11HE MICHIGAN DA ILY I-fE ARTISTIC DECORATORS, CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH THUL LATEST AND MOST UP-TO=DATE WALL PAPER, PLATE AND STEIN SHELVES, PHOTO RAILS, BURLAPS, PAINTS, OILS VARNISHES, BRUSHES, GLASS WINDOW SHADES, ETC., ETC. 00r specialty is fine Decorating, such as Papcr-hanging Paiint- ing, (interior and exterior) Wall-tinting, Kalsornining, Fresco- ing, etc., etc. We employ only skilled workmen and guarantee our work. Goods IDelivered to all parts of the city. BEOTH PHONES 237 203 E. Washilmgton St. 36th year DICTrIONARIES 36t[ year- iI QUIZ 1BOOKS I.'. Arx,-..Arbor- LEGAL MISCELLANY Aran Arbor- Callaghan !. Co. CHICAGO ArxmAr-bora.- ,a.Statex Street. Opposite Law 131d¢l. GRANGEK'S SCHOOL ~NewWhitney Theatre 16at fl OTH PHO ES 480 Nov. '1MoldayNov. 9 MATINEE AND NIGHT New lli~g THEl~ UREAT RURAL COMEDY D)RArIA By D~enman Thompson Author a"THU OLD 1HOI'ESTEAD" Ileiry Miller Seccially solected Company in imuse UNIVERSITY NOTICES Mlceing 0f sonior ongxnesThur- day at 5 p .,-.Rooxm 3o9. Keley Opera rehearsals will ha held Friday a xxi Saturdlay ights at 7 sharp. i teo Sdtool oi Mskc. All irlsaho play thexx mandioli aind galoeoare iaxied toixaeet 'isItHender- s+i at Iharbor gymx at 1.a, in . toay. Mis-s Isabel ixlsac, of Petoniflar- bir, wxill speak at the Untara chrlt Thuresday at 8pIl. x. ou "State Rgista- tion for TraitnedNursesx." Thle pulice is orially isitexd. lTic wi lxea metinixg o te hio hgc l societ ia RooxxxxF Uix-e-it IHaIllx Tusdlax-exig at730 o'clok. Prof\x:lrtiur1G. Coitiel(I till 1re(1 a paero xi 1"EnglistxPlayersx.itIParis itt IUST)' Sawxtext xanivorskxul-lttit pimuted i xtia goldmotirebtoalxrxxe Fidrxetrtoxor call upixRKxplpxxKaxppxa Ca xn, r liss Jxssie tDxxkxoo, tl. 1(01ix-0xxttllxxxie 12301. exar.3 ILfST-Froxxtt of '07'of thxtltio. cto pilandx-M- itnlx on- south x'!ce s, tFer etlx. Rxiexrd. Filt-r platetleponet SY)53. 31-33 Wou~ildllikeiwsinsxg xxx tdient lxixdfo. (301 I?.ItUnrxiiiSt..Ptile liuirxraiigeof theo loxiiiixa blckst of 1110t gexatifyixg. Ite-Y& LC., N, ti \V.NTIKI)-Sut fle twolxiieroosxfiim Novemberxi 13xtx t 6 . Addiress x L. Iifli office. x lO Rl"NIt '--TI lar exegxl fur nihd iut soeand oekl locksix fromiithe campusxix. Inqirxxex fxi7 E ib- xMichiganxinsu, fias,xxxiiisiooxs, ii xcix xxiiiexeluiixe designx, at Hllers JewelrStare, a16 S. MinxiSt. coo-f Naopillinnxe crs andii dance progrxxxaxms xatiss L ll'sII.332 S. Sate St. (sixcoxdiloor)xe . Thie Axenei0Cafe, 549 1,. Lnixioeit. fro exiixfto 2.lPxoie orid exsxaxtpeiltll- Call x toI6,loPll. 32-,3t FRANFE:RS NIOt\ .xi. OtIccuto otullargetti xlumibei xt aiemitsy amegx thexalxonilx t iGraxni- tes Acxdemexisill 11te oeniito is- iors. lWeswoxld cetaintiy liko to ato tomoxixte toethatxelxjix lx)looking onx tixt lc fro oxfktlxxi txhxisxliocxsioxi sill maxxke it iiximosible. 3t-33 lxadies' sweiiiigsuits atxMisI x x- ols. teice $1-oo. Wehvl h xr lreae gis golf cxips. I brr & C. N.Lxi -rsil. Thxe Palxais Royal, 209 East Litertyx awa-ys has the test and most for your monein~x U. of M. pennans, tanniers anid pillows. Try us and see. f Hlax sandwiches delivered. College lIxn. Both phones -o08-L, and 1078 Ixlte. KOLLAUF xALOR AND CUTTER ito E. Huron S. f Brxuxswik-Balke hotel- ing alleys are ike test; and ours are the test- thie Bruniswick-Balke Co.fb make. BILLADDWIN,-NH CIGARS. CANDIES, TOBACCO. s12 S. State - II e ARE YoUV CLO0THESWISJ2? If you are, .this will make you prick up your ears. .READ: We sell Stein Block Smart Clothes- with the labcl in theme. They fit; they are styli-sh; they ate well made. They will probably s-uiso xx sitixoxil alierax ion, for yotu are trot hard to fit, althxough your tailor tells yotu so. A single try- oii is worth while. Full Dress Sits, oxf e of rixir specialties. LINDENSCHMIUT, APFEL & CD. THE GRAND Billiard ad Pool Parlors 220-222 S. Stat. St. Vstder ntew management entirely remodeled and up-to-date Com~plote line of Cig1ar. Cligarettes. Carndles and Tobaco. HOWELL t. JOHNSON. Props. L. A. RYAN, Mg-. Ihe Ann Arbor University Laundry Has moved froms 612 El. Ltberty to 605 El. Williams All work guaranteed. INo chemicals used. IOakes Q Lee Props. Matinee Prices: 25c and 50c Prices: 35-50-75-$1-$1.50 PRICES: 25-35-50-75-$i Seat Sale Friday j PROGRAM CHANgGES Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday CO UN TRY SHIRTS Oi U a'out any kind of shirt you like and be sure you will like. it, if the name' Cluett" os onit. $1.50i and more. cxiiir 1- O3iiiX,mY&CO. xTry. N. Y. 'xi xC:So 5rru. .ilaoa GILLARD BROS., Props. Joe-. 105 Li.,'07 Law Jims H. 'I ILaw Whitney Theatre Orchestra ALBERT LONG, Director ''a eason1908=1909 I l MA.J ST'rIC. Canx be secured, for Dances, 5 Receptions and all Enugagenments, j n dates othxer than regular Show REAL VAUDEVILLE B~ookixigs. Any combiniation from ____ __________ two pirces up. For open dates anxd particulars apply to I ________________________ JULIUS F. HAARER, Mgr. __________________________ Bell Plastec47L 113 W. Liberty St. WA N'TE D!I A le oisrhoers toa try H.0. Watkin'a Rtomea Board. Home Baking. $3.00. '219 S. Irngalls St. AMBULANCE Bell Phone, 98, 212 flame Phone, 98 R. A. DOLPH & CO'. Saccessors to it. M. Mlartii Funeral Directors 209 S. 4th Ave. Ann Arbor, Mich. J TYPEWRITERS At Half Price A LL M AKE S EDWARDS BROS. 320 S. State St. Slate Phone 1258L BAI THE FARMERS AND MECOANICS BANK MAIN AND HBORON STREETS Capital $30,000 Surplus and Profits $S,000 General Bankilng Buasiness. 3 percent paid an Time and Savings Deposltto. -Safety-De- posIt Boxes to cent stat S nd upwards R. ARMscPF, Pres. W. 0. SOxuVIusS. VICe-Free 11. A. WILLIAMS, Cashier F. T. STOWS, Asst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capital Stockf$;.0502O g Supls9o0,00 A Geeral Banking Business Transacted (UFIrexsax Ohas. E. Biscock,Prees.; W. D. Harrisman, Vice Fees.: M0. FJ. FritzCashsiee STATE SAVINGS BANK DIIIOTOB : W. J. Booth Jno. V. Sheehan Wms. Arnold Dr. V.0Q. VTnghas Tas.H. Wade E. F. Mlills John Esarer Jno. Koch Prof. B. 5. Carhart Henry W. Douglas; Christian Martin Dan F. plimmerana V'S FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or ANN ApimR, Mica. E. 0. KINNE, HARRISON 500CR, Fees. Vice-Pres. S. AV. CLARKSON, Cashier. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Frofits, $0,000. ,r ~ an= eriean a!j~.fank Cosxmesroa ,1 s..=nd Se .vins: Co. sPi..ia ad L~berty Streets MOE'S BARBER SHOP =05 Norlh UnlverMil Ave. o.A. MOS. ALAYS AHEAD IN STlYLES MILWARD, TUE-TAILOR THE BEST OF EVERY THING IN TAILORING