FfLrlIE M LC1-1 ANG A lTIY o.... G. H. Wild Comfpally The Largest Stock so the Cits of Exclusihe Styles in WOOLENS For Gentlemfen's Wear Everything required for Suits, Overcoats, Fancy Vesting, and 'Irouserings and of high class faibrics and special Syles. Full Dress Suits a Specialty G. I. Wild Company 311 South State Street STUDENTS' HIEADQUARTERS for Gym Suits Running Shoes Foot Ball Outfits and all kinds of Athletic ad Sporting Goods Tennis Golf Baseball Sweaters and Swetaer Vests lcgdisl iew here, seia low prices. Students' Bookstore Sheehan & Co. A. G. Spalding & Bros. ,nilau stManfasis'rs iiite Wtrld vof iiiiisiai Ahleiti Siiilies Foot Batl, Basket Bat, le Skaes, Hfokey. Gt. Gymnasuma Apparatus. CialingscHasoimeleyIisustaed ( taaissue ofiall sprt i'oitaisiiss- eos ggestieis. maied iree any- where. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. New Yiirk Chicago Detrit THE MICHIGAN DAILY. Mauiniginig Edior-AsctiSRePFRrCmuE Buiisiesiiiiiagr-JOiN F WUoc News.................Lee A Wiie Aiheics ........ ...... C. F. Eldridg( Excage ..... Robert Motntier Muisice................I Iclis S. Blaer lamans .......Raiiod Vissher Womssei's Edior . . .. Loise Vaii Voorhis Cissssisc-i BousicservLeonaird C. Reil Miical 13 Mchugh Fed E. Goodiig Ioal isvl.. Kissey Dana F;. Jones Waltier K. lCowers Louis Kraft Paul (Greer Sansiel 1. Morris 1;. G.C. Williaiss Paul Lidy I'm ell J. C'ar- ID. A. 1 iicley BUSINESS STAFF Casri 11. Adasms Iaod P. Gold Address: MICHIGANs DAILY, Press Bldg., Maynard Sree. Manager's Hosrs: I- p. u., 7-8 p. m. daily, except Sunday. Boh phones I tltitti:\1'. NO'L.\IiE1R i, isa. \mong tiii siiai I silias nd 'isd is trc noin of sisusesnisiifs- lvii frsh- 111 ar'm stpoeitou accet ai 11,1- 1 is widea that thess faclte is ia Isisil arc uterlyuuappeciais a, assesevni -intago iss in lissi's 'ili gesi ls'lii intersts f ther clsse5s.sTht felin sat tis ime.ifs eri whn th shepsar are w sirisdithati"isanieriis siniiear.f" iis 'i s iii clii nodi utsi d isisirc in il i ohe isisld th sis inc 'p ifo iis' kclaive s-iss 55ho sei c i sy spirisi iviosschooiassoiaionii s arcneveuha Under , suchshailciaios thstud lentlis ofi smess exotii Cii is, who iispicss is 55 iimeaifro lthsieiwhoi pass itos the 1E1iysisnsfielsiisiifinesaning:iii as 5a s-si xliter "hating in the ssppoitu iy ito sisIe c isi ll" Sa l:g is-v11, iisa sipir- i inmvtskis wicii hassvi'notinlsg ito ifs with15il el it is of ife nd arethre fisreisilseess. Ait M iichigan, ississssirdiiit fal- iiiisiii ias arissins. Theiiifaculis, alist powerstoastablissslsilsiv sish ht"odsoeandiiii wih itsheir shlrsaidssitsi lismseiiime preserve utse resetsinsidiferefci hich iii are propeiiry due themcIsfithe sidi- elsissili iisouldl vsalize this fart, the}_ i iii ii't i- i i iithat ride ill isit es s iliemiselvs wouldis reaipuishfe harveist f o d Orioss arc'vtheliediiiiis a icsed fi iency-iv. icstirc toii dIsis isisiis. 1-iiui s' Cii iOiicof oiisliest kloississis is-sisi s w i ' 2 .Jfeson-iiiSi. [fell X22. Isue .95'e sell fellowis tu nsi.ii Aiii Ie -is 1 2gf fesass sue sa litilse farthssersn w - sails of Iknowisledige. iliat i i isi si a or osiscal is-eelsdoor differesice.' 115illiers yon isi-ill lee saisf~edl. Ihal- Ale esprit sicoirpi s"ndil slissi is leis-s J1 a 'i Stsire, 216 S. ii Si. ed lowi feeling - lurtwensi faissilts indstis - - sints isill miake slightiiiwork c i siif'ma ff "vRII 513 I) TYPE- loglsos ill cossorithi ll 5elms- 911 1ICCS Weilisliisell yon ass ype- sssciis siwslls isnd fiiorm s isli itheigiamoriife5.5r, rentsisi ssia itipewsises, or' si if deilighti,-iisndifertilize s sssis 5a sslod is tom- si' i tiisi orsi Nosisi. Iciliffe & intells-si i5to5richisisoil, issisisicof ile isis is sii.16seS. St.te Si. essil f MUSK lCant) I ramla jN mean right gloves - FITTNG TTRCTIN ATWH TNE. so buy Fohswes and save New -tinroubigt.Te., lj ii thei subjesct if ioesif Ri-. C'. S. 'ist~iss-'iS maskei- aiscciiit if dupslicatinig hira s s year. Tleiicas i o-il iss sIni isi-oisisil d sepiartmsent. Hal- pe -isis and lie producitsi c ion -ell 1 5-- rsJ el ir Store. 216 S. Muss Si. eodi . i 1 r z > i on it bllths ic..'iFhe _Noiiis es in5 thir comeldll usi a at sav satiic demoinssisti on ofsi rsatlity. is iio 'Thei'Maiilsfromiisi1ta icptre is auieniice s ithis s ong5i5 55s ndijiiisii lth Itlian brogue.fissPerhais thiSim andiIi is iliesi n Naz'sisi uisu he lsc'iiicly ' isis.. is-i epti th audinceiin aniu ani amsuisinsg sikstchs.'\\'ssssbliea-I~s - El-ctionsi re-tsuns willheiireas'ts fromssi the lass uti 2 oi'liock. A speialmtine isill h iii- uis-t-i iishitenoonat2 :;o CU\iION CiilII1RSiII I'S ''llSIm Oiiss'it' o ithei fsact tIsismus ysi tudensl ' ship cam igofte .91 ichiiussi Ii'is wh-Iichiwais ito Iiavseseshied stomorrow.s isis ii'seienesses-sedsisil IFrida.i All1 msesmsbers if the' u-membiesipilsite sire sretl ake isai s pecss''is ia l iffo is'to see sill liie'smsis ion thi-l - isis bli thatissis Nora Hssssil,.vsisectar, f thescommit si-s is ini she slubhoussss'essiss tos6.is n.s dasily andisexiscs.asll comitteemen tosisi relics'switih 5monesiy 5and5recipt5-ibook- s- Fridia}-night. lipplic Is heres i -is usi mith ights. 'cisai- Wt,, Isaisessosd tos votssrgrasndfather andi toyii <-ter s slel't sll'. ucsiiiiseil Ic sass. l ali i 18ii ie. fisili's Jesselry ,ir'. is0 S.SiHi Si. rail-if Yuo sCas..Geta Hot Lunch At Tsttae', 338 S. State The PATENTED TRA~r _ BAND AND YION BAND 'y ' OSt BANNERS AND PENNANTS The most beautiful and the greatest variety of Banners--Pennants in the city Ask to see thema, and you svill tinderstaind wiy we sell almost all ue Banners an Pennants. Just received a shipment of Penns'y Pennants WAH R'S University Bookstore C. . BARTHELL BOOKS Law Medical Dental Largest Stock in 'Micigain Second-land Laws Books Law 'cisd Muedial Dit iinaris Quiz Books, e. Comsplee line Nw 'aiss Se- Old hooks takeniniiElxchainge C. E. BARTHELL, 326 S. TATE STREET Second Floor Tel. 761 WM. ARNOLD, COLEWLEE 220 Soth Moin Street. Michigani Seals tn Copper. B,-r..e. an.d Brass. Stxie ohs tin dit.-.ter- ,moun.ted o Oak shietd. ABSOLUTELY NO BULGE IF ir's o porterd FULL DRESS SHIRT Unitd Shir& Colaur Co.,akesr)Troy, BY' i i WHY!1 and WHY! We have just received a big stock of WYE & WYE, Tally-Ho Coats. Also a full line of WRIGHT & DIT- SON Jetsey Vests. The following prices wildi please you. Are You Short, TallLean, Fat? Whatever your shape, it rno doubt has its peculiarities compared with the ideal form of Apollo Belvidere. That is why you should Have Your Clothes Made to Order. We are unusually well qualified to build for your form the kind of clothes that satisfy, feel comfort- able and command univer- sal admiration. Your choice of hundreds j1\ of artistic fabrics made ex- pressly for you, embody- Four Burton Novetty Sock. No. 519 ing all the up-to-date ideas at virtually "ready-made" prices. Ask to see cloth Nos. 4755, 4758, 4840. 4844 and fashion ideas 516, 517, 522 and 540. Order your Fall suit and overcoat now. Will deliver it in 10 days, or less time, if needed. Handknit Sweater Coats---------- Chevy Chase Sweater Coats--- Wilton Jersey Coats-------------- Wright & Ditson Jersey Vests ---- Lot of $5.00 V-Neck Sweaters-- Lot of $5.00 High-Neck Sweaters- -$5.00 -$3.50 $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 -$2.00 I $2.50 - $4.00 We offer $1.00 for any Red Ink Pencil Sold at our store which did not give satisfac- tion- the same to apply oii the purchase of a Ryder Perfection Fountain Pen. E. E. CALKINS DRUGGIST 324 South State Street Every pattern is strictly up-to-date. Quality in every case guaranteed hy U THE V PPLY VNIVERSITY ST ORE Fred W. Gross Cor. 4th Ave. I 121 Washington E. Th e Randall Studio, Randall & Pack,: Props. Phone 598