The Michigan Daily \ oj. XIX. ANT ARBOR, MICHIGAN. SUNDAY, NOVEMNBER 8,190cl 0d'. 313. to nnkys>. Slitizthre1(1 11111 VARSITY TRAMPLES tottit ooct: ioJos LATE ELECIN UPON MOONSHINERS pultmt Iihi l o 30. ball istl 41 END CAMPAIGN Team Shows Brilliant Form and reegand aoud iight. ltici' nits and Laws Select Of, it 00 01tovfrtoiiliioo nt e it ve Morc0 1 Rolls U~P 62 Points Without ~~~j Councilmen Chosen; Co Exposing Its Own Goal. Vlicltgtti. 12: -Kentucky, . Waxed Fierce and Hot. Kentucky s kicid off to f.rooilickcr Ks-osockoSitte wa;tutterly t'ooqtislhil 111 on 2-y-ordinet . IICo wiiined 13 oats ;T-' wo si'or tiross spre sits, esito a a)~ oidetoit h ill Mllirtice pun11ted. Riiitiicty0 ttitiil to. 1 4000ofiminlori offcilsix 111ttc00of11 1itt 111155 01of tlaying" anditof '11nd I'htus recsoered 1ha11 inu 10111 fon~t1 i i 00aswel ot th iler off scoria; The ;cre when tic aetiii.ii.toucthdown. runing2iyoiiioe''d svra tercase.wres 1ended ,s 6 t o olithes big t ht 1 a; 1100 one-hlf Mitei lstiiofiiiplay. IItti 0 1 ( ain cls eeton hl th tley as o f Re tstoC ri, ta. Knitucyiitotcked ioff to Greeneo l i(: ii 1k-1' b-id w s ellctsl Coni ltt isot oioltiii iponiitieat o th e yard iliiii Retuitneiit I ito Ntkt erit' (it o t he enic or11 lit classover00 .\1o' slo ioou 111e s e sscal :plc siot S 01.ttii n,10 alI ren tind i sio' Cci iii-o ~ siltsst r'sce'siogsoo puno so as o ne of ith t ar o is )515 ts aisusie8 Mo ery to Iihund1re oi eos lcio' sstitto'''iii-s ' Nlci ics itstotsMiss \l 11111 tJaitti. wasOtto 1 (1 lte's ty, ut'Cotut a y' tea cul C emimde;. ue t uyplo 0 i tt slu ofic sot 05550 5s~slI s to clii Itresilient.o 1111eto do-s fItosiointest h-ve isithtt teas ault oo t tilt lito o-o-\li . uDa"-sos tf taill it gin. t he o ficetsi and i t he tout 01 tal t's t-sa clttsiotld tt i sitilsis tll liiic11111 11pot boced s olkv s io'soc N''tsoo R iiiu cd ot e tl lst . D o las iiwa Ns t il suni to -osic igt l's _io.s l li s{ to )'\ttl.isit n t rea-s-' 'Iu"er sO soener te 0'01e id lii- ilis l to b VIctis' .sistcst I otto o yariodos ' , u'sutts's ~ tit 100'-'litii"iit4 Rooiiol~ ii 0 N isoJrhnI tiu si itdto totstopaenalollceand dopln orad p s isceen1 too'' ro un Manager tuteb ter R no 1 tth ga e (r tassc' l c s'' beng'}sltsUrcl sor l too tid stDaIis oslMa id' lt.oeits fts or;i ali otio so i rl,' botso si et nfr ~u lt. and110 tiossi aro11nd11 ightiflb Isslotard s oadloc- i ~ii- iiipatrss' is, trctt- it stoo ldthe sool s lctedtfortoattod o i stl toicketout o-t'isoo siotoAl ( iosWlitsso p otitsargaret \' kils, stere ill fitr tsi ts'-stl i 1'so'oia Nlsodice w o o s'e . T m , t Mltt s ic tw cipr oph ls It o r11 th1 eais k 1 c K n u ly t cls nev r di st i-oe: -i i ttit-s4; Ken t tky, soot l sto ol 3 AI .I bb tt ottil cee1 il olvlig Gzcen s01 10 1 ))1111so .iou 'l t l'iotiticikIdtofft o re (i ] oi's t st' toooutochedotttli '-i ll li it Io'grs-soo'1undo \l F t tu ottulzNN I boocisJ'esCurti;snever \tts's'stas -"as w s ildz t; Ssis' ii pres'O ietIfI hl ooosliaws. athartets'ton er t-sss stiiottha i titii . renel maetos , ise out frJll~n nir i f I tlcniat s t i11 lit litoilMoil t nt the ine1011 iselb g o '.s i 'o Joson.c i to 11 n Iows otwts nis ttasit bto tee ws oiltcalltt for isospedhnd had t 1ky liot lonstforward\opas s i-al ic-st its sol .lst . I;tttli sec ta kI-s L s-s v lak tveto c c ligietovetoil t doiw I-n it'ss. e it I i. >cis t cu'l t Ot It.o- ,olst ins it Itt ItodIn il) i erl ses t ed 1iitoto itoil is i0:tiKttotucky, a5111511. Mi1'. 11011sitb l f ~ ~ ~ ~ I1 B~ onsiepesdnt ario Jns slots-, basebllo ma nyisiis Gci . I;1. ; Ncl n oni ct. NIl. 1). 't'slliiiitl-r:'s - -lal NING fficers; -M11'". J ' wsi- ontests Fticoli1tooc. No s uloift s thitt- s t-i lt Is citsn sstliccr;' fccrt1sito -ite "t ito i'si-- nifstcd loot cli-l ct o h crb;i~iit si bical basktbll lsts -li ted1010 1115 icti11' tstot 5: vicepre'sidet, S. P, NNili'stts; srtarytX" o odti ing : tr10 Itoit1.tR. Beal stir ea ts a raaF.I N ~ e oraiitoicldlg tS .Phl ps: i ft-i -bIallstma'.'ge'r' It'10 SI' - till .titt has'' all compign Tot unrd ndsvnotn015 vots soits tuuc'as t.J W.Ink ws c ortt preotsient icl'tiothe"" c estlcni man lscrtay; b i ll I" Ihll nI-) sit fott ,o Ii' , sO' Itllk 1,( )i ' V o. Cto NMercertwot tsip okein' ~iso i oti N of tol Ngecife," il talk I stoigh t : r n -seMe o i st1tch rhto rsn ny 'IlNihas orl ist-itt' 1010 Cill eg rd on th to toils a ilalTi itt n Lf Stcii'. tt Ihetr. ilt hu'it ansti st''ttot its' his iiom it hit da s osIint W hit -oot . is i gra iua t'-sfth Uivso tity o0 t irt gin'kits' tnd urngolhis cIt legt toot was il t vat y oslo m. M-. lilt' cer s bing ntetaied b th 1 ts i faen tofItwsit-s itt' ist aos ittto-' Its Significance in International Affairs Is a Question of Vital Interest at Present. thcUnv~sit o C lulriwl l eliovtr tots ' asoitioopr'rsmioeit rtlll- hly eenn . Ils sublj'citowillt beoon1111 Whlicht is of 'vil in etot o s asll t sthe11 Its Psit tsgnfcm 1 nentoa oi l i its-s I 1,10,111 11 111 Nhe l WIWIeverhe ~as I~d ccaitonIsto(. i slot mind ths t dtts s'opdinthedrc iIn olthestisoti ii f woj s ecs-oin hfeoi ttts'iw t h~ its otfavorte ork and h0 ist sook s os' teusti ll([ Is ay-i asittn a~v o too sittonos aou nsthil'm.l 1 i ~ ci>1ilto s'. rid'enlo'tc'of ;Is-s ill( Isr t- c hi elcti11 t th 'I-s-i 111011 Ittby s.a tudegreof d iocsItor' if st- 5e ini soooi sa t ,osot 'nd 1 I lsii'''iii stwice intoo lts Y k' nd oht )kp.\5 hc ' doub lidedl psitri lsu' ota i fsgtutu it t l ecus t itiut a i~i m atatd the asittntillnoot i-siT isiso oo r 011 i s'. I added'5 15 lesit- is s maeiali ndcat o fticsiyo t'lfrilt I iuownoo 1wus' cf h tto11 ct intittionsi utn o trst i Ii t i i etuui i si oire hcoe a , ai it lot It' iittsl . For- tirdpastsosecueducy'Kentuckyuinitheir -yiardtlt'si.ooK''tucki pnted s .to id-ui tlut'osoufailed -st oto ut N.tMic hin' s lt' onsd i ticKetucky".'s3;-yardtine. fistut l o -soo li itph ucsoga'led oIc-ti , list Dason wentttN)ough uotlet-t tbkl tou Alerdiceo bss plis. IMore:- it i-u igsau, 'Titus "as c0litdoi oly aftrtbi neut tick-Rt ihu heh llinteuld l Second0 thalf:otDticnbonbwonit ill fs P 1 oh ott Iooutuol'. tukickedhof ttoit;-s recoveriigtoall ut on ecky'itilo . o o hb- tOtioioiisott or 'uh oldting.Out(-tsub'kicls tfeloto Shely'hit ndt itonitKenutucks 10050011 ltlne. 40entuc it utslet.111mb- pacidi ot utbill to itii th o o tubrdpas ndwetto it itrldiifor iobu tsdooou Nlb I icc s'stcu Score:'Mliochso'ooou 42' :ottittcb't Ketrot kytto icketoofbft I toe oiltoo' usttoo Kttbtuck' -o:a40 dtbahilbliws Idtitoiis onti Pa'g 2. represent their olss:C. S. tloutoluo C'..1 -A-newot. l. It. liltingli. Tw ot cii will bI to m us inat for fu tbIl stimettis uott t 0si 101' sut Fo t'stt hts -si i''s igitto ssA. 1I,. Ssar sclo o Stiuuhct uCiotiiil friomo th sub iittdepartment wos 1 'stomciti oC-neu ofoiio iii. ast eigbliy hi m ir aw elci o ntis Ithldt t.0.10 t FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCI Conr State and lHuron S5ts. HENRY WILDER FOOTE, Minist.r 10:310 a. moSorvice with Sermoon. 11:55 a. no. University Students' Clast . conducted by Mr. Foote, "Probler in tBelief and Conduct, V. Did th Prophets predict future events'? 0:3i0Op. no. 'oung P'eoples' fleliaiot Uion. Subject: "The 'Temperauc (question." :310 lEvening service with at dress by Mrs. Caroline Bartlet Crane of Ralanmazoo: Subject: TFoi g.otten People. IOIT Not itI\l GNI'' IbySI thir intenin ~nttiutdeits Steutrit cosotum-e o1si''ts s isis-c to-s-o re lie to tothese may is h oobythecn 00t a iltteoS i-sli lt NI itotand t''ts sisy- tut cbitsHa outMen nots o i ii Iiussuu N locst- Syracuse'o; asColhgaite. Pit soto,atmosuthsos. 'of oo Ntoii it, N6:; Kentuttcky Sitto.u. Viltdterb ito t ; iuuuii'ssus. Te3 Junioud Iktsu'cheor Voroto oct1 tiltc's ' liil '1 51at410P . iso e-s-tot'unoe preidntCae: aler 1aing tentol- Idcred --s signatiusoIfrmn thait offce. Pln o tl e r' 'ists} ' tilt a sit le ist. s~d It sipotnihaivr 1oNN'. bftthesuorg ti-hoto heituinOtt StIsiuV. I so 1,11 o-su W10 s to ear't wlst ooAo Sch10000 sis h iit'iclitwal s ng tolst i ghItt- a Nhtulu Ntirtorftile, 111001sttha tuct I ry ut fo thvrity It lttico-t bitt wri hestd l'as t i' to 11.u1to Men "College Grads on the Bowery" Methodist By E. C. MERCERj Church Only T-IH,73 AUSPICES OF UNIVERSITY Y. M. C. A. J T-IH,73