THE MICHIGAN DAILY Steer Straight wbe ordering your autumn garb or you'l]. go astray in style or fit. We've guided ocores of men aright. Your reputation as a man of good taste and sonnd judgment i safe in our hands. Our fabrics comprise those uew and indescrible shades iedorsed ber NessfYork's smairt -et. NMixtuires, stripe., slaiNs anid checks in ltewitch ing variety. lbs models see sponsar- sin's aetdcateS. "We'll iiake the- oarmcnts as senset atieo adcla wyutgish. withositover- o ( pping either way. Wh~ o er u rcs o'lodr hnyuwa~n-aissyout'll (idlrere againsDo1) u st looek round. J. K. MALCOLM, Prop., 118 E. Liberty St, AMUSFMENTS Ne W WWhitney Theatre 0OTH PHONES 480 Sat., Nov. ~ MATINEE AND NIGHT lu iste r I Hil (REAT RURAL COMEDY IORAIltA By D~enman Thompson Author "THE OLD HOI'IESTEAD" Matinee Prices: 25c and 50c PRICES: 25-35-50-7'5-$1 lMoilday, Nov. 9 Hellry Miller speciallyseolectedCil o71p1limy in The Servant Irv The House Prices: 35-50-75-$1-$1.50 Seat Sale Friday UNIVERSITY NOTICES M~andilttclubriheassaltni 11gil a Gitrls mtndltn cliblmeetis tio(a at 4 o'clock._ 11und mccota iersits Hlll at 1:45 =halrpi tonight for eas mltcilg. Meetittg ioflCess 01111Ceckrc litl t i .Ill.Otodiii n Mc ilriillaall1111. FitrstIregtulattr (iWoan'sLagiie-prIy Opera rehtearosasls twill 1eieds ria Tr-ts o11 f iiJffraitiae socty fill iarsity diebste sillIborhldcilthis revening M. C. A. t 7 :30 totigit. Germanlihtg Prof. litrc 11an 1111w 01111mas imeet. 1hers wiilllspeak., ilick Cses11Ca rses o- alsi-cnd1Bur.1 dick's-Casestil 1Torts1 1111111 enhitake. - tbyilmik rom1.311-1. liad al To1 Thl-e MihIigani IDaily- Ol(etichiir 3thelich\loiganiiCenioi ralod filblllospiecialiomDerit andatrhie.ame1thIre -s ftids whatjos I;cm grte itvMi-sline hll-dog.1oiSlSths tracnos-c o letooyroitlftheller No111n1e1onute futrinownli-imooandt 1I imslulolislrl 1858g. Ilalbcro j c sllars- Flre'b, 21Va."i C.IttS th roil of tio sAe. D 101it Mi. 3-1ses Si : St.11(011c.nd sloor. Ci, l;b-coe Snd to yrfa1e-,lisolei-s l Esabish1 e 15.1 114 P11-s JIlry caldlc - ;orr I,51111 1111 ll icir5tl.-phone syl g cat (r Ptcul tht ilco ~-iir sot a111 C. 11. Major & Co., 2031 E. Wasirtonli We make a speilty of dplictig lenscs ittoir opical idepartett. IHal- cr's jewe~lry Sore, 216 S. Maltn St. oil D~ancinlg soeis ltwsiholcli--a snii 1111. !Wagttor & Ci. Saie S. Sin of tIi hPlio Shoe. 31-36. We havie thie extrai lreo shapelii. li glf cls. Ihentry- &Co.,N- tus sersils. The Plis Royal, 29 East Liberty, always has ther best and most for your tuoney, ito U. of M. pennants, boatnters attd pillows. Try ts and see. f Hot sadliches deliered. Collge 1111. otht phoes-1078-L, ad 1078 ilic. Wec are exlitsie sellig agetis11r for the Rgal sos. Idtre & Co.. N' Uiviersity. KOLLAUF TAILOR AND CUTTER rtieE,Htron St. f Pitns set ottotis "Simtplex" spotters nutst necessarily loe spotted exactly riglht. Bosslees ktnosew that tis means. BILLIARDBW±IGLNCHES; CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. 212 S. State 311 Maynard ARE YOU CLOTHES WISE? If you are, this will make you prick up your ears. .READ: We sell Stein Block Smart Cloths with- the labci in them. They fit; ,they are stylish; they are well made. ''They will probably stilt yott withoott"alteration, for yolt are riot hard to fit, althtotigh your tailor tells youi so. A sitngle try- ton is worth while. Foil Dress Stilts, otis of our specialtiEs. LI NDENSCHMIT APFEL & CO. THE GRAND Billiard and Pool Parlors 220.222 S. State St. Vrnder new management entirely remodeled and up-to-date Complete line of Cigars. Cigarettes. Canmdles and Tobaccos HOWELL (t. JOHNSON, Props. E. A. RYAN, Mgr. Ihe Ann Arbor Univcrsity [aundry. Has mioved from 612 E. Liberty to 605 E. Williams All work guaranteed. No chemicals used. Oakes Q~ Lee Props. PROGRAM CHANGES Monday, Wednesday,_Friday and Saturday GILLARD BROS., Props. (lose meeter that wvill try neither tic, thumb nor- temp-er L .tl15c.ssy,- Paul Barnet-- 1 17 El. Ann St., Ann Arbor First=Class Merchant Tailoring Suits made to order ____$18.00 up Overcoats made to orer-t'_$18.00 up Pants tmade to order-___$4.00 up Shits Pressed----------------25c Pants Pressed-----_ -------_---lOc Prompt attentiotn gil-en to tepair-. ing at low pricies. We gutaranttee goodtt stork i-lt and tmade hi-re. (-'all andtte WAI KING LOO Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Chinese iFancy Dishes, American Lutnches soi all hinds. Everything eilt-cass let ladies adgenlenmen. Chinese and JapaneiseHBic-a-brace. lip Stairs. one door S. lastsn Bros., 3145S. State St. Joe R. '05 Lit., 07 Lase tin H, 'i ILawe ARE YOU A MACCABEE? D)ON'T FORGET THAT BENEFIT Friday Night MAJ ESTI C W hitney Theatre Orchestra ALBERT LONG, Director Season 59081909 Catn be secured, for Dances, Receptions stud all Engagements, ott dates other than regular Show Bookitngs. Any combination from two pieces up. For open dates and particulars apply to JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. Bell Phone M 1 13 W. Liberty St. WgxyANTE D! A loe boarders to try H. 0. Watkins Horne Board. Home Baking. $3.00. 219 S. Ingaiis St. AMBLOLANCl Bell Phone, 98, 2R Homne Phone, 90 R. A, DOLPH & CO. Sut-cissers tosO. M. Mtartle Funeral Directors 240 S, 4th A v:. Ann ArbOr, Mich. TYPEWRITERS At Half Price ALL MAKES EDWARDS BROS. 320 S. State St. State Phone 1258L BANKS THlE FARMERS AND MIECHANICS BANK FIRST NATIONAL BANK MAIN AND HURON STREETS Op ANN ARBOtR, MICH. Capsil $50,000, Surplus and Profits $90,000 General Hanking Business. 3 percent paid E.Pegs VR'Iice-Press. L en Time and Savings Deposits. Safety De- posi Boxes t rent al12.00 and upwards S. AV'. CLARRSO)N, Ctashtier. R. Kossor, Pros. W. C. Svavess. Vice-Pres 11I. A. WILLIAS, Cashier P. T. SOWE, Asst. Capital, $100,eee. Surplus and Perfis, ,eo00. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank p an.Ameicaon 't DI Capitl iStuck $50,00 Surplus $250t,00 ankn ~.~JE Rtesources ..,(o,ee0Comnneroie.1 mcd A General Banking Easiness Transacted tOrrICES:nsChas. K.Hiscock, Fros; W. D0, 5a~vis Harrintan, Vtce Pros,;:0M. J. Fritz.Cashter Con-. Mata and Liberty Staaata STATE SAVINGS BANK w DIRBot ~ETORS: MOE'S BARBER SHOP WJ.Boh Jne. V. Sheehan Win. Arnold Or, V. 0. Vaughan 705 North University Ave. Too, H, Wade K. F.'Mitts .ME John Haarer Jnu, KochO AML Vrof. H, S. Carhartk i Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimmerman ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING