THE MICHIGAN DAILY Steer Straiglit when ordering your Autumn garb or you'li go astray in viye or fit. Werve guided ooores of mon aright. Your reputation as a man of goodi taste and sound judgment is oafe in our hands. Our fabrieo comprise thos new and indescribie sitdes e'ndorsedi by New f'ork's stmart set. Miixtures, stripes, ii oh. indl check't in bewitcht ing tat ict 'i'ii' ttodeis ten sponsortar' Fatie"eton'-,atsitlii(itt-s. e'll ti-aki ti)E' girnintt. atst'onservsatiteo 't' 1'tt'tti ias YOtin' vl . ttitlitWtt Ot ste'pping echeir nay. ,'licntyotu learnn ot'rttitos, yoo'll ordeir. M\ietn you scatr(ottr tcrt'ttatins, yoiu'il otder hiere again. Drop in. ;just to ltttk t'tttttt. TRtADEt C C C -stAtt J. K. MALCOLM, Prop:, 118 E. Liberty St. AMUSIEMENTS New Whitney Theatre BIOTH PHONIES 480 TO - DAY Matinee and Night MESSAGE FROM MARS Sat., Nov. 9' MATINEE ANID NIGHT Ourl New l1lilister THE GREAT RURAL COME[)Y DRAIlA By D)enman Thompson Author "THE OLD HOI'IESTEAD" UNIVERSITY NOTICES lit ttt p - itm. IfRotmt39 tetuty. Giri' gee clink reiersal at Satahi J utior t-ngi'er fotbltl tiamttie oda t ti u-ntttcFtriy'fied - P oe lit tdsi ti' to 4 St tablia t MichItitttan Siti Uno "inut aplyi iait h isuhos th'i i s ftrootllococ Depari itn t- c h ti~irmen iof t lni in ''itt I sitt it i 1tut calupI.' i Ksi toniht n Ro m _, Wct Hlt ,ii 111r. Spald i ho as worklit 1 t he i l i tion kl ii ert isp ak. Pae l ietit Mc ilanhsillngh (1SFoclok s cktsel o I tic -game iar tli i t ol tiltse iattendiit There MisseJaniprt o iii i Sf trotseior ltiti- 210 a t..'11k trl in )o 3'A W Ci- litit ii-alu-.l it it- pupseit o nminicttiglnct'io the Stu- denttleo'nci- iiiiiig sits it3i" li M1's iael claa, fMetooHr b o t, ci uspeak at h ts ittilt. hth Thursday m 237p. tm.,Mon S~cRe istratti- ti forTurs.ntdtcurses Co. uic i 'Ptic Piatttis tRyl, 0 atIltt Thrte'stawi test aetitgto tforhyour logiilcyietyU. omH.p"nuatti, chaiit r tutu itittoursda y i1, ts 7:nd icc. tf Pref.Art''u't t .- Canftitltutu MIltetatasa p'ap'erog on ut Cs i to ho ottin.Pii Pittatitiisut r tc tjsta lrgetmembe ;I 'irs &g'is.,sti. agritisat iranIt cmodctin P. tatienotoi. g it Iti'stexercise. BILLIARDS, BOWLING, LUNCHES, CIGARS, CANDIES, TOBACCO. "112 S. State 311 Maynard ARE YOUV CLO0THES WISE? If you are, this will make you lprick up you ears. READ: We sell Stein Block Smart Clothes wlith the label in them. They fit; they are stylish; they ate well mla(Ie. Tey'will probtably'sit u w-o to iotialteratin, for yoiu are rit Baurdt to fit, although your tailor tills yoti sit. A situgle try- itt is worthtrili ile. 1 Lill1Stres'sSits, our iof our specialties. UINDENSCHMIDT, AP FEL & CO, THE BALTIMORE DAIRY LUNCH ]For Ladies 2. nd Geritlemrret 120 E. Huris-rkSt. Open D, Puxre Food ST H AHO o ay Next to Cook Housse and Night Neat and Clean 1 5 Matinee Prices: 25c and 50c Matinee Prices: 25c and 50c Fight Prices: 25-35-50-75-$1 PRICES: 25-35-50-75-$1 IPROGRAM CHANGESr Monday, Wednesday,_Friday and Saturday GILLARD BROS., Props. COLLARS THIS IS IT NOW ~ Paul Barnet 1 17 E. Ann St., Ann Arbor First=Class Merchant Tailoring Sini ttide to or'der.'----$18.00 up Ovrcots made tot orde'r---$18.00 up ltants itade to order. ---- $4.00 up Suits Pressed ----------25c P ants EPrenoeti---.-------Ile Pr'omptt attention giren to repair- ing it Ion- prices. We giuaranten goodit trot-uit and mude here. ('all and seu' WAI KING LOG Chinese Chop-Suey' Restaurant Chiitet'sl"user Ditties, Amerieast Lunchlesiof aii uinds. Everytihing first-class tor adies and gesntlemesn. Chinsese and tuapinse Bhrie'--rttt. lip States, one door S. Hoston Brts,, 314 S. Stale St. loe R. '05 Lit., '07 Lair lJie H. 'ItI Lawr MA J ESTI C Souvenir MATI NEE To-wDay ALL SEATS lOc LAUGHING Whitney Theatre Orchestra AL5BERT LONG, Director seasnss90itS1Sit Cast htosecured, for IDances, Receptionts attd all Enigagemnts, osn elates oilier tasn regislar Show Hookinugs. Asny combtinastion f root' two pieces tsup. Fot opest dates asnd particulars appily to JULIUS F. HAARERn Mgr. Bell Phonse 47L 113 W. Liberty St. BANKS WANTED! A few hoarders to try H-. 0. Watkins HotuseHoard. Homne Baking. $3.00. 219 S. IttliaI1. St. AMIBULANCE Bell Phase, 98, 2R Home Phone, 98 R. A. DOLPH & CO. Successors toeD. M. Marttn Funeral Directors 2019 S. 4th Ass. Ann ArbOr, Mich. TYPEWRITERS. At Half Price ALL MAKES EDWARDS BROS. 320 S. Slate St. State Phooe 1258L THE FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK StAIN AND HURON STREETS Caitill$50i000 Sarptus and Penfils $90,000 General BasnkingeBusness. 3 pesrcnot pati on 'ime and Savings Deposits. Safety De- posit Boats to rent at $i.00 and upwards i. Knsoa'r Pros. W. 0. STarENS, Vice-Pres 11. A. i IAMStunis tttet, .'C7.Sitr. FAsst. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank CapitliiStocik $:)0,000 Strplnts X2t500 Renstotitces $2,600,000O A General Banking Business Tranoacted DFrICERSt Chas: . 5HIiscoeB Pres.t W. 0. Hlarrimean, Vice Pres.:t M. J. FritzCashier STATE SAVINGS BANK W. J. Booth Jn. V. Sheehan W~m. Arnoid Dr. V. 0. Vaughan Tan. B. Wade E. F. Mitts John HBanrer .Jn. Kuch P'rof. B. S. Carhart Henry W. Douglas Christian Martin Dan F. Zimumermuan FIRST NATIONAL BANK O ANN AnORo, MoICH. E. it. IiNNR . IIAttilSttN SDS'l.,, 1'res. ite-Psi's. S.W.CLttARKON. Csliti Capital,.$t0,0.O0 Surplus anud Proiits, "0,010 Glerman-.Am ia qSaniIIS ank Corrmrolo..1 ao.nid Seohvngs Cov'. Mmaan ed Libesrty Streets MOE'S BARBER SHOP 705 North University Ave. 0. A. MOE. 30 ALWAYS AHEAD IN STYLES MILWARD, THE TAILOR THEIi BEST OF EVERY TH-ING. IN TAILORING]