The Michgan DAily
Vol- XIX.
NO. -32.
Reserves Score Six Times in Ten
Minutes From Twenty Yard
Line-General Seat Sale Today
lThat Coaccieltciteail nt beni dl
inceclast h is ccrwd1 of reserescmtctfor
ti-rtlailc -slangltec at the 1hands( ofithe
vaiity as mest ieatiiullillutrtdl
ini ee-lerdlayf - criiiitiage tiactice After
thte hal- ttttitatitcvatsit ad mtae a
tcia/wi, largely Iby race ofca fumni
ble iput lite scrubs'te-ac eine
the i- -cite- tools le allafter le ick
of ndarcedelstright ifoirle taesiy
goal. taeitc ime eeguarsleetheld iteli
oni thelti-veacilline, buit CachtiYiist
refuseedl to litithemtake the iba hll on
scusSa he oralcro-seslathe lct
chalk marl< c liiTo 'pun ie e rt-icfor
ih ll was g tive o h Irsrso
v a s Iit a o l t l y rc ist d t e -s e t t
IPc made ii some ielecre ia tt emt ill
sewed ic:ix o chtwnsiintlli ccicii ii
th igcac av ii p in dii isgs. Ak:a
iu wl ishmnc t t e tatckligulttciii
wasindiculcei to ,ccttifciotmiiiteire-
metadtiemenmcwere citen pr actic
admelt real itakigwsehbedl
iiwich ticl i ii c i itii li left their fet.
\itch ofIII, l ur iite of tlie aritc il
thei scrimmtae rmot-ielii tritilto thei cii
SchtlezCrttmctict I imuch Allriicet
to their holini te -losir tate ito
li viedadRii nws xue
ii irice' a e t h lfL itton iian
nall wisit centccriahdtLiewn l t
tacletl C ii \'toc it Ii iri ep rt
l ig Ic ii iiciiihIs" iot left frcis home.
ho vstrc~t dlielthhliClown is ii
Despite theimeticrme l 'u iiiic oif le
carsit- i-icc isterda 'acimge hr
is aigeneral impresionaoudtiecim-
pus that thisis i- hi li's cii tam tc te
featl Imcticcy~i i c "thi mali eciitlousiti l-i
-mvmctsow iceiithe ). S. C.
gaehsconvcciincediiivciiiheiiotut le-
ittiititicitht CaIic u ot hlit-hch iil
ef eal foichilclayes thtut ichilitic
worutk. T'likimprsiogn isi'stil fartther
ic-itemen iin the- iii' ad lickleli.
it:y ithi le- ligtwi-igt Ratity c-i
edtelie avi eags 197 ntids, wihile
onciihi cciside f tlice224 itittitilenter
tiiton a e- miect wholaii c ith lie' cb iiie
ltie 20-poiii lcts ir aie' niiotiore
thanmithreeiiiori'ficcr poundstelowiticit. Ple
backfcaill, iteadicioflbeig cislight a
Ia eett- ou ciigt liy somie, aeae
W iili ci ic-e-l nd a acc ci lcf li-tt-ko k t isi
buchi' iof icateriac l ite- iet posibcle
chutae, CochicYosit cwill deveote the ime
to Ihe- ccocitstre-nuoutes pracice' icet lio
ret lie-it accorediltoitlie-ice-t. roti
towu oliinct te li tg et let-tit itill Ie'
givnc-i tccililclite-tin tre' liiiedge' forcilie
lie-tI gaeth i-it w cilie possileicfr
Oliietusandtickietsclifr i eitite
gameiiceten's-acd etercilytioi nembler
of thei athletic tassociatiion. ''is-, witc
thlppiaions foricketscthroumgd metic
te 4000Otmark:, site iereculiiif lie
Vcititerili gatmie ihtstbicomie' kntwn,
appitlictiotnsfiii'sets, icichi icreviouse In
lta t tie chiidnt cace'ascseedily as
last year, lbeganili ttoeor-int. Dircctor
Baird otecanidelcciicextectciaichc
lariger-croci-tipresectctha ticcc ilest-aer
ciccite. Tiodac the ge-teredattic oen
andcitiis iexietedaten thcii c lotisandit
tickaetsitill icc'sold.
Arran~gemets have i bteleni-imadtie Miic
lii te iusualei tantilngutii lue ccw i lhe
cit-cedtic-t. N ccii eit cw i l l i-
iicnii-d ii c -i t ii lithe'w iln
ons, id tthIe lagi ictiug of ettcou
thei mcimbters whiich c bi-ecicmmodatc-li
c-i dcucig lthaourii-ill ble-pstd
\VILLiSL,L. \I" llkN\lclfS
I~nesfr te-blioiie"ai" 'ticblie-
h i c i ttheiii eiiity gime w i lie ol
byte aii- etletieci-sociatiot hi ~ r
T'heyi witill go iiin iii'let icemorit ng :11 8 i
o'cloc int e' heick f lie atliiitic a --c-
cuatitoc-' ofiflc. Itis dcliriii ithat al
thi til illccx e blck "l"'Iiiii se- i' -ction
po cccitI h iecccc i.I iitc i i
assi itntpr icsor it. e l cticlcime t-i
i" tiltotic ii, i'eo hcefr
onf rear. Ii cc ii cccl ciii maiia' c iefmut
ccclroftei \ tit'cc tiit it iiciic iiclii' oy
iniwhichicapcci 't-ciii ihli tic-c tBrci-c
tih otofie dearocli-tt iliti ccciii'-
th o g clit ice' te i-oniinstaccf ions
( Ic "citi Ciiiitan te' Moretustelsinceli
his grei ttlt li'itij s;ett'a grft dea
mof hitiml ecinclitomatiiiand-tenira
ill he promtiil i nenll till taniill itiell it- i
nccite- tdepartmetit Prof.ii eryiS.ict - l-
cii(T h~cte. w-iiiIccltr t t ittoc-tihit ekt
cek\'Il, ithicctwo. liotericcti i-a, se-
ectd 'itoi eeei-t.Ci ithei ccccc' ii t ccStatccs
gocctiic Ilieati-hifmeetingiiiofchi cite c- c'
,ti Lti dc-li ti itti. c e i te-ndardsi held
Iiciiirs w Textbject ofticegit iimic
cerica ti-ri iiecdicieuon tiand da le
cccoih c--a -lea of all ciilid inat i fs, cfar
amer ,ciancc-lltIe voltf. c-Atlresetclicset.ic
Proctf. ocri c iiliam D. clic cc oa c icrn-c
ducingi- f.i-ct-cihctecclitteUC laced sescci
li in ce'eicit b ttin clir i ce ',i ic eticccha t
On acc cccut if is Ikeccdet ccexpthuece c
cthose cchimliii anoexperttoigoiitic the
cniccccc wotcieco licioi thotel
cite brdgofpubcii citrc.icofeccila.
hI\NIittlttCLU leB ICciI
PiSILYiERS CARElciitilic I
Iepf ay tilletnsoftol h
w ilco I ChehdaurpFwilSlie aC
naCe igaitert, Fw ithocfeCC psi leii
Miladoins-I.F Stitt J.iT.CC. eigcthc-
Cran C. , . nKecrC.cK.Macober
Gu e'itrsDCIe'le hc Soar et, li.
CccLighctercc.ccc.r(,fge' n.ici
IccVioleis-Sii)RlicemcciiiWif clcc tohtil
i -G i x.ti e Kc eeimtsoncce icecti
DcciiicccccctENiicF l lc'cciTCcgic i
Frene, of Betroi.Dr. CN/irrel lice mmcc
lc isructour ini lie Seithiic dletpartmcent, it
- 100' ettngged ma Ihe work.
In Lecture Before Pedagogues le
Caustically Points Out "Preva-
lent Evils" of Organizations.
nct- cix pa r i reponstiile fori lie
ttmc thatliDeaniiRhidi iiieli paperc
tmeei cii i iitii' Ih St t ' iii IC dcl lito ci-
cichaicdc muic logaiahi s n
tillt antiidiso timiy' 'hagers-on.
which iii i r1ea illiii mci itccci
cimctitcccttc-c'toitfic edchuctiounalcand
Reed did a i tthis ic iii cit c- id cti cii
frti mts hfcin vidclec tie i'-
of tlt:lipute liii- ithii1cguchoolum
ci ictie I he olfc owca ccigis c opy'c f
the ipart-olil c-c-tic ti 'l i nde- it
"'1c mT'e c hicc it i i to be otem thx at
ofth tilctciic uccitit ndccl i cihmc hict
in i, s mi 'ii I ito tie- hihy
whch,~u iveri, coli lgeorci c
- cr ar h facriiime- theathetic
cc~i.M s th micteiicuhum-icic-
hlae organiation, of evry for c111(
hlsrpin l iding for the siudent'
iiiatnin a d cieg ,a d c+ct
cii t cio~al i ccu-c. titto Ithat xic-ic c
ice xii mc coleg rx niesiy sinese
~liiprfs sicicici loafersliiwhoicannocciti
fod c~ dnshticndci-o~cdly hamiiiic-e
ciii011 11iii ccuiut icc r rtide anc i nflncei ci
diectlycc ci to cite educaionaclhhand
schoarl ictctoccdleuofthce isii i i
toc cwchich cccii lirsets.iei
thei cu-tenit- organccizai 1to ightcii bel
tide (:11ct oft hecc Imosht m u i i te ii
nec Imccitifomimicdcc 1- c cciccca d c ol-cu i
aryviork, c , mm thydc i at priii e t.t
nocc dn h fiteests ccc i-
he-icc poliimcal, o cil ccaiii fratern'ia. If
there ie anyilme orci iincg ef t it maycc
tbetI l ai e d byic I .sxcholri pe' rit I notc
tieferrinmto ice tcatc'cmentscde ucin
time' folowing sta e'mxenmt:
from thierary cccdciepatmeecctid tweudt'
-ctiienIfromitheiii pii ixcm'mdut f ninc ee-
iii'- ,zeroi tliti cte cifromiiithee ttttlec-itc
forin coe e ~ce. Of lthoiice inliltifec-
:Armr mos diitotheiucm residing ictei
ftratern'miy iencccc as late tic tic m onthcc ii
some ohi cfrald teritieis leiccam-and im-
ploed c miiitochlpcitedmxthem o tif cf s
of fc lium seNo cmiiiydii, lechtic-oor
three cc ratem ilt is cadmccci board'ig ic
dhie houses ccwhoix ehd itiade ino prm-
ccrngin teuiclersity. T~cicicondigit
tosti have fomudcnix - iuiversciy
II h v vis c cited, iiid lihe'cticle' cccsheiec
inc time 'Nation' of ci(ite m til liiftucci-
m ns ic n all e cc 'i ltimtitd Cel1 ile'"
micernn liti thinc teectlet'm hboesiiche
Cangerscon,'etamttesithatithe ci ly ii
adteqiuae-i ccci ie 1 fohe itm it' ecul
m r di m e--l.mcii fi' i imm'
'ff4IANGLE S 110,1) AkSSCAI
,'l(, itim e 1 till eeetion mcccl lanquetuc
ofuth rianglc'esthet. jnior t enghd'ieerc'cc
-elo scietec cm-rclehhed cil c e cing
at time UCionmcmlubhueci. Tlie md-c'wc'men
elec teh ditoihelianI''igeeu- lmithisyer
wcc i ts"Chatffee, DetaccIKiapp
I Is o " in ii nttiti'tii, IDiclte laui
Ieltc;ic e rJmry IP cciii, Sikgmaih i;i "Kap"i'
hae i c Chumi Psi;''Ftred"iVn tuBege.
hAl h elialPhi,andii "Iici''Fltaniatgan.
Fli e r "ed I c" K'iuuitt. Iitem-y iBela-
it ccactd astoasmset-riaca clled
dim t e cllomii tasts
iragc f ac eruAgi" Joe Keli
''liii-New im-mi:' "Lieu'' hitcicuuuc
Ph SC'f 1,11 NI thui iEl D FOli
Sh1NI.hlectlt , no11m8 ilteC'C'
pei ion efor tim e- cc ihic c lf theeneiorit
la classhi li mc tem- fternoon.c Thi
lae h ie'cxhi cdominacetion madmcx e'fo
culloffice, liutasthe i maxe thider-i mcci
thei elceil cte ti-ll hex-ccntetedi by tionl
-oii of tie nohminesesu'cottcclcaiidiem'
nan,- dmehethuer'fourcan'dthitii (cidaeCuta,
Chirmancuc cSt. of tim ect'dx tion ar.
wh leni cau estedy'd' almut thccciiilc'ittt.
said: "'I t icpobaethttuew bmllot
wcil luavctoibe ic'tnited on clue t o
tl ihitti ctl h an ittgec i tie'I mia
me i wichlehue-coccued sicccl tammec irsli
balo, ere mdcii ccip. ihT h ethic c ioftall1
withrwa. tc tuaihicnoiice\dice hiicilaccle
frma adiae rtenunoccii'c f is il
Th-cieeitseulecon, lxmicx asIou'have'c
cr hcccii' iOctoberi g24,cwill fhdci1I114 i mitt
teem da icccile il l iii- I ou tou2Iif l u heu
km cBi le ingmTe- board ofi lii teditill
if ti e he ee rcemuc -u t i fo lowsct: IF. it
Stoceia D. 1,. Sc mcii cmandccWiiC. ixte
clrs.C . ituehc andii F. C' i'geyi.
l'iti AIt i.h F,1ClShIfIti hC
Telimt meeting f lihe cclIttawcla
wascaled io oderat 4 oclohckeha er
dcl tft emitooniibyccSe'cetarye Goddard ofcc
time' law faectt 'lice rolliitlt ciccuc was
adopted together witie'cmntc'
Th- nocmminateionum of offliccrs diesttet
takencup.mite I. GIn Itned ci, ferlre'i
dent watime- futenomccine. Johnc f.
hcial wasciitthe uetiecuitchamcee'glednccx
dihe' c t. .Salizumanu'pc wasu- cthendc
hist-u ed, a-i~cfueterwicheoiat oionccc'c.tie
shocrt csapeecscofappre'citionc.
Frthee'otaihe-u'cofficesc lie' falowucig
mliien ec-e- noeminatedi: CVic-Pres'tienit,
S. I'. hCilliamst . IRostce' I hcetiai c e-u
tary, Sanufordel Gotoliing, hkade l'Chap-u
ti'e'tc ce-r r C -C. te11. CVast il, IG.
S. I huh, G.If. Hiookwealctteri. S. Smuic.
'1' It heal e r cugeantecatcia'mcueDoahu e ; i'
extoricc eleegae, S. C.IPhelps;foot
halmanacgeri, FrankElaI. Shawcee i. r.
IDteaker, hachalltm ang ertctg', (ill'Adaire,
C' hrilt'kerIF. Fif ecnlei ac hce'nce-
aldi h. B. Feldman;itee reak dcmanatgerhIT.
wmin IBloomut, Cl. T.'IIHuge, heAKahnmei.
'lie' cons titutionedacueadoptumedei-tll forc
tihe' ielectin N ciccic ler 7 i lie' fore~
nooncuit lcibecausce'of ccittflicing cwih
time' senm eit' w eectionmtlei'freshmanuec
ihcl muill hoeldthelies froimit ito 2:30 i
ccmmuO omux edue it eeae'mt c cacciuftC.
Union Banquet Committee Se-
lects Prominent New Yorker
of Class of 1886.
TheI'ic iciu be ce sctet-ccctint mmcc' upon
paes a ele'cted'ithamilucih-
teet'ce cc itt toa tmt eatt ' Ili(u' cmo ci-
sthem' sprceada. cciA. I. iPecee mil te'
ilut' liithe tuentsi' tat.i Ci. C~l -
ilicit.,iiwtco waticgradualitedchIcitlthe
etasSofc'8t, impiuice c cipalt (x fedi
Yoice-hightsthoolilsc,'cand -isntedtinchhc
Empresttea cnriinalwit itandi
cliii' dinnuder' cpe'aer'. hc1sttmaterti'iof
lice Cileiige ccalumncc mcx u ite c, ihhold in
thei uim'tdchiuilastiiyc-c-ee si credl a cde-
'ilt-ilhit, wmieig forc'hiumselfithe honI
if being oecfcheabes o tecli-ite
cciyalei' citilmtherlime hit' hc'hcc-
hiti- hwas tDiii le d"l c t iiit lt' i is
senior yea i clee huet tliu
authr o a tm'ci f ~dlhumi
ci ccciabout tilec :1111
liec ire-til .dnaio i e'ne utc- tee
a Ino el eeaingmcc itucid. ''Carll'
under htliu' idowe f hoe's ''re chsttec
Dea le edxc, itWhe a popuxlc lar iriteucxi
those u-c' html hee w e a prc n
ice gueccodi ed,.- Olemittlmeuc' he kcre'cm
w ncht lucin ci tie d ciihitcd a 'exit'ul ic'
rentd ua iano, haed it iu'adedc'ontthtie'
drayt, andi ii-citics d dr iti icih inI
em cte'c e- c iuic iihis fe'ectio ;ic lied
hi.I feii wouli d opudrciiiimaginary
ba cny, Pipe a la dto lhi-I cxii tco-i x
panimentiaid then-drivIon tlithe'x.
He ihi bcme'li'thuot deix cu-it tt imn
i thee' iccci i tcl through 1 th i eiu
ofhis fordc extc'txcuix fIl' cc-clt icplaed
andi s-tug eciic c -- oo -'( .c lli'f cut
tocxgoioutito chearchimcc
kA. 1). ci- P - a 1rc - be ct ui e xi emuccuh-
cct ii li l ege cours4 i Incx his earlit
cccrin the i cr cicc I hedit aedmbccteer
of te ii mluccucup ciitite tiihe ' ebstr
-occt' anit alterated ou ti e ec-lui
deain xems cu e aetice ii
ti-chic on isi ls aoi clcontetu-,
a ccci hi e ctd I r ttcas rtr
If, wcccals cl ueccdepreident of-cthc ie'
Cliiichcb and toil l(x' Sulluu ccins d Sc'
died I dutil ulc a emer of them
'101 atr.Dle i gmaIC thu 10, -tie'
ho o ct in sc ie dutyxandci Chi-cge ucucu
[)\if hill IIAIAiCICI)iI
hitiiti TOS Cli1h\\GIlt
Johnii IlayHammondeecc whoitutu anc-teh
cccciccl ito dieakdiee iiSaturdayice cici-
ig, Novmbcertie mhiasc Pittoedcis ld- tc
drs nt cilia de tile' choen later
atc thei requcest f tide ecnc commit-'
tocccxf4tleuStudccenut' Lccire aciain
lecae' mc f liii-fachttt Prsidnt
Bhenjamincclm Iic' kk'lee' -, f the ic'C' r-cc
-tue ofC l iiforiatt, coxudc mcci ie nly fore
newtiMiondayueve inihg, accciii ge
itentc h1dbeen mch foi r.fcc i- iicecmcccc
to seak erue' Saturdayht wacstth uhtccg
liiitctolhavef-. himI mcxccucctmcI x acte'ac
hete im e .c' Sinmcc c e'wic-ti-lciniug ito mic
soth di mmhttiittee' feeschic fled titleohii
lc'c'micxucto mum-cm ddrecsms-ccc-e le 'olmcxc se
togeihileu-asleen ctremovcued.
Presientl C'cclcr ciliivCled nes
honayhcthiltadesluinc cThePcii
OIce-cnt,(Oriiumt andccciIt'ciet."
ItRR,IP"I' lfI0lS .hhCS''
h11F IS Ie FIiti hNo-SuVk'ii
"All solcietorsciiiof meheu'm'ccluec luol'dihe
Cci chum ucldh returne their'ccuer 'eceook
notccclii'er ucehan eFiay, Sutemi ie' (,"
saciorMilSu'ucecli, tecretarycl ofitih-iccemi-
ime'el cmm cuittee, yes-tderdayel
N gret manyt so ctliitors'ehucitebeec
tuulowit handcicg in-in hirI'ii hcaea ndciiaci
ac retuilt haeegreatchlylatyethu iewrkh
ofl tiehecmittie'. Secetary 11111 trill
le'helatcluek'Unione daily- cbitwccci acid6
aelck, acid reqfucestshda'esoliitors
SeCeamal af 1Cie, p o'clcek. tuger ii inme'freshm liitis