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November 08, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-11-08

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Interesting Notes About History
of College Colors - Michigan
Among First to Choose.
iTo Studentsiiiv t he v i v erit ofi
llci~m i s itruesting tinowithat
ouri ylii ad' u h ak iiv t hlt ol-
orts 0 ti intit Pti i. sice 180.ii e
ith which tievu now -Xiiitii-llt thril
vi-lcemak bitiy h ich he shoul hiei
'tinown;18 acring to tiiiiiit iii li' of
i t er.'Thl aealolo s Ilr
1); it Iot iiieeni \lit ms it urplt
itdoll wit e Unt i , magenii t a It lai ii
vii. orange; Amertprlan
wh tit A1 ' 'lu llt-i t iti iilit r iu
k ieice l i ll t h ' hlis r <) collegehu
itotltr ill. atS m ofO c le e
and i tuilittti ti ii hew aboul t 18Stotitt
p ic i 'hill ti .wuldtiv). i ttivttivv.~
ti otttit I. iiios t o hulieinsi li m
wh ict iios til r ait tl tnt M l
ite illi t' til trN ofiii g st
g) eiii' t he (i il I tilln n tit) hcI
is i tt, firt ot it' ittti'rtd i
" ll g Cii oi-lor. -'h t wlali t it f Xiii me
tp~)p itu ii11)o tiit li ItS tlt btilli
tilt-t of i this c illeg iiiis hli 1)c ii r i i
'i:t< a ttti 111111 n tvii till 11o11 til
lii liii thy tat1 fso e o h v 11111
ieseh est t he ''iiittic itvvt
vtllits.1" iilt' Xi
V liv famoui xl i s f11irtil-i meiinedii
ii thtie ..al Courainit' of iviti 2, lilt'
si-il vilvlwill 1111111 to the itt In
illtil''w loii iii Sut uu it iii ttvitier,i

''College Ctilvrv.-Our l'iirrhtti tiiieii
It Datt thvi lihel us io initivv tiat
;;rt'n I'l si their 1111811 their1 selctin be-
lug, svuiexviuvt lifluenedt lit the filet
tut it wa-s necessvry fur thut-r ins-titti-
'11l1 1111 vn f the oiiiginvl vcolleges
of t'e cvunty,' to lie 1ri-reenittei til
iinet if lih' primatry' colovrs, and1 greleil
lasthe 111 nlily 11111 left toi themu. ile
iii v ticing tile fertile joikes sii tirevd-
batre 1and1 hvackneyetd vii this retallt tittti-
iifti cvlor,' while ouir correhspondlenit iv
av-vwe'ring of the green,' wvili hei likuely
t1) hlive hits 'ead crvcked' vt thvt genv-

puchseofrlepyEl~low te c LY UIMUANS ti. HAV
'The lirst rgvniveud sihort ati it it
Gyulsitil asbake-hll I WsHAD SUCCESS
commhittee o88wihiieaech civleittemwas --
represented. Bui it wvvs felt thvt votver Some of the Former Leaders of
spvrts wvere neededtvhtch, like fits1t-1 the; Glee and Banjo Clubs Old
bavll, nmusitube organlizediand conduted Time Trips.
sports tvgether, atiohlvieie1111011"t-----i
tite ill'1so 1thatillach5]nightilviiork Xtiwa 11rds tit' ii tli-tt &~tt t iit' utl
itt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (\ thap'tgv 98 ii lel i dst i titiNto itl''lCamp - tttt a iiitiexcIt'
on t l it ii an asiiatitn wasultt 11 p rha s i _ tilticteams---havl'tutetlti ll -
ixnuut'eusprngthefI til 11'pi liisoc iet vs trit I il ttore -'t ilt rep u tt ufttuite
cille e et e W eman's :ailtet 111ic As,1 - Ii-riyt~ri aeteI1 lit- 8iltlvii
'iii' illlnd iitbet to (0 t r mheli vii'till i.l are 11111 Ire ofii c. widespreadtu iit li
Consttutio, "t prom te iteres ill 111en tha thee gav had
-el s tti and t t ic spor'uts amont ht'ilt'--lubs ar i ts111 111oldt till t'it
w ni lii X iteU ivesittie. X 'th itti rind1. tut t l - uii I Ihti'i t he reut tion
ies f teii evl-ults, tit is ill ut ed 1)y Oftt eit. ng -u n t -- 'lest'' lliii 'u g'a
ial-lieeuie c ites. -isil" of cttl v.svI utt tu' Inthejut' d\Xti
tevttfic, ciil stutu- ret nt tivesur and daiiy . s 1111iwith uiveit yvt' -i t rill
Xiiietent'aiiitsiiftott each sport.vti -- i i't-the u umusic ul iutlubs weret tii
'lit hpots witt hiii XX1111il l I0' tiliti' ) tflig O hie mpust' a 'thuit it-
arit'l astutu - b alltttei s.u' an'du bge-ut-e l . 1 i 111 he cubsvuvdouvnot incrhehi
lit e up of 111 i represettt Ili11 iive oIech tat th y rc nt15 hi tIlimteii lutitie
lilts ftieam ieund .iti erlt _I nana1 er11 it;- hin Ichat 1111 seh]t i he.lu l - vlt
iltt yt he futuue n'iii iiu reslides111atuthe y u hu t a XlIIIId M Ich Igll xiii
me tings,' and't al t t il1 i 11vhieitatut--tie i ii utu t b e "w m e aldto hi itl h r -i
geit huer sgi ri t o tf ett ll Iil iii 1111 oard111 1 il;-8ye itiidys f'li ttittlexanri i

IR ~fCT kl;[ N Xl II tu' ' F U~ vw' v C\, R~\ 1I


t tuutis ' I C
it1' l t -it.
-Ieh~liti is
whai-t tclt.
itcl clay1111-
hult licv- XX illi
It I1h itl ii~ 11
i, \-c. -thu it --

is i int to ivu tii ivW O M A N 'S L E A G U E
hav tits:viit the'iuti IS 18 YEARS OLD
It u-i-ut saNay
i I ll:s a e (f r d
nlu t i ir ass; I liii ItoNoted Campus Organization
ilsas~iat as < t am !Formed in 1890-Other .Activi-
mil e s ii 11111 ei ties of Michigan(Uirls.
'Ig t" I> Xl lltitttt I e-I -

~t ' ttitt l t - t it-ti l t ini
it it li u -h t m ucc -uclt~ l
t. in I t~uutttIlt with t }I
)vi t il t i thyiii S it i hai'lt

I- it
1 it

111!' ttl l
'l!1 lllii

'c. I i I~~u ut-u-ut . a l that I o
-l< I dc- sp1'. ht ir it am'it' s is
iat: tme bu that:the etut haii
t ifll i' ll c, it vk,))I(cis o
1m- with s. tC Ill I


Ll - C are n hut iv hitdhit ii it. 'h
c Ittu- Stlltti-IIviI It ohuuu Siller,
iiitittano i'theiii ihttit iitt, and toii

f(,r Ii- it iit hi uitutin"t ~ ittvii. i)r.
Svile itt-u' ed la ttall xittlut tt
te ofI u t the, u'uuuti iio c o ln csi
ists of iiitaletime111 I ltiit''tl ii 111thalled it
l)-'. till I uuihii-ur netut talb ld
ittg cuipeu ith iviry 11111 i 1111actility'.
liii thut'tthe'r 111ha hue Germuitttut thtttt'uuu
lt~it' hIim av-ut-t ett ilding it Mttrl it'
ittaittstotuldtutu the1 wonderltandutettvh lf
hut-tNil-h 1111-cepti n' iii hht-toffr. tuuiHt
hta hut iiistotin.ucotingn o h
vtui u'tu ofiu' hiuuu i-. Xi ttuei'ctela11111 l
it'ti u u i thu-i itttHtWttihititig hut-
p Itle ted gi hut-ptutu ith t e stiiu t fatil i-l
tiill at ahlu It isi-tualugtIte nearesuh
touthe medut i al ut' dtuu' eiitu l ihulltti lteiuI
totsnaktct' Xnici-i asefoiclni
th -co nh i-' i i' tit try ahutdntl uilig ht-
i. it n ttu-heilocaxl department 'hastoal-
I. l'iudta'igu' s\anri-. h t er rut l ut'
arctilh tleookedtfor iow thtthudepatmtuti
f vcltyfrsintitht tuseutuh in ti-try o
D'sutittl leritiuth e t.tut tillhitdlath
till in Of tuvhe utoite o ena

III e alieridayst o t oteitt t'8ehivviuiit a
vlt-xtthe 't'vri txhof-'ic'hiiignhumt' x nouu'
c(leesit texisuteduvmt ng-tuhe womivenvi
itt n grat'ithe.ill ll. ustutiethdiviu
tI)J class-mauel.Tteve theedtint
or ;m/.a ionand ant f vaflacesuit-i
naiitutu'. At pi-sieit thuts i-t tti ii-
turvtelyihagedl utevause itt the exitlenve
of theit- xi ttuu i- organthiiviin uchiite a
thiii' 55 uttti't heauvutheii Xtomantu'sIAth-
ttc- ssocuitioni, thut'YoiuntgXX'omavn's
C'hitian ssoXixvetion.uthin Girlsx Glee
C'l-u dtuhe liv tilitiertary socetesi, Otite-
vi vii I 'hi and Th'fle Stylists.'These
so~t oehr ux-iti thueecltasurganii-
lull gve i i t'e unhiverxity xx'womentiah
xtot' ta 5senst' of mitn tituth coeui'ge stpir-
it tstlhavethuetmuei.
It has1 bets sai-uihid fthetvi'WX'manv's
tt~u tht 'lute ASinutrxtu, it seemiedto i
mprig tutu existhece fully vrmted.h" In
Iduo.Xlicee ireemnvPalminer, lien pres--
tdilt (ut)ttXXelletley Colliege, vitd hterxelf
v rauauue t te o ihugtuiuwithttileclvs
jtyfi7tiaddrtessedi the ftuity wxomev-u nnd
urge t-tltothudit tll tey ectoultthuelp
beit ti ututuxersitttgirl-. AXlurge
hcit ofili ithue ncolege' tuunacutteyiw o-
tut-utfollotwtd.uan.ati tihitstmietig thie
fitt stepsl twiru- ttktt'u waturdslthie or-
gutizaitt iof lthe-XX' tnutuu's ti-agiuetasi
The obtjie t fitheLeauehis tilelro-
mohutionuuof isveitallift' ;amhong thin college
woen it th le fuuriertnuee vf the uits if
tt--('ut U vrxut1 asftar as- tossible vaid
huccrct~a et of pilainthroptjie
ittkil Ithe hospIuui-talvsi. ''lveagi-uieis
composed utot vf atielemittitt sn ailong the
t'ttllc'ttt'hiuetu. an111 assoceite umembiters,
amongithehu- facutl uttt e. ht isgulv--
itne tutuanexiecutixe 11111 lii advxisory
tbotard. 'Tel'exctivel' boatrdlevnsists
of lute ret reseteuitix frothteehi sornor-
ithy and1n111 n nn '~u mbetrutt -uouf inepuenet
huprtsehttivesi-. 'hue tdiosiry- hoatrd econ-
sists otf tut'neiuorev-tthaitiautfifhuenumuv-
hutruoft i ie'ctit uivrdh vnd is' toni-
tutnul iftfatuty- wxxnu. ITotavxduthue
difhictitet of'ipoluitiecalxwire pallingtghe
ofite'of urexideinltalternatesibetween a
soratinitu-ity u-ember 11and itteieendeunt
nsirhut'yit generousn gift itt $2o,0oo
fromtiRegnt Batrhbouur, the XWoun's
Letagiuexvirtuly rtaixedltile remindtter
ofttheii htoneyt'fur Barbur Gymnatsiiun,
wich ewauvs finixiedlatuuttwheveeyevrs
tight.'Thrught its effort-iBvrbuotir Gym-
natiutithasvbecoe tehue centier of xoeial
lifeamn tutttghue xwomnevntd lacpiee i-here
thue girl-i of tll classuexscat meet onl
coummonuui fooetinig vs Universitvyxwomeun.
The latext xwork of the League is the


'Sir. uAlbutrittiockxwood tiillvtea tt
th hiwu-trks ofthBeituxovnintarecta
ill-t XWednesdayhit' tfternont itthle Schotol
'if XMuuxic. Thits is- the hurth in th
sernies if leteure-reiutal hicuxh are 'huy'
ung gut-enithit- lvar' htyXii. Lockwood 1111
vind Xii'. IiuxHowland.
Th 'ere listo lit sntitutheItiworkth
of dhiferient: mateurs111111diferettsXotut
unders'lt~~ vtoo n njoyed.tttInhis i t
reviltal Mir. Lockwood t dealtiiiiiii ~ti-uait
hut 11111nd ttBechutandiin liietufollowithu
Itwou reitvli-hue xwill ipresen t te wrk
itt Beethuoxven. Xx ini theifirt Iructalt
ir. Go1' tiektinsountXWelcwillitive the
anatttcal tutu'.s lthoug ih itenddiphit
itsc h'li'evursxe isuopeun ht al.Th
firsi-thhnumbehrx havebeehutn iuua tltysc
of thue uopportiunity vfert'Ioittheat-ntg
hue u-trks of the greatest hcompose 'ru.
GYM'NASTICS 1FtOR{( 11th 5.
All girls interestein iihtehing g-y-i-
naium wot t-trk tir- requestedlto methenav
Barbo uu' It'i ilt ne ti: Tuesdayttti
4 p. . tutuormttall'urxse txill thenut he
stirtiSehhuiosisting oitt e ures ittphys-
ryo uteaehing, ini medtcaletgymg stise.
The clatisstxill metieu- i e t ttimesta-eek,
hou11rs tohute rrvangedu.
MIS 188 IVlS 'hWIL-I I Y 11X
"Way't th-s-u iltet, xwidhhits tutu-u
delughting thi~eathrtegohtrs for otxer ta tee-
adi, uwill b huteiiatttratueiatitthe XiNex
XX liutn Ti'hiiitre XXedhoesihtivXiii. t .
Shus PhotebetI Dauvis, xwhou creattilhue
prineupali rule, if .Xnnai Moouirealit ht
tld Xl ntit ll tihetatre,tatnulhatsplayed
it e vr since, wxill tugvinibeiseexliii ihIt-i
f)titdtutushvthasitndto add1111 inreplyi
ho a query, "Not hue fairexxell seausont
lot thue play,111s1 for mei. '"Xrvy Dowxvn
Eaxt" xiii gut tutulike Teutitysttt's
"Birook," forever. Theceuthrytis xo
uarge thav- tby the litte the piay htaxtimtde
a comuplete revoltuuti of the lvrger eities-
v nwvgenteratiotn of thevtre-goters huvs

th g tilt ,lt1-11 l'IiX Ihittiat1(m as hei'l
'hildt- otuti C'tu, - ttue ac I liii tie u t
as uces ful fr httlt' t'I l t -tutupoint
-aleh andtit nut lt anhidttu- euui t u'll ittig
turni I tihialle ho uu ad4iihig 11t
could (n)iti 11ho lttua 1bfmclarkuntl 'hul
in c ll i chilt l and tuilti tit
Les tr'ipt we 1ever 11had.tltt"
i lt a'ftitt ll ttt-( I- <o ta hh - tliii ittpi etil
ion siitruck ith- 1h tthemlitan cn-huh-th
sical tu lik aft O r tht ia lt
ic ia I hut' dit i'i I hut t he esu ttt desxptitti'.
tiltor ersucessultostII tinder'ttu(is-
it hut' tu irc uuumsanesIthantdgthe t-h
it it u lt tutum 1d in;ivtlle dvibeuutuhuh-to
hat Itmvufur ualyiartthAv ttu it(xxiiisil
hih viuell.As aiTureulof lytuig 1181
laitt leiffuiutyeicomparautyivein ahu-
rlg g tithu'aniimhtelhi t illiandXll
iua is ahutlionii hus pati' lytctu plett d.
'I'll(,ttipt Xsuplanedtut' eseu t willf iutu
hulu ng tileritsttututtNt it'T' Nud, hD tro iuit, I
frit ix u' ttbetn it ustu tivai' llv eyuhuu ion
ftar o-theii'ctlubsto'iappearginutAttt
Arbor tionlytlii the'uti tuttiU hiti tutu
Itun r flop conherut. ut' Manager'ltp irbSy
r eels'thatithe ci- luts ae titno ti elt tit' tlt'
nearbyfixtiestulahreettutuactintedii ith
tile ogi t itt Xtti xtia..n lt j - is, tutd
forutis ruasonhatpIpulrpiceduxtutn'cert
forttutverytitesltethe itrgit' hutiutthint
75hhtvma.dIflinu'svnd txillotitlthbs'thes
year1a1c inder ttuhetltaehxxiplif it A.
%thu thu-t -tte Sir. Glut-eu underutuxe
citu K ti tt c hiltati tutu' hit'erthat heyilu
avereeut.111ntbetortnutovptit sigaot
t I-il hne",Ofthses ie illuscdli iethll
Itevdesirt vieof lhuuillenisto lhavemia
s.'lmumi is shill ta chanme-fhur'goodt mme-t
oilm tuth clubsx

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