_ .... ..___ HEMICHIGAN DAILY G. I. Wild Company The Larget Stock in the City of Exclusive Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemen's Wear Vcesthing required for Suits, Ox i-oats, fancy Vctings, and Trouseriogs, and of high elass talcice and speial Styles. Full Dres Suits a Specialty G. He. Wild Coupany 311 South State Street BOOKS Save half your money ant buy Second-hand Books at 'he Ztuente' Voohiotore University Text-Books for all Deprtnents. trawing Instruments for En- gineering Students. We carry all the best makes xxxx~~rixixeidexl ly thelproesos. i Ii ipris lxxxis th lowest aini atoifttti5up itpci iteehaoteadle Fontan Pe Th eti.100ietttin lthe world. Sheehan & Co.'s 5 \' Sl teH:1 l' A. G. Spalding & Bros Wold iii x i dAlixc,iiixitiix Foot Bai. Basket Ball, ie Skates. Hocekey. Gl, Gymasiuma Apparatus. al i lcixxlslxxxii ly llxxs au-il C: xii xwofalisport.,c ti nsn m A. G. SPALDING & BROS. vixvxci t'Ciiicxgx Detit THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Managing IEdior--AReCHEF. RreCHIE. Buiciess Maer-JoxN F. Wuo. Ness'.......... lDoinlI. Haies Athletics ...... .Lee A White Ahetics, Asst..... C. E. Eldridge Exctinge.....Robert Montsier Muisic ...........Roy D. Welch D~ramx.........RaymndotlVissher Women's Etlior... Louise Van Vooris NIGHT DITORS DldxiLiI. Kinney Roert Moreland Mxichixel 11. Mllugh Fret E. Gooding Leonrd C. Reix RZIORTERS Lowell J. Crr . IH. Prescott Walter K. 'lowers Louis Kraft Paul Greer Samuel . Morris E. G. C. Willicais Paxl Leiy W. M. Abbott IT. I. Armstroig I. A H inckly Daxi E. Joie BUSINESS STAFF Crl II-.Aidapt IHarolx P. Gult Address: MICHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Street. Manager's Hours: I- p. i., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Both phones 'T'HURSDAYX, OCTOBtER I, ioi. Night editxrs, reporters of The Mici- ganx Daxily cinil cnidaxtes for te stxff reor aex S o'iclock toaxixn edcitoril roiioms . llisis ipoxxrxait anidl eer- Ixc1ItiyixANtROIONG. A college rush, wleiicoxductre lcnxig txit-honoxixrx-xlcind iwelI reglatdlines, exists onily throutgh toleratoix by fc- xliycixilciil axtorities, becuse lhy hase decixedthaiit wsitilenixisy cid in- clineux eill roicuxxg,. itdoiexio redlicarim. A cxllege rush, cniccted 'ix te stir ofi tlix tmomenx-tt y a hxnixxlfii mxenxi who dox lxix ii lhxcosciouisness of xsu- ter iorI xxiiixlcs xortxbodily vigor, carried outcotrrytocxstoxmiandilto tie'ex- peCO eIlniicixs xxicxntroxllig boies decgenertes froixi acollegc tradiionx and ceixiuxmto a mere iois, and a di- xxxix hit oxne itlhat. It idoes ioretcn tis. It relecs diticreditioni xli' iieii whlo take lxart i it, xx~ltxhrtcxuglthemiixit iutjustly reflecs diceitxponitheunivlersity. _Conuct- ext asit ixs wih le full knoslege txt it iIiniig xdone contrxxry xx rule, it ei- genders aisirit xxirxugniess adxlli- xxcse 'thih isxxxi foun inix lxthe regtlxr Thexxprextulre xunderclxss hostilities xwhichitxis'e ccxpxpedlixt xboit txe'ccxxx pusxin ithe list wo ights are iotig stixrt xxi xisgaceful. Presiden Angell, te Ixaculty ii geterl l, te Siueti Couxxncil hveissuxiedlwarnciigs xgist exaxctly xxuch occreics as lhive takn lice. atdtyet the rushing goes xx iltl cecked. .oxre tblmte ixxist le placedl upon the silopomore class thani tpoix their vi- tiiixs. Txey hasve takeixthxe offeusive in the mxtter,. cud the freshen are nxerely xanxsering tox lie xatuiral instiixct of self- pr eservatlinin resistiing. Draxtix eas- xires ire demandiued,. andi it is oixr earn- est wish ithxii theylie einforcedl xgaiinst ite riiliixg stirits cxifte curreint xis- orders. The rushx itself swe conisidler a good tinig, a traiditixoni woritxy of preserva- tioixixbut it is chseapenxed anxd endaxiugered lxy txe premactuxre actionxs of mneiwi-Io shlxdiiiknxsw bitter, xinxl who richly tde- 'secxe puniiisxmeint for their lawlessixess. 'xoru-uFua o ecx.xxiss x'. Vie ice txiighxt thtxithere is ixo plaxe in swhichx aimaix is so likely tlxisiplay all lis tax d xliabitas ini aistreet cc. ic ai street exir ai xmii's vixality isxit lose exli, or xchexioltd walk. lix such xi icrame ofxin axndxilxii d iiy, xcis ixxitirlly lax ini mnuy ways. Thxere is thtemxan whxo spxreaxds lis legs anxilso occiupies core rxoxx than considleraitioni fin his felloxs sufferers cetitles himiti. Thxere is the iixxanxwhixi xangs is whxole weughxt xxi ai strxap, xinxx is blussfxully uncxonsxcioxus of whaixt lis feet iixxi lex xoinig-lxilie idetri- ixent ofxi other pxassengers' comifort. Finaxlly, there is thxe xxaxi who persist- i-ttly rexixshits comxpaniiioi's ittwspapqer xiser its lpossessor's slioxliler . Thecodids ice ten to xoiethait thu spontgig bipexd is eller xible lxi ifforid aiiewvspixaper thaii his victiim. il llxx'eelttle haiits whtichtcrop ouit in sxichtwsix hadxxxltheir tbegininiigs soixe- iwhere. In ll probxxability thex'chaxip swho iser xlie' xthxer xellow'sshxxoulxder ati thxexporiingi agcie isexd toxrxeaxlsoxixe- bodyilselx's Daxily. ThisIxitlec esvil is-ixxx- dlyiiptieve ntu. Ifltce iiiimibit-cof Dally reaxderxsswere to tie tdividexdx lbythe xniim- bxx' xio xuDily subscrib~ers, txe quoitienxt wollxxesurprixinxgly large. Thxis lisloiing justice ixeithier Is a ixaixs correct trxiinig ithxe all impoirtaiit ixxxter - f xiitltlrethiiigs, tsrr*xxotie siu- sciptionx lists iof Thxe tDxily. It is siix- sly txakiiigxiadv-xntage'xiisixixe of lie fextures xif aiunixiersity-atixxospxhere ini ai maininexrcw-hichwisintes-er itenxded. LOST-A sixixll xtexamier triuixk hax beeneixtchler ixisseit xr ixisxippropxrixitexl. Anxitnxuformixniii regxriniig it swill lie grxatefuilly - cexivedl ati thixsilofice. Six xc eighxt studienxts caii get firsi- street.; fI.,ustc aW ~rama 'Thueirst xoi the series of Exuculxy re- citalsxwiltlibe givein lby'Miss LeilxiFarlin,. soprxino, andxxlhiss 7liunie eM.:Dcxis, piainist. at the Schosol of Miuxic ixext Fridxay eveinig at 8 o'clock. Bothx are sixth likedl by' AmxiArbsor iudiences caxd, appleair lxiixanexcellenit priogramu. ITis reclixtlis compltximuentxary xxtxiupils anxi ioihersx intx-cexsted. Admiissixinis free. xLctiixcr.Ix~SxSAWYExRs'. "Quxxe 'idas Sxiisyer," wshichxis xto tue tpreentexd xlt txe Ness-WhtitnteyFri- idxy-inight.ix is xldrxamaxtizxitionixof thxe xonce pplnvlutii bus ihy thaxtunaxuxe, Iby-Chaxiles Helto t Puiidginu. It is ai siory- of rural News Englxandxhlife, thurmn intxuerest xoi which ceixters in the cosiiph of a yxittg° Btonti lawcsyer for a bilinxi girl in the counutry'. Thxe workx of xramtiz ing the novexis-cl saxix toushaxve beenu excelleuxtly- donxe. The man-iagemieintxxi thue Whitnxey gisves the xassurnce thxit the piece is haxnxdsoimely prcodlucedxl thaxt the sceinery is new andxlbhight, tie pxroperties xabunx- dani tcn xuapproritexxxinxlthe cimpaxiny as lxarge andilcompxletenxt xas coutl lxe wsishedu. 'Ihe prices are 2,5, 50ocaxl 75 cexits, andxl$t o Sexuix dcrexxxixale xl the lxoxx office. The.' Majes-tic lxaixclosxexd tempoxrxarily. Mondxaly'. (Octoxit2, hoxiec-erlxx' thiexi- tx-c wtill cr-eope-n. Hihcssvuele tul e presenutedl. Laxdiies' gymnauxisixtmsuits at blxxs Loxv- chl'c. 332 S. Stxate St. O~rder exarly. 2-7 Cl'legianixcloxthxexsxor xllege muentili sxahe liy'Allen,. :Mainit sreet. t-6 Operatinxg coxats xandlxpros-Wagner & Co.. Slate street. i-4 Yuoiug Iats-nonxe sellertxxade'-ott sale by' AllenMclxx street. u-tx Coillegianx clothues fur college mxuetc o s lexby Alleni, iX~lix street. u-6i Vtxgiiierhtxg ov-exalls xanxd jxcke- Waxxgnier & Cox., Stxitesireet. Sigel of thl ix'tg wshliteshoe. i-4 Best guaxiranteedl $i ooipenxinlxthe city 'it tslitg's phauimaxcy. t I STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS For Law, Medical and all University Text Books New and Second-Hand Drafting Instruments and Engineering Supplies. at special prices Stationuery aid Blantk Books. Ask to see our Solid Glch Fountain Pen for $.0. Call and be eonvnced that or stoice is the ist place to txade ini the city. WAHTR'S University Bookstore C. E. BARTHELL BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock iii Michigan Second-Hand Law Books Law and Medical Dictionaries Quiz Books, etc. Complete line New and Sec und-hand. Old books takenin i Exchange C. E. BART HELL, 3265S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 WM. ARNOLD, COJEWELE5 220 South Man Street. Alarm C cg aixuIitnche ae goin ha sell ii00 AlarmCxi t'hi guaraxx, thetia -lich lxi'aa tear. at aspx c- Michigan Pins ,te Largeetx ollcationti"x PFOlR R NTh-Thxrexdexirxable suites, -_______ onue-hlflo hick iromuxcamuxhxix pric-i'$2.2y., 'a'ounig lxxxix"unonxe helter tmxade"'-on $2.73 antdi $3.oo. 631t S. nllhs. 3-4 xxale' by Allenx,plxainx street. i-6i FOR RVNTN'l ost xdesirxable ros wstoxxxx Iiuuxpuxs ixgle andxlstic's ;rea- s xalie rates. h6o9 ytoixcoe. 3 \\ANTED) TO SELL-A lute teux- uxotulu-old bxull terrier (huouse brokeun). Prie $25. Call at Ni-u'Whitney theaexlr finfoxiirmaxtioni. Rielixible cxanvaxsserxs wxntxdit, o sell Choraexl Uniiontickets.('xal atithueoffilce xxi txe Schoxoxl xoi7xMusic, si-itreferenuce. u-6i Michiganttmutsicitund lx'teopexatic xxix sic ait .Root's M ie Houstue, tx-th-st-xx Q~xtury sells nxothing bhutthue chuocest cxantdis-Nxxunally's,'xhihhxrt'x, Loics-tex's, etc. t-3 C'ollegiaix clothes for coellege tmcn, six sxale bxy'Allen,. lMainx street. i-ti Wite crry-the Ixurgest stosch: of bahiux- robles xanxd hpxjxamaxs. 1 heicy & Cox.,tail- ors,. fishxxxerx. . lxxix anxd shoes. hi Sss-acrs ciiios-er its sweater vests Quarry's bioulogy- supplies ire, comxplete at 'Miss LoselI's, 332 S. State St. 2-7 ciand of test quality. 1-3 r Law, Medical, Dental, Literary and Engineering BOO K S NEW AND SECOND HAND ENGINEERING INSTRUMENTS and supplies. We carry thle most complete line In the city. Special demonstration of the MOORE'S, NON-LEAKABLE FOUNTAIN PEN AT THE UNIVERSITY SUPPLY STORE Formerly the Co-op Store 310 South State Street Call at Wadhams & Co. for your FALL SUITS, Cravenettes and Overcoats, Sweaters, Slickers and Underwear. Shirts and Neckwear of all kinds. WADHAMS & O. 121r and 123 South Main Street 121 Washington E. The Ran da ll St udi o, Randr all & Pack, Props., Phone 596