The Michiga aily'
So. 36,
Kentucky State Makes Northern
Debut in Michigan's Final Pre-
liminary Battle of Year.
the appear m ,iofie l\Oi~ti ke Stte on
imorI.u evnt infotall ini-to- tn
ttteIC;iun - o ll th O lll r ntta
Stioo athleic 1eatione with northern
dope 1111 tasty sti ~ have itte elifoi-
c~ilt il oa ingfrom the o toes -hiii
dl'pc ootbal is oe liy
.1111111111 pelimiayt the Pvie-
Willi de trmii i th lb caoul -
comfortabl1 1 e l ie l i nd asee (If rli
the1 crippled linlitio 11 ofi the tea alt the
m1en trill "o ter the1 h ii wor of otheol
p m khlight in of the viitoslill
Schuli n i, folwes adill that
hG\nnli f i the nel line llil tar-
sit al hiw iiihe tra ofu 00la 3 n
I 01ua iostl h pugi ody'si
1:olnl leiii s to he sen a ti in ch
I il I i c today.
tl i it is ot rto iid y to-
d'lio lielou t i ofo iii iiiltes the itea will0
111e iii ofull lineilil 11111 uiil'iuuo andri
"Call ilde oil ifc worin tie
list nth ifol tskof th iiil theii
ends1 i illo 11h11e forthe httc i wiuoithof
(rco il itil mallhe expeire o sort
o 1111011t 1itn , 0101111111 ifltei inii tse
give te Qoafr te fool hattl ti0odgaiy
ph~ th i r ll slteg thcand alit Yosrtir
lielotng the inal ho- fol ofi rption o.
plottin agais tieoi iatere ofenstive
whl t1eretislsomr quetlion pric to tlii
(riingneo-ofi of1ficii-aoisii thinfollowin
he care bliy ocpntof s-ts ting the
ching seoctuio- if thiPen gmetoo il
1he1 01 gaeu t igto-h o-i 110111 tooda tti
girl's ticket oiiio thus got: to. We ihto-
1101 to konow tihit the laller girl in tall1
fori iiinean thot tier uniderstudy
110( sot andiiolfoil notheor girtl1had1 0
frieiidlcomle to theo idce onditgel a1ticet
s0 tiatiheigoiitlmani ifendtu Icouilid sit
iithe fill-htiota1111l pileelof1 lii-dW
lar. These hipiei toi ,011Iw a coule ofi
cases which(1011we 11know lumli. -\Qihive
111oilayif ktoinitg h111111smd
ca1s00 hiaiiob111011oikldlOei f whichli we
"Onlyotoms1 1100in h e st 01,"ihe01on-
otiilido "Chitcago0and' 1 ine010111111it iare
111 leofodraingligge101 owd111 a
fnniAror. iiiiioh 11111ciepoltion 11
to drawiponiihigan011isi1111nceilhaud11
uiiot a e. etv ui 1 h o Icit 1ru l eii t
lorton haiiii p OOr ur101sif (111- fIor
ha11 (If wiii~iitOO fth if}-cn
seatiend e ro~ieo in ett en)
lforiaoitiiigof h-eandwil)befo
Ifis tihl i ing sh o o i nu, tw l
1111111111111me111111 t te ilgO -111 n1 role
ENGINEERS C N I edt tebriti]t flovlu
ill 1 iiig "le boo clo 11i
1ia c nlt hi , ; o . i0
the tuork if Ctoaoini hvll 11a1!
;Mteyers fioitho-tilill stoId(lilt po
il 'oiR1E1:110S 1 10 IN4 TO o
LTio-fro-olmdicsi put111theoJuiorslli of
,l ihicscolre (if 41.10. Muciiel (lin
F( 1R J 1? F FE R101SO1NtI.ON S A0R1F
C111)01001'IN \VARtSITY'TRN ' -t I '
Ait a Ittoti hg oiftho Jolferoin so-
cietyhlat I 0111(1 0 lingo h Iltg
vaity teamo:l Earl h. asiti-oiioili-
and ichr i mm uo toondbi. fiii les
Tihe 110111 ion 11111111 Resii ved110t1at
bankiln01esisecure byucommeroialoope
areto- leo-l l o os e 1110 Oe l1 110
trout hos-lit i]iel dcidedilii tit ll
beo-ihtolt ighbot eeo-oveeks.ii
111 pr liiaiesiicfo te eo- wde
ie Weboteor s(oityNoivemiler
U. Mller, 1.i11I. Cihfoee, . 0 . 3hilott
1)i tic tryouitso (f thie Websteresoetl
tieucioesfll ii aniitiioio-were~0 . . A
toiii. wi- t . 1. Kiceff iteto-et-. Sixteeno-
Ito-n trieo-iutt.lThiisiiiiitumeIsoexceop-
Souio' litelo-o n willtehldti
1111rnhig i1R11o11., ULiveerlity-1tilt,
friiii 9)to 12.
Sciiior lain electionithiis o trninng ini
10111 biiiiliiig,friini9 to 1:310.
Senior Accused of "Cribbing" in
Final E1xamination Must Leave
for Remainider of College Year.
liy the 1111r0 at ctuetlourt 0(assembooledil
in the neiw0engiicoriig biuilig et-
day1 ofteiiiion.Recntlt the fcutti'
aeaae oo f crinotra11011sgressiioi
anexamciatioin mauiirieeningeeicng
tast June.1an oiii f apparentoiieffouits, to
"crib durng a exa itinfintho
'1111ol (fconitiionisOblit heo 1a1me i-
dividuathitisll ol. Co-chg thou the no-
it-lis e (thit Otconeredoil ho i101
tut coseiioo et h uodiilof itealig with1
ia, e liooitidin'titunthisiifattei
ove to 0~Stdn Conciltfriet1111e1
1(111.1(1111 illarie tiotreas110 :ti 0 i11
.011111 lient i o tt wtoutilt ltotdo i
t home;1 teioi no110neicssit of um-
an (0eonlyltwe hawlii no11 auto itIto
ri-lit 11101 matte11s0a01 11is1toithe Stueot
cun011 1 ot NWiliomstoexploieitoi -
(lhe i tethodiiofttement ioil te ques-
ToI graduaiteo tuden~t tsi undilieio-i
it-v ii ASo iiii t te fieditu to t he c seats01
res-lvtd(oillul toem, actig judug . B.
naif ormed1 itth mIiasttto wh totthour
duie wetrteilt. (11 uitti
It,, eid. N"\ e expc~utothng ut lthe
loli101tloit etiltllit.iuu
\hubell ttor teimpomtucor
miNdle o he- roi o it
chrgio oliitingreciin~ttg andutuilitut
ing- informll i onl dating i na ltutu'ooiuuiu -
111(11in i ri, 11 o01)itt aine tito 'igimeitOni
br1u1htinfai on 1 11t ,o n tuxai atotu
fo Ithe11r0eito 110l of ilcond iiti ic in thet
men. i io Juude Dais 1 dift yut o oniu
haeayojcion ttouanoutftt- hetoo'iuo
ma tilteiot(to the our-
fromthlOit fhedeendntasth
w iti 1 thejr, t te rt ut?"ioltiu
111010eioui 0ainotoial crtrnc it- asked uA-1
"Doittiwanut one" tidti tutgclis.u
.Po, 111.C.uhSodoltri-outoctiuctod
the exam ii tgs ale otidoilistnd
bearino thtuiandwitingf hue idehofe
ant sinhue tortbormah "t"xandtheli
taoushutlulti-liltquetions11askein ilatn-u
hisipossionua t toe time'- olgthelexami-
naiit0 ii t itlefNriieiremoo odticoutsli
wr1iintguthe uestiios. tot fuidta to-e
oaridteutaperto he on"iiexamOhinare
tiohtbu01111 ithrthe intentonl of usino,
itti whaotiyothinkolis fuot rthii eiidoe
he defeindoait."'
At 4030 t' jury withidrew, and oiler
uiug 0o11 for tiwo hours antI forty-five
"In tore ohdu-ingthi eits uuionouthe ii
descires tiio l tate:
"irst, to fol tht illmttdu al
Iintour p 11ower t i the sthndardtueof
"'Socondti, w e foet ho.undtulto do forth le
accued itwtat lwe' con1sidter'to be forlis
uoery hods tireticandhfor' the h.t iii-
'°i 'e depielti c heat~ tin i n t m n
fomsunjiteisou ea110ettu-' ire tha
eveiryiting bto net io uit ( i dsiht to (ell
out1 thtoe lu-u- fellow, w ,itl maketat prac-
ti01 of uinotg 01111 o11111 iii 11111
ii tbr i throughout11 theionCoilt- '!,(' tlt10 -
"'IToeudfoendoant %%e dobit liii idotio l
he attomembroftofillhto ofm0elin : bot
in iew obuf teideonce tua11s (slhmitt bloand
"OWe recomend Fit.Ii tete
from utthstdeartmtt fr h rmider
ofi s c11olileogo e a , amt1111 l00 h at1101 i
01(11d ra oihonti1of111his preiusorictrd ho
hi eottae ouiu'git iohetunt -thin
niig of a new college y' ea
010 goNGEINI 'S 113)1111tCt N
At 01meueting ot Den o' rdan'111 oe 11
ont'ltttttdy eveingitotub date otheu
Iannihua 1210(1th buiealt liseif
Io thetbaffairwerl mad Sophmre
iaie requeiltedtio piylhir 311111 fioi e
dolar t tti'ocetoDe1n1Jordan, Lbie tl
girls desoiringt eotugdeIrind
cent1ticokutots. F uoomltuticoliuors uiblheh
choenfo te ecraions(11byttuhe cou I
Iite . butte 1-til I e t u t ii 'uin 111111
fursr halanlarortoom~m
ht1l ((t i' 111prefren 1s1o1111111 s g1,
frt'heifreshmenotheyig iOh ttalOchit
'I'l(, onu ilt illcr (tpilte til, fol
low,: i nanceo'. I Louseh loll oll; invita-li
tionbGraceugitto orefeshent, Gady
Piearson: se11111101 aionll Walkier:I
Bulohuitlit : rcpinMro
Oututot OCIEoTollt01(111 1Tl'
otVItok -ttut i[Rtiot e AOhi MANi)'11'yo
ai itiatotion bout iit1 ll itoiay tnigh
1110 Mit.-i, l ote't he sevet n new hu'uhuuh
hetut' 0-ll o:iiuuuc ueo huFl orceh ur, l
'Ibo' teoth itclu d.utgroMairgreotiSne11lth
stockI n dti Frtatintcs :itchell lTeotoc to
"Io'Cn wtele rations,Iconte itingo
mosih00utlyot ellwhrysthemums111
whit'te antn,t I're1kb htsa100preIll'
The 'toascts showedtgrebotrllakututu ot
inichoice ukd teatentof ubjechtso.uBe-ot
buyThe oo-leI bu "olhlege j't if.
of s l adysu 'ut Chapgoll, Ioh-tut 1012 lb, it-
pepaedin theODgtroutit Central -hilu
schooul, passed t o uht e ucellentocutIOtiue-
Rooters at Mass Meeting Urged
to Help Varsity Defeat Pennsy
New Songs and els Given.
litrtholusand itti I otutcttweitecelecri
li<< into terifc btuletof entusiasemu
Ittng to-enAistanhoi toch Crtic
lu-ucu sad t t oe flle ibt higotut
tttemhatd 1 a goiodbalceto u w11itt-u~c
lu tutu otbitltic tck.
"laeit fruom me ,'sond theltly
man whiluuotoas vetuencpttaoin ouftreoe
if \ichltiabbi oathb lotc to , thaut i-u-
'.1(1 ilc.lct hu-itcu'u o in1011frottt
PcIi y TN11o wheksiti o gu le teeol
(lie at lowi uhuhiandilolelng fcto lu
It tat heuha tubn o hantut o wut ill f rbuil
bI touuo in theuth uid ttmptu t ' '.Yoto
ovr oand uul hotSuautuouy oo'e 0111wt'
tnigothu id hethuweo whip~e
Outtei lb Ibi iitiletetll 3-tutu''- 1101 0111
tinudutt weihavbit'n1011otig thingo
iii I there 1d th, ek i i teio'of toe clot'
iiIlun,udbtothi titime i tueklw ltbu
gaetihiuuuootluubiou OAndtI betlive
lie re tnrl o inutg tiin"co'ntinudt
thu_ asositn oach (100 in te irthducislie
utte t fthu eaoonMttuciugan'
Ito too otiust o te Qikis
1hcbiit koachbReddenbu ncuuuuionscioly
spbetng thu- holif thout NIichigoanihatt
:ei eao to tuuuiut he atout turnueod
hemass eeing flute It Kntuck3squttdu
ill O, htingo'ot yct orriveth Ile lul-
tmout ieq ulttu onforttoe yeiiio
dis nd eo wi ch po are t' ttufItgout he
Qroiod gut Ie hc wr toutand(
heira limuouuuhis setutu the'ttu 01dnts
'hon Iidtobloeto rema~101111bb'cintpaso
i-cnt ai (1110 -li ve 1( itibiti it
01 SN.uitttin i onig i the etig,
'aue thue essential I o'i~puuuueut o f (u-it
lie ot Ii(]t e Ia t w a i s ut to i
111111 ad j ii ainiuotg thou 'NI'
ci moetrf-bl et tanit iwa10(1ttoear."t
So-ottconillulhei'irotrumth le Varsity~
Itnt Ilyedblotot1(1otconutuinuuslyu13wohleo
upon lot lerform at fleoqunobt iutervtt
d uring;the ietetu t.o 10oh hnititwhiting
oedotetooerinug andot ticecuequet f
Ihe erootes1w01 caluoniuiitouadthbtt
sireS hult0meoaftrtimhu.
Dite111 soituthitcosi le prnogramiu
toheuilinghl 'rotckeodt withi te Ivolumuie iol
nieadini this fiatuboe, ot lcouh le
lat massomeinig befor thi n enet-
its(011so otccocliul asthetst.o
BIN' O'O'kl'N' Ah' UNION0
Whbilhe bb'girlsof thue homooathic
hoatmn wi~'liotoere- boing enerined uiuctby
laI evelbintuohe utiebun oteeciuatuihe
Lioiun 'hublouuuuastheb guetos of the
1010ltty. 'u Pr f. iibyitbi ocited cas tost-
Iatradtoiutowo ig tatslc l-iri-
-' Obot Nelt.?' h. hiRuoland.u
NTht:lioo fti 'Into- Physoioian,"
Ch'ruou Brtoont
OAnupkerbolastsmonuubuP 1J.- Colgan.i
''I tuuuopouhut ini the' Oriont," IDr.
'""11yt I' -kOut Ito-n'," Naor.i
"Sute ilkauth St-egy-" IDu' Parnmelee.
the.'oarieteemu bittwasotormerly pro-
feouteof :gymuoo'ohgy toneot lresent
hut 't'in uToedou Imihpnomptu musicail
seleonsu eegivout before the butch-