THlE MICJHGAN DAILY. G , H.Wild Coumpany MngigIi-____-r___F T heI arest Stock in I I DCIIR' 'l . t I:'N CICII'1. N D A TIL Y ARST TIll C IIIIINsFII~C doe. 511'. rdiet __ . .._ the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS, For Gentlemfen's Wear I s es think irequired for Suits, Ove rc'oatsIFancy S estingsand lii) 1501 togs, and of high lass' lateic tond speiial Styles Full Dress Suitts a Specialty G. H. Wild Comlpanly 3ff South State Street SPECIAL SALE ON High Neck SW EATERS F or a few days only PENNANTS' Buy them now for the Penns'y Game Full line at Sheehan & Co. Students' Bookstore A. G. Spalding & Bros. Fout Batt, Basket Ball, lee Skater, Houckey, Golf, Gymnasiums Apparatus. pjalditoit* laadsoiely Illutirated ('aialo;;tierof all sports cttains nuns- A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New York Chicago iDetroit Nes............Lee A White' Athletics..............C. E. Eldridge t Exchange ........Robert Mountsiert Music...............Itfolls S. Baker Dlrama............Raymond Visscher! Women's Editor... . Louise Van Voorhis Chiauney Boucier ILeonard( IC. Reid Gii'i EDIttTORiS Michael B. Mel-lugh Fred E. Goodinag Dlonald IL. Kinney Dana E. Jontes W5alter is. 'Fosters Louis Kraft Faoil Greer Samuel IHI. Morris E. G. C. Wiflamso Paul Leidy Lowtell J. Care I. A. Hnluey IFlowiar'd 11fa11 BUSINESS STAFF Carl 11% Adaiii Harold F. Goiilil Address: MtCHIGAN DAILY. Press Bldg.. Maynard Street. Manager's flours : I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones SCNI)AY5. NOIVISCI It l:iX, 1)08. Stracense univrersity. aI iaceouttiot wichje tials hi'doseelby Stuehiaabodly. RgIdeoless of the1 fairt If Nseether or not set:gc 0 hItthe spirt oririncipettle of the eio lton>s, e imutst aditthdal it dive. repcfor its tioldntess itftforiiiilliilt (Alc WehV'ether the prloptosilteicarie's ofi tails.,i sitswsIthittheliii' eiti s aveto tlie issues if lieiday andisi 1111 ,'illndisillig Ito take a dhi( itndthereotn- 551 it. ,andon oly wshen, si eli aibodly as a setircuclh: dchnie conictiosoal, Stile's Itat list e licouragie ittthoiseionictioniiis. it still 'suceeed ott i ](oe rsi' t i Ii' dirsection of student affairs. 'ilte see' is to lake a sadadtk it whetshle needt l t oeelt. Soit it'l fIi ruespis ediS laytttbel nniielftireailli'be- causee if anitt i wltelmittg advserse' tulic that sm tof tteIlaw Iissof tttheetegu ltedtilelgislatturesIbeomie deadleIttllers tad 'texist'lon thlistatu te boo1stil'. first mtlintg' of te ear atitheItt' Itof i Mis is. \ilotiri. Nit. 202 Sittitlt 'Ilitoer sI 'eel. yestetrday aftetrtoton. DIinthe l Itt I Satrday of eachliothtl ta te'litek. Nin nt' ess'Indiania gir'ls wse're 'ranlted tte'ttbershtipslit itis mieetintg. Aeticorial (11111 oenitit onniectttedilwsithltileuititr- Glovies:S Great Itargais. CGoodltite; it IHoag's. .36-ecti lil Clu" its 4' is gt s rilahis tittss on 2 n ine Illil g-( ),5 istittti aroun lef. Crnnpac cr f l ilt, .5- lil t iiid line. I 11111 I'll u111111to 111- it is An Casey lit' Ctitiiiiubl'er. A Wrnl asswa sciii liyiietuckyil l 111111' tos i ot Alitli lit st ltlil ti.l l -I'i tlli tn . 1, I . . . . . Cas y. . ....i h..i.. . RSrle -V lo . R.1?iiic G' it c.i ...St .tut .1 1.( rtt1 A ll(I'd ce. . . . . t . ll1 .'. 'it, (lice () sit fe're -Tc Sli 1 r t M iii ,lli iicl ft. 1ll r ti Sit Catii."e .. I Iiai i iiu k Blte.,Rkimtoi .111c clic faild to i' to '.1 i Cit ' tilt . flc- t- " . ? ll5 ? 1 1 ~tottviso3n I it'ld 11. Ae itt .lo S4 11 11"ii ,-d pa"t Iitiles, tifo hllniii M(h in Kn 'cl;;t treu tc tine ll ilos V AN KLEEK'S 300 Easi Light Lunches Confect ionary and Ice Cream Phones 78 L 78 Blute The PATENTED XTRAD~rBAND AND LINBADH: DOES IT itil 111111 u tu iu i.eon t in'ililh. et ha hi t etu rndi0i 0.Ilericci itall. Sci ttu madeilt 11111ivard hiss .a11es Sch tlz ut hllonI st'.tts 5-a lin. Geen ganed;. hor pat wsti t(, W >>nun at idle titele andttl i i BAILEY' & EDMUiNDS 12t EASF LIBIERTY STREEFT It Pas You to cotne to us for an5 thirg tn the jewelry lite, largest stoctk, lowest prices are taur inducenments. One careful conmpartson tsal we ast'.. .Theresutlt will lie pleaising. WlV. AlNOICO~LL E i 221) Soth MSinat,,Oeel. ABSOLUTELY NO BULGE IF it'a a patnted 'MbI.AC-HURDLE FULL DRESS SHIR U, UnitdShit & CollarCo., (It i~) Troy, N.'. Michigan 12 Pennsylvania o Will please you. So will our line of Tally-Ho Coats and Jersey Vests. Don't be cold at the game. A FEW PRICES Handknit Sweater Coats --------- Chevy -Chase Sweater Coats --- Wilton Jersey Coats-------------- Wright & Ditson Jersey Vests- Lot of $5.00 V-Neck Sweaters----- Lot of $5.00 High-Neck Sweaters. $5.00 -----$3.50 - -----$3.50 -----$3.00 $2.50 ---$2.00 ;J. The ''.SUTO' User- coI Iis tlinutite'ly Citig- wastl atti the pirocess oif ctistrittutg it is pro-> tectedl bys'pitentas slsitiittn the i llttstrai- tioti, it is twooaots itt otne tl e fit as a detesy street ettat-Itle secontti as ott Aito'lDrivini' tr storttn ctat. Every pattern is strictly up-to-date. Quality in every case guaranteed by U " THE -UPPLY VNIVERSITY STORE WADHAMS & CO. at~ 121 Washington F Ib'e Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props. P~hone 598