THE W ICHIG3AN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY. G. . il C inall iuugigliir-ARCtirR F. RTHE Busins, s Wtlteir-Ju F. WURZ. 'The Largest..Stock in DIiSn the City News. . .... Lee A White~ of Athletics.... .C. F. Eldridge~ Cxchange. .:...Robert Mountsierl 1 Styles ln D1'lsic.raa...f."". R..Ioallin S. B~aker l~rnni. . . aymiond Visscher Womn's Editor. .. .Louise Van Voorhis . . slcceedS to iithe poisitin )i llia -l lhave to spendlilthe lfitmothortw twtiiC ana T ama sitl he able ito starti. iiii (me iatl In i __________________________ puting lieniitoieffect thesle,, ieas Gi1l(1 ptans. for-tic licttieiiieii Iofi 1,i' uck Wih ' t strong 1 iilicc,,cll i eA. of thle which he. must . iisve acquired dit g ,111i , lclcli ii'ii7r. Iiis m ' .atreilice lill. nsiiApathetlic illnt lei-preta inl helien ligcye Tice' peciisced systemiis not a new11 1c cc . hlI,i '' ,, ias djiti clithe featuire'of 'The D~AiY ]i,is 'ii'd:i itcd i cit.h rve I' ~ Fclity cncert ivenlilistntighti. sc~esnsfl.-iTo-etleivi'c miii h-, e chciogs rciif, lieandwei wit ai pride 'litdcaffectioinifore lie collice e nan ied bv I,, .r. 11lolandi'n skill, annala, -sicerely 14. pu'to sec tinpr-,i;u i cdeepimpresslio n thile auiece. pionsilchange' e s.ilcil. iiiand111 hI i. lckwsins playedi wihecellient tste.The Beetive FOR N ITIJAG T VTE. "(W-tinaswell doniii. Nrh im. kucsnwonrk cre tiubilisnig itiidcy iiiiinaohc' ll'511i111111 n i ng thiii1 ie wcrk ofthelice in ai list of tlice'ncci islohave1,1 llnorm- (:ccistilngs, licecnilldluleicinnen ccniii lices oiiitile Couniii. ci wih a brienf ou' g. 111ni''cc ci saee' ntcii o f the oicicl e,'- ch ha I h cjiic cuppl ies where ciii lan iirightc. 'Selicc- nr ;, -1-f "fl- 1,Fi,". l le k. & 1111.28-e WOO0LENS For Gentlemfen's Wear in, ry thing required fot' Suits, Oveercoats, Fancy Vestings, and 'I'rosiserings, and of high clas fabriics and special Styles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. H. Wild Comfpally 311 South State Street STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS for Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits ci d all kinds of Athletic and Sporting Goods Tennis Golf Baseball Sweaters and Swetaer Vests Elsganitow here, special low prices. Students' Bookstore Sheehan & Co.- A. G. Spalding & Bros. 'ihe larg etManuflacture'i nhe Worcld ofcOfflift al Afiltili" Saupiei toot Bait. Basket 5Sal ee Skates, Hockey. GotifGy ptaslum. Apparatus' oilcdico ctHan~dsmely ltriciatedc Cetlue ofil'tiispurts cciiitaln nm- innos sll55Cntilliinmactd ellciany,- where A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Nsei Yocrt Chieagu Detroit (I,.,,,, ccc, lhoecer LeonarCiii ..Reid AFiciccet hi. Me~lIugli Fred E. Gooding Dtoiccldi 1. Kinncey Daina E. Jones Wa/lcer K. 'loners Loui'sKraft Pail Greer . Scimuel II. Morris I . G. C. \Villiaims Paul Leidy Lowellcii1. (Carr Di. A. IHinckuley IHowar'cdeI 11a11 BUSINESS STAFF Cari 11. Adam,, Harold P. Gould Address: MICHOIOAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: I-2 p. in., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones F RI) hY. Nfth'E\iilE'R 6. isot. i I I orca hel cccothhe college a1ciities l-lm.:c, itillitis beiexhautivelin auv sense othierthalin iitile lice oiccr tatci h tic fit a 111511 taici e cthelice portacntcc ics xe'c'teif the Coun 'cil.c Iin settiingcccii liee actsie re ctat ei abyo ohlerlmive thanl toplace in- formatscccciionfoee ic oters.I M\, ciake' noi recommi cendions,1c icco illnii)campuilis ielcins are' 1111, ly blindci gienses onthepar lic ee lec Mrcs. lcvcry' cc cc ccccIi has a voice in dciincg who halcciii nil the ii,'I ilil chic yearc ouighti ic nstucy iciref1ul13the mennomnat i a liteu n s is mt fill thos wone' cii ,'cocnidienscihaveciec thlc'111ec5miost iiillicd orteofie metchod ilof eled cig' tie manaicginig e'eitor ccc ci cccnicc'nncancicecive'ouirinameslieiw ii. nlcii, crd ud inessc maager''ftneil ici gn Wihapcle, kfe eninii ic kep'inc cw ith ,heienreaci Iknhtclci cii c cii iii-m mn ofii cc cstudcent citiutioln, andi liacrk" inicollge.Th 'c' aapaou ic'oneitole coii m' nded.' ccc ci icciuname:--',iS etii ...mcccii chile c 11ccii beii eelsehinbet cpoliteici,'crathe'r'ticn C"ccclin aptitictrcc', il, fo fcc',ew dasi lice manc whisic bstsi elipped ichfor,' lie' a11leasiitclioills ii icg that comiien c1iiili piin.cic hcccgic 5w'e'hcciso ccfccr'beenci Ieacel.Scimilar'acioinsonithe partof fotnaein "ettinig gildmeins' pite .a imaillinll lilicnibardi}icercily' I cf th sic'-necclitcidoe's cciiotcec'nnccsaiii nitlcene crounds. In I t s' i" lililccc, ii i iiici cc cci chcic is' uch ice1 lie' ls t ei-g'cl ue''rcthecnovell. ic or Tocsny- the leisti lie' presntcisyntie'c sr ciiS in lllel cc ie'_ci '.~ i ery faculls. Tlii preentci chiigciic c cciills eysnhouildl cace'sa deiicil'pirpose,' Sli iiancoard efiiotr'ol is n etir'e'ly iiclciacid that 1purinponse > liiisyomjnsito cci l a ett,, ccircly' cc bodiy' if' cie'gcihc n mcciii atei c ii hlsec'sill n'rlc chosnby uiticalet c'hodcs scud bicr- f hinll ast gIi'sve vl ictoycucr con-- his avigcdesigics oi cn ic r lcthatof-cepis ofiie ristilnic. line' yourii ccc, i c iiandinitrctchel t ticsie as tic,' i andchncciitileca'rm-r'e'ntn ofilie'bnhs till 111 imay.cheermiice. T'li c ndi' ate iii-"" - tut in iexeienccce ewh'iate've'r iccgettiig Deccciasic icur,'rooims1 nodw.c SeleSi' outii lie uccuccic for icr derthe', icpresentI you ssiiwal l ninsfitfccom,1111'ilct cccpat s ystemu i thereisno11wa cy'thatlicaindicccida'elecn. Both plicnics 237. ('. II. ii ccii cn sseve cis pp renticenslhicandithus&R('1., 20,3 EIs. h'cccici. in cod th rough' expieni'c'ce'becomce e ccipcle'-__ cciidleficie candidate focrlice officee ofi 'TYhPEWRITING'. AND I 'iYFE- manaig"ediior orc'ibusince'sn a cicgec'. h\'ii 'hRS-\ie cciii sellhYuactype' Iii iunderit'heidpropocmisedcisy stemcci, wri ut'eir,'ccci y011aItyperitu'e''i,'oir ido fault ns wilcallcbeidcie' ccwacy'sithiiancdliyoiur typhewr'iticu ice oryocu. jollitff' it echiratancccillthiavesanciiipporuityiit'oiZewsc'cki. 310 S. Sicaie Si. Cod.ici chio- is efficicecyadiitiy' for'the'- '- po citiicc t cciic e aciriesn. Tiie adop- t.'Underwsear' for mcccinicacll rsi, icc,, of cthuecpropoisid iesesysiemishouiacld scale' iy Allein. ticelotihier, Main,,Sc. i 'lsnultenil1 cto c'iv us ci betite'r' iccicic echiiyear.chlen ci manciwhoiha uscccii Fc'rechili ecncacrce. Ache for' 1ricc onc lice cliff Ifrocmhis fr'eshmanccy'ecir'cliichct College Iii,. if ('se 1)1 iiilich l orcie wacu. 1Mothi Ilclcicni>37. ('.ii.'t cr &Co. ucilif. .u,'ccu anr & (Co.. Sicate nc. 344 I eI rcc Sus. o . 134,11 oflccii,,,- 1lull ;2', HuMccuc 183. I JuffcrcccIu 'St. fci-if I ( 'pi t o! tiithatci ide tllitgecs itoo cold. il n c' i c ae te'initi~ s ca 5 las I ' Ito id i' nd. I ]ii s i - nIv ;2illefe~~ t.Pl 22 111 VAN KLEEK'S 300 East WaahteorgtoroL St. Light Lunches Confectionary and Ice Cream Phones 78 L 78 Blue T h PATENTED Y TRA~rBAN D AND 'ZIVNBRAND" ' '1iMC-HURDLE" !_ B ANNERS AND P E NN ITS The mst beautiful and the greatest varety of Banners--Pennants in the city Ache to see themi and yott will uncderstcand wsiy we sell almost aill lie Banners and Pennants. Just received a shipment of Penns'y Pennants WALI R'S University Bookstore LYNDION 719 North University Avenue Photographer Kodaks Cameras Photo Supplies Amateur Developing, Printing, Enlarging. Banners and Pennants at lower prices than elsewhere. SBAILEY & EDMUNDS !Bportingi Coot 21 EAS r LIBERTY STREET It Pays You to come to us for any thig in the jewelry line, largest stock, lowest prices are ur inducements. One careful comparisotn is all we ask. The result wilt be pleasing. WM. ARNOLD, CL~LE 220 Soth Mtin Stree. __ --- Gymnasium iSupplics Sacitary Cotton Shirts------------------------ -------- 50c Jock Siraps-------------------------------250 Jock Straps elastic sides----- ------ ------ ---- ----- ---- 50C Jock Straps all elastic---------------------------------75. Leather Shoes (Special)-----------------------------$'i1.50= Every article guaranteed by V 00 TH E -VPPLY V NIV E.R SIT Y TOR E 'Tics"MU'TO" Over- ) : ':'coat is abisoluctely orig- incal ancd the ptrocess of constrccing- it i pro. '">:: TIS S TH LAELlected lay patenct, as showcnici the illcistra- tiocc, it is two coals in is-tnone--the first as a dressyi street coal-lice seconid { =5 )as ac t Aito-l)riving ir WDHAMS &Co 121 Washington E. -Thne Randall Studio, Ran d 411 & Pack, Props. 'Pon 596$