S:2c,c ac 75 i c,-it .04 FRIDAY, OCT. The ]est :Neswtiiiglaiii Quincy Adams :Sawyer PRICES: 5 c,50C,75ci$1.00 UNIVERSITY NOTICES Thc rosscou aintry rns isitt canmiience Moda iiilcafieriinint-iaditdayiitcas liiiansian blardcii tficiirat Wilit iccv ridt ai t ;ii i p . . Miccigaiiciisian ofice. \Vrimiiporan. TraChair- lices eetin of listbtc-i-Ofilat S :",cariiiy utac, ciaticigniiniin ciii ci-., at 7 oclotck itoight. Impoitr- Miciga ic m emesi oml- tininilholiav I notiiiyet iprcedct heir C-:3illnd ziiso'ciliek, iiitceUiion,eei ,ir to>ccre icktssholit see tic trca~mir initheiAluini iiisiiiioday thathe wll gve aculrse i icialan in I ilhlic ii ticaletl fciaiiiis i ci iii i in itiea n une e t NOTICE. S, iheuh alfcsuplmetcnary xaimina iic 1forentrancectoberlciiccaindci3, 1998 ii Tapian Halilt itty- lger, i, x. m, Pomti ; eomery,8 a..im., anno iriommetr, 8a. i., Roomi. in atur-. cii I iiiciiilhedlroomsisfr ciiitcat prcis, cat59F tiic ccicniic Is 1WOli l frncc egierig hn etccctditticiiii cit2iscci ciy i mtc SmithliSiate. 1-3 sima cps-\V-iniic & C., Statc reel 14 twl, , t C id ling',cparmciyi5. if l~ancr ofallhin: a sits1cciicttc.' Up1toidate- haberdisheryclc-cfor it, oni -:d ihr llenii.Alainitrec. -ft ciuas aniiiipetstt e so1~ citldiir ue liasts stitiney- ii ltLietycsret. 1-6 ljiisi foc laborai tiory c andcitit icril- ,cialliicsupphlies. -3 lb intitisitit shtsicshitis, tasels.etc cl-ter & Ci., Statecitrcc. Sigii af t lg ci litc liiie. i1- tCollcgiani clotes fr ecottge mcin,nil usle\by lci, DPlitststreet. - Fcut "chiciulaes thichetcadetsatc6oi tilt, perii pound11, ittroistdrug stre, 551 lesciitLiery street. - e ic lcagnts fr Rga sos. Youngi lhats-iione- beter tmadec"-ii al cbyAilt,-a Sit sre. -S Cup-tic isl aerdsheutur Informi, ati li bySAtci,Alinustreect. - O~ur stiltes 5itl cc opcit Sun- dtays tlissecr fat sate of candiles, tobaccos, etc, and Suiisday papers. l . . SIR: IF YOU WOULD LET US PROVE to you the simple truth that we have Lbeen advertising about our STEIN=BLOCH CLOTHES you would be as great a gainer as we: We would have a satisfied customer and you a SUIT or OVERCOAT that fits about the neck, about the shoulder, about the chest-that has style- that costs you but a portion of what you pay a tailor for less workmanlike results. STEIN. BLOCH SMART CLOTHES are all wool and the best ever. "IMPERIAL HATS," Choice Furnishings. LINDENSCHMIDT, APFEL & CO. {A Flat Clasp Garters " ~ for solid comfort. The newest shadesI - and designs of one piece, pure silkI FLAT ALL web. All metal psrts heavy nickel= CLASP SILK plated brass, cannot rust. 25c. a pair, CLASPall dealers or by mail. PIONEER SUSPENDER CO., 718 Market Street Philadelphia Makiesif Pioneer Stspendetrs GAS STUDY LAMPS Isaivre a steady, soft gilow. Easy on the eyes. Moderate in price. Cheaper than Oil or Electricity. Get the best from the largest assortnment. The ANN ARBOR GAS COMPANY SATURDAY, MATINEE andM NIGHT OCTOBER3 HENRY MILLER Presents The Great Divide As presenitediniiNesw YotrIcoits-croftiiiues Mtatinee Pices 25c, t5c, 50c, 75c, Si i)de"Set ?riy. NightiPricesc 25c, Site, 75c, S$i Sit5 REMEMBER ! FELLOWS! Or motto is Fair Treatment to .All, Therefore- no riots "T HEATORUN" GILLARD BROS., Props. men's Furnishingis For the Particular Discriminating Trade IN FINEST SHOWING IN THE CITY MACK & CO. A 36th year DICTIONARIES 36th yea.- trs QVIZ BOOKS ;n' Arans Arbor.. LEGAL MISCELL.ANrY Ann. sArbor Callaghan 1(, Co. CHICAGO Ares 'Arber Bracs~h. State Street. OpposIte Lawr Bid¢, Yox. Cmr-& Getw Hot Lunch At Tsvttt.'s. 338. 5. State BANKS THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK MAIN AND HURON STREEITS Capital $50,000 Surplus ant Prefits$85.000 General Banking Business. S perceent pati on Time anti Savings Deposits. SaftlytDe- posit Boxes to rent at V-0.0 and upwardis R. KaMPF, Pres. W. C. SEVENaS. Vtce-Pres ii- A. WtiAM,tt ts a-itit1,.T. towE.Asit The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Captital Stioc$.0,00 sut-pluts--250.000i tiesituites $2,,05.0 A General Banking BusinessnTransacted tFICERS:osChats. E.Btseoek, Pres-; W. 0. Harriman, Vice Pres.:c M. J. Fritz.Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jnto. V. Sheehan Win. Arnotti Or. V. C. Vaughan tans. B. Watie E.F. Mitts John Bacarer Jno. Koeh Prof. B. S. Carhart Henry W. iDouglas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimmerman FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ANN AnsORt, MICm. E. I). KINNE, HARRISON SOULS, Pres. Vice-Pres. S. W. CJLAtRKSON, Cashier. Capital,.$00,000. Surplus anti Profits, $00,000. ThIh MARK OF ill1 L LIS CLUETT, PEABODY & CC. CLUJETT ANnD5ARR0W COLLASa SANITARY PIPE OF SOLID COMPORT t Ceogruediso timplyeoesreule tiestctetti t sctingeuity tht. eachtnetveryuesrablteat- sU ue atpipe smoking is nver- OR came.. Noeslugs, noeaoive, FREE notiecoetinereactes th e OFFER smoer'smouth, tyes smoeliaonly the emote. Fashieneti item the Uponsreceipteof fnest Freeechbriar $ 1.00, meewilifor- teat, is tao waretiprepai,eeneio asapes, straight these pipes tee five andicurved tinysitrtalandtifisame tt tth vutcan netuallseeclim itto e, eizehhber pipe may eeeturetianti moutt- moey wiltiheefunetd. pie. The "NO-NIC" PIPE CO., .14~ 418 PrudenitttiaB.BfaloN.Y. MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. O. A. MOE. I tierman American Savings Bank BILLIARDS, JDOWLING, LUNCHES;: Commercivall grd CIGARS, CANDIES. TOBACCO: -ss ';nos .012 5. teP.311 ayn iaid -Ce.. Moat.m esd Liberty St.-.et. ALWAY Si AhE~iXbIN STYLES MIL WAR D, THE TAILOR THE BEST.OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING